Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Life Wth You... ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Sonic and his Crew are the sole creations of Sega and their companies. But the day they want to give me a little piece of their action..I'll let you people know.

A/N: Ok..this continues my first series. "My Night With You..." Everyone is a year older now. And a year wiser. Anyway hope you guys enjoy it...If not...SCREW YOU!!!! LOL!!!


Sonic-19 Amy-17
Knuckles-20 Rouge-19

"My Life With You..." Chap. 3


"Sonic come on, we're gonna be late!!!" Amy shouted upstairs for like the twelfth time this morning. The Hedgehog girl smoothed out her yellow sundress as she rose to her feet. Today was the day of the cruise and her boyfriend was still scrambling to gather all his stuff for the trip.

"Hey it's no problem babe!" Sonic shouted back down. "We have like a whole hour till the boat leaves." He assured her. "Plenty of time for this Hedgehog." Sonic paused for a minute. Then suddenly Amy heard a whole lot of commotion come from up the stairs. The noise was then followed by. "Now where did I put my thong at...?" Sonic inquired.

Amy blinked twice as her rosy complexion turned an even brighter pink. She blushed furiously, as she ran upstairs. In five seconds the girl burst through the door. "OH NO! Your not wearing that thing, Sonic..." The girl protested while crossing her arms.

The blue Hedgehog raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. "But weren't you the one that bought it for me..." He commented.

The girl Hedgehog continued her transition from a bright pink to a deep hue of red. "I know...." Amy started. "But I got that..."

"for you..." Sonic said, finishing her sentence. The hedgehog was currently sporting a nice cheese size grin.

Amy looked to the floor as she didn't comment. She just nodded her head. Sonic already knew his girlfriend could be just as perverted as he could. But he always got a kick out of it when she admitted it.

"Anyway since you know that, you also know you can only wear it for me..." She stated. The fact was now an official, (unofficial) rule between the two. Hey, Sonic had some things he liked her to wear, why couldn't she have the same thing.

The blue hedgehog shook his head and laughed. "Ok, Ok..I gotcha babe. Anyway it's good to know I'm not the only hentai in the relationship." He added with a grin.

"Shut up!" Amy shouted back totally flushed. She really hated her love sometimes. But then again, he was only stating mere fact. "Anyway, finished getting ready. We're going to miss the boat."

The azure colored hero slowly rose up from the bed and took a stretch. He mildly walked around the room when he said. "Oh, I've been finished for a half an hour now." He advised her, while pointing to the suit case that was placed in the corner of the room.

Amy cocked her head to the side as she looked at her boyfriend. "If you were finished. Then why..." Before she could finish, the sentence she heard the door silently close shut. And a mildly amused Sonic leaned up against it.

The blue Hedgehog sprung off the door and slowly walked over to his love. His green eyes never leaving her once. He wore a smug expression as he continued to made his way over to her. Amy almost felt like a mouse caught in the paws of some cat. She was totally hypnotized by the gaze Sonic was giving her. His green eyes seemed to stare at her and yet beyond her as well. For a minute she almost forgot he was her boyfriend.

That was till he slowly put his arms around her body and pressed his chest up against hers. Sonic then gazed down into her eyes and grinned. "Sorry, I just wanted an excuse to get you up here..." He answered truthfully as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Instantly Amy melted, as she felt his hot tongue enter her mouth. She sucked on his tongue then, massaged it with her own. It had been a couple of days since the last time they actually had 'personal time,' and Amy's body was missing it A LOT.

She was about to give in to Sonic's advances as well as her own desires, but then she remembered why she had put off sex for while. Ever since she found out she was pregnant, Amy had been actually afraid to be intimate with Sonic.

She didn't try to be up front with her fear, specially since she had yet to tell him. But she was afraid. Afraid that something would happen if they did. That had been the reason why lately, she had been refusing Sonic's attempts at intimacy. But this right now, was a big moment of weakness...


Sonic's lips started to trail down Amy's neck. The girl could feel the titillating mixture of his hot breath and lips against her collarbone. The sensation was so strong it made her whole body shiver. His lips continued down, making her flesh hot and yet slightly sticky from his saliva.

Amy's breath become weak. She was so close to just letting Sonic have his way and submit. A part of her just wanted to give in. But she knew she had to remain firm. "Sonic..." She breathed in a soft voice, while prying her love away from her.

Sonic immediately stopped his advances and looked into his girlfriend's eyes. "Amy..I know your worried about missing the boat." He started to say. "But it leaves in like fifty minutes. And honestly it would only take me a less then a minute to get there...So that gives us plenty of time too..." He then traced his fingers along her neck.

Sadly, Amy looked into Sonic's eyes. They were almost pleading with her just to agree. It broke her heart, the fact she had to deny her love something she wanted so much as well. But until she was sure of everything, she didn't want to take any chances. So slowly the girl sat down onto their bed. Increasing the distance between the two. That act alone confirmed her decision.

Sonic sighed. He ran a weary hand through his quills as he was trying to figure things out. He turned to her. "I am in trouble?" He asked her truthfully. He never knew his love to keep anything from him, but he had to know.

"Huh?" The girl said, her mind slightly in a daze.

"Nothing..." Sonic silently said, automatically omitting the thought. "Is there something wrong?" He looked at her with a worried expression. "I mean, for the last couple of days you've been acting weird..."

"I'm sorry...It's just.." She looked down to the floor. "It's just there's something on my mind right now..."

The blue hedgehog cocked his head to the side as an idea came to him. " it a girl thing?" Sonic inquired. He learned a long time ago, that there were a lot of mysteries guys were never meant to ask or know about. And when it came to 'girl stuff' he believed that was one of those things.

Amy almost had to laugh at her boyfriend's naiveté. "'s kinda that..." Right after the girl answered, Sonic zipped off to find his calendar. After checking it; Once...Twice...Three times, he was satisfied. Amy's monthly wasn't for another 2 weeks.

The blue hedgehog walked on back. He dramatically breathed a sigh of relief. "Man this trip would have been a real drag if..." He stopped his sentence. He didn't like the glare of death Amy was giving him. "Umm..Anyway," Sonic said while changing the subject. "so are you ok? We can miss this thing if your not feeling well." He seriously asked her.

Amy's pink bangs began to sway side-to-side. "No...Rouge would kill me if I wasn't there." With that, Amy stretched one good time and got up to her feet. She got her sandals from in the closet and stood next to Sonic.

Sonic's eyes were on her every step of the way. He said softly. "You know I love you right?"

The pink Hedgehog turned to him almost in shock. The tone and matter Sonic used when he said those words to her. He was so serious, so focused... It was almost like he thought she didn't believe him all those times before, when he said 'I love you.' But regardless if she didn't, the girl knew whole-heart that Sonic the Hedgehog was in love with her.

"I know..." She whispered to him. While she found herself in his arms again. 'God she really hated doing this to him!' It hurt her so much, that she had to deny him anything. "I love you too..." She replied, to him while looking into his eyes. "It's just..."

"It's ok Amy....I understand." He commented. "Don't worry about it." Honestly things were worrying him a bit. But it was no point in making things a mess. Besides they still had a whole trip to get some 'Personal time' in. And maybe he could finally get around to... Sonic grinned as he remembered his secret. "So let's go then..." Sonic said eagerly. He couldn't wait. This was going to be a trip to remember.

"Ok..." Amy said vaguely, as her voice trailed off. She frowned slightly. But her frown was soon ended, because her lips were now currently occupied with a certain blue hedgehog's. She pulled back and grinned at Sonic. Who in turned just winked at her. Then walked away like he was as innocent as an angel. Amy then just shook her head, but she was glad.

"Ok...lets move," Sonic cheered. Then the two started to go for the door. Well, that was till Sonic paused. It had seemed he forgot a very important something in the room. He turned to his luv. "Hey um...Ames, I have to get one last thing. Just meet me outside it won't take long."

The girl cocked her head to the side and shrugged. "Ok..." She merely stated and continued to the front door.

Sonic waited till Amy was fully out of sight, then went to his special drawer. He and Amy basically shared everything and anything that was in the house. But they also decided that each of them, could have one drawer that only they could go through. The drawers not only symbolized their trust of each other. But it also allowed themselves some privacy.

And in this drawer was where Sonic hid Amy's wedding ring. Regretfully, the hedgehog hadn't had the nerve to ask her yet. But he made a promise to himself to ask sometime during the cruise.

He looked down at the small jewelry box and opened it. Still there inside was the golden 'Birdy,' ring he bought for her. Sonic grinned as he looked at the ring. "Ok little guy, me and you have date with a cute little hedgehog. So you do your thing and I'll do mine." He agreed with the object. Then without wasting anytime, he sped off to the front yard.


Amy was patiently waiting in the front yard. She had a lot on her mind. But she was glad she had a few minutes to herself. It allowed her to come to a conclusion.

Then suddenly the girl was consumed with a blue whirlcloud, Sonic now stood before her. "You ready to go?" He asked her while picking up her suitcases. Yeah...this is Amy, of course she's going to have more then one.

The girl nodded and started to hold onto him. Then she was hit with an idea. "Umm...Sonic. The cruise is probably gonna have a Jacuzzi right..?" She whispered into his ear.

The hero looked back to her and paused. He squinted his eyes as he was pondering her inquiry. "Yeah..." he answered, not knowing her intent.

A devious smile crossed Amy Rose face. Then she whispered. "You up to continuing what happen upstairs...when we get to the cruise...?" She asked him.

Sonic smirked as he put his arms around her. "Yeah..only if your cool," the girl nodded. "Then just let me know, when and where.." He ended with a chuckled.

Amy laughed as well. Then the grounds in front of their house was ripped apart, as the thunderous feet of Sonic the Hedgehog, tore the pavement. In a flash they were on they're way to the cruise ship.


The duo of Tails and Knuckles wondered around their new surroundings. They arrived onboard hours ago. Now they were just checking out the scenes. Not to mention some of the female action as well.

"Hey Knuckles, we're gonna have so much fun on this trip," An ecstatic Tails shouted, as his little eyes started to light up. "There's gonna be food, babes, limbo contests, babes, swimming and babes in bikinis. Parties and lots of HOT babes! It's gonna be great man. Thanks for inviting me also.." The fox stated as another group of thong wearing hotties walked by them. Tails didn't hesitate to take a second look.

Knuckles chuckled at his young friend. "Hey no problem, little man. I wasn't about to have my wedding without inviting you and Sonic." He then paled. "Besides Rouge wouldn't let me..." The Echidna added in a pathetic voice.

Tails raised an eyebrow as he looked at the Echidna. "I see..." He commented. 'I also sees who wears the pants in that relationship,' Tails sighed. He was glad he was in control whenever he was with Bianca. He couldn't stand the thought of being....Whipped.

The young fox turned to his friend. "So anyway I wonder where Sonic and Amy are. They should be here soon, the boat will be leaving shortly..."

"Oh, don't worry..." A voice said from behind the two. "Whenever has THIS Hedgehog missed out on a party." Tails and Knuckles turned around to see Sonic and Amy standing behind them.

"Hey guys! It's about time you got here!" Knuckles greeted the couple. He waved to Amy and gave Sonic a solid high-five.

Before they could get in a word edge wise, Sonic was tackled to the ground by a over-excited, hormone driven, two-tailed fox. "Hey Sonic, this place is great man! They got everything! FOOD! GAMES! BITCHES!..."


The young fox's sentence was ended with the megaton might of Amy's hammer. "TAILS! Don't call women bitches!" The girl chastised. "We are women, ladies, or girls..BUT were are not...I repeat, we are not Bitches!!" The Hedgehog then gracefully threw the malleted object back into her purse. Sonic wearily looked at her. He was hoping she would have left that thing at home.

Knuckles looked at the development and cleared his throat. "Umm...Amy they have a female Canine convention aboard the ship. They're showcasing volley ball players from around the world."

"Oh..." Amy said while sweatdropping. "But...STILL!!!" She tried to counter. But then she decided to remain silent. A silence that ended, when a soft murmuring of a small two tailed fox coming to, was heard.

"Oh..." Tails grumbled, while regaining his consciousness. "What hit me?" He woozily asked. He knew boats tend to rock back and forth while at sea. But they weren't even moving yet...right?

He looked around to his friends. No one made a comment to him. They also didn't comment on the large growing lump on the fox's forehead. 'That's probably gonna leave a mark,' They all collectively thought.

Tails then shrugged it off and decided to continued. "Umm...Oh yeah. SONIC! They even got a make your own Chili dog stand."

That got the Hedgehog's attention. Sonic's mouth started to water. "YOU LIE!!!" He yelled while pouncing the little guy. "WHERE? WHERE?!!"

Amy frowned. She really hated her boyfriend's obsession sometimes. "Sonic we can't go to that..." She scolded him.

The blue hedgehog pouted and turned to her. "Why not?"

"Sonic....we haven't even went to our rooms to unpack and..." Just in that instant, Sonic was gone. Also gone with him was all their luggage. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what had happened.

"You were saying..." Sonic said coming back seconds later.

"GRRRRRR...Your hopeless..." Amy fumed.

The blue Hedgehog grinned. "Granted...But I'm sexy too..." He said slyly.

Amy rolled her eyes, but smirked a little bit. "ANYWAY...I'm going to our room to change." She turned to Knuckles. "Hey where is Rouge by the way?"

"Oh..She's in our room, at 3E." He informed her.

"Kay....I'll check up on her," Amy grabbed her purse. She then looked toward Sonic. "So, I suppose your going to be with them?" She could just tell by the look in his eyes. Sonic was with his friends. Which meant his IQ usually dropped about 20 points. She sighed. 'Men....'

But then there were times when he did surprise her. He turned to her and said. " want me to come with..?" Sonic asked her. He really did look sincere about his offer.

Amy had to smile. Instances like those were why she loved him so much. "'s cool." She advised him. "I have to talk to Rouge about something anyway..." Sonic nodded. "So I'll see you later...."

"Later...." He said. Sonic then leaned forward and they gently kissed. Knuckles smiled at his friend's good fortune, while Tails was gagging at the Sonic's display of affection. After a few seconds of bliss, Amy then took a step back and slowly headed for their room.


The trio watched the girl leave. Two of them were only gazing at their friend leaving. But one was watching his love depart. Knuckles turned to Sonic. "So you do it yet, Sonic?"

Tails turned to the two older friends, with a slightly confused expression. "Do what?" He questioned, while his blue eyes shifted from left to right.

"Propose..." Was the Echidna's response.

The young fox narrowed his eyes. Then things connected. "Propose?!?" Tails repeated, his voice sounding frantic. "NOOOOO!! Sonic you can't get married. Man you promised me, we would be bachelors for life!!!"

"Yeah I know..." Sonic replied. "But I love her..."

Tails was furiously scratching at his head. Sonic was afraid the kid might have start pulling all his strands out. "Arrrgh!!! You can't do this to me man! Knuckles already is a goner. Not you too..." He pleaded.

"Sorry Tails, my mind is made up." The fox sulked. Now two of his friends were lost to the dark side. "I just hope she'll say yes..." Sonic said continuing.

Tails and Knuckles both narrowed their eyes and looked at him. They gazed at Sonic like he was the most clueless fellow donning red sneaks.

The twin tailed Fox took a breath. "Sonic..this is Amy we're talking about here. The girl, who's first words to you were.. "Will you marry me?" Of course she'll say yes..." He reassured his friend.

"Yeah man...." Knuckles added. "You have nothing to worry about..." He looked across the deck and noticed both Rouge and Amy arriving topside. "And looks like our ladies have arrived..." Knuckles commented while waving to his girl.


The two girls after meeting up, both decided to change into their swimsuits. Rouge wore a black thin stringed bikini, that appeared to be a size too small. Which was very apparent, because whenever she moved, it looked like it her bosoms were about to burst from the small confinds of her bikini top. She was also the only girl topside that was wearing black high-heeled pumps.

Amy being a little more conservative, wore a nice teal green bikini that also had a wrap around skirt to match with it. It was moderate, yet was attractive as well. The girl also wore a pair of matching teal sandals to go over her feet.

The white bat looked to the side, noticing her finance waving to her. She returned his action and spotted Sonic with him. Rouge turned to Amy while adjusting her sunglasses. "So have you told Sonic yet?" She asked her, commenting about the girl's present state of pregnancy.

"No..." The pink hedgehog sadly replied.

"No..?" The girl said while taking her sunglasses off to look Amy in the eyes. "Girl, he has a right to know," Rouge responded.

"I know...I'm just scared." Amy said in a small voice. "I mean. We're not even married yet and we're gonna be having a baby." She sighed. "I don't even know if I want to tell Sonic." Her voiced trailed off. She then looked to the side. "Maybe...I could just get an..."

Rouge looked at her totally alarmed and partially scared. "DONT YOU DARE THINK THAT!!!" She shouted.

Amy paused. She forgot about Rouge's views on abortion. Besides she was right. "I'm sorry Rouge," She looked towards the ground. Amy couldn't even believe she considered that. "I just don't know what to do...I don't want to lose Sonic."

"I know...I know.." Rouge assured her, while drawing her into a small hug. "It will be ok. I don't know how, and I don't know why. But for some reason I believe everything will be ok..."

"I hope so..."


Sonic witnessed the whole exchange between Amy and Rouge. He didn't know what was going on...but he knew something was bothering Amy. And he had to know what. But how was the problem. Apparently she wouldn't just open up to her, if she hadn't said anything before. But then again it wasn't like he asked. And he found the best way to find something from Amy was just to come right out and ask.

So the Hedgehog gathered up his friends and they started to make their way over to them. Well, that was before they were cut off by a group of Lions who were admiring Amy and Rouge's umm...assets.

The group stood before Rouge and Amy, each one of them flexing and posing. The group...who's collective IQ was probably equal to cement paste, was trying to show off their huge muscles to impress the ladies

Seeing as though the two females appeared to not be interested. One of them approached the black bikini wearing Bat.. This lion had a huge mass of hair in his mane that seemed to flow in the wind, kinda like the cover of a cheesy romance novel. Or maybe like Fabio. Amy thought the dude must go through conditioner like crazy.

"Hey ladies I'm Saber," The Fabio Lion started. "And this is my buddy Shade." He motioned as another Herculean shaped lion came up besides him. This one was donning a pair of sunglasses. Saber turned back to the white nocturnal. "I was wondering if you and your friend would like to join me and my buddies in the steam room later on...?"

Rouge looked up to the feline and titled her sunglasses down. "Umm...Sorry hun. I'm already taken and looks like my BOYFRIEND is coming this way too." she commented.

"Yeah same here..." Amy chimed in, while smacking Shades hand away. The little pervert was trying to kiss her hand.

Saber turned around and saw the little band of heroes. A red Echidna, a blue Hedgehog..(that looked extremely familiar.) and a two tailed fox. "What those wimps...." He chuckled while flexing his biceps. "You babes shouldn't be plagued with such losers."

"Yeah..." Umm...Shade (yeah that's his name) parroted. "You need real men."

"Hey dickless!!!...." Sounded a voice coming from the group of so-called wimps. "The ladies said no. Leave...or be dealt with..." The blue hedgehog shouted.

Saber and Shade both laughed. Then chuckles started to erupt throughout the other lion pack members. Pretty soon the rest of the pack of lions joined in on the laugh.

Saber wiped a tear from his eye. "Plez....I'm not running from some scrawny, pathetic blue hedgehog or a damn Echidna."

The blue hedgehog glared his eyes. He had enough of this asshole. But then a gloved fist was placed on Sonic's shoulder. He turned and looked into the eyes of his red-dreded friend. "Umm..Sonic let me handle this..." He then leaned in and whispered. "Rouge loves it when I whip ass..." Sonic chuckled and stood aside as Knuckled walked in between the hedgehog and the lion.

Saber grinned. "Oh..what do you plan to do, Ruby locks..."

Knuckles grinned. "Heh, I'll let you make the first move..But I'll warn ya, you better make it a good one." Knuckles then threw a few warm up punches to mid-air. He then broke off into a little shadow boxing session. After another few jabs, he turned to the lion. "Make your move..."

Saber grinned and shook his head as he looked down to the Echidna. He totally dwarfed the red locked rodent, standing almost 2 feet taller then Knuckles. He sighed. Saber really didn't like picking on the weirder animals, but apparently people weren't happy unless he did.

He was about to move but then the blue Hedgehog whispered something to the Fox, which made the little kid bust a gut laughing. He glared at the two. The fox stopped and grinned. "Hey don't let us stop ya." He jested. "Go on...Go on....Continue..."

Man, even the little Fox kid was laughing at him. That pissed Saber off even more. He didn't want to be a bully, but apparently people needed to be put in their place. The lion cocked his fist back, and threw it full stream toward Knuckle's head. Heh, he figured he could probably knock the Echidna out with one blow.

The fist landed and impacted. But the thing was...the Echidna was still standing there. In fact it didn't even looked like he noticed the blow at all.

Knuckles blinked at him. " turn.." The Echidna paused in his form for a few seconds. Then all at once he threw a wild straight punch. The speeds and the velocity of the blow could only be clocked by the watchful eye of a certain blue hedgehog that was gingerly watching the spectacle.

Knuckles' knuckle impacted Saber's stomach. As soon as the blow connected, it sent the feline barreling across the deck. He hit the side of the mass and toppled overboard with a nice sized..KERSPLASH!!!!!

Knuckles grinned as he heard the splash from Saber's body hitting the ocean. "Heh..A new record." He boasted himself on, while strutting back to his pals. Sonic welcomed him with a nice hi-five, then Tails followed with a low one.

Shade and the other members of the lion pack was momentarily taken back by the defeat of their leader. They then turned to the red Echidna, the heated emotion of revenge was beaming in their eyes.

Knuckles nonchalantly turned to Sonic. "Eh...I think I'll let you handle these guys, Sonic." He mentioned to his blue friend.

Sonic momentarily stopped flirting with Amy and manage a glance towards the feline posse. "Ummm...No problemo..." he declared. Suddenly the Hedgehog leaped into the air, his body spiraled a few times then he landed in front of Shade and the bunch.

Shade looked down to the Hedgehog. He was about ready to attack, but then his pea-sized brained recalled something. 'Did..he just say...' He looked down to the blue Hedgehog and squinted. The lion then raised his glasses to make sure he could get a good look, then his voice uttered. "Ummm...Did he say Sonic?"

Sonic looked over his shoulders to Knuckles and shrugged. "Umm...Yeah." he answered.

Shade gulped. Sonic noticed there was a thin line of sweat running down the cat's forehead. "Umm...As in Sonic da Hedgehog?" He nervously inquired.

The hedgehog relaxed a bit and grinned. "The one and only..." He proudly proclaimed.

"AAAAHHH!!!!" The lion fell to his knees and bowed before Sonic. He glanced to the side at his crew, to advise them to do the same. In less than 5 seconds, they were mimicking they're 'new' leader's act. "Sorry, sorry!!!" He nervously apologized. "We didn't mean to bother your ladies, Mr. Hedgehog...We were just kidding." Shade's apology was fueled by several other whining mentionings from his pack.

Sonic glared at the bunch. "Uh..huh." He said taking in all they're blubbering. "Ok then, GET LOST!!!" He ordered.

"Yes sir!!" Shade said, while clumsily saluting the hedgehog. He and the rest of his pack then scurried away. Dragging the freshly drenched Saber, who just made it back onto the ship.

Sonic looked toward the rest of his friends, with a smirk. In less then 3 seconds, the lot was on the floor laughing.

The Echidna then turned to his girl. 'A think a nice little reward is in order.' The Echidna muttered to himself as he went to his fiancée. Knuckles thought he would be greeted with nice passionate kiss and probably a promise for later rewards. But in reality he was only welcomed back with a frown.

"What did I tell you about fighting?" Rouge chastised her boyfriend, while crossing her limps over her chest.

Knuckles' mouth descended to the floor at the velocity that could have set a hole through the ship, if his jaw wasn't securely rooted to his face. "What?!?" He questioned with a totally flabbergasted expression.

The response only seceded in enraging Rouge even more. "What?!? DID you say WHAT to your queen?" She stomped her foot to the ground.

The red Echidna gulped. He's in trouble... "UMm..I mean...Umm...Sorry, my Queen."

Rouge cast a piercing glare to him. "You'd better be sorry, dog!!!" She turned away from him and started to walk towards the lower deck. But before she went she turned to him slightly. "We'll deal with your punishment...later." The girl ended with a small wink.

Knuckles' head popped back up with a new found grin that stretched from cheek to cheek. "YES MA'AM!" He cheered as the two walked away, which left Sonic, Amy, and Tails really, really confused.

Sonic turned to the other two. "What just happened here?" He got noooo response from the two.


Sonic and company finally all went below deck. They turned right after one flight of steps and came to the Ship's Game Room. Once inside, the group was amazed by the assortment of colors and lights.

The room had everything: A casino in the far corner, with thousands of games and video games being played. A mini bar with a huge buffet, which was featuring an 'make your own Chili Dog,' stand. A place Sonic planned to frequent often. And in the middle of the room was placed a huge disco dance floor. Fully equipped with lights blaring, music roaring and people dancing to hottest sounds of now.

Amy's eyes glowed when she heard the familiar sounds of a certain tune. She lit up. "AWWW...Sonie! They are playing our song!!!" She screamed while grabbing his arm.

"Our song?!?" Sonic questioned. But the blue hero didn't have long to ponder his inquiry. "WAAAAAAHHH!!!" He yelled while Amy dragged his dangling body to the dancefloor.

Rouge and Knuckles chuckled at the outrageous exploits of the two hedgehogs. They eventually decided to continued through the room. Soon they came to another couple. They're old friends, Rotor the Walrus and the southern belle, Bunny.

(A/N: YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!!! Rotor and Bunny together! Got a problem wit it!!!........Didn't think so!!!!)

Anyway after the insane rantings of the author was finished, everyone drew their attention to Sonic and Amy on the dancefloor.


In a way, it was almost like they were moving to no music at all, the gracefully way Sonic and Amy migrated across the dancefloor. Their movements were so precise, you'd think they were just dancing by themselves.

Sonic grinned. He didn't know they had 'a song'...but what they were dancing too wasn't bad. Actually it was quite nice and he knew Amy loved songs like these. He slowly allowed his hand to drift firmly around her waist as he brought her closer to him.

Amy reciprocated the action, snaking her arms around his body. Of course that brought more of her chest against his body, but she didn't mind and the girl knew Sonic didn't mind either. Amy sighed. 'Moments like these should last forever...' She mentally pondered, while few remaining chords of the song were played.

Then after the last word of the song was uttered, Sonic held Amy in his arms and drew for a long deep kiss.


Rouge sighed as she gazed at the couple. "Awwww.... Those two are so cute." She swooned.

Bunny agreed as she looked at the two continue their passionate kiss. "Yeah....I kinda wish me and Rotor was like..." She turned away from Rouge and looked to Sonic and Amy again. After a few seconds she cocked her to the side. Sonic and Amy were still sharing that same deep kiss. A very deep kiss. Actually in looked almost like.... Then Bunny's eyes widen. "My stars that's a very involved kiss."

Tails smirked as he heard her comment. "Involved nothing," The fox charged. "Sonic's slipping her the tongue."

"Tails!!!" Bunny and Rouge echoed.

"Lord Child, your way too young to be seein' this..." She said while covering the fox's eyes. Tails frowned, but secretly peeled one of her fingers up so he could see.

Rotor chuckled in disbelief. "Man, I didn't know Sonic was so bold."

The brown southern rabbit turned to her guy. "Don't you mean such a hentai?"

Tails who hadn't taken his eyes off of Sonic and Amy grinned. "Well Sonic's not the only one." He interjected. "Look where Amy's hand is." He said while pointing to the pink Hedgehog.

While taking the fox's lead, the group looked toward the girl and noticed exactly where the girls hands were placed on Sonic. Everyone gasped. From in all of their astonishment, Rouge's laughter ran through. "That's my girl!" She cheered after her best friend.

"That's it. I'm putting a stop to this." Knuckles interjected while rolling up his...sleeves. He looked to the couple and shook his head. "They are making a scene."

Tails looked to his red friend, then looked to the pair of affectionate Hedgehogs. He made a few mental calculations, then the given nature of Sonic and Amy. He turned back to Knuckles. "Ummm...I don't think you want to do that..." The fox warned him.

The purple walrus looked to Sonic and Amy, then drew the same conclusion. "Yeah Knux, I have to agree with Tails. They REALLY look like they don't want to be disturbed."

The Echidna threw away the warnings. "Aww..It will be cool. I know what I'm doing..." He confidently confirmed as he started walking toward the Hedgehogs.

Bunny turned towards Rouge, with a slightly distressed look. "Aren't you gonna try an' stop him?"

The bat smiled and shook her head. "Nope...." She stated proudly. "I love it when he's black and blue..." She answered with a sigh.

Everyone turned to Rouge and raise an eyebrow.

Rouge looked back to them. "What?"

Throughout the whole group a single entity was present on all the members that just heard the young bat's statement. It was apparent the infamous Sweatdrop, had struck again.


Shortly after Knuckles, returned to the group. Well it was more like he limped back over to them. Bruises filled his little Echidna body. (much to the delight of his girlfriend) He had bruises on top of bruises. " maybe that wasn't a good idea." He stated, while relocated his spine again. (Mental note...Never disturb two Hedgehogs in love)

Tails glared at him, while scenes of the previous carnage still played in his mind. "I could have told you that..." Tails paused for a minute. "I DID TELL YOU THAT! BAKA!!!"

That ensued a little argument between the Fox and the Echidna. All the while Sonic and Amy just continued to exist in there own world. His steps would be followed with hers. Her motions would be followed by his. One was sure if you actually paid attention, they probably even breathed in sync.

Sonic gazed into the green eyes of Amy. Then suddenly a sudden spark of inspiration hit the blue Hedgehog. Sonic smiled as he looked at his love. 'This is as good a time as any, I guess...' He said to himself as he reached inside his pocket.


Bunny paused as she noticed the new developing change between the Hedgehogs. She gasped and covered her mouth. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing. "Oh my stars..." She uttered while drawing Rouges attention.

The white bat couldn't place where the rabbit was looking at. Then after a few more seconds she was within Bunny's sights. Instantly her eyes widen. "Is he?..." Rouge whispered.

"Is he what?" Tails exclaimed, while pushing through his friends, so he could see. The Fox then saw Sonic going down to one knee, holding some kinda jewelry box in his hand. Tails paused, he knew exactly what was going on.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" The fox shouted while trying to fly over to save his friend from matrimony. But the Fox didn't even make it airborne. He found he was securely rooted by the combined might of an Echidna and a Walrus.


"Amy..." Sonic said while looking up to her. "Will you marry me?"

To Be Continued....