Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ Shattered Jewels, Fractured Hope... ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Guess what folks, it's time for everyone's favorite show….
(it tune with the old Batman theme)
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Miles Foxy!
(groupies) Foxyyyy!!
That's right, I'm finally back… sorry if there was an excessive wait for storynessness… I just recently got Shadow the Hedgehog (the game), FINALLY. Yeah, it was… well, it was better than heroes, that's for sure… and the opening sequence ROCKED.
Anyway, I could blabber on about the game for about 53098 hours, but I know you're not here for that, so I'll skip straight to what you came to see…
(Kicks in it's tiny little balls) BITCH!
Heh, okay, seriously, you'll get more of that at the END of the chapter… look forward to it. For now, you get story…
Notice at no time will my toe nails sever my elbows.
Kay, here I go!
Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 16: “Shattered Jewels, Fractured Hope…”
“AAAAAAAAHHHHgh!” Came the agonized cry of the rusty gold hedgehog, as he took yet another painful blow.
Super Sonic didn't have his normal sparkle… his generally shimmering golden quills drooped, as he picked himself up again from the ground, mustering his powers to restore his encircling flames. The fire was noticeably diminished as well. He leaped into the air, his courage and will to fight still as strong as ever… despite the severe lack of hope.
He flew into the air angrily, and threw a flaming punch, which landed, surprisingly, chipping the Goliath emerald's armor. It stumbled back a bit, and Chaos Controlled his way behind the Earth's final hope, landing a hit of his own. A yelp ripped itself from Sonic's lungs as he flew into a car, denting the roof, and setting the alarm off. Their speed and ability to dodge seemed equal… despite Sonic's halved power… but now it was just a matter of size. Without his full power, he couldn't muster enough speed or strength to send the giant soaring, as he'd done before it cheated…
He got up from the car, and looked up at his foe, whom seemed to be waiting for him… The battered hero grimaced at the golem of emerald… He KNEW he cheated… He was the controller of the Chaos Emeralds… and when he was losing, Sonic's power was all the sudden cut in half… coincidence? I think not. The hedgehog found himself wishing the bad guys would play fair for once in a while… but after he gave it some thought, that would degenerate them from the category of `bad guys' anyway…
“Man, my job sucks…” He said to himself, shaking his head, as he took off to face the Master Emerald Titan yet again.
Suddenly, however, Sonic's charge was halted… and he found himself gripping his stomach, as that familiar feeling of gut-churning weakness welled up again… it was this feeling that took his advantage away… He let out an unearthly grunt of frustration.
“G-Grahhhrrrr… D-dammit! Not agai…ag-..gain….?!” He muttered helplessly. Suddenly he felt an unfamiliar pain, not like the one he'd felt before… like something was being ripped from within his body…
“Ahhhh… Agrr…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” He screamed, as something within him broke free… the slow, agonizing pain ending with a swift, bullet like jolt of it, which literally zapped him from the sky, in a pink flash.
“Wh- What is this….?” The Titan mumbled to itself…
Sonic sat on the ground, simmering… thinking the Titan had once again deviated from his bet in order to win…he was, however, too busy gripping his gut in a physical torment so unbearable, he felt as if it nearly drove him insane. After a long moment of lying there, hissing, the pain finally faded, and he just felt weak… even weaker than before. He looked at his stomach, swearing he felt something rip out of it, but there was no mark…
He stood up, and looked into the sky…
“Wh…What?!” He shouted in disbelief at what he saw… his red irises dilated in surprise as his gaze rested upon…
The Pink Emerald.
There it was, floating just above him… Just floating there…
What did this mean…? Was he seeing things? It didn't make any sense… he looked at his body, and it was still pretty much golden, pretty much flaming… but, if he didn't have all seven emeralds, then how…
Before he could finish that thought, the most unbelievable thing imaginable happened….
Sonic audibly gasped… how could this be…?
“Wh… WHAT?!” He shouted. Time seemed to slow down as the tiny little shards of the Emerald fell to the ground, lacking a certain glow that the Emeralds normally had…
A long moment passed… or was it so long? Time's mouth seemed to be agape as well, as it quietly speculated, unable to move on at the occurrence of such an event… Sonic knelt to the ground, not sure what to think, not sure what to feel… as he picked up a single purplish, glasslike piece of the former emerald. The shard shimmered once, then evaporated into the air, in a display of bright pink smoke.
Sonic's eyes trailed to the other shards, and they were all evaporating as well… Just what the hell was going on…?!
Before Sonic could finish that thought, the Titan let out a malice filled laugh.
“…Hahaha… So the servant is dead…? I never expected such a thing to happen… hahaha… Aile… How embarrassing! An immortal, defeated by a mortal?! HAHAHAHA… Such failures are inexcusable!” The giant muttered… Sonic looked up at him with rage. He didn't understand the situation, but he didn't like his tone…
“Alright… Tell me, just… what's going on here…!?” Sonic demanded. He had really no idea what he was even asking, so he had no other way of wording it. The titan looked down at him.
“It is no concern of a dead hedgehog.” He retorted. Sonic was cool under the pressure of words, so it didn't phase him… in fact, he just grinned, floating into the air.
“Alright then… we'll just have to see abo-….Aggihk!” He snapped, flinching, as he fell back to the ground, the pain washing over him again…
“Aahhgh….AHHH! N-Nott….COOOOOOOL!!!!” He cried, as yet another ripping sensation tore through his body. He panted for a moment, again, checking for a wound he'd SWEAR had to come with such pain, before jerking his neck to look above…
“…No way!” He said, eyes drooping… he felt even WEAKER… as his eyes looked upon the light blue emerald.
“What?! Airy as well…? This cannot be…?” Muttered the Master Emerald Titan, as the Chaos Emerald shattered, and evaporated, just like the other one had… gone forever…
A long moment passed, and Sonic had no clue what to do or think… this was all too confusing, and he felt like not only half, but about 70% of his power had left him… He looked at his quills… they were now a paler yellow, rather than gold… and his fire was not much either. He looked at up at the titan… but that was the last thing that he did before his eyes clenched shut again.
“DAAMMMNNIIIT!!!!!!!” Sonic shrieked, as he jerked about on the ground, looking as if he were being torn apart, electrified, and having a seizure all at once.
This time the darker blue emerald floated from his body…
“Son of a B…Bitch!” He said, managing to sit up. The emerald shattered, and evaporated… and even more of SuperSonic's reservoir of power went with it…
Sonic finally collected enough energy, and stood up and shouted at the Titan, whom he believed was the cause of all the torment he was undergoing…
“You rotten… honorless BASTARD!!! You'd destroy your own servers just to win…?!” He accused, pointing a finger at the giant. The titan shook his head, and stomped his mighty foot, causing a tremor that knocked Super Sonic on his back again.
“Do NOT accuse me of such things, you foolish little rodent! My servers are dying by their OWN weakness!” The Emerald at the giant's core growled.
Sonic didn't believe him at all, despite a present hostility that only comes from false accusation… Sonic wasn't Knuckles, after all… He fought baddies enough to know that 99 out of 100 times they were lying.
However, right now, Sonic was the one lying… down on the ground, that is. He struggled up, and his flames flickered faintly off of him when he summoned them. His quills were even paler now, and they didn't spike radically upward anymore. His scarlet eyes had faded to an orangish color. Nonetheless… as long as there was fight in him, nobody would lay a hand on the people of this planet. NOBODY.
…Despite his prayers that no such thing would happen, though, Sonic soon felt that belly-twisting pain again. He sat on the ground this time, grunting curses, as he gripped his stomach yet again.
“ahh… Ahhh! AHHHH! This…C-Can't be happening…!!” He muttered. The pain wasn't as severe as before, as Sonic had already suffered it thrice, this making four times.
This time the red Chaos Emerald wrenched itself from one-ness with him and exploded into it's shards… disintegrating like the ones before it…
One of Sonic's eyes was glued shut now, in agony, as he staggered, yet again to his feet…
“Why?! WHY is this happening…?!” The Controller said in frustration. It proceeded to rend a few buildings asunder in it's anger…
Sonic felt more tired than he'd ever been before… and looking at his quills, which faded from pale yellow to greenish yellow, this would definitely be considered the most miserable time SUPER Sonic had faced…
Sonic screamed yet again, as he felt another Emerald leave him… and then ANOTHER….
It was all going by so fast… now he couldn't even keep track, as he felt dizzy, and helpless… he struggled to push himself from the ground… but ha failed. He fell, down for the count… looking ahead to see silver and green shards, steaming into nothing in front of him…. He was too disoriented to even notice that that was only 6… concluding that all the emeralds… they were gone.
…No, he could still fight… he could STILL fight…
“uhhg… gotta… get… up… c… c'mon you stupid legs…” The diminished hero uttered, weakly, fighting to get up… He could feel his consciousness slowly slipping away from him…
The only thing left fighting it was his will… He had to get up… he HAD to stop the Master Emerald! He couldn't let it destroy everything… he couldn't…
The fire on the hedgehog's back finally went out, and his quills finally reverted entirely back to blue…
Solid black.
=====+++++++=_______------_____________(many hours later)
“Argh!” A familiar doctor grunted, nearly being smashed under a pile of rubble. He fumed as he continued his search of the ruins of the obliterated city.
A walkie talkie hissed.
“Urrrhh…!” The infamous Eggman growled, as he rather cartoonishly fumbled with the device, before pressing the right button on it. “WHAT?!” He shouted into it, as loud as he possibly could. The voice on the other end screamed, then got very angry.
“EEK! That's no way to talk to a lady, you mannerless mountain of lard!!!!” Screamed Amy Rose, from the other side. The doctor visibly flinched, and immediately pressed the button to respond.
“Erh, Amy?! What happened to Knuckles!?” The astounded scientist asked.
A red boot with a white stripe tapped impatiently against the ground. The pink hedgehog grimaced, wishing somebody could invent long-distance pain to go along with the long-distance communications. She felt insulted by every word the doctor said.
“OH, he got tired of dealing with you, and I don't blame him! You're the one that STARTED this whole mess you disgusting BLOB!” She shrieked into the device…
Though, nobody could blame her for being upset… after all, it was 5 hours ago that Sonic the Hedgehog was publicly announced to be dead. Amy remembered how worried she was… how confused… and how angry she felt…
“…Oh, I think I'm beginning to understand now…” Amy said, nodding, after hearing a brief explanation by Armic. Rouge still looked a bit skeptical, but she nodded as well, though still looking a bit pensive.
“Yes, well, there's much more to it than just that, but I'll explain that later, Ms. Rose.” Said the little blonde boy, politely. Amy put her hands on her hips.
“How many times do I have to tell you, I don't like formal titles! Just call me Amy, okay?.” She told him. He made an expression… either a frown in the disguise of a smile, or the other way around… she couldn't even tell.
“Oh, yes, forgive me, Amy… I've never been on casual terms with anybody, really.” He explained, apologizing for the umpteenth time for no reason whatsoever. Amy only nodded, and grinned a little. He reminded her so much of Tails, when he was younger, bar the somewhat ancient dialect.
Rouge walked by them, looking a tad bored, as she folded her arms, and looked at them, an eyebrow raised. She looked a bit sassy, but in a more… Rouge sort of way.
“…Ok, so let me get this straight… You were sealed in the yellow Emerald a long time ago, in return for perpetual youth…?” She asked, seeming to strain a bit to believe such a folly. Armic nodded.
“Yes, to a certain extent. Rather I was chosen for it… Over the millinia, I and the power of the Emerald became one, thusly I became it's essence. I possess half of the Emerald's power…” He explained… however, he was cut off by Rouge.
“So, where's the actual Emerald?” She asked him. Before he could even speak, he was pushed out of the street, and onto the sidewalk. Being rather graceful, he didn't fall, but stumbled a bit.
“Get out of the way, all of you!” Shouted the young GUN soldier. Amy pulled out her mallet, ready to sock him one.
“How rude!” She shouted, charging at the man, the only thing separating him from sure harm being Rouge and Armic's restraining arms.
However, before even AMY could wallop anybody, the three of them found themselves being ordered around by a whole dozen of privates from GUN.
“What are you doing here?! You should be evacuated like everyone else!” One shouted.
“This is a state of global urgency! The whole WORLD is in peril, and you're in the middle of the street?!” Another scolded.
“Ok, just tell me what the hell's going on here…” Rouge said, flashing her official government ID.
The soldier instantly recognized a higher ranking officer, and saluted nervously… “Sir, yes Sir! erh, Ma'am!” He stammered…
(End Flashback)
The soldier explained everything to them… About the Titan, and about Super Sonic's defeat at it's hands… Rouge, using her connections to their fullest (as usual), helped Amy organize a search party to find Sonic's body… he was announced dead, but Amy knew in her heart…
She just knew Sonic was still out there, alive.
He'd NEVER leave her… She remembered back to the day when he promised her that… and she'd always hold him to it.
“Sonic the hedgehog… you BETTER not be dead, or I'm gonna make you suffer!”
Amy made sure to call up everyone, Knuckles, Tails, Cream, Chris… Rouge was out looking as well… Only Armic stayed with Amy.
After looking for a while, the party eventually turned up none other than Dr. Eggman, whom further explained the situation. Who knows what kept Amy from clobbering him… perhaps she figured she'd make him help find Sonic first. And that's exactly what she did.

The walkie talkie device buzzed a little, and Ivo Robotnik's voice met her ear.
“Are you SURE he's alive?! You should have seen the size of my robot before it was possessed by th-..” Eggy was cut off quicker n' a blink, though.
“Of COURSE he's alive, you wide-loaded waste of blubber! No thanks to YOU, now keep looking!!” She shouted back at him furiously. There was no response, so the pink hedgehog concluded that he FINALLY did as told.
Armic looked at her, seeming worried. Her face softened, and she looked him in the eyes.
“What's the matter, Armic?” She gently prodded. He smiled a little. Only a little.
“Well… I should've mentioned the endangerment of your blue friend sooner… not only that, but he was winning, up until I and my siblings left the emeralds…” He said, sadly. Amy looked thoughtful, then shook her head.
“Listen, it's alright… I don't fully understand the situation, but we can still win.” She told him, grinning. He smiled back, but weakly, having high doubts of that.
“I don't know… And… From what I've seen, I've concluded that I am the only remaining Emerald Spirit… This is NOT good…” He mused. Amy cocked her head.
“Why not? If the Master Emerald sent you all out to assassinate us, then isn't that good?” She asked him. He shook his head, regret in his eyes.
“No, no, you've got it ALL wrong… You see, the Spirits of the Emeralds are bound to them and the Emeralds to the Spirits… if we are to lose our life, then the Chaos Emerald in which we correspond to…” He trailed. “…It will shatter, and cease to exist all together.” He finished. Amy let out a little gasp, unable to believe that.
“You're kidding! So… the other six emeralds…?” She asked. He nodded.
“I'm afraid so. I can no longer feel their presence, and their targets still walk the Earth.” He explained. Amy shook her head, in dismay. This was a bad turn of events… no Chaos Emeralds to take on the Master Emerald?! What a dilemma!
“Oh… that's not good… darn… isn't their ANYTHING we can do?” She asked him, thinking one who once served the Emerald might know it's weaknesses… if it had any. Armic looked a little sad, and shook his head.
“If there is such a thing, then I know nothing of it.” He stated, words grim and lacking hope. “There is much you do not know… but none of it would be of any use at the moment.” He said. Amy frowned, and looked around the ruins of yet another torn-apart city… After a moment, she sighed, and looked at him.
“What IS the Master Emerald, anyway…?” She asked the boy. Armic looked glum, and stared at the ground, eyes narrowing, as if his very mind was consumed with dark thoughts…
“…It is not the Emerald which is evil, but the one within it… He is… a demon, sealed within, just as we are our Emeralds… His name… is Bacillus.” Said the yellow emerald spirit… each word was tipped with deadly venom, of the type that made you feel sick, just at the grim way he was saying it.
That name… When Amy heard it, it was as if her heart imploded, and left a void, a cold void, chilling her very spine. The chills slithered up and down her back like a snake, making her back arch and her head feel a rush of dizziness. She hoped she'd never have to hear it again. A long moment passed, and neither dared to speak. Armic looked at the ground, and then at her.
“I'll… explain the rest… when we find Sonic. Everyone needs to know what's going on.” He told her, smiling a bit. That seemed to brighten her up just a tad. She wasn't the only one who thought Sonic was still alive… good. It was nice to see him showing a little optimism for a change. She nodded to the handsome, ribboned boy.
“Yeah… maybe somebody will be able to figure something out…” She hoped aloud.
It was then that the walkie talkie crackled, and the Eggman's voice could be heard from it.
“Amy! You won't believe what I just found!!!” Shouted the doctor, gleefully.
This was FANTASTIC! He couldn't believe his luck… He never thought he'd find what he was looking for! It was the first time he'd ever found anything searching on foot, without the aid of some device…
“Oh my God! You found Sonic?! That's wonderful!!” Amy said from the other side, through the portable GUN radio. Eggman looked down at the incapacitated hedgehog, and shrugged.
“Oh, yeah, that too… But the cool thing is, I found a Chaos Emerald!! I shall rule the world!” The doctor cackled madly. Amy fumed on the other side.
“You sorry excuse for an egg McMuffin! How could anything be more important than MY Sonic!?” She screamed, displaying her powerful lungs. This only reminded the good doctor that sound had force, as a strange wind produced by Amy's erupting voice blew his mustache from the walkie talkie. He stuck his finger in his ear, as he heard a ring in it.
“You know, you could probably just put the walkie talkie down right now if you're going to yell like that… I'm sure I could hear you just fine 30 miles away without it…” The mad scientist mused. Amy's expression on the other side was no doubt a pouty `shut up' sort of look.
“Oh, put a sock in it, humpty dumpty! Now, tell me where you are, and more importantly, WHERE MY SONIC IS!!!!!” She shouted. Eggman folded his arms, tucking the yellow emerald away.
“Only if you promise to stop calling me names!” He said, rather immaturely. Amy was getting upset, as if she wasn't in the first place…
“Ok, ok, ok! (sniff)” The doctor whimpered, cartoonishly crying waterfalls.
“Ah, suck it up, ya hard-boiled softy… Just tell me where Sonic is, and maybe, just MAYBE, I'll forget that I owe you a good pounding.” She said, still a little irritable, but that was just how she was with people like Ivo.
Eggman looked around… Ok, torn up building, ripped apart highway, bent light pole, completely destroyed dodge viper, trash and rubble everywhere you look….
He then realized that this place was in SUCH a state of ruin, he had absolutely no idea what part of the city it was… he wasn't even sure WHICH city he was in anymore… He contemplated what to tell the hot-tempered pink time bomb.
“Uhhh… Amy, I don't know where this is…” He said, sweatdropping. Mistake…
“ARG, I THINK SOME OF THE LARD HAS SEEPED INTO YOUR BRAIN AND IS MAKING YOU STUPID!! IF YOU DON'T USE THAT `GENIUS MIND' OF YOURS TO LEAD ME TO MY SONIC RIGHT NOW, I'M GOING TO CLOBBER YOU ONCE FOR EACH POUND OF FAT ON YOUR BODY!!!” The girl screamed… in fact, this time it was SO loud, the little walkie talkie in Eggman's hand burst with a spark, making him flinch.
He cleaned his ears out, making sure they both still worked, and that neither was BLEEDING from exposure to such volumes. He shook his head… it was no wonder that Sonic was consistently fleeing from the girl…
“…If she could use that mouth of hers as a weapon, then we'd have no PROBLEM beating the Master Emerald…” He muttered to himself, with a shrug.
He glanced at the hedgehog at his feet… he looked pretty messed up. Eggman felt strange…
He'd never seen Sonic in such a weakened state before… if he HAD in the past, he'd have taken advantage of it. His arch nemesis… lying helpless below him. He began to consider destroying his long time enemy… despite his previous promises… he was, after all, the `merciless' Eggman, wasn't he?
The doctor slowly, hesitantly revealed the compact, high-tech plasma pistol at his side, and drew it. The clever weapon applied the theory of using the heat expelled by a high grade plasma… Using his advanced technological facilities, a combination of chaos energy ( in the past ), and cold fusion, he'd created many weapons like this, by using the large amounts of energy to remove electrons from the atoms of elements with high atomic masses… most of which he'd created himself. The result product, when properly contained in a magnetic field, could radiate a condensed, concentrated heat blast, rivaling the temperature of a super nova. He reserved such elite arms for himself, though...
(and no, I didn't make any of that up, it's real science. And yes, it's truly possible… in fact, it's already a used method in most nuclear power plants, as a form of heating water to create steam to produce electricity. I suspect that the American government are also hiding such weapons… but I've got no proof, so don't sue me or put me in jail or anything!)
The evil doctor lacked a certain malice as he directed his aim at the hedgehog below him… that pesky hedgehog…
If he wanted to, right now, he could end any future rivalry with the rodent… any meddling, any foiling of his schemes for world domination… with just the pull of that trigger. Just a pull…
Time passed, and Eggman's hand shook a bit. His face hardened, and his body tensed… the hand still shook, the pistol rattling…
After who knows how much time passed, the infamous Robotnik finally jerked the pistol away, and put it back where it was, in a hidden holster on his husky thigh.
“…I can't do it…” The doctor stated, sulking. He couldn't believe it… he, the evil genius, a man who wanted the world and everything in it for his own… was feeling compassion? This was unacceptable!
He raised his gloved hand up, and rested them on his shades. In a rare occurrence, he removed them, letting them rest on his forehead, displaying his beady, black eyes. He looked at Sonic once, then sat down on a fallen structure, which he couldn't really identify… but it was horizontal enough to sit on.
“…Stupid hedgehog.” He said, pulling out a flare.
End Chapter
I finished this one a little earlier than I'd intended, since I've kept you guys waiting so long for an update…
Anyway, yeah, I'm trying to speed things up just a tad (a lot?) so I can get to what I KNOW you ALL are probably DYING for… yeah, romance. ^_^;
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter… And don't you worry! The Chaos Emeralds (most of them anyway) may be gone, but there's still hope! Sonic will have his time to TRULY shine, as he always does. Everyone will contribute significantly to the fight to take down the Master Emerald Titan… how will they do it…? And what's the story behind Armic, Bacillus, the Chaos Troupe, and all of that jazz…? You'll find out soon enough what plot twists, turns, and loop-de-loops I've got going through my creativity roller coaster of a brain next chapter. The weekend's close, so it shouldn't be too long.
Thanks for all your great reviews, guys, keep it up! I only wish you'd all sign in so I could thank you for the fantastic reviews you leave me! ^_-
Anyway… as promised, here it is, the most important meal of the day….
(in tune with the meow mix song)
Die die die die
Die die die die
Die die die die die die die die!
You are SO dead
You shall soon be in a casket
And when I have
danced on your corpse,
I will sell you to gay man-whores
And when that's done
I'll have MORE fun
Slaughtering all of your loved ones
Just you wait pal
you'll see just how
Fucking pissed off I am right now
Lalalala DIE! DIE! DIE!
(receives a standing ovation, and he bows as roses are sent flying his way.) Thank you thank you, you're too kind… Ok, that's all the hatin' for now, please review, you guys. I wouldn't pressure you about it so much if I didn't know it works ^_-
(by the way, to any of those people just LOOKING for a story to report and request the removal of just because they're little fuckers, I'll tell you right here that any violent threats mentioned here are sheerly for humorous purposes, and I do not intend to harm anybody. I'm just blowing off steam… and if this site removes my story, I'll move on to another, and say similar things about IT as well… you don't want that now, DO you…? Yeah, it's best to stay on my good side… wise choice ^_- )