Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmare ❯ Chapter 5: All for nothing ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Meanwhile on the Firefly

"Ok, what just happened to Max he just vanished" Vector yelled "now what?"

The two team's looked at the main screen to see over one to two hundred Metallic's flying right for them.

"Oh great" Mighty screamed.

Suddenly out of nowhere 4 Drakon attack warships appeared and moved along side the Firefly.

But what shocked the others was that the ring of Mobius appeared on the bridge of the Firefly and out walked Max, Max turned his head to the direction of his team and the Chaotix crew.

Max walked up to the pilot seat and spoke to one of the Drakon warships, "Commander Ionic, tell all the Drakons ships to fire on the Metallic and destroy them"

The Drakons face appeared on the main screen, "this is Commander Ionic, I obey your command, Seraph"

Max looks at the others who were in shock, "Cool, uh" he replied.

"What's happening, son, the Drakons are helping us?" Laura asked.

"I'll tell you later, Mom" Max turned back to the screen, "Commander"

The main screen changed from the Metallic's being destroyed by Drakons ships to a red echidna.

"What on Mobius is going on?" replied the hot-headed echidna "and why are their Drakons here on Mobius"

Vector stepped into view "Knuckles, hi, uh sorry about this" Vector paused "but..."

Knuckles cut him off and turned to see Max who was in the background, "Hay hedgehog"

Max turned to look at the screen "Yah, what"

"Is this your doing" Knuckles asked, something was familiar about that hedgehog, (he looks a lot like Shadow) the echidna thought.


"I knew it" another voice yelled from behind Knuckles, the new voice pushed Knuckles aside and he stood looking at Max, the echidna was next to the pig.

"You're the leader of the Neo crew that I've heard a lot about," the pig asked.

Max looked at him and remembered, "Uh Yes, I am".

"I heard you took on Hammerhead's gang a couple of weeks ago " Porker replied to him, "that guy is not easy to take down " Porker said looking slightly confused at the white hedgehog.

"Well I had my team to help" Max then turned his head away and turned his attention back to the Drakons ships.

He then turned to Commander Ionic, whose face was on another screen, "Commander, could you move the ships away from the Island".

"By your command" Commander Ionic nodded, then the screen Drakon on turn black.

Max sighed deeply {Drakons} he through to himself, looked back at the image of Porker and Knuckles "may I come down and explain why the Drakons are here"

Knuckles moved Porker out of the away and shouted at the white hedgehog "you better"


The Firefly landed on the floating Island near the rebuilt city of the lost echidnas, the city's name was Echidnaopolis; this once great city was the hiding place where the Seven Chaos Emerald were placed, Max was the first to stepped out of the ship the others followed after him.

Knuckles and Porker were waiting for him.

"So you're the Guardian" Max said looking at the scarlet echidna as he walked up to him.

"And you are?" Knuckles asked

"Max Evelyn, Leader to the Neo Crew" Max pointed to Fearcat and Sugar.

Knuckles face slow turn pale as he notes the sword on the hedgehog's back "that, that sword" he said with a panic.

Max looked at him and then took the sword off this back "Yes this is the Amega Sword" then he took the black Emerald medallion from around his neck "and this is the Guardian Emerald".

"Knuckles, buddy are you ok" Mighty asked.

"Excuse me, but did you just say the Amega Sword and Guardian Emerald" the now totally shocked red echidna had turned and was returning into the Emerald chamber.

"Is he ok" Vector asked looking at Max, who just shrugged.

Max after placing the sword and medallion back, he started to follow after the echidna inside, the others soon found Max and Knuckles into the Echidna's library where scrolls, books and stone tablet's all around the place.

Knuckles then handed a old scroll to Max and Max started to read, it written in ancient echidna, Max looked up at Knuckles, then looked back that the scroll {I don't understand this but I can read ancient echidna} he through to himself.

Max didn't turn to the others; Max was looking at a scroll that Knuckles had just given to him, the others walked slowly up behind them.

"Max" Espio whispered stand not far away.

After a short time Max looked up at Knuckles again "I see what you main about this sword now " Max said "so Alva Ra, was the first Guardian to the Amega Sword and Guardian Emerald".

Knuckles looked carefully at Max, then noticed the sword on Max's back "So the legend has come full circle, your the first non echidna Guardian ".

Max didn't say a thing he just continued to look at the scroll in front of him, inside him he could feel the emotions change from being surprised, to anger, and finally to rage he frowned slightly, on the scroll it read:

(To who reads this? I am the Daughter of Goliath.

My name is Alva Ra; this scroll is for the eyes of the Protector of the Amega Sword and Guardian Emerald, only.

My mother `Lucine Ruin', her twin sister 'Eclipse Ruin' betrayed her to the Drakons, she had tried to destroy the Guardian Emerald, but it was not completely destroyed thanks to my mother, who scarified her self to stop her sister. I later found the emerald broken into two pieces, so I asked my father to forge the lager shared into a sword. The one who Wielders and Protector this emerald is powerful and must never touch the Chaos Emeralds, the reason for this is the Guardian Emerald's power is more then the seven's -} that last part of the scroll was lost.

Max placed the scroll back and stepped away "so this is my life now, I'm a Guardian"

Knuckles looked at Porker and the Chaotix crew "Max the life of a -" he couldn't finish as he hear a sound of metal on stone he turned to see one of the island's Guardian robots, "what is it doing here".

The lager head of the robot opened up and inside was a white echidna his right arm and right side of his face were robotic, "Oh, it's so nice to see you again" he said evilly.

"Zachary" Knuckles glowed.

"Who's this Zachary guy, Knuckles" Max said, Zachary immediately turned his attention to the hedgehog.

"And who are you" Zachary asked.

Max was about to say something when he felt a powerfully forces heading they way, Max turned completely around facing the other way, he drew his sword, that is when Zachary noticed the black blade.

"The Amega sword" Zachary shouted, biting his bottom lip, "no you can't be" Zachary looked closer at the white hedgehog "the Guardian of that sword is still alive".

Just then a damaged Metallic flew in and headed right at Max, Max had his back turned the metal thing, but something hit the Metallic away, Max turned his head to see the Guardian robot that Zachary was in, it had its right arm pointing up.

"Er, thanks" Max looked at the white echidna, "what did you mean by Guardian of that sword is still alive"

"Your sword, only one family can handle that power " Zachary said pointing to Max's back.

Knuckles looked back and forth between the two then shouted at the white echidna "great, now I bet you're going to say that this sword is yours".

"Shut up fool" Zachary yells at Knuckles "you have no understanding for the power that the hedgehog has"

"Leave Knuckles out of this, this sword is mine" Max added with his own anger.

Soon the echidna was in the middle of a full-blown fight, between Max and Zachary, Knuckles would of loved to see the evil echidna tore apart, but he just held the two apart.

"Will you two calm down?" Knuckles shouted at both of them.

Fearcat and Espio grabbed Max, while Vector and Mighty grabbed Zachary.

"I'll kill you" Max shouted, his eyes started to turn full red as if he was a demon.

"Not before I do" Zachary yelled back, then without warring, Zachary spat in Max in the face "your kind are unnatural" the white echidna shouted louder.

Max stood still in total silence, {my kind} Max watched Zachary as he tried very hard to get closer to kill him, {he's right the psychics of the Special Zone are different, but we are the once that will help Mobius in the end} Max relaxed, "I know, I'm different to you, but I and the others will return soon"

Zachary looked shocked "others, you mean the lost psychics are-".

Then the sound of jet engines was heard everyone stopped dead and turned and saw a metal red fox flying off with the Master Chaos Emerald.

"Master Emerald" Knuckles screamed and he started to run after the flying metal fox.

Max had his back turned from the other watched the metal fox flying off, Max then turned his attention to the other Chaos Emeralds lying on the floor, he slowly walked away from the others and up to the Emeralds, he bent down to touch the red Emerald, but he was stopped by a female voice that shouted "NO, DO NOT TOUCH THE EMERALDS", Max took a step back, but Zachary was behind him and Max fell forward and his left hand touched the red Emerald, he felt as if his body and mind were being tore apart Max screamed in pain.

The others all turned their heads to Max on his knees with his hands over his face and he was screaming in pain, Zachary ran out the chamber.

Laura ran up to Max, "son, are you ok," she asked.

Max uncovered his eyes, Laura was shocked to see them glowing a blood red, Max replied with a growl to her "what's happening to me, I feet like my mind is burning" Max stopped and put his hands back over his face.

Sugar who was the nearest to Max asked, "You'll be ok Max" she then turned to Knuckles "what's happening to him".

"I-I, don't know" Knuckles said staring at Max.

Espio broke his stair and said slowly "guys look the Red Chaos Emerald, it's on fire".

Knuckles started to walk up to the red emerald, he bent down about to pick it up, but something in his mind told him not too, turning to looked back at Max who now was sat on a rock, Knuckles asked Max "are you ok" all he got from Max was silence, Max had his hand over his face still, he also had his eyes closed.


In Max's mind he saw a female peach coloured echidna standing in a garden full of white and red roses, she turned to face him.

"Guardian your here" she spoke in a calm and smooth voice.

"I'm not the Guardian of the chaos Emeralds" Max said back to her.

"I do know" she said "you're a Guardian of a more powerful Emerald", the echidna looked away, Max followed her eyes, to what she was looking at.

What he saw shocked him; he saw all 5 lager Jews surrounding a giant black Emerald, Max slowly walked up to the Emeralds "the Guardian Emerald before-" Max turned to female echidna.

She walked up and stood next to him "Yes, long ago before my father wanted power, the Guardian Emerald was once in harmony with the Master Chaos Emerald and the other Master Jews, but after the Drakons stole the other Master Jews, the Echidna Empire through them lost so they never tried to returning the Master Jews to their true home that is far with the Special Zone, their true power has over time been forgotten" she said to him "Max please, never forget that "

Max nodded "I'll never forget"


Mighty was the first one to see the Metallic coming to attack, "guys out of the way".

Vector and Espio both jumped out of the blades of the metal fox's tail, Fearcat, Sugar and Rene moved, Sugar got hit by the red fox Metallic who knocking her out, Knuckles had to try and fight, Porker when and hid in some bushes.

The fox Metallic stood in front of Knuckles it's eyes glowing purple, "I am ordered by my master to kill you"

"Oh and who would that be, ROBOTNIK!!!!" Knuckles screamed in raged, he hit the fox robot with his arm, but the fox turned and with one hand hit the back of Knuckles head knocking him out.


Sometime had passed by when Max finally opened his eyes to see Knuckles and the others all lying on the ground, either unconscious or badly wounded. Max looked around for his family than he spotted Laura, she had a deep wound on her chest standing over her was a red robotic fox, who was laughing, Max felt like he was going to lose control by seeing his adopted mother hurt, he felt the power within him growing and then he exploded in a red fire, Max had totally lost control.

"You what to play, play with me you ***" Max yelled, Max lifted up of the ground floating and he dived at the metal fox with full force.

Knuckles sat up, he was half conscious at this time, he looked up to see the flip out Max.

The fox robot droned "YOU WITH DIE" and tried to do the same as it did to Knuckles.

"We'll see" Max yelled again this time more enraged by anger, he moved fast not by running, but by flying, Max tore off one of the robots arms clean off, then he hit the robot in the chest and head.

"Max" Knuckles said weakly, he watched in horror as hedgehog smashed both his hands into a red metal fox chest then its head.

Seconds after Max had totally destroyed the robot, breathing hard Max ran over to Laura and kneed next to her.

Laura weakly looked at Max "Max you used your powers".

"I know, I'm sorry, mom, come let's get you to a hospital".

"I'm sorry too, my son"


"I don't thing I'll be going to a hospital"

"Mom, don't leave me" Max was crying freely, he was holding her up off the ground, "I've only just found you" he cried again, "please stay" Espio and Rene were near him crying for their mother.

Laura looked up at her three children, she gave weak smile to him, she then spoke "I'll never leave you my children" her eyes slowly closed.

"MOTHER! NOO" the three cried.


After about an hour Max finally stood, "Fearcat" he asked.

"Yes Max" the cat said, he watched Max's eyes burn scarlet.

Max turned his head "I'm going to take the Firefly and take my revenge out on the one who built those Metallic".

"But Max" Sugar said try hard to clam him down "revenge is not the answer"

"You should listen to her," replied a smooth voice.

Knuckles turned to the blue plane that was near one of the buildings "Shadow" he called.

Sure in enough a black hedgehog with red in his quills, he was walking up to the heartbroken hedgehog.

Max was to anger and upset to look at him, Shadow walked up to Max and for a brief moment, he saw his pasted self in Max's eyes, "listen to her" he turned to Knuckles then back "I've learnt that revenge is not the answer".

Max blinked a few times he then closed his eyes and remembered what Sugar had said to him, Max then said without realizing it "is that all I am a weapon of death".

Shadow was slightly shocked by that replied, so he said something that to him made sentence "are we all not weapons of death for others order around".

Max opened his eyes and turned to face Shadow "you right"

"am I" said a stunned Shadow "I've been with that blue hedgehog to long"

"Yah, you are right" Max looked away and whispered "farewell mother" a single tear rolled down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away.

Fearcat walked over to Laura's still form.

Max looked at Espio and Rene "so all ties are broken, I'm no longer your brother".

Espio looked at him and said "Yes you are still my brother, will have mum lye next to dad's grave."

Max sighed and walked to them both "well it looks like the Chaotix Crew have the Neo Crew to back them up" Max then walked over to Vector and the two shock hands, "our two worlds are one again."

Knuckles walked up to them and said "make it three worlds, I know I don't speck for all of Mobius, but having any help from the psychic in the Special Zone is ok for me".

Max looked at the small group "hmm, I see the start of something new here."

The group turned and looked at the sun slowly setting "it would be amazing to see Mobius, Meridian and Dephius working together instead of apart".


The End.