Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Operation Jealously ❯ Mission 6 ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Operation Jealously
Mission 6: Infatuation, Sonic's Feelings
Later that night Sonic couldn't sleep. It wasn't the fact that ghost kept coming in and out of his room and Tails' constant screaming of `OH GOD SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!!' every time one came in his room. It was haunted house for God's sake. What did he expect? Friendly butterflies to fly in and out of his room? Sonic looked to his left to see that Shadow wasn't in the other bed. He knew exactly where he was, with Amy. “Dammit,” Sonic thought, “Why can't Shadow go die somewhere so I can have Amy to myself? What does she see in him anyway?” Then it hit him, “Maybe, maybe it's because he wasn't afraid to tell her like I am? Maybe I do deserve this... Still, Amy has to know how I feel...”
-Some Random Balcony-
“I wonder where Eggman is...” Amy said. “It doesn't matter,” Shadow said, “As long as we're together nothing else matters to me.”
“Awww Shadow-chan, but what about your memory and Maria?” Shadow was silent for what seemed like forever until, “Maria wouldn't want me to live in the past. She'd want me to move on, to live and love again.”
“Well you found the love part. Did you know it was Rouge who helped get us together? She said she only helped me with my plan because she wanted me to be with you. So all that stuff that happened was PLANED.”
“But it was all worth it right?”
Amy smiled, “Right!”
“And not all of it was planned.”
“Honto ni? Like what?”
“This...” With that Shadow kissed Amy. Amy was surprised at first because it wasn't the kisses she was use to. It was what Rouge called a `Hungry Kiss'. Shadow was exploring Amy's mouth, feeling it, tasting it. Could it be that Shadow was releasing the sexual stress that was continuously building up over the past years? Whatever the reason the kiss left Amy out of breath and speechless. Shadow couldn't help, but grin at her, “Didn't expect that didja Amy?”
Amy noticed him grinning at her, “You're so mean to me Shadow-chan!”
“You liked it.”
“Did not!”
“Then why didn't you pull away?”
“That's what I thought.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. Shadow then took the chance to kiss her the way he did a few minutes ago, but this time Amy returned the kiss with just as much force.
-Next Morning in the Dining Room-
Rouge was sitting at the table with a notepad in her hand and a pencil in the other. She started to check things off, “Help Amy with O.J. (Operation Jealously), check. Convince Amy to be with Shadow, check. Let Shad and Ames be alone a lot, check.” When she reached the bottom of the list she realized that she needed to do something else, “What's this? Get Master Emerald from Knuckles. Hmm...” she put `In Progress' on the side. “Rouge, did you make breakfast yet?” Sonic asked entering the dining room. “Yeah for me, if you want food either make it for damned self or wait for Amy to get up.”
“Why can't YOU do it?”
“Why should I?”
“You're already up and you obviously can cook.”
“So why don't you wait for Amy?”
“Because I don't want to?”
“What's wrong Sonic?”
“Why should I tell you?
“Because I'm the only one up at the moment and maybe I can help you.”
“Why do you want to help me?”
“You know, I'm not too sure myself. Now tell me.”
“If it'll make you shut up then fine. I'm thinking of leaving the team.”
“Nani yo?! Why?!”
“Because I can't stand seeing Amy and Shadow together! It makes me sick!”
“Well it IS kind of your fault Sonic. I mean all you did was run away and or ignore poor Amy.”
“I know...”
“And girls get tired of that sooner or later. All you can do now is be a really good friend to Amy and maybe patch things up with Shadow.”
“Like hell I will.”
“You can at least TRY. I know Shadow is kinda difficult to be around, but you're not very easy either. Try to understand Shadow before you start yelling and creating fights.”
Sonic got upset, “It's not ALL my fault you know!”
“I know that, but you're part of the problem!”
“Did you ever talk to Shadow like you're talking to me?”
“No, but I will if you want.”
“Feel better?”
“Good. Oh and don't quit on us. We need you more than anybody right now.”
With that Rouge got up from the table and left leaving Sonic by himself. Within 15 seconds Amy entered the room. “O hayou gozaimasu Sonic-kun!” she said cheerfully. “Hi Amy...” Amy's cheerfulness disappeared from her face, “What's wrong?”
“Amy, we need to talk.”
Amy sat next to him, “Ok. What's up?”
“Well I know you probably don't feel the same way, but... I love you.”
There was a very long uncomfortable silence until Amy spoke, “I love you to Sonic-kun, but just as far as best friends go.”
“Best friends?”
“After the way I treated you, you still consider me a friend?”
“Yup! I know I shouldn't, but I don't want to lose you as a friend. Besides when Shadow-chan's not around, who else is gonna save me from Eggman? No matter what you're still gonna be my little Blue Hero!”
Sonic smiled, “Thanks Ames.”
“Do me a favor?”
“Try to be a little nicer and more understanding to Shadow-chan. He's been through hell and I'd appreciate it if you did.”
“You know Rouge asked me to do the same thing?”
“Really? Well I asked Shadow to do the same thing. Now, who's hungry?!”
-Living Room-
Shadow was asleep on the couch because he was too tired to go back to his room and he was up all night with Amy. He would have slept all day if the sound of the annoying blue hedgehog hadn't of been screaming in his ears. “WAKE UP SHADOW!!!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!!!!” Sonic yelled. Shadow put a pillow over his head to block out the sound, “Go away Sonic.”
“Come on Shaddie! Get up!” Sonic got no response, “Ok Shadow I didn't want to do this, but...” He walked up to the couch and shoved Shadow off of it causing him to land on the floor with a thud. “What the hell Sonic?!” Shadow yelled half asleep, half up. “Get UP! Amy made breakfast!”
“So?! That doesn't mean you had to shove me off the damn couch!”
“Well if you woke the hell up when I told you to...”
“You YELLED in my damn ears! I'll be surprised if I can still hear properly!”
“You shouldn't have been up all night!”
Shadow would have responded if the sound of Amy's laughter hadn't of interrupted. “What's so funny?!” Shadow demanded. “YOU TWO!” Amy answered and fell over laughing. After calming down a bit she got up, “Ok, I'm done... now come on, the food's getting cold.”
-In the Dining Room-
“Amy?” Shadow asked. “What?” Amy said. “Why did you make sausage when you know I hate it?”
“Sonic wanted some.” Shadow looked at Sonic who was eating. “What? How am I supposed to know you don't like sausage?”
“Because it's nasty!”
“It is not! Bacon is nasty!”
“You take that back faker!”
“Make me!”
Amy sighed and sweat-dropped, “They'll never grow up or learn NOT TO fight....” she started to cry anime-style, “Why me Lord?”