Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Hero ❯ My Hero ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Too alarming now to talk about…”
“Sonic!” I screamed.
It was the dead of night on Angel Island. Eggman had just stolen the Master Emerald and had killed Sonic.
“Amy,” Knuckles said. He was on the ground next to me. I looked down; he was bleeding from a cut on his head and in his mouth. “Amy, I need…” he cut off and passed out. Tails, who was laying next to where the Master Emerald should have been, was passed out, too. I called an ambulance and it came to pick them up immediately. I stayed behind, even though I had cuts and bruises everywhere…
A day later, at Sonic's funeral, everyone couldn't keep their eyes off of me, even when I looked at them. After he was buried, we all went back to my house. Everyone kept asking me if I wanted to talk about what had happened the day before, but I couldn't, it was too painful…
“Take your pictures down and shake it out…”
When everyone left, I took all of the pictures and paintings I had of Sonic, and looked at them one more time before storing them in a box in my closet. I couldn't believe he was really gone. I started to cry. Then, after I calmed down a bit, I decided to do the thing that Sonic always did when he needed to think about something: go for a run.
I'm not as fast as Sonic used to be, I thought, but just fast enough. It killed me inside to know that now I was referring to Sonic in the past tense. I passed Tails' workshop, and when I glanced inside, I saw him sitting down, with his hands buried in his head. Then I passed the place where Knuckles' island should have been, but since the Master Emerald was stolen from it's pedestal, it had fallen into the ocean below. I did stop at one place though: Sonic's house.
I went in and found it the way he always kept it: empty. “It's even emptier than before.” I thought aloud. I wish he were still here. I laid down on his couch, the only piece of furniture in the room, and fell asleep. It smells like him…
“Truth or consequence, say it aloud…”
Upon opening my eyes, I saw Knuckles, Tails, Rouge, and Shadow standing in the doorway to the kitchen. They were all looking at me.
“We had a feeling you'd be here,” said Shadow. “You weren't at your house.”
“Yeah,” said Knuckles. “Are you alright?”
“I'm fine…” I started, but then I burst into tears. Rouge came over and sat next to me. As soon as she did, I grabbed her and cried on her shoulder.
“You can talk to us,” she said. “We're here for you.”
I looked up at her and she smiled at me. I calmed down a little.
“You guys know I loved him, right?”
“Who didn't know?” Knuckles said sarcastically.
“Shut up!” Shadow said, and punched him in the arm.
“Use that evidence, race it around…”
“Well,” I continued. “We were walking around on Angel Island, looking out at the ocean, and I told him that I didn't love him anymore. He looked at me surprised, and then started to say something, but he never finished it because Eggman had just showed up and shot him in the back with some sort of static gun!” I started to cry again. “It's all my fault!”
“Amy, it's not your fault at all,” Rouge said. “Eggman just happened to come at that time.”
“Yeah, but I was faced towards the ocean, and I didn't see Eggman because I was looking at the ground crying.” I said. “I should have known he was gonna attack. I can't help but feel guilty.”
“Ok, calm down Amy,” Tails said. “We'll help you get through this.”
“Yeah,” said Shadow. “Whatever it takes.”
“There goes my hero, watch him as he goes…”
“I was standing there, looking at the ground, crying,” I said. “He pulled my chin up to make me look into his eyes, and he said something, but I couldn't hear because I was too busy watching Eggman's ship come up from behind. I opened my mouth to tell him that Eggman was here, but he told me to listen to what he had to say.”
“There goes my hero, he's ordinary…”
“I knew he wasn't invincible or anything, but it still broke my heart when he fell to the ground like a weak animal shot in a hunt. He was just like any ordinary person that got shot.”
“Don't the best of them bleed it out…”
As everyone left, I sat thinking to myself. Why did he have to die? Why couldn't anyone else die, like any of the humans? Why take my Sonic? He wasn't `mine' anyways. The humans would have just bled, just like Knuckles had, or Tails, but he didn't bleed all that much. Why?
“While the rest of them peter out…”
He died on the spot, with hardly any blood shed. The others would have bled until they died. There would have been blood everywhere, but with him. No blood. It just looked like he was petrified. But he wasn't. He was killed and now he's gone!
“Truth or consequence, say it aloud…”
“Oh Sonic, I loved you so much…” I said to no one. “Why couldn't you have told me sooner that you loved me? I knew that's what you were gonna say, but you wouldn't let me tell you that Eggman was behind you. And instead of telling me that you loved me, you got electrocuted and died. When we could have been happy together…” Now it sounded like I was blaming him for his own death.
“Use that evidence, race it around…”
I know it wasn't his fault that he died, I thought. But maybe he couldn't live without telling me that he loved me. And look at what it did to him. He never told me, and he died. It's my fault, I should have never interrupted. But if I hadn't interrupted in the first place, he could still be alive or dead. I guess there was no way around it.
“There goes my hero, watch him as he goes…”
When he died, I fell to my knees and started crying and screaming. Eggman had already gone for the Emerald, but Knuckles heard me crying and looked out of his door. He saw Eggman first, and went to try to fend him off. I just sat and looked at Sonic, crying. I couldn't look away, even though I wanted to.
“There goes my hero, he's ordinary…”
He looked like a person sleeping, but he wasn't sleeping. He was dead. When Tails showed up to start fighting, too, he looked over in mid-battle and saw Sonic laying on the ground. That's when he got hit by Eggman and slammed up against the pedestal. He was knocked out from the blow to his head, and I started to cry more when I saw him. While we were all looking at Tails, Eggman grabbed the Emerald and made his getaway, but not before hitting Knuckles one more time.
“Kudos my hero leaving all the best…”
Before I stood up, I whispered thank you into Sonic's ear. I told him thanks for being a great friend and rescuer, but now I can look out for myself. The only ones that were left to help me fight off Eggman for the rest of his life, was Knuckles, Tails, Rouge, and Shadow. And those were the only ones left that were the best.
“You know my hero, the one that's on…”
Everyone knew Sonic, but probably more than everyone was me. I loved him for God's sake, and he saw that, but never responded to it. But he will still be on the top of my best friends list and loves of my life list. The one that's on top, will always be Sonic.
“There goes my hero, watch him as he goes…”
As I watched his lifeless body, I realized finally that he was never coming back. I just had to watch him lie there and leave us. I don't know where his soul is going from here, but I hope it goes someplace good, like him.
“There goes my hero, he's ordinary…”
I sat there and watched him go, just like an ordinary person would go. Silently. In perfect combination with the surrounding environment. Peacefully, I watched him leave, even though his body was still here, I could see him leave, and even though he was always fast, this was something he didn't do fast at all.
“There goes my hero, watch him as he goes…”
While they were lowering the casket into the ground, I started to cry a little, but they weren't tears of sadness; in a way, they were tears of joy. In some ways, I was glad he was gone, meant he would stop running from me. But, then again, it means that he wouldn't be running at all anymore.
“There goes my hero, he's ordinary.”
There goes my hero. He's gone now. Just another ordinary person being put into the ground. While they were shoveling dirt onto the coffin, I started to walk away. I sat down underneath a tree, and carved the letters A.R. and S.H. in a big heart in the bark. Now whenever I need to talk to someone about Sonic, I come to this tree, the tree nearest to his grave in his happy place. I figured he'd like to be buried in the place he found a long time ago. And here lies Sonic the Hedgehog. Great hero and friend.