Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Omochao and Eggchild take over the world again! ❯ Eee! New story!!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



{Today we find our heroes lounging around in Sonic and Tails house in the Mystic ruins, blissfully un-aware that insanity is about to engulf them}

KNUCKLES:" Ok, I have a question for you Tails"

TAILS:" What is it?"

KNUCKLES:" Why are you dressed up as an old woman, sitting in a rocking chair and knitting a scarf?"

TAILS:" Well this is what I do to relax you moron"

KNUCKLES:"……Good answer"

SHADOW:" I also have a question for Sonic"

SONIC:" Yeah?"

SHADOW:" Why are you sitting next to me on this couch with your head resting on my lap?"

SONIC:" Because I like to tempt death on a regular basis"

SHADOW:" Oh, alright…….GET THE HELL OFF ME!".

{Sonic screams like a girl and jumps on Knuckles}

KNUCKLES: >___<;;

{Knuckles punches Sonic in the face and knocks him out}

ROUGE: {Sighs} "I'm surrounded by idiots"

{Omochao and Metal Sonic appear}

METAL SONIC:" Crap! I'm gonna be stuck with this freak for the rest of the story, aren't I?"


{Metal Sonic starts crying and Sonic wakes up}

SONIC: O-o "AH! No! Not Omochao!!"

OMOCHAO:" Hi, I'm Omochao! And I'm here to tell you that Eggchild is gaining power and wishes to have revenge on all you poor un-suspecting fools….damm! I said that out loud! Now your gonna suspect something!"

{Omochao and Metal Sonic vanish}

ALL: O_o

SONIC:" Sometimes, don't you wish that one day, sometime in the future, that you might perhaps have the heart of a Lion?"

ALL: O_o;;;;;;


SONIC:" Or perhaps just the soul of a Lion, then you can go around eating meat and getting free popcorn"

ROUGE:" For gods sake Sonic, just shut up!"

{Meanwhile in the magical world of Narnia}

EGGMAN:" What are we doing here?"

{Oh, sorry, meanwhile in Eggman's secret base}

OMOCHAO:" Hi Eggchild, what ya doing dude?"

EGGMAN:" Er, I'm making a new plan for world domination, Rasputin! Read out the plan so far!"

RASPUTIN: ^___^ "OK!!!!"

ALL: O__o;;

RASPUTIN:" Ah hem, the plan so far is to get a big boat, sail into the ocean, un-leash a plague on the world, and sit there laughing while playing football with the Chaos Emeralds"

THE DOG MAN:"……That's a crap plan! WOOF! WOOF!"

THE WOLVES OF WINTER:" Can we have some bones?"

EGGMAN:" NO! Anyway, I didn't come up with the plan, the Chao Dr did!"

CHAO DR:" Hehehe, oh no! This is terrible………..this Chao is perfectly healthy!"


MR. CRYSTAL PENGUIN:" AH! Ice Mice everywhere!!!"

EGGMAN: OO; "Ok, I think we need to think of a new plan….."

{Meanwhile back with the Sonic gang}

ROUGE:" Wanna make out?"


{Knuckles and Rouge start making out}

AMY:" Hi guys!"

SONIC: Oo "Wha! Where'd you come from!?"

AMY:" The magical world of Narnia! They make good bread there!"

SHADOW:" Er, alright, what do you want?"

AMY:" We should go find Eggman"

TAILS:"…..Why again? We just finished with him"

AMY:" Yes, but now he's planing for world domination"

SONIC:" Wasn't he before?"

AMY:" Bye, bye!"

{Amy vanishes}

SHADOW: 0o " Er….Anyone feel like going to the beach?"


SHADOW:"……..Is that a yes then?"

SONIC:" Yuppers!"

End of chapter one!!!

What do you think so far?

Next time Sonic and friends will go to the beach!

Bye, bye! ^_^