Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Operation Jealously ❯ Mission 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Operation Jealously
Mission 4: Infatuation, Shadow's Feelings
Sorry the last one was short. I wanted the save the good part(s) for later. XP
Amy had disappeared after she heard his words, but Shadow could sense her there, he knew she heard everything. He had managed to break free from Knuckles and Tails and ran off to find Amy. “Where's he going?” Tails asked. Rouge turned towards the direction Shadow had ran in. She smiled to herself, “She actually did it...”
“Did what?” Cream asked overhearing her. Rouge didn't answer; she just kept looking in on.
Amy was in the clearing facing the tree that Shadow was sitting under earlier. She could still hear his words in her head.
“Why do you care?!” Sonic yelled.
“Because unlike you, I actually CARE about Amy!” Shadow answered.
She knew this might happened, Rouge had warned her. She still loved Sonic... right? Or did she really fall for Shadow instead? Her mind was wondering, until she heard his voice. “Amy...”
She didn't bother to turn around she knew who it was, it was Shadow. “Shadow-kun.... did you.... did you mean all that?” Amy asked as she heard him approach her. When Shadow was close enough he placed his hands on her shoulder and turned Amy around to face him. Amy looked into his crimson red eyes as he spoke. “I meant everything... That faker doesn't deserve someone like you... and.... Rouge told me about your plan to get Sonic to like you...”
Amy looked down, “Damn that Rouge, she can never keep a secret. No jewels for her!” Amy thought. “But...” Shadow continued and Amy looked back at him, “But, that doesn't bother me because... I love you Amy Rose.”
Rouge had warned her that it would happen, ever since that day at the hot springs. Amy thought for a moment then smiled, “I love you too Shadow...” she said and hugged him, he hugged her back. Amy then pressed her lips against his. Shadow was stunned for a moment, but that soon wore off when he found himself kissing her back.
-Somewhere in Lost Jungle-
“Where did that asshole of a hedgehog go?!” Sonic yelled. “He went after Amy, DUH!” Rouge answered. “YOU shut up!”
“GUYS KNOCK IT OFF!” Tails yelled, “Jeez, sometimes you guys fight like all of you are married!”
“Who would have thought...?” Knuckles said.
“Who would have thought what?” Sonic asked.
“Isn't it obvious?” Rouge asked.
“Isn't what obvious?”
“Duh, Shadow's in love with Amy?”
“He is not!”
“Jealous are we?”
“I think you are.”
“Rouge, stop provoking Sonic-kun!”
“It's not MY fault he's too stupid too see the obvious!”
“Why you....”
“I give up...” Tails said.
“`Bout time.” Knuckles said.
-The Clearing-
After about five more beautiful minutes of kissing Amy and Shadow decided to stop and catch their breaths. “That was...... fun.....” Amy said. “Yup....” Shadow said. “Shadow-chan, how long did you know about my plan?”
“Ever since Rouge pushed you off the platform in Grand Metropolis.”
“WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me?!”
“Why didn't you tell me about `Operation Jealously'?”
Shadow grinned at her. “Shadow-chan you're so mean!”
“Where'd this `Shadow-chan' come from?”
“That's my new name for you!” Amy grabbed Shadow's hand, “Come one, everyone's probably wondering where we are.”
When they returned they saw Rouge fighting with Sonic. “You're so stupid Sonic!” Rouge yelled and did a jump kick which Sonic dodged. Sonic picked up a giant rock, “He doesn't love her!” Sonic yelled. “What are you talking about faker?” Shadow asked. “Shadow!?” Sonic exclaimed and dropped the rock which fell on his foot. Sonic let out a very high pitched scream, “DAMMIT!”
“Again, what are you talking about?”
“You can't have Amy!”
“And why not?”
“Who would want a faker like you?!”
“Amy, duh!” Rouge said. Amy blushed.
“Leave Sonic-kun alone!” Tails yelled.
“You stay out of it Fox boy!” Shadow yelled.
“Don't yell at my friend!” Knuckles exclaimed.
“Go to Hell!” Rouge yelled.
“Screw you!”
“Get out of our way!” Omega said.
“MAKE US!” Team Sonic exclaimed.
“WE WILL!” Team Dark yelled.
“Stay away from Amy faker!” Sonic yelled.
“You can kiss my black ass!” Shadow yelled.
“How about I stick my foot up your ass instead!?”
While Team Sonic and Team Dark were fighting, Team Rose was on the sidelines watching. “Should we just leave?” Cream asked covering her ears from the excessive cussing. “No. I have an idea.” Amy answered and jumped in front of Shadow and Sonic. “You know what? I'm tired of you two fighting. And you know what else? I love Shadow ok Sonic? And Shadow, I'm still going to be friends with Sonic, so you two will just have to deal with it! Now say sorry!”
There was a moment of silence between Sonic and Shadow until, “GO TO HELL SONIC!” Shadow yelled. “WHY DON'T YOU DO US A FAVOR AND GO FALL IN A DITCH!?” Sonic shouted. “THAT”S IT!” Amy yelled, “Now you two are gonna learn how to work together. So from now on Team Sonic, Dark, and Rose are joining forces!” She grabbed Sonic and Shadow's hands and put Sonic's on top of Shadow's and placed her own on Sonic's. “You CAN'T be serious...” Shadow said.
“Oh but I am Shadow-chan, I'm dead serious.”