Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ MST3K World(Satellite) Tour ❯ Torture 1: "Tails Playtime" by ashx ( Chapter 1 )
MST3K World (Satellite) Tour
By Triplechaos0
Disclaimer: I used the fanfic without Ashx's permission. I couldn't find him/her. If he/she would like leave a review
saying that I should take it down and I will. Also I don't own Mystery Science Theater 3000 or Sonic the Hedgehog.
In the not-too-distant future, way down in Deep 13,
TV's Frank and Dr.Forrester were hatching an evil scheme.
They hired a temp by the name of Mike,
Just a regular joe they didn't like.
Their experiment needed a good test case,
So they bonked him on the noggin and they shot him into space!
MICHEAL J. NELSON: Get! Me! Do-o-o-o-own!
TV'S FRANK: We'll send him cheesy movies,
DR. FORRESTER: The worst we can find.
FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!
He'll have to sit and watch them all, and we'll monitor his mind.
Now keep in mind Mike can't control where the movies begin or end,
FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!
He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his robot friends.
CAMBOT: We're rolling.
GYPSY: I'm a star!
TOM SERVO: Check me out.
CROW T. ROBOT: I'm different.
If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts,
FRANK and FORRESTER: La-la-la!
Then just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I really should relax
For Mystery Science Theater 3000!"
(On board the SOL. Mike, Tom, and Crow are all standing in the den. They all are wearing leis, straw hats, hawaiian shirts, and sandals.)
FORRESTER: Well guys I trust you enjoyed your vacation.
MIKE: Yes, if you could call having images beamed into our heads while in a deep cryo-stasis and then being woken up by steaming hot water and put in cheesy clothes a vacation then yes.
CROW: You know guys, I never thought that poi would be so tasteless.
FORRESTER: Well, article 31, paragraph12 of the new law passed by the WOMS-
TOM: Oh the World Organization of Mad Scientists.
FORRESTER: Yes, Sir Interrupts Alot.
FRANK: Good one sir.
FORRESTER: Thank you Frank. Anyway, it states that, and I quote," Any test subjects, Human or any other organism(robots included) with human thought processes that are kept in an experiment for six months shall be given a three month vacation, virtual or real depending on the scientist's(scientists') judgement." I chose virtual. Anyway, the author*lights flash and sirens blare.*
MIKE, TOM, and CROW: Oh no fanfic sign!
FORRESTER: No it's just one of my prior inventions, the fourth wall breach alarm. There it's off now. Anyway, as I was saying, the Author is running out of ideas, so here's your next one. It's a lovely piece of dung in a dung heap called "Tails Playtime" by Ashx.
*Lights flash and sirens blare*
MIKE: Now?
MIKE: Crap.
*Everyone files into the theater, gets the order wrong when sitting down, tries again several times, and finally get it right.*
TOM: We're off.
>This lemon starts after
Sa2 battle
CROW: Sonic Adventure 2. Shit.
>That Sega Owe Rouge & tails
MIKE: Yep, Sega's always borrowing money, he also owes the Mafia.
>I don't damn it don't, sue me
TOM: I think his keyboard slapped him for groping it after that sentence.
MIKE: That was a sentence?
>When Tails came home
That his grill friend Rouge
CROW: Yeah, those two fry cooks are inseperable.
>Was Horny as Hell
They has been with each other
MIKE: I don't know if I can take much more...
CROW: Neither can I, that's why I hid a hammer under my seat.
*Crow looks under his seat and pulls out a dust bunny.*
CROW: What the hell!? Has anyone seen my hammer?!
TOM: Stop! Hammer time!
*Beats self in head with hammer. Knocks himself out.*
MIKE: Lucky bastard.
>Four years Tails, damn that Bat is sexy
MIKE: Oh Lord, an underaged fox and a bat playing blanket bingo, great.
>Later that night That Rouge was
MIKE: Which Rouge?
>In the shower when tails got in
CROW: A casket and buried himself alive.
MIKE: Wow, that's an amazing feat when you're in a casket!
CROW: Focus on making fun of the fic, Mike.
>The shower with her they began to
MIKE: Vomit wildly.
>Kissing each, other and they got out
CROW: This is why English teachers should not give up on their students.
>The shower Rouge was in the bed
Her legs was wide open
MIKE: Is there a period in this entire fic?
CROW: Let's hope not, or this could get messy.
>And Tails saw her wet pussy
MIKE: Apparently the cat got in the shower too.
CROW: Great, Big joins in.
>Then tails started to put his dick in
MIKE: Her Cheyney.
>Her he was going in & out then
CROW: Side to side, up and down-
MIKE: Enough!
>He was sucking on her breasts
So hard that milk came out
MIKE: What is it with this guy and breast milk, it doesn't taste good.
>Her of nipples Tails damn that was good
MIKE: Forget periods, are there ANY punctuation marks besides commas.
>Rouge you want wound two Tails
CROW: As long as you wound my head and I'm unconscious for the whole ordeal then sure.
>Fine rouge was now on his dick
CROW: Cheyney.
>Going up & down when cum
Come out that She was happy
>Next mooring that rouge was in a
CROW: Which Rouge?
MIKE: We did that already.
CROW: Let me shine for once.
MIKE: Fine.
MIKE: There, ya happy?
CROW: Yup.
>Made outfit they Fucked when the
MIKE: Yyyeeaaahhh, wha?
>Sun came up Tails last night was
Fun can play again later Rouge sure
Fox boy
CROW: Meets bat girl.
(Mike(carrying Tom) and Crow exit the theater.)
*Mike throws Tom in the trash. Goes to the phone and dials.*
MIKE: Hello, Custom Robots Inc.? Yes, I'd like a model No. 2273 "TOM." Yes, thank you.
CROW: Whatcha doin' Mike?
MIKE: Ordering a new Tom.
MIKE: Yes, I can. You don't actually think that I built you guys do you?
MIKE: Ah, it's here.
FED-EX GUY: A delivery for a mister M. Nelson.
MIKE: Yeah, that's me.
FED: Sign here. Thank you and enjoy your new robot.
CROW: This is so wrong.
MIKE: Oh well.
(Hey, it's good to be back home again.)