Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ A Reunion ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whoo! It's finally time to get Chapter 18 out!! I've been waiting for this… Really, I'm so excited about it… Or, rather I'm excited about 19, but building up to it's fun as well.
Or at least I think so. You guys know I'm making this up as I go along, right? …Yeah, I guess you can sorta tell in the fact that the…erh, feel of the story kind of fluctuates with my mood. Hehe ^_^;
Anyway, I have no voice right now!!! I'm just like Shadow!!!
Shadow: …
Me: …? Oh right, I can still type though.
Ok ok ok! It's been such a long time since the story's been really updated, so I've got myself in too much suspense to wait any longer!
So here it is, your feature presentation! Enjoy! Oh wait, one more thing!
Welcome back to the reviewer rack, Rachel! I missed ya!!!!! And yeah… I've always been bad about cursing… :x Oh, and yeah, Cyberbanjo, I sorta guess that the wings all the angelic characters have in Tales of Symphonia are EXACTLY like the Wings of Chaos! (except the Wings of Chaos are large, and solid white) Yeah, I guess that game left sort of an impression on me… it was perty dang good… not a bad thing though, right? The similarities I mean?
Anyway, seriously, love goes out to ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL my reviewers! I wouldn't be typing this shi-erh… stuff up if it weren't for you guys!! Hippie hugs!!
Ok ok okokokokokokokkookOKOKOKOKOKokokokokok, time now for the real story!
As I said, please enjoy it! ENJOY IT OR GET OUT!! (one person tries to leave, but he throws them back into their seat and begins typing… MANIACALLY!!)
Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 18: “A Reunion”
The bluish-black sunglasses flashed in the light, the expression of the no-doubt beady eyes behind them unknown. His jet black boot tapped against the concrete in a very characteristic fit of impatience.
“Where are those stupid friends of yours, hedgehog!?” The diabolical Eggman asked the limp hero, though a response was not to be expected from his battered, unconscious form.
The doctor did not receive an answer… and scoffed, as if he should have.
“…This is ridiculous… the only one who's shown up is the fox-boy, and he gave me that device, and just took off, without a word! Preposterous!” Thought the tubby genius, his patience obviously wearing very thin… though he'd launched the flare not 10 minutes ago.
Eggman recalled his surprise when Tails came, just… appearing out of nowhere. He'd no idea the fox was now ingenius enough to create such an affective camouflaging system!
“Well Sonic, now all there is to do is wait! Your stupid friends will fly to your rescue, and probably scold me for all of my assistance while they're at it! We allllllllll know I deserve nothing less for saving your quills, don't we!?” The mustachioed doctor whined, his statement dripping of overly-applied sarcasm.
Sonic didn't respond.
Eggman sat down on a pile of rubble, looking severely and thoroughly agitated at the fact that he was doing something good for a change… he never liked the feeling of being on the … dare he think it… right side of justice…
A moment passed, and all the sudden, Eggy finally heard a voice… nearly scaring him out of his leather overalls… (but fortunately not!)
“…Well, Eggman, guess it's safe to say you know us all too well then…!” Came a young, but mature-sounding voice. The doctor recognized it instantly.
“Prower! Where are you….?!” Exclaimed the doctor, looking around, frantically, his plasma pistol drawn. Tails couldn't help laughing.
“What's this? You can't tell? Use your EYES, doctor!” The boy came, as suddenly, a small green plane appeared, as if from nowhere!
“Wharg!!” Was Eggman's only response, as he fell on his big, eggly rump, startled. He accidentally fired a plasma shot out of his pistol, which, with a beam-like noise, whizzed by the fox's ear, as he got out of his biplane.
“Hey, HEY! Watch where you point that thing! I just had this camo-module installed, and it's very fragile, ya dumb pile of cholesterol!” The two tailed boy insulted, as the doctor scrambled to his feet.
“Whaaaaaaat!? How DARE you! Who are YOU to call ME dumb, you foolish little-…” Eggman ranted, his pistol ever pointing at the boy. He was cut short though.
“Ok Ok, my bad, whatever, just forget it…” Tails trailed, with a sigh, as he removed something from his plane. He didn't feel like trifling with the doctor at the moment. Eggman didn't recognize the device from afar, and he didn't bother to, as he was still fuming.
“…What's this all about, anyway? I spared this worthless rodent!” Shouted the Eggman, as if the boy was giving him a hard time, not seeming to realize that it was HE who was giving HIMSELF the hard time.
“Yeah, and I'm grateful for that… I honestly didn't think you had it in you to spare your lifelong enemy, given such a chance to end him, once and for all! Who knew you had a heart?” The boy said, bluntly, leaving the doctor speechless, save a few stutters.
Tails laughed inwardly, as he set a small, metallic square on the ground, and walked over to the incapacitated Sonic, to check and see if he's alright. Eggman still had nothing to say except a few little grunts, as he seemed actually insulted by the compliment. Little did the doctor seem to know, the boy had used reverse psychology on him… And spoke a little truth while he was at it!
The doctor, knowing he'd been foiled in a comeback, inspected the object that the fox had brought forth. To his own irritation, he could not figure out what it was.
“Hmmph!” Eggman said, with a growl, as he dropped it, uncaringly to the ground. Tails turned around from what he was doing, and just barely managed to catch it. He looked up at his enemy with harsh eyes.
“Be careful with that, it's very important!” The fox yelled, setting it back down. Ivo scoffed.
“Peh! Important, eh! It's probably some sort of bomb or something!! That's, it, isn't it!? You just cant wait to get the hedgehog to safety, and then blow me to smithereens, after all I've done for you! Some good guys!” The enraged doctor ranted, his arms folded.
After checking Sonic's pulse, to see that, indeed, he was still alive and kicking, Tails felt a certain relief in that aspect. At this point, he was just a little bruised and unconscious… other than that, and a bad headache when he woke up, he'd probably be fine. However, the fox was tiring of the Eggman's attitude, and stood up, folding his arms, looking him right in the shades.
“Oh, shut up! Do you even realize how immature you're being!? You barely take one look at the device, and you assume it's something I've invented to destroy you with! Grow up! Stop being so paranoid about everything! I swear, a kitten couldn't meow without you flying off the handle and assuming it's out to foil your plans for world domination! Geez!!” The fox boy ranted back.
Eggman took one step back, and was surprised, and even a little intimidated… he'd never seen this side of the boy before. Not only that, but, despite layer upon layer of denial sprouting up from the doctor's head, Tails was making a valid point…
…Mama Robotnik always had said he was more than his share of immature.
Miles, however, continued to lecture him.
“…This device is a holographic projection, and that's ALL it is. So chill out, and leave it alone… I don't have time to explain anything else to you.” The boy said, hopping into his plane, and triggering the camo, making it invisible once more. Eggman held out his hand, as if to stop him.
“Wait a second, where are you going!? Sonic's right here!” He informed. Tails' voice came from thin air, hidden in the camouflage of his plane:
“I have to go, alright!? Sonic's Ok, the others will be here soon to take care of him, but I have to get out of here before they show up!” He told him, firing up his engines.
“But why…!?” The doctor shouted at him again. The fox-boy's voice seemed hasty, and urgent, as he replied:
“I told you, I don't have time to explain! Good-bye!”
With that, the Typhoon took off, leaving a small echo.
(End Flashback)
With remembrance of the event, Eggman glanced at what the boy'd claimed was a `holographic device' of some sort, and sneered at it.
Though he'd certainly never admit such a thing, the doctor found himself unbelievably jealous of the progressiveness of the boy's inventions. Particularly, the fact that HE'D yet to invent such a silent, multi-functional, camouflaged aircraft.
The doctor had always considered the fox his biggest rival in mechanics. Usually, the boy lacked the resources, and funding that he had, but never the intellect to make up for it…
Now, after 4 years, it seemed that he did, and Eggman didn't like it one little bit. This was, in fact, almost enough to make the doctor consider the boy even more of a nemesis than the pesky hedgehog.
“...Where ARE they!?” He wondered aloud. Emphasis on the word LOUD.
He'd been utterly and completely alone, with only himself and his KO'd enemy to keep himself company. The doctor's patience was horribly short-lived… it really showed how childish he really was on the inside.
…Little did the doctor know, he was NOT alone.
-----______====++++++_________ (Go on, guess who it is… guess, guess!!)
Perfectly hidden within the shades provided by the overhanging building, a child of the night listened. The utter incarnation of silence, he'd not be heard, seen, or detected in any manner, until nightfall was upon them.
His eyes were closed, and his form appeared a meditative one. The raven hedgehog confided himself within his only other company, his own thoughts.
“So… Sonic is alive…? That's good. Still, I wonder why Tails was in such a hurry to leave… perhaps it was the whole scent issue…? Hmm, I see. He's a smart boy.” Thought Shadow.
Yes, indeed, Shadow was one who could not be fooled easily. Being a vampire had sharpened all of his senses… these including his sense of smell. When the ebony one discovered the boy being… well, a rather unmentionable form of `attacked', by Rouge, he'd instantly known it was his bizarre new scent that must've set her off. He'd worked with the bat, and knew her well, and knew she wasn't the type to change much, even over a long period of time. If his definitions of her personality were correct, then she'd be the last to do something so sporadically… obscene on a whim… especially any whim of her own.
A moment passed, and the vampiric hedgehog's thoughts trailed to other things.
“Hmm… 4 years have gone by. I wonder how everyone will react to me..? I wonder… if this is such a good idea… But… well, I suppose it's not really choice of mine, Tails has already confirmed my existence, and he's bound to inform the others anyway… Yes if… things get out of hand, I can always go back into hiding… Still, I cannot be too careful in where I let myself be seen… why, just the very thought of being here is nothing short of absurd!”
With that thought, Shadow considered the option of leaving, and going back into hiding… just to be safe. After a moment, he shook his head.
“No… not yet… I simply must know what happened to the other 6 Chaos Emeralds… If anybody knows, it will be Sonic… I have a feeling that staying may reveal many things I never knew about the Emeralds… that none of us knew. And with that knowledge… perhaps, even with only one remaining Emerald, we may be able to defeat this menace.” The cloaked hedgehog concluded. Now he'd just have to do something he excelled at… wait…. But he wouldn't have to for long.
“Ahhhhh!!” Shouted the Eggman, down below, as he fell from his perch atop the pile of stone.
Armic was about 10 feet from the ground when Amy'd decided to jump down, unable to contain herself. She went to the blue hero's aid immediately, scooping him up before you could say `Sonic speed.'
Armic landed with grace, next to the good doctor, whom he'd seen only once before. Eggman winced yet again, drawing some peculiar-looking weapon and pointing it in his direction. The young Chaos Emerald Spirit, unsure as to how to react, did so with his general policy.
“Erh, fear not, I am not your enemy, good sir…” He said to the barrel of the plasma gun.
“Huh? Who are you? What manner of boy has wings…?” Muttered the doctor, lowering his weapon. At mention of that, Armic dispersed them, making Eggman rub his eyes in disbelief. His face looked confused, then twisted back into an irritated one. “Hey, who're you to call me `good sir'!? Are you making fun of me!?” The egghead fumed. Armic just scratched his head, perplexed by the doctor's manner, before Amy shot a venomous glare in the evil genius' direction, shutting him up immediately.
After Eggman's weapon was out of her sight, she looked back down upon Sonic. The first thing she did was listen for a heartbeat…
Ba-dump… Ba-dump…
“Oh, Sonic! You're alive! I just knew you would be!” She shouted, tears in her eyes. She had so much stress and worry pent up inside, releasing it all at once like this seemed to drastically affect her tear ducts, as the water streamed down, as she affectionately rubbed her cheek against his…
…Just then, Sonic's eyes slowly eeked open.
“…Owch… Amy… I'm glad to see you too, but tears don't feel too good on an open cut…” muttered the battered hedgehog, hinting at the small cut he'd received in the battle he'd been previously engaged in.
As the blue one spoke to her, not only did Amy's eyes, but her whole face, and her entire emotional state lit up. It was like… well, he'd actually said yes to one of her proposals!
“S-…S-S-…So-….” She stuttered, unable to completely say it.
“Heh… the one and only!” The hedgehog finished for her, with a wink. Somehow, even when he was covered from head to toe in pain, Sonic the hedgehog still kept his impeccable coolness.
“SONIC!!” She practically squealed, embracing him as hard as she could, despite his condition. This of course, invoked the blue hero to let out a painful grunt. Amy flinched, and immediately let go of him, and apologized an uncountable number of times.
After collecting himself, he dismissed the apologies as unecessary. He wedged himself up to where he was sitting, leaning against a totaled building. The hedgehog's eyes trailed to look at Armic, and the young one greeted him with a smile.
“It's nice to finally meet you, Sir Sonic…” Said the boy, with a formal bow. The heroic hedgehog smiled back, and chuckled at his manner, despite not knowing who he was.
“You too, buddy, but just Sonic'll do.” Was the hedgehog's response. At Armic's nod, the blue blur looked at Amy, a questioning, but still warm look on his face. “Who's the kid?” He asked her. Amy looked at him, then back to Sonic, before answering.
“Oh, that's…” Amy trailed, as different voices superceded hers.
“Amy!” Shouted Chris and Cream, in unison.
“Chow!” Cheese added, enthusiastic.
Amy looked in that direction, and smiled widely. They both came running, Chris noticeably slower than normal, but quite fast considering his injury. Amy waved, until they were upon them, and Cream immediately leapt into her arms, in a hug.
“Cream! You found us!” Said the pink hedgehog. Chris came up behind them, and Cheese hovered about Cream's head.
“It wasn't hard, we saw the flare… I'm just glad we didn't get sidetracked!” Stated a certain punk rocker. Sonic grinned at the sight of him.
“Oh, and here I was thinkin' I was the only one who got in a fight! Where'd you get that lovely accessory, miss?” Sonic said sarcastically, pointing at the brace on Chris' neck. His deep blue eyes lit up, and he looked back at his hedgehog friend.
“Sonic! You're ok!” He said, with a smile. The boy walked over and knelt down, holding his fisted hand out. Sonic mustered just enough energy to bring his fist down on it, doing a sort of tricked-out handshake with the human boy.
“You better believe it!” He said, giving a weak thumbs up.
“Mr. Sonic!” Cream said, walking over also. Sonic looked up into the cute chestnut eyes, and he smiled up into them.
“Ms. Cream!” He said back, causing her to titter. The ever-rad hedgehog grinned at that, and looked up into the sky.
“Well, I'm no bird watcher, but I think I've spotted a couple o' lovey doves!” Said the hedgehog, suddenly, triggering everyone to look up into the sky.
Before anyone could react, and angry Knuckles had landed right into the middle of the growing crowd, and pointed his glove at Sonic.
“I heard that!” He barked, triggering the injured blue one to chuckle at his friends dismay. “And we are not!” Sonic only laughed harder, until he realized it was hurting him, and he calmed down a bit. Luckily for Sonic, Rouge hadn't landed until just then, and hadn't heard the comment. He grinned that classic Sonic grin as he noticed something.
“Ok, I'll let you have your way this time. Just promise me you'll straighten up that bandana, eh?” Sonic said, trying to be a smart-aleck.
…But then he realized nobody was laughing. The blue jester looked around.
“Huh… Tough crowd! Was it sumthin' I said?” He asked nobody in particular. Knuckles sighed deeply, and walked up to the hedgehog.
“…Sonic… you haven't been the only one fighting… We all have.” He told the hedgehog. Sonic made a puzzled expression.
“…Yeah, there were these… freaky assassins, we were all attacked.” Said Chris, confirming that he was one who'd probably fought as well.
“…Assassins…?” Sonic mimicked. Rouge stepped forth, and shook her head.
“It's complicated. Armic here has promised us all an explanation, once everyone's here.” She informed. Armic, whom Sonic had discerned as the strange boy with the staff, nodded his head. Amy looked at everyone, and nodded.
“Well… I think the only one who's not here yet is Tails…” She spoke, looking around for the fox boy.
“Hmmph. Tails has been acting rather strange lately… It's like he's avoiding us.” Stated Rouge, looking in another direction, eyes tinted with disdain. Chris folded his arms, and looked a bit indecisive.
“Yeah, I know… just earlier today, we called him, and asked him to come look with us, but he turned us down…” Said the rocker, shaking his head. Cream glanced at him, sadly, nodding a bit.
“Bah, forget Prower, I want an explanation!” Bellowed Eggman, letting all remember that he was present. Up until this point, Sonic hadn't even known he was there. The hedgehog flinched a bit, but otherwise regarded it as amusing that ol' Eggy was there.
“Woah, even Eggman's here! What's up, doc!?” Sonic said, amused when the doctor grunted in response. Amy winked.
“Yeah, in fact, it was Eggman who found you, and led us all here, Sonic! He's turned over a new leaf!” The pink hedgehog said, making the tubby one scowl, and stamp his foot immaturely.
“I HAVE NOT!” He claimed. The blue hedgehog just laughed.
“Wow, Ivo, I didn't know ya cared!” He said, batting his eyelashes teasingly for comical effect. Eggman's head literally started smoking and he began ripping his own mustache hairs out in frustration.
“RRRGH! Shut up!!!” He shouted. Everyone laughed at him.
A moment passed, and Sonic let out a long sigh.
“…Gee, it's not like Tails to be so late… wonder where he is?” The hedgehog said, making audible his thoughts. He received a few nods from his friends, but, remembering something, Ivo Robotnik rubbed his bald head.
“Actually, the impudent fox was the first one to arrive! He looked at Sonic, chastised me about something, then left without another word.” Said the Eggman, in a huff. Everyone's mouths dropped open, and Amy, angry, grabbed the collar of the Doctor's shirt and pulled him down to her level. He squirmed and squealed like a little girl as she yelled at him.
“WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!?!?” She shrieked in his ear, making everyone in the group sweatdrop. She let go, and Eggman fell to the ground, twitching a bit. “What did he say before he left?!” She asked him, in a fit of pique.
“Uh… oh, yes, he didn't say anything… but he did leave something. A small device… it looked sort of like a bomb…” He trailed…
“I told you it wasn't a bomb, you dunce! I think your brain has been scrambled!” Said a familiar, though staticy voice.
With a gasp, everyone whirred about to see, to their astonishment, a miniature version of the one, the only, Miles `Tails' Prower.
“Woah! Tails, you shrunk!” Shouted Sonic. The small Tails looked in that direction, and gave his genuine `you idiot' look.
“It's a hologram, you dummy!” Said the holographic fox-boy. The hologram smiled after that, and scratched it's furry head. “But I'm glad you're ok. Without you around, I wouldn't seem as smart!” He said to Sonic, with a wry wink. Sonic winked back.
“And I need you around to make me look handsome!” He shot back.
“Heh, you have Eggman for that.” Tails said, deflecting the embarrassment to the doctor.

“HEY!” He shouted, making everybody laugh at him, yet again. Holo-Tails looked at the mustachioed madman, and shook his little holographic finger at him.
“Hey, that's what you get for calling my state-of-the-art interactive nano-hologram a measly bomb!” The boy stated, as his image flickered a bit. Eggman went over to the metallic square, in which the boy's image was being projected from, and picked it up.
“Why you little…” He started. The holo-Tails made a scowl.
“Hey, I can SEE you ya' know! Put the Nano-Holo down right now, it's just a prototype!” He lectured. Eggman flinched, as if not expecting that. He set the device down, to where it was perched atop a rock, elevated just enough to be able to see everyone's faces.
“Ahh, that's better. Now I can see you all.” He said, with a smile. “Sorry I couldn't be here in person guys… I… Well, actually, it's complicated. Not to mention confidential… I'll tell you some other time.” Tails said, rubbing the fur on his head, seeming a bit awkward.
Chris stepped forth, and folded his arms.
“Tails, no disrespect intended, but I think you owe us an explanation… We're your friends, after all.” He says, making sure to maintain a cool disposition when addressing the fox, whereas anybody else in the world, given Chris's situation, would've probably yelled at the poor kit. Tails noticeably blushed, and averted his eyes, especially when he saw Cream nodding in agreement.
“…I guess you're right… but…” He trailed. Amy stepped forth.
“Yeah, Tails… why don't you tell us all why you're leaving Sonic hanging like this? What's so important anyway, that you can't be here in person?” The pink hedgehog questioned, looking a bit miffed.
“…Uh… Amy, listen I… you don't understand…” Tails stammered, nothing to counter with. Rouge tapped her heel impatiently.
“You're hiding something from us Fox-boy… what is it?” Said the bat, expecting answers.
“Uh… I mean… You don't… I can't…” He stuttered, utterly and completely defeated, the hologram of him backing up.
Sonic, however, had had enough.
“Hey, stop right there, all of you.” He said, his voice sharp, and uncharacteristic. Everyone looked in the hedgehog's direction.
“But Sonic, h-…” Amy started, only to be cut off.
“Leave him alone. If he says he has his reasons, then he's probably got better reasons than any of us, so just drop it, okay? I've known Tails pretty much all my life, and one thing I've learned from that, is that he always does the most logical thing. The kid's straight as an arrow, and you all know it. Whatever reasons he has, he's probably doing what's best for all of us… and if he thinks that keeping whatever info you're trying to chisel out of him a secret is the best thing to do, then it probably is. And besides, he DID come, and he DID check on me. He wouldn't have left if he didn't know for absolute sure I'd be alright, and look, I'm fine. Coincidence? No. He knew you guys would come, and take care o' me. Not only that, but he's here… not in body, but big whoop? His mind is here, and that's all the use we ever get outta him anywayz, right…?” Sonic said, finishing with a wink toward the boy's hologram, which was smiling. “So lay off.” The hedgehog demanded.
Everyone, as if having no choice, complied. Tails's holographic image gave the hedgehog a very thankful look, and Sonic just nodded, as if it were nothing.
Good old Sonic… you could always count on him, no matter what, it seemed. No matter what.
…Even Shadow, unheard and unseen, was smiling. Sonic… He hasn't changed a bit.
Moments passed, and all were silent… Amy finally stepped forth, and looked at Armic. Armic stepped forth, and nodded.
“Everyone, I've some things that I think all of you deserve to know… About the Emeralds…” He trailed, instantly gaining everyone's attention, as a small breeze slithered it's way through the group.
End Chapter
Yeah, that's all for now! Sorry it took so long to update for real… in between editing a friends story, “Reality Check” (which you should TOTALLY read and review if you truly want me to be happy), and all this other stuff I'm going through, It's been hard. But, the stories back in motion, and the tension's building up! Review me, and don't forget to stay in touch! The next chapter should be truly phenomenal.
Thanks everyone! ^_^
P.S. : Who want's to see Tails's reaction if he actually READ this story?! If you're one of em' then check out “Reality Check!”