Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ An Incurable Ailment ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

And, if you haven't figured it out by now, I curse a lot. Generally, if someone tells me to stop cursing, I'll be like FUCKETY FUCK FUCK I'LL SAY FUCK ALL THE FUCK I WANT YA FUCKIN' FUCKO!
Ok, that was random and besides the point… What IS the point you ask? is a gay mother fucking cockbiting piece of fucking shit, of coarse! Now, with that universal truth fresh in you mind, enjoy chapter 9.
Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 9: “An incurable ailment”
The punk rocker looked out the window of an all-night ice cream parlor.
“Gee, sure is getting late…” He commented.
They'd only been in there for perhaps 30 minutes now, but Cheese had already eaten himself to sleep, and had a sugar crash about 3 minutes after he finished his banana split. He now lay nestled in his owner's lap.
The rabbit-like girl sitting with him nodded, as she licked at her ice cream cone, not really realizing how attractive she looked whilst doing such a thing. Chris blushed a little, and found himself averting his eyes. What happened to his usual cool guy disposition whenever he was around Cream, he wondered?
She was only so naïve, though. She did notice that he tried to avoid eye contact with her. Whenever she looked, he'd look away, maybe even turn his head. She frowned when he did, though. The boy had such pretty eyes. She sometimes wondered why he tried to hide them under those goggles so often. He generally had them strapped to the top of his head, as he did now, but any chance he got, he wore them. It seemed like his eyes were the source of all his weakness… his feelings, things most guys don't like to talk about, she thought…
“So… Chris, I have to ask you, where'd you learn to fight like that…?” The girl asked bluntly. She looked away after he didn't answer right away, not realizing how blunt until it had already come out. Chris looked up a little. He seemed shy.
“Well, uh… I just sorta picked it up… really. It was nothing big.” The boy said, rubbing the back of his head. It didn't seem he really wanted to talk about it. However, Cream found she knew nearly nothing of the rock star's past, and her curiosity was aroused.
“From who…? Did Sonic teach you to move that fast…?” She gently prodded. The boy smiled, but she could see right through it. You could tell he didn't really like talking about himself.
“Well… Sonic told me a secret one time. It… ah, you don't wanna hear this, it's kinda dumb…” He said, waving his hand. He seemed a bit embarrassed. The bunny rabbit persisted, however.
“No, tell me. Mr. Sonic never says anything dumb!” She said, with a small smile. That smile… he felt like it melted him. He submitted to it, unable to keep anything from her.
“Oh, ok… He said… he told me that if I run… run every day… and try to run a little faster every time I do… he said that I'd eventually… be as fast as him…” He trailed. He looked up at his crush, whom seemed fascinated, then continued, “…So I did. When I was 12, I started running every day, and trying to push myself every time, and trying to get a faster time every day… And I got faster… and faster… eventually, I was the fastest on the track team…” He trailed again, stopping to pull a small stop-watch out of his hoody. He looked at it. “…I started losing a lot of weight, which made me even faster… even then, I kept running on the track every day, trying to beat my last day's record. Until…” He stopped.
“Until you became as fast as you are now?” She asked, intrigued. He smiled a little, though it was clear that he was a bit sad on the inside.
“Well, I still try to run every now and then… but I don't have as much time as I used to anymore…” He said, his spirits diminishing, that smile getting ever faker. “If only… If only I were as fast as Sonic… I'd have all the time in the world. I could get everything done in a snap, and go wherever I pleased…” The boy said, clearly showing how he , even now, looked up to the hedgehog. Cream frowned.
“Chris…” She said. He looked up a little, their eyes actually connecting for once, “… Speed isn't everything. Time isn't either. That's the good thing about life… it's full of lots of different things. You're the fastest human I've ever seen, Chris, and you're really sweet. You can do lots of things plenty of people would never even dream of doing. And I know it's hard to find the time to practice all the things you wanna be good at. But it's because we have so little time…” She trailed, taking his hand in a cute manner, making his heart jump, “…that makes it so wonderful.” She finished, smile oozing with friendliness.
The young hotshot found himself being infected with the feeling, grinning back, looking at her in true admiration for a moment. But only a moment, a moment, which, as she'd stated so beautifully, was wonderful, though fleeting. She let go of his hand, and it seemed so much colder when she did, though he didn't want to be possessive, he'd wished she would have just left it there, if only a moment more.
He looked at the little stop-watch, and hesitantly handed it to her. She took it, and examined it for a moment, then began pressing the various buttons, making them beep, obviously having no clue how to operate it. Chris watched her, amused. When she messed with it for an irregularly long time, he chuckled at her face when she looked up from it. She giggled a bit too.
They both laughed for a good minute, for no real reason. Perhaps they were just giddy from the frozen treats, or perhaps they had a rare moment, when raw emotion just comes out, no explanation, no triggering factor… just laughter.
Eventually, however, laughter has to come to an end, as most things do. The time came for Chris to walk Cream home. They got up and left the place, leaving a rather generous tip, as Chris, being a teenager, was loose with money. Even if he did have a lot of it.
They would've rode the GlimmerBolt II, but Chris didn't think that it was really made for two… plus Cream probably wouldn't like it. So, there they were, hoofin' it. The young daredevil didn't mind, but he was, it seemed, consistently worrying about her state of comfort.
“…You sure you don't want me to call the limo? I have my cell on me…” He offered, for the third time. She merely shook her head, ears swinging too and fro when she did.
“… My house isn't very far from here, Chris. It's ok. I have feet.” She said, making the boy feel very dumb. He shouldn't try to look so overly concerned, he mentally told himself. She wouldn't have said something so sassy had she known he'd taken it to heart, though.
They walked, and it was dark, as small packets of conversation passed over them, in between footsteps and awkward silences. Chris was feeling quite anxious… he didn't want to leave the girl with the impression that he was so dull… he just had to say something.
“Hey, Cream…” He started… but before he could turn the two words into any form of conversation, the bunnygirl suddenly tripped on something, and, with a shrill yelp, fell downward.
Chris was only half looking, but his arms shot out nonetheless to catch her… however, just by a mere inch, he missed, and she fell face first into a large puddle of water, Cheese flying out of her arms and bouncing once or twice on the sidewalk before waking up and wailing.
The boy gasped, and immediately went to the girl's aid.
“Cream! Are you okay?!” He interrogated, holding her entire weight with ease.
She coughed a few times, and a few tears came out, then she moved around a lot, meaning she wanted him to put her down. She was shivering, and her entire head was soaked.
“I.. I'm f-fine… I j-j-just slipped on s-something…” She chattered. “Is Ch-ch-cheese ok?”
Chris left her momentarily to grab the chao, with much difficulty, as it was pitching an utter fit. Cream held her arms out, shivering, signaling him to hand him over. He did, and she, through chattering teeth, hushed the baby-like creature into a calmer, less noisy sobbing fit. Eventually she quieted the small blue one all together.
However, a certain so-called `hotshot' was feeling quite like hitting himself about now. He couldn't believe it… he wasn't fast enough to catch her… She was a lot shorter than he was, and she had choppier, quicker steps. He mentally scolded himself… that was no excuse for him to have let her fall into that puddle… he could still hear her chattering a little… poor thing must have been freezing.
With reluctance, Chris took off his large hoody and draped it over her. She looked up, and stared for a moment. He looked away, awkwardly, hoping that wasn't too much of an aggressive action toward her… you see people in the movies do things like that all the time, and they were almost always in love. However, the men in those movies probably would've caught her… like he should have.
Despite anything that might have suggested that she was not thankful for the gesture, she smiled and thanked him, pulling it over her freezing little form. Chris smiled, and almost laughed. It was already too big for him… when she wore it, it was almost laughable.
While he finished walking her home he seemed to apologize over 30 times for not catching her, or Cheese, (but mainly her). She just told him that it wasn't his fault, and that accidents happen. Eventually they arrived at her home.
“…So uh… you gonna be alright…?” Chris asked, scratching his head awkwardly.
“Chris… I'll be fine. Honestly, you worry about me more than Amy does…” She said, though her giggle showed that she meant it in the best way. He chuckled a little.
“Well… if you say so…” He responded, trying to think of something, anything to prolong their time together. He was slowly beginning to discover that he wasn't very good at this…
She just nodded, standing in her doorway, watching him. He seemed to linger around… maybe he still wanted something, she thought. He looked a bit like he had something he wanted to tell her.
A long moment passed, and Chris found that he didn't have the courage to say anything… do anything. Not right now, he thought.
“Well, eh, I guess I'd better go…” The lovestruck punk told her, waving, and walking backwards, slowly.
“…Bye.” Cream said, waving once, and shutting the door. It was hard to believe that the boy who'd had the courage to save her life… was so shy all the sudden.
Chris slumped a little, disappointed deeply in himself. He still had a long, long way to go… He figured she was probably already thinking about Tails, and forgetting about him, by now…
And, sadly, he'd be right. But she could never forget Chris, not after all the times they'd shared.
Cream watched Chris leave through her window, and then sat down, laying the suddenly waking Cheese on her couch.
“…ah…Achoo!” Cream squeaked. The chao on the couch looked every which way, and finally at her. She sniffled.
“Uh oh… looks like I god a cold…” She said, sniffling again.
Tails did some research on why Amy, Rouge, and various other women reacted the way they did… he came to no conclusion at all… He simply couldn't figure out what was causing it… but he knew there had to be SOME logical explaination…
Could it be he was simply that irresistable?
“Heh, that's flattering.” Tails told himself in the mirror. It was the same mirror he couldn't see Shadow in.
Tails turned around, checking to see if the hedgehog was, despite the fact that he obviously was not, there. He wouldn't be able to see him in the mirror, nor hear him, so he just thought he'd check.
Suddenly, the foxboy's mind began to flutter, slowly but surely to the project he was working on… the Hypno Gun. He never did make a solution potent enough to successfully invoke a hypnotic state…
Heck, most of it ended up on his precious pelt. He could STILL smell that stuff…
All of the sudden, something in the little fox's head finally clicked….
“…that's…that's… Oh my god.” He said, at a loss of his own realization. “That MUST be it! It simply HAS to be! I….” He trailed. Remembering earlier events, he suddenly… surprisingly… especially considering his character…
Began to weigh out his options. He'd never gained any real female attention before, though, being 15, it was something he thought about time after time again… Only natural, that he might have the occasional thought. Whether it be about Rouge, Amy, or…Cream.
Cream… Why is it, he wondered, was she the only of the three he ever really thought about? He, quite simply put, didn't understand his own emotions for the girl. It just simply… transcended logic, that he, despite having virtually no contact with her whatsoever, seemed to have his whole intellect consumed by her, time after time again.
Yes, Tails, despite popular belief, thought about Cream. Though he tried to block it out, it seemed to only come back to his mind stronger than before… her image, her eyes, the cute little ears… various other parts he inevitably, and instinctively thought about…
He'd never admit it, because he didn't quite get it himself… the girl, simply put, plagued his busy mind. And it wasn't in his nature to talk about anything he didn't fully and clearly understand, especially not something like that. Like her… Of coarse, he thought, there was nothing wrong with the rabbit… really, nothing at all. In fact, if his memory served him right, she was always quite nice. However, that didn't seem to have any effect on the fact that the thought of her… the unnecessary, though lovely, thought of her was a nuisance to his work…
He found himself sitting there, just staring out into space, doing what he'd just told himself not to do, before he snapped out of it.
“Eh…?” the foxboy said, tilting his head, then shaking his head of anything unproductive.
He looked ouside through a window. It was really dark now, and it began to rain again, just like it had earlier, only it looked like it was falling a bit harder. It was probably somewhere around 11 PM.
He suddenly had a gut wrenching feeling… the kind of feeling you get… when a friend is in trouble…
End Chapter
Also horribly short. I know, I know… the ones after this are longer, I friggin swear. For now, just bear with me… I know this one dragged on a little bit, but at least leave me a flame in a review's clothing.
And by the way, I hate flames. They're nearly as gay as, you guessed it,
And, in conclusion, needs to burn in hell and I need some tylonol… Just keep reading… More action to come in the next chapters.