Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Sacrifice ❯ My Sacrifice ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Sonic and Blaze do not belong to me, they belong to SEGA and Sonic Team.
My Sacrifice
The light of the sun finally broke through the clouds, and the long winter seemed to be over at long last. Streaking across the landscape, I allowed a brief smile to spread across my face at the sight of it. I never really liked the days where the weather was cold and my skin numb. Jogging through the snow is no easy feat and I found myself grateful that I could now run across the landscape without risking slipping on ice.
It had been a year since the incident with Eggman-Nega, and I have changed a lot, but I'd be lying if I said that I was the only one. Cream reached the graceful age of seven last week, started taking lessons in dancing and found herself under the charm that shopping seems to place on girls such like Amy.
Amy's still crazily in love with me, but has seemed to find another way of going about trying to win me over, not that she knew I was aware of her scheme. Amy started going out with Shadow in attempt to make me jealous… or forced him, but as this was Amy, I render either option possible. Shadow agreed, but only because he considered Amy a good friend and because he liked to think he was getting one over on me.
I ran further, allowing the wind to glide through my quills. That sun was unusually bright today… I skidded to a halt and covered my eyes with my sweaty hands. When I looked up, I could hardly believe my eyes.
Hello my friend
We meet again
It's been a while
Where should we begin?

I hadn't seen her in a year. I had hardly noticed at that moment that all the feelings that had disappeared before had rushed back in an instant. I had missed her at first. It affected me quite badly, considering I had felt closer to her than I had to any other girl. She was so silent, yet so determined; one could not help but to admire her and who she was.
I had no idea what it all meant. I had no idea why the pit of my stomach seemed to jolt with fear and excitement at the same time. I never really took the time to question it. I was only aware of the shock that had filled my gut.
The curled up form of Blaze the Cat lay crumpled on the grass, hugging her knees and whining in pain. My instincts naturally took over, and I instantly rushed to her side, leant down and checked her over. I don't think she noticed me, her eyes were tightly squeezed shut and her teeth clenched. It seemed like she was barely managing to breathe, and her hands were clenched into tight fists.
Words can't express how much it hurt me to see her in so much pain. My stomach wrenched painfully, and a lump jumped to my throat.
Feels like forever
“Blaze? Blaze, it's me,” I muttered quickly, almost blindly panicked. I couldn't allow myself to be overcome by emotion, not now and not ever, “It's Sonic.”
My heart skipped a beat as the young cat opened her eyes and memories flashed through my mind in the instant that her piercing yellow orbs met my emerald ones. I remember laying eyes on her for the first time, while Cream babbled on about how she was a good person and that she was her new friend and how Blaze herself simply stood there, looking out of place in the world, like she didn't belong.
I recall how we faced off at Dead Line, how she stood there and accused me of getting in the way, her face contorted in pure fury, and told me not to get involved. But I couldn't do that, don't ask why, maybe it's something in my nature that goes against letting people suffer or working alone. She let slip something she shouldn't have done, it was then that the magic happened.
It's in my nature to be protective. When I guessed the rough past she had… I guess I wanted to protect her from all of that somehow. I wonder if that was why I had felt so attracted to her company, and why I seemed to worry now.
Within my heart
are memories
of perfect love that
you gave to me
I snapped back into focus and gazed down at the young figure below me, looking at me with a weak smile. I took in her appearance; her fur was a light purple, and shimmered underneath the sun, but her fur seemed rather messed up. Feathers hung on her head, swaying with the wind, but were currently singed beyond belief. Where a red gemstone once rested on her head, lay nothing more than fur, soaked with fresh blood.
“I found you…” she whispered weakly, allowing one of her hands to lift and stroke my cheek before dropping back to the floor. I caught it and made sure it had a gentle landing and my stomach did another back flip.
“What happened to you…?” I asked curiously, moving her so that she rested almost peacefully in my arms, my breathing beginning to shallow slightly.
Oh, I remember
When you are with me
I'm free, I'm careless
I believe
“I've been trying for ages to find a way back here…” Blaze muttered, every breath she took looked like it hurt her and I realized I was hanging onto her tighter than I should have so loosened my grip slightly, “I-I found a way when I saw a dimensional warp within my dreams… to access one, it took a lot of power but it was worth it…”
“But why?” I asked in an almost weak voice, my arms shaking like I was suffering with some sort of fever, sweat glided through my royal blue fur.
“I wanted to see you and Cream again…” Blaze smiled up at me looking tired, but content, “Especially you.”
My imagination whizzed into motion as I constructed a scene where Blaze and I reunited again under the moonlight, clasped hands and strode along under the bright light, hand in hand. Soon I turned, and she turned, and we could only chuckle at each other's antics. Finally, I swallowed my nerves and brought her close to me and allowed our faces to move closer to each other, so close that our lips were about to touch…
Above all the others
We'll fly
This brings tears
To my eyes
I practically jumped on the spot, once again snapping back into focus and began paying attention to Blaze again, who looked at me with a smile that suggested she was happy regardless of how weak she was. I found myself thankful that my thoughts and daydreams were only accessible by myself, though I could not find a reason for why my face felt hot.
“Do you have a fever?” Blaze asked curiously, trying to sit up, but ended up falling back to the floor, wheezing painfully, clutching her chest with a strained expression on her face. I had no idea what to do, but I helped lay her down to the ground again.
“N-No… Do you want me to… um…?” I pointed at where Blaze was hurt, bowing my head and trying to force my face to cool down. Blaze shook her head, the feathers on her head swaying with the wind. I found that she looked quite pretty, and the lump in my throat intensified as I forced my eyes away from hers.
“There's no need. I'm a fast healer,” she told me, smiling weakly, her hand once again finding mine and giving it a little squeeze, “Just take me to a place where I can rest and recover from my travel. Your place maybe?”
Another scene constructed in my mind, though I have no idea where it came from. It involved a lot of cuddling and kissing on both mine and Blaze's parts. The heat in my cheeks rose dramatically, and I found myself lost in the daydream, though I really shouldn't have been. Something within me relaxed and sighed, almost pleased by the scenes of my own construction.
Once again it was Blaze who broke me out of my daydream and I nearly jumped out of my fur, my face hotter than ever, and my breathing possibly even more shallow than what it was before, “Er… yeah, I'd take ya back to my place… if I had a place to go to…”
Blaze gawked at me, “You don't have a home to live in?”
Embarrassed, I shook my head, a feeling of shame rooted in my stomach and grew throughout the rest of my body, “I go where I want to go. I never saw the need for a house of my own. I kip at Tails' place sometimes but…”
We've seen our share
Of ups and downs
Oh, how quickly life
Can turn around
“Well, you could always take me there,” Blaze pointed out in a rather strange pleasant tone of voice.
“Tails might be busy…” I pondered, imagining the look on my best friend's face when I arrived carrying Blaze in bridal style. I wasn't fearful of Tails' reaction at all but a worry had planted itself in my mind regardless; what if Amy was there?
“He won't mind, surely,” Blaze pressed on, gripping my arm and looking at me in a pleading manner. I found it hard to believe she was behaving in this sort of manner, puppy-dog eyes, smiles and mushy stuff were stuff you'd normally expect Amy Rose to do, not someone like Blaze, stiff and silent, almost like a statue of someone famous; someone younger people looked up to.
I gulped, trying to force the possibility of my self-proclaimed girlfriend out of my mind. If she saw me with Blaze, she'd flatten me before turning on Blaze and that thought doesn't make me feel very confident. The last time I had seen her, she had ended up yelling at some poor young girl just because she asked me shyly for an autograph. Needless to say, Amy thinks there's something going on between Blaze and me, and I'm not sure. I don't want to give her the satisfaction of proving her right, nor do I want to think of the consequences.
But I knew I couldn't leave Blaze out here, anything could happen to her, regardless of me being there or not. Praying I wouldn't regret it, I muttered, “Sure, I'll take ya to Tails' place.”
At that, I gently scooped her up into my arms and rested her gently. Blaze closed her eyes and a sweet smile crossed her face, as she moved to get comfortable. My chest seemed to tighten and my stomach did a few forward flips as I took off at my usual speed, holding onto Blaze tightly.
In an instant
It feels so good to reunite
Within yourself and
Within your mind

Tails' reaction to me bringing Blaze to rest at his place seemed pretty much as I expected it. His eyes widened, he asked a bunch of questions in shock and excitement and gabbled on a bit about dimensional warps, not that I understood half of it. Eventually I managed to get away and carry Blaze up to the spare room I often slept in when I needed somewhere to. Resting on the bed, I stroked her lilac fur, as she weakly grinned at me.
“I suppose you want to go back to your run?” Blaze questioned, her yellow eyes filled with an almost knowing look, and filled with what looked like… hope?
I shrugged; to be perfectly honest it didn't bother me, though I actually shocked myself in noticing I wanted to stay with her, “If you want me to stay…”
“Yes please…” Blaze mumbled, snuggling into my peach chest. My heart pounded faster and harder against my chest. I had no idea; I wondered vaguely if Blaze had fed me some kind of drugs before she left. I wondered if she had been taking drugs herself, strange as it sounds. She never would have behaved in this manner at all. The princess I knew was strong, independent, and never wavered once in her goals. She also was very well-known for having a sightless pride that only Cream and I ever saw, and only I ever really appreciated.
Let's find peace there
“Blaze, what's wrong with you? You're not like this…” I asked in an almost pleading tone, lowering myself enough to look into her eyes. Blaze blinked and smiled, knowing what I was talking about without needing to ask.
“You and Cream changed me,” Blaze explained quietly, “Not everything about me, but a lot. I never used to believe in relying on others before I met Cream and you. I always told myself that nobody would care, that I had to work alone and that's the way it would always be. But you helped me see the other side. People do care.”
I blinked, for I had had no idea that I could have caused such an impact on someone. Sure, loads of people seemed to develop an excited aura when they saw me, girls squealed and literally wet themselves when they were around me. Yet this… this somehow forced butterflies into my stomach.
“Why did you want to see me again?” I asked, remembering our earlier conversation. Blaze had said very clearly it was me especially she wanted to see.
“I guess you could say I've fallen for you…” Blaze muttered in an embarrassed tone, snuggling ever tighter into my chest to hide her tomato red face. My chest tightened again, my breathing became shallow. Oh man… I'm no good in the mushy category. I had no idea on what to say to her at all. I could always say that… maybe I think I'm falling for her too. But this is only the second time we've met and we still need to learn a lot more about each other.
Thankfully I never needed to say anything. I darted my eyes back down to her, still working on some kind of speech in my head, and saw that she was sound asleep. Gently pulling her off of me, and settling her, I went off downstairs, softly smiling at her as I left the room.
'Cause when you are
With me
I'm free, I'm careless
I believe
Tails bombarded me as soon as I left the room, his eyes wide and full of curiosity, asking me if Blaze was okay. I sighed in an almost blissful manner, placing a hand on my chest and nodded, almost wishing my heart rate would slow down to its normal speed. I found myself not caring that much when it didn't, and continued to think about what Blaze had just said to me.
I guess you could say I've fallen for you…”
I felt like my heart was going to either explode or bounce straight out of my chest. I kept thinking about those words… sure, I'd heard all about the whole `falling in love' stuff before or mushy stuff as I like to call it. Amy keeps insisting day after day that she loves me so much that she would do anything for me. I never really explored it that much to be honest; I wasn't really interested. Love and other mush, from what I could see, would interfere with the freedom I love so much. But now my heart yearned to actually look into it. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought it would be…
My mind went into action again, constructing another scene. Seeing me with Blaze in any way would send Amy on the warpath… but this daydream filled me with hope. I had kissed Blaze, long and hard, before seeking out Amy's face from the crowd. And she didn't seem angry; she had smiled at me and gave us her blessing, while standing hand in hand with Shadow. I knew in real life it couldn't happen like that. Time for a reality check; Amy would flip out, not bother about Shadow and beat me with that hammer of hers… I shuddered at the thought. I certainly didn't want that to happen. I didn't want Blaze to receive any `punishment' for what we feel, and I don't want to lose Amy as a friend.
Maybe I could try it though. I could sacrifice a bit of my freedom for Blaze…
Above all the others
We'll fly
This brings tears
To my eyes
I jumped out of my fur, finding Tails waving his hand in front of my face with an almost irritated look on his face. He had his hands on his hips, curled into fists. He didn't look angry, but slightly annoyed that I had zoned out on him, “Do you have any idea on how she got here?”
“Blaze told you she used a dimensional warp,” I told him, feeling a little irritated myself now. It had been such a good daydream…
“I know that,” Tails said impatiently, “But I'm wondering how she may have accessed one. Even though I haven't much knowledge on them, I know enough to say that a trail is left behind. Anyone could follow that trail and get into this world!”
“So…” I mumbled, a little confused, “What does that mean exactly?”
“Use your head Sonic!” Tails waved his arms around in frustration, “Eggman-Nega could have followed Blaze here for all we know! And we know what he's capable of!”
I shrugged, “No big deal. I can handle him. All I care about now is making sure that Blaze gets better.”
“You like her don't you?” Tails asked me in a curious tone.
“Of course I like her!” I bit back the urge to tell Tails it was none of his business, “She's my friend isn't she?”
“You know what I mean!” Tails responded, looking fairly agitated.
Damn. He's stumped me. I shrugged and tried to make out as though it were nothing. I walked over to the couch without a word to him and collapsed on it, trying to close my eyes and sleep peacefully. Tails left the room briefly to check on a pizza he had cooking in the oven, and returned with the intention of pursuing the subject.
“Sonic?” Tails asked, looking at me. I kept my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep, hoping that Tails wouldn't prod me in attempt of awakening me. I heard Tails sigh before going to get his pizza, eating it outside and heading to his room for the night. Even in the silence, Tails' question burned in my mind.
“Do you like her?”
I don't know. I think I do, but knowing of my almost new experience in this field, I can't be too sure. I rolled over, deciding instead to sleep instead of bothering myself with so many troubled thoughts.
I just want to
Say hello again
A week passed since I discovered Blaze. She had, as I suspected, healed rather quickly, and seemed to become more and more like her old self. When I suggested we did something for fun, it would take a lot of effort to talk her into it. The activity for today was one it took me a lot of effort deciding over. The problem laid in the fact that Amy and I had gone there about two years ago when she was being chased by a robot. Yes, I'm talking about Twinkle Park. I had picked up a few leaflets to decide on where to take Blaze during the week and I had discovered that the amusement park was doing another `cute couples get in for free' deal. I don't know if Blaze and I would pass as `cute' but we might as well try.
Blaze instantly refused. “I don't do theme parks,” she had said stubbornly. I pursued the issue, as much as the place made me worry about Amy being there, I did partly want to go very much.
It took me about half an hour. Finally, Blaze's arms slouched at her sides and she shrugged, warning me that if she ended up regretting it, it would be me that suffered a severe burning at her hands. She had threatened this everyday so far, and ended up enjoying each day immensely. I had no worries about today, except for the fact that Twinkle Park had become a sort of hang-out place for Amy, who would also drag a reluctant Shadow along.
Upon arrival, we got in fairly easily, after I received a hundred and one questions asking why I wasn't here with `that pink hedgehog you came with last time'. Blaze had then begun asking about the events of what had happened when I brought Amy here. After persuading her that nothing serious had happened between me and my friend, the cat dropped the subject and a moody silence followed.
We had a good time. I lost count of how many rides I dragged Blaze onto, however reluctant she might have been. I lost count of how many chilidogs I shoved down my throat, watching my feline friend's jaw drop constantly. She seemed to be enjoying herself. But it didn't stay smooth.
During and after a very fulfilling lunch, Blaze's eyes continuously narrowed and her ears twitched. I blinked, “What's wrong?”
“Something's wrong here…” she muttered darkly.
“Yes my dear,” a voice over a loudspeaker spoke causing my fur to stand on end, “Something is very wrong. But I'm about to fix that.”
I just want to
Say hello again
I turned, and my eyes widened at the sight of a tall robot, and settled in the seat, weren't Eggman. It was none other than…
“Eggman-Nega!” Blaze snarled, her eyes narrowed and showing every sign of dislike.
A laugh sounded over the loudspeaker, “Yes indeed. Did you not think that I would not be able to notice you were not around? Did you not think that I would be able to follow you?”
My stomach filled with dread, remembering what Tails had said a week ago. He had warned them that Blaze might have left a trail suitable enough for Nega to follow her. It seemed that this event had been exactly as Tails suspected it.
The shock quickly replaced itself with anger; my temper had flared again, “Get lost, Nega! Can't you see she's having fun for once?”
“Ah yes, I remember you, Sonic the Hedgehog. As arrogant and big-headed as you may be, I'm afraid to say I'm not here to wage in a silly little war with you,” Nega muttered. I could almost imagine the dirty smug grin on that madman's face and it didn't do my temper any favours.
“You mess with Blaze; you mess with me,” I retorted fiercely, “We're a team.”
“No Sonic,” I turned to look at Blaze, who looked at me in return, seeming very serious, “I'm touched about what you said, really I am. But this is my battle.”
I gawked at her, “Blaze, I thought you understood… you never have to do things alone. I want to help you.”
Blaze glared at me, “I thought you'd understand… Nega is my problem. He followed me through the warp, not you. I must fix my mistake.”
“I don't care,” I told her in a frustrated voice “I want to help you. You can argue all you like, but you won't change my mind.”
Blaze narrowed her eyes at him quickly, before smiling again in a strained sort of way, “If you insist. On your head be it.”
At that, we lunged forward, ready for the battle to begin. Together.
When you are with me
I'm free, I'm careless
I believe
I raised a fist as I tore towards the machine at my usual speed, my teeth bared, ready for action. The part of me that always longed for a dangerous situation was bouncing around in excitement. That part of myself wanted to beat the crap out of Nega, and enjoy myself while doing so. But another part, the heroic part of me that I have had for as long as I can remember, shook in fear for Blaze's safety. She too had her teeth bared and her fists were tightened into mere balls, now showing flames dancing up from them, ready to move.
“You've made a fool of yourself for the last time, Eggman-Nega!” Blaze yelled; her cheeks now a vicious red. The flames on her hands danced higher, and burned brighter, “Now I'm going to destroy you!”
I blinked in confusion, “That's a bit harsh isn't it?”
Blaze looked at me, her jaw almost dropping before a dark look crossed her face, “No. He deserves everything he gets.”
“Killing won't make you any better than him!” I tried to reason with her, but she wasn't having any of it. She shook her head in constant denial.
“I knew you wouldn't understand! You never knew of all the things he did that changed my life! You never knew that he was the reason I had no friends back at the world I came from! You never knew that he was the one who passed the order for my parents to be slaughtered! I'd say that after all the destruction he has caused on my world and my family, he deserves it! If you think otherwise, then follow my earlier advice and don't get involved!” She lunged forwards again, ready to strike, the flames dancing ever higher than before.
I was taken aback immensely by what she said. How could I have been so stupid? I stood there, shocked, as Blaze roared out in rage and lunged at Nega again. I just stood there, stunned, my stomach giving an unpleasant guilty lurch. She had never before mentioned her life on her planet, except for that one minor reference at Dead Line. I could sympathise with her somewhat; I had no family either. Not that I could remember…

Above all the others
We'll fly
This brings tears
To my eyes
“I'll kill you Nega,” Blaze snarled, her eyes alight with anger and pain, “I'll make you pay for everything, right here, right now.”
“We'll see about that,” Nega's eerie voice sounded over the loudspeaker, “Though I personally believe you deserve all the pains you have been given, and many more. Merely killing you… I doubt it would satisfy me.”
“And why would that be?” Blaze growled; her fists were clenched tightly at her sides, ready to attack.
“I doubt you remember setting the local village on fire with your unnaturalness when you were a mere child of two. I expected you did the obvious and blamed it on me, hmm? I think I'd better inform you that it was your dirty bidding, not mine. Everyone `hates' you because you destroyed family members of theirs; not me, you. I merely did something about it, unlike everyone else, too cowardly to face you. I wanted you to suffer, so they could feel free again,” Nega cackled. Blaze paused in shock, gazing at her fists.
“I-I killed…?” she stammered. I gazed ahead at Blaze, who looked like she was about to collapse in tears and frustration, “I-I would never… I was only a kid…”
“But personally, whether I take your life or not, it doesn't bother me,” Nega boasted loudly, “I just want to make you suffer as much pain as possible. And I think I will do so now.”
I didn't even hear it coming. When I had broken out of my guilt-wracked thoughts, I saw nothing but a beam coming straight at me, having just fired from Nega's ship. My eyes widened; I wanted to get out of the way, but I couldn't. My legs had somehow either forgotten how to move, or they had glued themselves to the floor. That's when time seemed to slow down in a short matter of seconds.
'Cause when you are
With me
I'm free, I'm careless
I believe
A purple haze leapt into my vision, and my eyes widened, my heart screaming in terror. The beam never hit me. When time went back to its normal pace, I looked on in horror, and with a sudden jolt, reality had hit me. Blaze lay on the floor, blood soaking the silver concrete, with what looked like a hole carved through half of her stomach, “BLAZE!
I gazed up at Nega's machine, and that hair-raising voice cackled, “As I said before Blaze… I do not care how you suffer as long as you do so. It seemed that I was right in that you cared for your arrogant hedgehog cohort here. You were a fool Blaze the Cat, a fool for crossing Eggman-Nega.”
Tears stung my vision, she can't be dying! She just can't be! I forced my gaze away from her, my body shaking so badly I might have come down with a dangerous fever, “I'll kill you for this Nega!”
“No, dear Sonic,” Nega's voice eerily stated, “I've finally fulfilled the goal I had been trying to fulfil ever since my home village burnt down at her hands. My son, my daughter, all lost at her hands.”
“You sick…” I began, raising his fist, “How could you…?”
“She deserved death, my friend,” Nega said firmly, “Death for what she did. They were the only things that kept me near sane… and that little witch stole them away.”
“The same could be said for you!” I screamed, tears beginning to stream down my face, “You took her family away! You stole away everything she ever cared about!”
“And I do not regret it,” laughed Nega. More than anything, I longed for my body to move, not only to attack, but to cause pain, to kill. But something stopped me. Blaze couldn't have killed a village full of people… could she?
Nega took advantage of the silence, “But seeing as you're so determined to join your little girlfriend… then so be it!”
I heard the same beaming sound headed towards me. I had already collapsed onto my knees and gazed at the floor with a pained expression. When the first beam and attempted to strike me, I was filled with blind panic and my stomach had writhed painfully. Now there was no feeling there at all.
Once again, the beam never hit. My eyes snapped open and gazed upwards, looking at the skinny physique and black furred form of Shadow the Hedgehog, his eyes narrowed in concentration. He appeared to be using some form of chaos to hold a shield up. A feeling of dread would have normally filled me at this point, but not at this moment in time. Reason being is that Amy seemed to stick to Shadow like a leech to attract my attention. Sure enough, I felt soft hands on my shoulders, trying to pull me to my feet.
“Sonic… you have to move!” Amy Rose's soft voice whispered frantically, “Shadow can only hold him off for so long…”
“No! Blaze is hurt!” I yelled; my mind on nothing else but my friend, “Blaze is hurt! We have to do something! And I don't care what you say!”
“I wasn't going to say anything!” Amy whispered desperately, “I have my mind on more important things at the moment!”
“Never mind,” Nega's spookily polite voice chuckled, “I've gotten my revenge. I have no more time to play games.”
“Crap!” I heard Shadow curse, as I could hear Nega fly away in his vehicle. My eyes squeezed themselves shut, then opened again, probably filled with rage, “GET BACK HERE NEGA!
He never did. He was already gone. I collapsed to the floor, and slammed my fist into the ground. Damn it. I knew it would happen. I knew I would one day let my friends down; because of my thoughts, my feelings. I had almost given into the passion that was `love' and a friend lay at my feet, bleeding to an inevitable death. If I had given in truly, I'm willing to bet all my friends would be dead.
Above all the others
We'll fly
This brings tears
To my eyes
I whipped around, tears still stinging my eyes as I saw Blaze there. She had never looked more the worst for wear. Her stomach was literally visible, a hole blown through her stomach. Her clothes were drenched in her own blood. She looked up at me with a weak smile, “You're okay…”
“I… I'm sorry… I… I let my guard down…” I told her sadly, tears streaming out of my eyes, “If I had just…”
I jumped slightly as her hand rested on mine, “Don't be sorry… I have no regrets…”
Every breath seemed to hurt her. Something stabbed at me from inside. It felt like I had done this to her. It felt like I was the one who caused this pain. And it was all because I didn't move out of the way of Nega's first beam. All because I let me guilt overcome me.
“I… I didn't know I… I never meant to…” Blaze mumbled, her eyes looking anywhere but at me, “I was a baby…”
I rested a hand on her chin, unable to bear this, “I know… I believe you…”
Shadow bent down besides Blaze, and gazed at her stomach with a long hard look, almost as if determining what could be done. When he looked at me and shook his head in a hopeless manner, that's when it hit me. Reality check had once again served it's truly evil purpose. Blaze was going to die. I shook my head, trying to will those five words out of my head. Maybe if I did that, it wouldn't happen. But it was happening; Blaze was going to die.
“Don't cry…” Blaze whispered, smiling slightly, despite all the pain she was suffering, “That's not the Sonic I know…”
I grabbed her hand as it tried to stroke my cheek, and held it close to my chest, planting a small kiss on it. I looked around to see Amy's reaction, and received a shock in that she merely shrugged it off. If anything, she seemed busy gazing at Shadow, almost as if she were out of place in this tragic scene.
“Never forget…” Blaze whispered, “I…”
Blaze looked like she was struggling to breathe; she clutched her chest with a look of contorted pain. I had known that the moment of her death was about to happen then and there in an instant, but refused to believe it.
“Love you…” Blaze finished, her hand going limp in mine. When I looked at Blaze's beautiful young face, I saw that her eyes had closed, all breathing had ceased, and when I checked her wrist, she had no pulse.
She was gone.
My sacrifice
It was a nice funeral, I know somehow that she would have loved it. It wasn't black, like most funerals, or in any way dark. It was a symbolic purple, much like her own fur colour. Those that didn't know her turned up anyway, to support Sonic more than anything. Cream seemed to cry endlessly, once or twice having to be led away by her mother, until it became too much for her and Tails had to take care of the young doe while Vanilla went to the bathroom accompanied by Vector the Crocodile, who was her shoulder to cry on. Tails had simply put his arm around Cream's shoulder and let her cry all over him.
Amy sat with Shadow, crying a little herself, and Shadow let her sob on him with a constant look of annoyance at having his chest fur soaked with salty tears. In the end he patted Amy on the shoulder and led her away for a drink to calm her.
Knuckles settled with Rouge in the corner of the room, the bat-girl looking vaguely bored. Knuckles had his arms folded in her company, looking sulky but passed her occasional sneaky glances, especially at her chest area. I knew that would eventually resolve in a slap.
The speech was nice. I was allowed to give it, seeing as I knew Blaze better than anybody, except maybe Cream but she was too young. I wanted to break down and cry. I nearly did. But I kept strong. Blaze told me not to cry. I would keep that promise and take it to the grave.
I told everyone about how brave she was. I told everyone how kind, caring and gentle she was beneath the stubborn, shy lone wolf barriers she put up as a front to stop others from hurting her. I told everyone how good a friend she was to me, how she would laugh at my corny jokes and argue with me about the silliest of things. I told them everything, except for the stuff about how I had considered being more than friends with her. That was private.
My sacrifice
The funeral ended a while later. Heading back to Tails' place for some food, I noticed Amy trying to get Shadow to carry her in bridal style and he was arguing with a hint of impatience. I'll bet he likes the idea of carrying her like a bride though. My mind was too damp to think about it.
Tails said he was sorry to me for my loss in an emotionless tone.
Cream burst into endless tears and asked why she had to go out the way she did.
Vanilla and Vector offered me my condolences, before the crocodile rushed out to return to his beloved Chaotix Detective Agency, where Espio was watching Charmy (I was thankful they didn't bring the bee child to the funeral).
Knuckles told me everything would turn out alright. Rouge had walked out without speaking to the echidna. Probably another row… I don't really care.
Shadow even walked over and we toasted Blaze.
Amy eventually walked over, a drink in hand. She slumped down next to me on the couch and took a large sip of orange juice.
“I know what you're thinking,” I told her shortly, “And the answer's no, I don't want to go out with you.”
“I wasn't going to ask that,” Amy frowned at me, “I was going to ask if you… never mind, it's none of my business.”
“No, I want to know,” I said, clearly not in the mood, but looking to spring my pain on someone, to lose control, “What were you going to ask.”
“I'm not being jealous before you assume I am,” Amy said in an offhand voice, “But I was wondering what was going on between you and Blaze.”
Not jealous? It sounded jealous to me, “None of your business,” I snapped.
“Look here, Sonic. Just because you lost Blaze doesn't mean you have the right to take it out on me,” Amy said darkly, “You know perfectly well Shadow and I are going out and-”
“Nice little cover-up that is,” I told her fiercely, “You're only going out with him to try and make me jealous. He's only going along with it because he likes to see me suffer.”
Amy looked at me and shrugged, “It was like that at first. I thought that if you saw me with someone, you'd flip out and I'd find out the truth at last. A truth I thought existed. I don't know if it exists now, and I don't care. Things changed for me and Shadow.”
I raised an eyebrow and inquired, “How so?”
“We did things,” Amy said, “Went on dates, spoke to each other. We did things you would never even think of doing with me. We connected. I'm not chasing you anymore. I have a new goal now.”
I tried to smile, “What's that?”
Amy smiled weakly and stroked my hand, “To get the guy to at least crack a smile. And who knows? Maybe we might become something more than friends.”
She looked at me with a sympathetic expression, “Sonic, don't worry. Blaze hasn't truly left you behind. She's alive in you as long as you remember and cherish her.”
The rest of the evening went along without many complications. When everyone left and Tails went to bed, I lay there in the guestroom, glad to be alone. I recalled Blaze sleeping here in this same bed. I stroked the pillow, trying to smell her, trying to search for some trace of her. It was very faint, but it soothed me. Maybe Amy was right. Maybe Blaze would always be with me if I let her like when she let me fight with her. I smiled weakly, moisture building up behind my eyes.
“Good night Blaze.”
I just want to
Say hello again
Nearly seven years had passed and it shocked everyone to see how much we'd all changed. I myself had grown a few inches more, my quills draped down my back at an even greater length, my eyes had grown darker, or so Knuckles says. I'm not really sure if I believe him.
I never thought I'd see the day when Tails got a girlfriend at long last. Cream visited him on a daily basis, now fourteen years of age and had developed a liking for cream cakes as well as getting messy fixing up the Tornado along with her two-tailed boyfriend. I wasn't allowed to make a comment about their relationship; Tails would always brandish his wrench when I did and give me threatening looks, though I knew deep down he was teasing.
Knuckles ended up allowing Rouge to move in with him on Angel Island and needless to say, I was gobsmacked when I found out about this. Rouge was a thief, and I was sure that Knuckles would have worked out that she might have pretended to like him to get the Master Emerald easier. But she didn't; Rouge appeared to have been genuine about it. She had meant it.
The biggest shock of all was when Shadow and Amy announced their engagement about a year ago. Their wedding day had passed today with flying colours.
It was nothing like the dull, mourning air of Blaze's funeral. The wedding seemed full of life and bright. Or it might have been Amy continuously laughing at Shadow, who didn't seem to understand the concept of weddings completely, but knew enough to know it was something for loved ones.
But when they got up that altar and swore to each other that they would love each other forever, before sharing a deep kiss, it hit me again. I had hoped that it would be me, gazing into Blaze's eyes, swearing myself to her forever and ever. But her death a few years back had changed everything. In all the time since it had happened, I had realized horribly that I had never once told her I loved her back. Not once.
As soon as the wedding ended, I knew what I had to do. I made up a garbled excuse to escape the reception, and streaked off. I think Amy knew what I was up to, not that I truly cared.
Soon enough, I skidded to a halt and smiled down weakly upon Blaze the Cat's gravestone.
“Hey there, Blaze.”
I just want to
Say hello again
I kneeled down beside the gravestone and picked a rose nearby, sniffing it and resting it in front of the grave. I leant a little closer and read it.
In honour of Blaze the Cat
Died 12-04-06
A friend, and a lover
Wait a minute, where did the `lover' part come from? Could she have been seeing someone other than me?
Then I realized; it was me it was referring to. I grumbled a little. Amy must have said something on the day we got her a new stone. Yet part of me couldn't help feeling a little grateful to her.
I took a deep breath, knowing that this had to be said, “I know I should have said this seven years ago, the moment you told me you loved me. Before you died, but I was scared. More so of love than of anything else. And it hurt me, ya know? But I'm going to say it now.”
I took a deep shuddering breath, “I love ya Blaze. Dead or not, that hasn't changed. I hope ya still love me too because I'll never stop loving ya.”
I lay there, waiting for a reaction. Even though she was dead, it felt like she was there. Alive in me, like Amy had said after her funeral. Somehow, at that moment, I knew she had heard me. And I knew she still loved me.
“Thanks Blaze… listen I gotta get back to Shadow and Amy's wedding reception, but I'll come see ya again real soon, okay?” I asked. Once again, I knew she had agreed.
“I'll see ya when I see ya Blaze…”
I sped off amongst the horizon, a fiery spirit never leaving my side and a whole weight off my mind.
I'm free. We both are.
My sacrifice
I suppose it's safe to say I've gone to a point where I'm neutral about the Sonlaze couple. I have no honest opinion on it anymore. That was all caused by looking at fanfiction and fan art of the couple… so I don't dislike the couple anymore, but I don't like it either.
Anyway, I got attacked by an idea when I was at college doing my Food Hygiene course (which only lasted two days) and it wouldn't leave me alone so I wrote this just to get rid of some extra inspiration. Plus I haven't written a good tragedy yet and I wanted to try one.
It's my first songfic since `Incredible' and I certainly do think this came out a lot better than the old cliché Sonamy songfic I wrote sometime last year. But I could have done better I think. So yes, I hope Sonlaze fans appreciate and enjoy this.
If it's rushed near the end, that'll be down to the fact that my dad was nagging me to get off the computer and it was very nearly done. It seemed messed up with the bold italics and stuff because I was rushed to get off as well. Sorry about that... sorry if it's OOC or anything as well...