Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Omochao and Eggchild take over the world! Wheeee!! ❯ Argh! Randomness! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


SHADOW:" Hello mortals, and welcome to a very plotless and pointless-"

SONIC:" Hey Shadsy, what's going on?"

SHADOW:" Shut your face moron! And don't call me Shadsy!"

{Sonic bursts into tears and floods a small country}

SHEEP:" Baaaa!"

CAT:" Meow!"

OMOCHAO:" Red sky at night, Badgers delight, red sky in morning, Panthers are pawing!"

EGGMAN:" Bwahaha! I'll destroy the world….again!"

TAILS:" You've never destroyed it before idiot!"

{Tails punches Eggman in the face}

EGGMAN:" Whaaa! Eggy got a boo-boo!"

OMOCHAO:" Young Dolphins heal your pain!"

EGGMAN:" Really?"

OMOCHAO:" Of course not, child of the egg!"

ALL: O_o;;

KNUCKLES:" Master emerald here I come!"

{Knuckles jumps into the sea}

OMOCHAO:" To save all the coconuts, turn into a Badger and fly to the moon!"

{Tails throws Omochao off a cliff}

OMOCHAO:" Bye-bye!"

SHADOW:" ARGH!! Head rush! Wheeee!!!"

{Shadow starts pawing at the ground and hissing}

SONIC:" I like pie"

ALL:" ……."

OMOCHAO:" To learn the secret of life, shoot Amy in the head with the Banana gun!"

ROUGE:" Got milk?"

COW:" Moooo!"

OMOCHAO:" Eggs and milk make good poisons!"

EGGMAN:" Instead of destroying the world, I'm going to destroy the sun!"

AMY:" Wheeee! I have gills!"

SHADOW:" A swift death to all who oppose me"

OMOCHAO:" Paper Animals taste nice when dipped in pesticide!"

BIG:" Duuuuh, Froggy?"

FROGGY:" ……Ribit"

TAILS:" Oh no! I've lost my way, god help us all!"

SONIC:" I run fast! Faster than all you turnips!"

TURNIPS:" I second that! Snick snack snick snack!"

KNUCKLES:" Rockstar ate my Hamster, then Chaos ate my homework!"

CHAOS:" Sorry guv'"

OMOCHAO:" To restore the Alligator creature, rub three sticks together and pray for a quick death!"

ROUGE:" Amy's an idiot, I say we kill her Mr.Gibbles"

MR. GIBBLES:" I canny believe it captain, the pieces have all fallen apart!"


AMY:" Did somebody say `lets all blow things up?'"

ALL: O_O "Er, no"

AMY:" Oh, ok then"

{Amy flies away on a Goat}

OMOCHAO:" To produce enough grain to sustain a small Gerbil, plant some grain and watch it grow!"

TAILS:" Avoid the termites young Gerald!"

SONIC:" Millions of peaches, peaches for me!"

KNUCKLES:" Lets get ready to rumble!"

SHADOW:" I can't believe I'm stuck with these retards, can you Omochao?"

OMOCHAO:" A friend in the hand is worth two in the bag!"


EGGMAN:" But mummy, I don't wanna kill the Ducklings, their to cuuuuute!!!"

BIG:" Duuuuh, oh, I forgot…"

ROUGE:" Hehehe, I ate Froggy, oh no, it was infected!"

OMOCHAO:" To avoid life threatening infections, simply eat a vat of hot liquid drug!"

TAILS:" For gods sake, get the line right!"

SONIC:" Sorry, oh, er, I broke my foot…."



KNUCKLES:" I thought you got eaten?"

FROGGY:" Never ask that question"

ALL:" …..?"

OMOCHAO:" To rule the world, become friends with the lock Ness monster!"

EGGMAN:" YES! The world will now be mine!!"

{Eggman runs away to Scotland}


SHADOW:" Bow down to my greatness slaves! I'm going to take over the world, not

Eggman!" "

FANGIRLS:" YAAAAH!!! All hail king Shadow!!"


OMOCHAO:" To stop Shadow from taking over the world, simply give Big a swift beating!"

ALL:" Yah!"

{Everyone beats up Big, and throws him into the sea}

LOCK NESS MONSTER:" Ohhh yummy food!" {Eats Big}

BIG: x_x

{Eggman suddenly comes flying by in a big air ship and scoops the Lock Ness Monster up in a net}

EGGMAN:" BWAHAHAHA!! The world will be mine!!! YOSH!!!"

{Eggman flies away}

ALL: 0_o;;;

OMOCHAO:" To defeat Eggchild simply scream `in me power!' at the top of your voice!!!"


SONIC:" Oh no, we have to stop Eggchild, er, Eggman!"

ALL:" Yeah!"

OMOCHAO:" To find out what happens next, press 4, to find the films nearest you, press 7, to find the best death zone, press 6, to wait for the next chapter, sit down and start to cry!"