Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ PART 1: Slave to crime ( Chapter 1 )
"New Life."
Written by: C. E. Rodriguez
Author's note: Welcome, my readers to a story told through Scotty's point of view, which means the crime fighter will be the narrator. It basically travels through his life when he was a criminal and how he changed. The title is taken from his theme song. Thanks, and enjoy the tale.
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PART 1: Slave to crime
I open my eyes in the middle of night. I thought it was all a dream, and I wish it was only a nightmare, but it was very real. The cold reminded me that I was homeless. I am only ten years old, trying to stay warm in a tree house, hidden somewhere in New Jersey. I lay in the only sleeping bag there, and my sister Sonya Violet was with me. I felt her shivering, and she snuggled closer to keep warm, asleep. At first I was blushing, nervous, and felt that I should leave, but I stayed. I remember what happened, and how we barely escaped to make it here, our only refuge. Let me tell you that I dislike robots, and find it hard to trust them because I saw them destroy my home in New York, they took my parents away from me, and they frightened my sister. Now we're alone. I led her here, and she trusted me like a lamb trust to follow a shepherd.
I close my eyes again, but my eyes could not rest. The pain of hunger was becoming more unbearable, and my sister was falling ill. She is all I have left now, and I must protect her. She needed food and medicine, but there was no way I could bring that to her…unless…
No, what am I thinking? Stealing is wrong. I know that. My thoughts were disturbed when Sonya wrapped an arm around me, and I gently stroked her head. Her fever was getting worse, and my strength was failing. I sadly sighed when I saw a tear on her cheek. She was silently weeping in her sleep again. My heart always felt pain when she cried, no matter where I was at the time. I felt the burden of responsibility takeover, and I kissed the tear away from her face. I loved her.
"Sony, I'll take care of you, no matter what the cost to me." I promised in a whisper.
Weakly, I climbed out of the warm sleeping bag, very careful not to wake Sonya up. She continued sleeping, and I felt relief. If she wakes up now, I will have to run to the pond again for water to cool her burning face. I slipped my sneakers on, took my blue backpack, and then I stood up. I stroked her soft black banged hair, and made sure she was covered to stay warm. Then I climbed outside to see the stars, but none were seen. Those clouds blinded them again, and it made me feel down. They reminded me of my horse Stardust, but I can't think about that now. Stardust was gone also, and I fear he is dead, or worse, a mindless machine. I shook my head, looked back at the tree house once more, and then I ran. New York was not far away from where I was, and so with my speed, I will get there in no time. Why was I going there? I don't know…
= = = = =
Location: New York City…
It is said that the strong survive in New York City by keeping their dreams alive, but I had no dreams. I only had nightmares, and Sonya was ill. I came again to that city, standing on a skyscraper for a good view of the place. The sight of it always stunned me, to see how large and powerful it is. I knew it had some weak points, and I was reminded of that when I heard a sound. It was police sirens wailing down a street. Crime seems to be a never-ending war, I thought. I watched the police car disappear, and then I looked toward the city again. I have tried finding a job in the city, any kind of work, but I was rejected again and again. Who would ever hire a homeless ten-year-old like me? I have tried, but I met with failure for too long. Then I made a hard decision that night. I knew a lot about that city and I found a store, which was closed. Slowly, I approached the locked door, and I felt heavy guilt overcome me like a flood.
"I can't do this," I whispered. "It's so wrong, and if I do it now, I'll never be the same."
I sat down with a sigh, covering my face in shame. When I looked down, I saw my backpack, and a red bandanna was tied on to it. The bandanna belonged to Sonya. She must have tied it on there. I buried my face in the bandanna, and I remembered how weak she was in her illness. What she needed was behind the door, and I finally stood up with a final decision. With a trembling hand, I broke the door open. Faster than the eye, I found a bottle of medicine, bread and soup, and I vanished before the police arrived. They never knew I was there, and I left no clues.
"I'm pretty good at this," I said, looking down at the stolen items. "I better get back."
I felt no guilt when I ran out of the city, and I was on my way back to the tree house. I thought of my iniquity as I traveled back. I knew there would be a price to pay. Darkness will takeover my life, danger will arise, sirens will be wailing behind me, searching for me, shadows of dark creatures will be my guide, my reign will be the night, but what's going to happen to me?
I did not stop for an answer, but I knew what I had become. I saw crime as a way of living, a way of survival. I knew I could not change as I felt my heart being filled with evil. It all happened so fast, and I can hardly explain what I felt, but I was born into something sinister that night. I opened my mind to it, accepting and welcoming it to come. I could not go back now, and I had entered another life. I could feel crime itself, and I was not afraid. It was my new, dark friend.
= = = = =
Location: New Jersey…
I felt safer when I returned to the only home I had then, and that was the tree house. I was careful with my surroundings. I made sure no one was following me, and I entered the woods. I soon found the tree house, and I silently climbed inside. I let my backpack down, and I saw that it was dawn. Morning was slowly peeking in through the window with golden light. Strange, I felt uncomfortable when I saw the light, and I turned away from it. I took the medicine from my backpack, and I came to Sonya. She was still asleep, and I gently shook her awake.
"Oh…Scotty?" She whispered weakly, and I helped her sit up. She was dizzy.
"Yeah, it's me," I told her softly. "Here, take this. It'll make you feel better."
Without asking questions, Sonya slowly drank it down, and I helped her. When she finished, she smiled with relief. Then she saw the food next to my backpack, and she looked at me, surprised.
"Where did you get that?" She asked, and I swallowed hard.
"In…in the city…" I answered, "I went to New York last night."
"All the way there, all by yourself?" Sonya asked, "Why, Scott?"
"I was…" I stopped, and she looked confused. "I was looking for a job again." I said.
"Oh, then you must have found one. You got some bread and soup, but what kind of a job?"
"Well, different kinds of jobs, whatever I can find, but don't worry about it."
"I won't, but I worry about you." Sonya said, and I felt my heart begin to ache.
"It's all right," I assured her, but it was a lie. "You can make breakfast, and I'll fetch water."
"Okay, but be careful out there." Sonya said, and I left the tree house, fighting tears.
I'm so glad she didn't see my watery eyes. What was happening? Something inside changed. I was no longer what I was, and I never will be again. I was trapped, helplessly trapped, and without hope. I ran to the pond, and no one was there. Why do I feel so heavy, so strange, so afraid all the sudden? I stole from the city, I lied to Sonya, and I was something else now.
"I'm a criminal…" I whispered, on my knees, and I shut my eyes tight.
How can I tell her? She would turn away from me, and she would never forgive me if she knew that I was a lawbreaker now. I shook my head, slapping my face to keep from crying. I don't want her to see that. I filled a bottle of water, and then I ran for the tree house. When I returned, Sonya shared some soup and bread with me, and to us, it was a feast for a king and queen. We have not eaten that well for weeks. I was glad to see Sonya in good health again, but inside of me; I felt emptiness and darkness. I hid my criminal life from Sonya, and she believed I had a job in the city somewhere, and in a way, I did, but it was truly the most evil job one could have.
= = = = =
Days became weeks, and I left for the city nightly, telling Sonya I had to go work. My crimes became more violent, easier to do, and I could outrun the police. I was soon feared in New York City in such a short time, and they called me the Master Thief, not knowing I was just a young one. Some called me the Son of Crime, Prince of Thieves, and the Master criminal of New York. I didn't care. I ignored what people said, and my heart was hardened with darkness. But sometimes, I didn't want to go to the city to do what I did. I fought it, but the darkness always won. Crime became my life, my drug, and I soon gave up on trying to fight it. I was lost. I lay in the sleeping bag, and I heard the call again. It was silent, but yet, I heard it. Crime is very powerful, I know that, and I tried to be still, but the silent calling increased in my mind.
"NO!!" I yelled, sitting up, sweating and breathing heavily.
Sonya sat up beside me. "Scotty, what's wrong?" She asked.
"I don't want to go," I said, shaking my head. "NO! No, I won't! Please, no! Stop!"
"Scotty!" Sonya yelled my name, gripping my shoulders, and she shook me awake.
Terrified, my eyes shot open, and I saw her. "Sonya…I…I…" I tried to tell.
"It's okay," Sonya whispered. "It was only a nightmare. You're safe now."
I sighed with relief, feeling dizzy, closed my eyes, and then I nodded.
"Are you all right?" Sonya asked, and I embraced her in a hug.
"Oh, Sony, I'm sorry…but I have to go," I told her. "I must work in the city."
"No, you worked too hard lately," Sonya said, "Look at yourself. You're so tired, you wake up with these nightmares, and you hardly sleep at all. I'm worried about you. Please stay."
"I…I can't…" I whispered, and Sonya gently pushed me down. I was unable to fight.
"Don't think about it," she told me. "Just sleep, and relax. You really need rest."
I felt a sudden pain in my head, and I held it. As I feared, the pain only grew worse, and I sat up. "I must go now, I have to go," I said, and I climbed to my feet, shakily. "Bye, Sony." I said.
I took my backpack, and I didn't give Sonya a chance to say goodbye. I didn't want to hear it because I knew night was not a good time. To me, it was a ritual to commit crime.
= = = = =
It was a few nights later when it happened. I came back from the city, out of breath, and Sonya was awake, waiting for me. I noticed an upset look on her face, but I tried to ignore it.
"Scotty, where were you?" She asked, and her voice made me tremble.
I turned to face her, setting my backpack down. "I was…" I stopped when I saw her face.
"Scotty, don't try to hide it," she said. "I know you're wanted by the police!"
She threw a wanted poster down, which had a drawing of me, and a reward for my capture. It had only been a few weeks, and I was already a horrible threat, and now she knew of it.
"Why?" She sadly asked me.
"They will never catch me alive…." I said coldly in a whisper, glaring at the poster.
Sonya was shocked at my words. "Scotty! Please, stop the crime!" She cried.
I felt rage burn inside, and I didn't know why. I can't believe I yelled at her, but I did.
"I'm doing it to take care of you!" I yelled, clenching my fists tightly.
Then she yelled at me. "I don't want anything from you…you thief! You're filled with evil!"
I gave her a cold stare, and my ice blue eyes frightened her. "I don't have to listen to you! I am a thief, and nothing will ever change that! NOTHING!! Not even you!!" I yelled, pointing.
Then it surprised me to feel her hand slap my face, and she did so hard; I fell to the wooden floor of the tree house. I opened my eyes, and looked up at her, in shock. She was crying. Normally, I would want to comfort her, but something else told me to hit her back. I stood up to do so, but I fought it with all I had. Unable to face her, I quickly turned away, running with my backpack.
"Scotty!" I heard her voice call my name, weeping. "Scotty! Stop!"
I ignored her calls, I was careless of her feelings, and I never looked back. But the truth was, I was crying also. I felt ashamed, and I could not face her again. Alone, I entered New York City.