Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moonshadow ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ A - All Readers ]
by: Meisaroku Makou
'My duty in life is to protect the Master keep it safe on Angel Island....for
no one to take.....It's been past down by ancestors for generations at a time...I cannot
let them down.....' thought the Guardian of the Master Emerald, Knuckles. He was
just a young boy, age of about 16 years old but still acting older than he should.
Knuckles is an Echidna, he's friends with a bunch of hedgehogs, foxes, and rabbits...
but his race was diffrent from the rest, even though he came from the same planet as
them. He's disiplined, strong, and well-minded. He never backed down from a fight.

Ch I

It was a normal afternoon on Angel Island. Knuckles had been away from his friends
for a long time now, protecting the Emerald. He considered it a 'day off' even though
he was working. He loved Angel Island, it was his home. He had it all to himself....or
that's what he thought.
" Another beautiful day on Angel Island......" Knuckles said to himself eating a few
fruits from the plants on the Island. 'I wonder what Sonic and the others are doing. It's
been a while since I've seen them...about almost a month now.' he thought quietly.
Little did Knuckles know, that he was being watched. He heard rustling in the bushes...
Knuckles came to attention. He glared into the forest in front of him. "Who's there?" he
called out. The rustling stopped. Knuckles got up and sneaked over into the forest
quietly...then as soon as he got real close to the bushes that was makeing noise, out
came a figure jumping right out and running away from Knuckles farther into the forest.
Knuckles spotted it and ran after the person or thing. "Hey!!! Come back here you!!!!!"
Knuckles shouted. He chased it farther and deeper into the thick trees of Angel Island.
" Stop dammit!!!!" Knuckles shouted some more. Then as he got close he leaped and
tackled the thing that was spying on him. "Oof!!" "Owww!!!" it yelped. Knuckles got up
a bit, he was breathing heavily. The "thing" happened to be a....girl. But not just any girl,
she was sort of like Knuckles, only she wasn't an Echidna, she was a fox. " Who are
you and what are you doing on Angel Island?!" Knuckles demanded. The fox-girl turned
over and faced Knuckles. " Ow, well first do you mind GETTING OFF!?!" she
exclaimed. "Oh.." Knuckles said as he got up and off her. "Thank you! Jeez..." she
sat up. " My name is none of your concern, and what am i doing here is that I LIVE
HERE" she told him with a stern answer. " That's impossible, I lived here my whole
life and haven't suspect a whole other trace of life except for the trees and small
critters" Knuckles didn't beilive her. " Well I guess you weren't looking hard enough. I've
lived here forever. I've made my home in the trees...underground..places
where no one would suspect. I know all about you...I watch you day after day that your
here." she explained to him. " Really?" said Knuckles sarcasticlly. "Yes really" said the
fox girl. "Why won't you tell me your name?" Knuckles asked. "Because you really
don't need to know." said the punkish fox stubbornly. "Yes I do really need to know!! If
your out to steal the Emerald I need info to find and stop you." Knuckles told her getting
a bit angry. " I'm not going to steal the Emerald you fool!" exclaimed the fox. " And if I
was, and I'm not, why would I go as this and not disquised better?!" " do
have a point....." Knuckles muttered. "Exactly. Now if you don't mind I'm leaving." she
said getting up and walking off. " Hey-WAIT!" Knuckles said going after her.

Ch II-
"Hey--wait! Don't leave yet!!---" Knuckles said stumbling through the forest. He wasn't
really use to walking through the forest.