Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, but I already have ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Do NOT read on if you are under the age of 17 or not mature enough to read something like this and puke all over your keyboard. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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“Ow! Why the hell did you do that?! That fuckin' hurt!” Sonic screamed, holding his right foot in his hands, hopping around, blood spurting out from his dismembered toe.
“Trust me… You haven't felt pain, faker…” Shadow turned and stalked off away from Sonic, who was still staggering around, one of his toes cut off. “What did I tell you would happen the next time you got in my way? You deserved more, but I decided to let you off easy… this time.”
“Yeah, well… Fuck you, too.” Hell, I'd like to… Sonic finally found an old box to sit on, but since they were in an alley, it was dirty and about ready to break.
“You'd better run off to your girlfriend to have her fix that.” A voice from above said; Sonic looked up and saw a familiar red echidna smirking down at him.
“She is not my girlfriend!” Sonic said through gritted teeth. “Doesn't Shadow have anything better to do than to taunt me all the time?”
“He doesn't do it to just you, ya know. He does it to everyone. You know his problem… He's always trying to be tough, but it never works the way he wants, so he has to threaten to feel powerful… But I'll say one thing: it works.”
“That's the truth. But, anyway, help me up. I gotta get Amy to get this fixed…”
“Now, you see? That's your problem.” He said, jumping down from his stand to sit next to Sonic. “You are afraid of commitment. Sure, you're a free spirit, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind you running off once in a while. She loves you, ya know. In fact, everyone does, it's no secret. Who knows, you might enjoy it…”
“Shut the hell up, Knuckles. What did I tell you? I have no interest in Amy… at all. She's just another chick that gets in the way…”
“Now you're starting to sound like Shadow. We know you love her… It's just a matter of time before you actually realize it…”
“I don't love her… I admit, I do `like' someone, but it wouldn't and couldn't go anywhere further than an acquaintance…”
“Who is it?” Knuckles asked, raising an eyebrow. “Do I know this person, whoever she may be?”
“Uhh… Yeah, sure, whatever…”
“Wait a minute… Is it who I think it is?”
“That depends… Who do you think it is?”
“It better not be Rouge, cuz I'll kill you if it is!”
“Don't worry… I would never dream… Well, I shouldn't say that… But don't worry, it's not Rouge.”
“Well who is it then?!” Knuckles pleaded, sounding a bit frustrated.
“I can't say… It's way too embarrassing, and you probably wouldn't believe me…”
“Well, whatever then. I'm done trying to make you talk.”
“Good. Now, can we go? I'm dying here.”
“Oh, you're such a wuss, c'mon.”
So they got up and started walking down the alleyway, Sonic still thinking about `you-know-who.' Knuckles saw he was thinking hard about something, seeing the somewhat blank expression on his face.
“What's up, Sonic? You seem lost…”
“Huh…? Oh, no, I'm just… Thinking…” And he was thinking, but about something he would never tell anyone; he almost couldn't believe it himself. He trudged on, pondering, what would happen if he did tell Knuckles the truth? That the person he was thinking about wasn't a girl, but someone very familiar, yet so incredibly wrong, that he himself didn't want to think it true.
What did Shadow have that possessed Sonic to like, maybe even love him? Was it his shapely form, his highlights on his quills, his muscular body, his chest fur?
Sonic groaned; just thinking about him made it impossible for him to stand on his own two feet. He toppled to the ground, head clouded with shadows. Knuckles, of course, completely unaware of Sonic's infatuation with the raven hedgehog, thought he was in pain because of his toe. He knelt down and helped him up, draping his arm over the Blue Blur's shoulders for leverage.
“Come on, we gotta get you to Amy…”
Knuckles hobbled down the alley and off to Amy's house, which, lucky for Sonic, wasn't that far away. Sonic's eyes glazed over, this time because of the now missing toe.
“I hope I'll still be able to run…” Sonic moaned.
“We'll find that out once we get to Amy's.” Knuckles brought Sonic up the driveway of Amy's house and she bolted out of the front door to grab Sonic.
“Thank you Knuckles, I'll take it from here…”
“I said `I'll take it from here.'” She said through gritted teeth. She dragged Sonic inside as Knuckles turned away from the door. “Ok, here ya go.” She set him down on the couch and grabbed a couple of cotton balls and some hydrogen peroxide from her already ready First Aid Kit. “Would you hold still?”
“Ah! That shit burns!”
“Trust me, it's better than the alcohol, which is what's coming next.”
“Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!” he screamed as she poured some rubbing alcohol on it. Then she put a gauze pad on that and wrapped it up; it was no use trying to stitch it.
“There… All better… Sonic… You look weird… Is everything ok?”
“Well… I've met someone Amy. I really like this person…”
“Oh, I see.”
“You know this person, Amy, very well. I love h-“
“Oh my gosh! I love you, too, Sonic!” she screamed, jumping on top of him.
“What? No! Not you! I mean, well, it's hard for me to explain… I like, maybe even love… Shadow…” he murmured Shadow's name.
“I love Shadow, alright? There… Glad I told someone. I had to get it off my chest. There, it's out in the open, I said it.”
“Oh… OH! You love SHADOW?! Of all people and sexes… SHADOW?! Why?!”
“Shh… Someone'll hear you, Amy, geez. I don't want the whole world to know.”
“Sorry, but… Really?”
“Yeah… And I've had other thoughts about him, too… Like… Well, I'm not gonna go into details…”
“No, please don't… Well, if that's what you want… I can't stop you.”
“Thanks for being so understanding, Ames. I owe ya.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
Shadow stood against Amy's house, shuddering. “That faker loves me?” he whispered to no one. He felt himself get hot between the legs. “No, this can't be happening. I don't love that damned hedgehog; hell, I don't even like him. But… He does have a nice ass… No! Shut up! I will not be fooled into this, no matter how pleasurable it seems.”
He dashed around the corner as the back door to Amy's house opened.
“Do you think I'll be able to run anymore, Ames?”
“I don't know. It's hard to say… Give it at least 4 days. You'll come around…”
“Ok, thanks. Oh, and remember… It's our secret…”
“Right. Bye!” Amy closed the door again.
Sonic turned the corner and bumped right into Shadow, who had been listening the whole time. “Whoa, watch where you're… Huh?! Shadow?! I, uh…”
“Stop stuttering, faker. I heard you in there with Amy. What's this nonsense you speak of?”
“What nonsense? What d'you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about.”
“Oh, yes you do.” Shadow inched closer until their lips were a breath apart. “I think you do indeed.” He pressed his lips against Sonic's and moaned softly, bringing his hands around his waist, pulling him closer.
Sonic moaned along with him, happy in a way that was entirely wrong. He got hot between the legs and would've taken Shadow right there if they hadn't been outside in broad daylight and if Shadow hadn't broken off when he did.
“I'll see you tonight… If you can survive `til then, hedgehog.” With that, Shadow turned and sped off in the opposite direction, leaving Sonic staring after him.
What was all that? What does he mean `see you tonight, if you survive?' He's very odd… But he's so hot…
Sonic staggered drunkenly off towards his own house. It would take a while, seeing as how he couldn't run, so he began thinking.
Shadow kissed me. And not just a peck on the lips either. It was full blown kissing. What's gotten into him? Did he really hear mine and Amy's conversation about him? He had to, though. He knew stuff he wouldn't have known without hearing… But what strikes me as odd, is that he kissed me, not the other way around. Does he love me, too? Or does he just want to make me mad and think that he can manipulate me because of my weak state? I don't understand that hedgehog, but then again, no one does. I don't think he himself understands him… Odd…
While he was pondering all of this, he didn't realize he was being watched by the certain ebony hedgie. His ruby red eyes following the cobalt hedgehog's form closely, watching him almost trip and fall and chuckling as he did.
It was around 7 o'clock pm now, and getting darker by the minute. Shadow loved the darkness and could easily blend in with his surroundings. He took another step closer to follow and stepped on a twig, which broke and made Sonic spin around, fists raised.
Shadow ran up behind the enraged hedgehog and whispered, “There's no use in trying to fight me. You'd never win.”
“Oh, it's you… I thought you were someone else…”
“Uh-huh. Sure ya did. Now, are you gonna go home or am I gonna have to kill you before you take another step further?”
“Pfft. You don't scare me, Shad.”
What?” he said through gritted teeth. He took his gun out and placed it in the small of Sonic's back. “You wanna prove that theory?”
“Yeah, right.”
Shadow removed the gun, but didn't stow it away. Sonic turned around and he placed the gun to the side of his head. “And never call me `Shad.'” He said, taking the gun down and putting it away.
“Why not… `Shad?'”
“You sure know how to piss me off.”
“And you sure know how to turn me on…”
Shadow glared at him for a minute then grabbed his arms and forced his lips onto Sonic's, jamming his tongue into his mouth. He tightened his grip around his arms as he went deeper and deeper with the kiss.
They stood there for about two minutes, tongues dancing in each other's mouths, the sexual tension boiling between them. Shadow finally broke off and let go of Sonic's arms.
Sonic was panting when he said, “You, uh, wanna go back to my place…?”
“Sure, why the hell not.” Shadow shrugged and ran off towards Sonic's house, leaving Sonic in his dust.
“Well, that's nice. Just leave me hangin'.”
“Technically, you're standing.” A voice from behind said. Sonic whipped around to see Knuckles looking awestruck at him. “What the hell was that mess?”
“How long have you been there?”
“Long enough.”
“Obviously. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a, er, date to get to… Yeah, let's call it that…”
“Well, you have fun with that. Don't come cryin' to me tomorrow when both your toe and your ass are killing you…”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
“Your ass…” Knuckles shrugged his shoulders and stalked off.
“This never happened!”
“Whatever!” Knuckles waved a hand over his shoulder.
Sonic got back to his house at around 7:15 to see Shadow already on the couch, watching TV.
“It's about damn time. What the hell took you so long? Oh, lemme guess, your toe?” he asked, rolling his eyes. “You always were a wuss.”
“And you were always an asshole.”
“Watch you mouth, faker. I don't take shit from simpletons like you.”
“Obviously ya do.”
Shadow jumped up from the couch and darted towards Sonic. He picked him up and threw him onto the couch, jumping on top of him. He pressed his lips onto his and ripped his gloves off; then he took Sonic's gloves off. He kicked off his own shoes as Sonic kicked off his one, since the gauze was on the other.
Shadow took his ungloved hands and trailed Sonic's body, from his chest, to his abdomen, to his midsection. Sonic gasped and jumped a little as Shadow pulled the Blur's penis from his fur. He started stroking it, erecting moans of pleasure from Sonic.
Shadow then pulled his own penis from his fur and started rubbing it. He unhooked his lips from Sonic's as he slowly and carefully moved down to his throbbing member. He teased the top with his tongue; Sonic, obviously enjoying this, started moaning.
Finally, to Sonic's relief, Shadow took the whole length into his mouth and started bobbing up and down on it. Sonic arched his back and moaned louder than ever as Shadow continued with his blow-job.
“Shadow… I'm gonna… I'm gonna… Ahhh!” Sonic screamed as he shot his load into Shadow's mouth. Shadow let it all come out and swallowed it all. Then he knelt down and positioned himself in front of Sonic's hole.
“Sonic, I'm not stopping. Don't try to plead your way out, because there's no turning back. It's gonna hurt.
“Just go…” Sonic snapped his eyes shut really hard and prayed for the worst to be over fast. He wailed as Shadow entered him, but got used to it after about 4 pushes, in and out. Shadow got faster every minute they were at it, until he got to a fast, steady pace. He grunted every time he went in and out.
“Oooh… Shadow… That feels so… good… Go… faster…” Sonic pleaded, in between pants.
Shadow sped up a bit and erected more moans from Sonic and himself. “Argh… Sonic… I'm gonna… Ahhh!” Shadow shot his load up Sonic's ass as Sonic shot off another all over himself, Shadow, and the couch.
Shadow pulled out and lay limp on top of Sonic on the now ruined couch. “Shadow… I think I love you…”
“Don't fuck with me, faker.”
“Oh, but I already have.” Sonic replied smirking.
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A/N: Yeah, this is my first attempt at a sonadow... I like that pairing, though my friend doesn't seem to think it's natural... w/e lol I like it, and that's what counts, right? Oh well, R&R please!