Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Of Gems and Emeralds ❯ Bunnie's Agenda ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Cut To:

Int. Athair's Office

Bunnie was in a foul mood after what happened.

Bunnie: (frustrated) That son of a bitch!!

Bunnie knocks a chair over.

On Athair

Athair: Will you calm down?!

Bunnie: Calm down?

On Bunnie

Bunnie: That motherfucker got away from me again and that's the 6th time already! (grunts)

Athair: Oh, for christ's sake. Would you sit down before you fall down?

Bunnie: (sits down)

On Athair and Bunnie

Athair: Look, I don't know why you're so obsessed with getting this guy. Could it be that a thief robbed your home in knothole and took out your father?

Bunnie: Maybe it is. Ah told mah father that ah would neva give up on anything!

Athair: I see your point. But listen, you have got to control your instincts if you wanna catch the little fuckwad. Several minutes ago, you end of shooting and missing the guy, and knocked over a newspaper guy. You're lucky we're not in lawsuit for this shit.

Bunnie: (shakes head, sighs) This is bullshit, man.

Athair: I know. But you have to get it together if you wanna keep your job, okay?

Bunnie: (nods)

Athair: Alright!

(Knuckles entered)

On Knuckles

Knuckles: Sir, we got a terrorist activity taking place not far from here.

On Bunnie and Athair

Athair: Alright, get on it. (to bunnie) Are you ready?

Bunnie: (cocks gun) Hell yeah.

Cut To:


A huge terrorist activity was taking place as police cars and SWAT teams were there. The FBI wasn't there and the cops were pleased at that.

On Police Car

Bunnie got out a police car upon stopping as she walked up to a SWAT member.

Bunnie: How long has it been going on?

SWAT Member 1: A little over an hour, ma'am.

Bunnie: Any casualties?

SWAT Member 2: Two, ma'am.

Bunnie: Okay. Hand me a vest. Ah'm going in.

The SWAT member hands her a vest as bunnie puts it on.


Inside, Manic and Cyrus were the two hostages in the building as about 5 to 15 DL's were guarding the place. They were both gagged and tied-up.


About 5 DL's with body armor and armed with AK-47 and M16's were standing behind the front door.

On Bunnie

Bunnie, now armed with a rifle, and some SWAT teams were running towards the place as the DL's soon noticed but before they could aim and fire, they were taken down first by bunnie and the SWAT teams.

(SWAT teams shouting)

They all bursted in the building as bunnie didn't see the bomb or anything.

Bunnie: (to SWAT Member) Find the bomb! Ah'll do the hostages!

The SWAT teams does as told as bunnie went up the stairs. After 3 to 4 flights of stairs, bunnie finally made it up there almost gasping for air. She then saw a door opened as she quickly heard behind the door. A DL Echidna came out and was searching for who ever was up on the catwalk. It didn't take long for bunnie to come out and closed the door behind him. The DL Echinda turned before bunnie threw a right kick to his gun kicking it away. She then kicked him in the guts staggering him back. The DL Echidna took out an extra gun and before he could fire, bunnie aimed her gun and fired at the echidna's forehead splattering his brain an blood on the wall. The echidna fell dead as bunnie lowered her gun and continued through the door.

Int. Room

She entered the room to find four other DL's in there. She looked over their shoulders and was surprised to see manic and cyrus as the hostages.

Bunnie: (chuckles) Well, ah'll be damned!

DL Echidna: Drop the fucking gun or we'll kill them!

Bunnie: (paused) So. Kill 'em.

On Manic and Cyrus

Manic/Cyrus: (wide-eyed)

On DL Echidnas

DL Echidna 1: What?

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (puts gun back in pouch) Kill the motherfuckers, man. Matter of fact. Ungag the green dude right he-uh, sugah.

The first DL echidna went and ungagged manic who soon gasps for air.

Manic: What the fuck are you doin'?

On Bunnie

Bunnie: You got ya'llself into this bullshit, sugahog! (paused) And why are you he-uh anyway?

On Manic

Manic: We were heading to our house, right? And we had chance at this other diamond heist, right?

On Bunnie

Bunnie: Wait, wait, wait. You stole another diamond?

Manic: Not yet.

On Manic

Manic: These dick heads grabbed us when we were searching. We had no idea that the place was terrorized.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (scoffs) You know what? (takes out gun) Ah'm gonna kill him mahself. (to DL Echidnas) Step back.

On Manic and Cyrus

Manic: (shocked) What?! You can't be serious!

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (aims at him) Ah'm serious as fuck. You got me running out of gas on mah car, you got me runnin' and you escape from mah fuckin' hands. So ah think the only situation is to shoot ya'll balls off!

On Manic

Manic: Oh, please don't. I'm-I'm fucking begging you here.

Bunnie: Is that right?

Manic: Yeah. Matter of fact, let these motherfuckers kill me.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (paused) Let me think about that. (thinks) Hmm. Okay. (to DL Echidnas) Kill 'em.

The DL Echidnas were confused at first before they turned and aimed at manic and cyrus.

On Cyrus

Cyrus: (closed eyes tightly)

On Manic

Manic closed his eyes tightly before...


Manic was expect the worse before didn't feel anything. He opened his eyes to find the DL Echidnas dead on the grond of their own blood. He looked and saw bunnie putting her gun back in her pouch.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (approaches him) Gotcha going the-uh, haven't ah?

Bunnie cuts them down and ungags them both as soon as that happened, manic was in a fit.

Manic: What the fuck is wrong with you?!! You could've got me killed!

Cyrus: Same here!

Bunnie: If ah wanted you dead, ah would've did so a long time ago.

Manic: Is that right?

Bunnie: Yeah. Now-

(Intercom beeps)

Bunnie: (answers, on com) Yeah.

SWAT Member 1: (from com) We have a problem. The bomb can't be disarmed. The sons of bitches cut the wires before we got here.

Bunnie: (on com) How much time do we have?

SWAT member 1: (from com) 25 seconds.

Bunnie: (to manic and cyrus) Let get the fuck outta he-uh!!

Bunnie, Manic, and cyrus ran out the room, 4 flights downstairs and out the building.

On Bomb

The bomb was at one second before...

(Beep Beep)



The building exploded right behind bunnie, manic, and cyrus as they were flown in the air and hits the ground. Comcretes and stuff was hitting the ground as bunnie quickly got up and picks manic up. She soon walks up to s SWAT team.

Bunnie: (points to cyrus) Take care of him.

SWAT member 1: Yes, ma'am.

Bunnie drags manic to the police car, threw him in and drove away.

Int. Car

On Bunnie and Manic

Manic was handcuffed.

Bunnie: You ain't gettin' away from me this time, sugahog.

Manic: You know what? Every time you put me in the station, I'll manage to get away again and again.

Bunnie: (looks at him) You think you're fucking smarter than the average hedgehog, huh?

Manic: That's right.

Bunnie: Well, you're not! So, shut the fuck up.

Manic: Where are we going?

Bunnie: To a shop. Mah car's the-uh.

Ext. Car Shop

The police car was parked in front as bunnie and manic soon got out the car shop. Bunnie was pissed that her car wasn't ready yet.

Bunnie: Motherfuckers always late.

Bunnie leans her elbow on the hood of the cruiser.

Manic: Are you gonna let me go now?

Bunnie: (chuckles) You must think ah'm some sort of fool.

Manic: Sometimes but no. Now, come on. I got a job to do.

Bunnie: Doing what? Stealing again?

Manic: No, bringing them back.

Bunnie: (sarcastically) Oh, you've finally reformed. Good for you.

Manic: You wish. I'm taken it back to my boss.

Bunnie: Ya'll boss?

Manic: Yeah.

Bunnie then approaches him.

Bunnie: And who is this boss?

Manic: (paused) You have to shoot me before I tell anything to your ass.

Bunnie: (paused) Okay.

Bunnie took out her gun and aimed it at manic. It fired missing manic inches from his ears.

Manic: What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Bunnie: You said ah have to shoot you before you tell me anything.

Manic: I-I meant that shit literally.

Bunnie: Yeah, whateva. So tell me. Or do you want another bullet?

Manic: Look. Seroiusly, I can't tell you.

Bunnie: (aims at him)

Manic: (sees it) Alright, alright, alright! His name is kragok echidna.

Bunnie: Kragok, huh? (grabs manic) Well, let's not disappoint him, huh?

They got back in the car and drove off.

Cut To:

Int. Kragok's Office

(Wide Angle Over Kragok's Office)

Kragok was eating his ordered pizza when...

(Sojourer and Coconuts entered)

Kragok: (frustrated) That goes for eating too, you know!!

Sojourer: (salutes) Sorry, sir! But we have a problem!

Kragok: What now? (eats pizza)

On Sojourer and Coconuts

Coconuts: The plan backfired!

On Kragok

Kragok: What are you talking about?

On Sojourer and Coconuts

Sojourer: The members were going to raid the house for the gems and emeralds when those two idiots manic and cyrus came inside.

On Kragok

Kragok: (slams fist on table) What the hell were they doing there? I-I specifically told them to get the emeralds and gems they had!

On Sojourer

Sojourer: Yeah, but that's not all.

On Kragok

Kragok: There's more?

On Sojourer and Coconut

Coconuts: Yes. Apparently, a cop has been involved as well. The diamonds and gems were destroyed in the building.

On Kragok

Kragok: Fuck! (belches) Excuse me. What's the next location?

Sojourer: The station square embassy, sir.

Kragok: Get on it. (eats pizza)

On Sojourer and Coconut

Sojourer/Coconuts: (salutes) Yes, sir.

On Kragok

Kragok: And if that cop interferes again, take care of it!

On Sojourer and Coconut

Sojourer/Coconuts: (salutes) Yes, sir. (leaves)

Cut To:

Ext. House

We see a police car parked at a house. Manic and Bunnie was seen coming out the car.

Bunnie: You sure this is the place?

Manic: Why would I lie about some shit like that?

Bunnie: He-uh's a thought. Because you're a thief. Thieves lie, they cheat, and most importantly, they steal.

Manic: (stops her) Let me tell you something. Not all thieves lie, cheat or steal around here. Well, most thieves steal but lie and cheat, never.

Bunnie: Look, let's just get these he-uh gem and emeralds and take 'em to ya'll boss. And after this, we're gonna put you in a maximum security prison whe-uh you can't escape.

Manic: Hmph. Let's get this over with.

Bunnie: Gladly.

They approached the door as manic searched under a rug and took out an extra key. He then unlocks the door before he and bunnie entered.

Int. House

Bunnie looked inside the house as a TV was on showing a pornographic film. Since the TV was down, nothing can be heard but bunnie somewhat noticed it.

Bunnie: You a dog, you know that?

Manic: Hey, can I help it if I'm a one mobian lover?

Bunnie: (chuckles)

They were lead to the dining room as manic walked up to a cabinet where he opened it and took out a jewelry box.

Bunnie: Well, well, well.

Manic: It's good to be paid in full.

Manic opens the box as greenish and red light illuminated out of the box followed by bluish light.

Manic: Beautiful, isn't it?

Bunnie: (chuckles)


They were soon leaving the house and got in the car.

Int. Car

Manic: (sighs)

Bunnie: Now all we have to do is get this stuff to ya'll boss, put ya'll ass in jail and we'll be alright.

Manic: (sarcastically) Thanks.

Dispatcher: All units. Terrorist activity in progress at the station square embassy. 10-4.

Bunnie: (picks up intercom, on com) Ah'm on mah way. 10-4.

On Manic

Manic: (looks at her)

Bunnie: (puts intercom back)

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (noticed his look) What?

On Manic

Manic: You just said you were on your way.

On Bunnie and Manic

Bunnie: So.

Manic: Why you dragging me along?

Bunnie: Because ah'm not lettin' you off mah hands, sugah. That's 6 times you escaped from me. The 7th will be ya'll last because the next time ah find you, ah might kill you.

Manic: (sighs) You have got to be a stupid motherfucker to think up some shit like that. What have you got to gain by shooting me, huh? What's your agenda?

Bunnie: (paused, starts engines)


The car pulled out as it went right and drove on.

Int. Car

On Bunnie and Manic

Manic: Come on, bunnie. You know what I'm all about. You could at least tell me what you're all about.

Bunnie: Why the fuck would ah tell you? You wouldn't undastand.

Manic: Try me.

Bunnie: (sighs) About 5 years ago, me and mah father was suppose to go fishing.

Manic: Was this before you joined the force?

Bunnie: (nods) We were the-uh for 20 minutes. When we got back, someone was robbing our house. A petty thief...with a gun.

Manic: (shocked) What?


A thief pointed a gun at eric rabbit who had his hands up as well as bunnie did.

Bunnie: (V.O) All mah father was trying to do was be brave.

Eric started defending himself and his daughter before grabbing at the gun.

Bunnie: (V.O) Instead, it cost him his life.

The thief kneed eric to the ground breaking the hold on him. The thief aimed and shot through eric's head splattering his brains on the floor.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (shocked, tear-eyed)

Bunnie: (V.O) That moment changed me in ways ah couldn't imagine.

(Flashbacks Ends)

On Bunnie and Manic

Bunnie: After that, ah swore to apprehend, lock, or kill every thief in this city. That's when ah became a cop in the knothole division.

Manic: What about your suspension?

Bunnie: I, uh, was suspended because...(sighs) ah killed a thief out of anger. Ah couldn't bare it after what happened. They had a right to suspend me, though.

Manic: My god. No wonder.

Bunnie: That's when athair called me about you. Ah encountered you before about 5 times in Station square. You heard of mah suspension so you decided to have payback.

Manic: Not payback. It was a job I had to do.

Bunnie: And you've been serving this kragok for what, 4 years? 5 years?

Manic: (nods) 5.

Bunnie: (nods)