Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sabrina's Adventure 3: The Journey of Sin ❯ Sabretooth's New Home ( Chapter 7 )
[ A - All Readers ]
Over in the Mystic Ruins,Sonic,Tails,Shadow,Sakura,Speedy,and Sabretooth were all fighting Sabre. They have been searching for over a month and found only six chaos emeralds.Sapphire was behind a bush,holding the six emeralds.She was crying. "If only mom were here,I miss her so much,why did she have to leave?" She continued hiding. Sonic and most of his friends were hurt from Sabre's powerful attacks,he was still holding the rainbow chaos emerald he took from Christina. Sabretooth,Sakura,and Speedy were now fighting the evil hedgehog. "You pathetic fools,don't you ever learn,you will never stop me! And now that I got rid of my pathetic sister,no one can stop me from destroyong the world!" Sonic,Shadow,and Tails were injured and couldn't help. Sabretooth punched Sabre,he didn't move,he just grinned evily,then he used his chaos powers to make a small energy ball,he shot it at Sabretooth's leg,he fell to the ground,screaming in pain,Sabre grinned and walked to him,he picked him up by the neck,choking him. "Look at you,saving the world,being with these weak mortals,you don't deserve to live,so I'm going to destroy you once and for all!" He trew Sabretooth to the ground very hard,the young fighter blacked out. Sakura and Speedy screamed. "Sabretooth,no!" Speedy growled and ran at Sabre,but he easily dodged the attack and punched him to the ground. Speedy's arm was broken,he could not get up. Sakura screamed. "No! Speedy!" Sakura got angry,but scared. Sabre grinned. "Now I have just one more pest to destroy,a little wimpy fox-girl!" Sakura heard that,she suddenly felt strange,she started forming a multi-colored arora around her body,her eyes turned an evil red glow. She spoke in a dark voice. "You will pay for what you have done!" She suddenly ran at Sabre at supersonic speed,Sabre gasped and jumped out of the way,but he suddenly got hit by a powerful swipe of Sakura's claws. Sabre backed away,he had deep gash marks on his arm.He clenched his fist and healed himself. He laughed evily. "Finally,I have a worthy opponent,you actually hit me." He suddenly ran at Sakura at light speed,he hit her with a swipe of his fist,she fell out of her rage and fell to the ground,unconsious. Sabre laughed evily,he suddenly heard a whimper from behind him,he walked over to a bush and pulled it out of the ground,revealing a scared Sapphire. Sabre grinned evily. "Well,it seems that I have one more to destroy,you pathetic little brat!" Sapphire screamed and started running away from him,holding the six chaos emeralds.Sabre ran after her. Sapphire was not fast enough to stay away. "Please,leave me alone,Sabre!" Sabre didn't listen,he caught up with her and grabbed her by the shirt.Sapphire dropped the chaos emeralds,Sabre grinned. "Now,are you hiding those from me? Nobody hides from me,now I'll destroy you once and for all!" He was about to shoot a energy ball at her. Suddenly,a bright flash of black light appeared behind him,a familiar voice spoke. "Sabre,you will not get away with this,you shall perish and return where you belong!" Suddenly,a yellow blur came out of the light,hitting Sabre,he flew to the other side of the forest. He quickly got back up. "No,it can't be her! I got rid of her!" The yellow figure caught Sapphire and put her down,when she got caught,she felt much stronger.She heard a familiar voice. "Sapphire,it's okay,I'm back." Sapphire perked up. "M-Mom?" The bright light disappeared,revealing Sabrina. Sapphire smiled and jumped into her arms,crying. "Mom,you're alive! I thought I would never see you again!" Sabrina smiled and petted her long quills,she had tears in her eyes,she hugged back. "I know,everything is going to be okay,I promise." Sapphire let go of her and stood up.Sabrina looked around and saw Sonic,Shadow,Tails injured on the ground,she also saw Sakura,Speedy,and Sabretooth injured as well. Sabrina ran to the adults first and used her healing powers to help them. She healed Shadow first,he slowly woke up. Sabrina smiled. "Shadow?" Shadow opened his eyes at the voice,he saw her sitting next to him.He sat up,he suddenly got hugged by Sabrina,he hugged back even tighter,he had tears in his eyes. "Sabrina,you're back! But how?" Sabrina let go of him. "It's a very long story,I'm so glad you're okay,I missed you so much!" She kissed Shadow,he closed his eyes and kissed back.They broke the kiss,Sabrina stood up and went to Sonic,she healed him quickly. Sonic slowly woke up,he saw her next to him,he sat up. "Sabrina,but you were put into the Master Emerald!" Sabrina smiled and helped him up. "I'll explain later,we need to stop Sabre!" Sonic nodded. Sabrina pulled out a blue gem. "Sonic,catch!" Sonic caught the blue gem and grinned. "Thanks,just what we needed!" Sabrina smiled and walked to Tails. She healed him,he quickly got up. "Sabrina,it's you. But I thought you disappeared!" Sabrina smiled and walked over to Sabretooth.She used her healing powers,he slowly got back up. "What? It's you,but how could you be back?" Sabrina helped him get back up,she then ran to Sonic and Shadow,Sapphire ran over and picked up the six chaos emeralds she dropped.She ran over to Sonic with them. "Sonic,here are the emeralds!" Sapphire gave the emeralds to Sonic.He looked to Shadow,they both nodded. "Ready to do this,Shadow?" Shadow grinned and nodded. They both walked away from Sapphire and Sabrina.Sapphire walked over to Speedy and Sakura,she used her returned powers to heal them.They both woke up and ran to Sabrina. Sonic and Shadow both clenched their fists,the seven chaos emeralds lifted off the ground and started spinning around them. Tails,Sabrina,Sabretooth,Sakura,and Speedy watched as the two heroes turned into Super Sonic and Super Shadow,there was a yellow arora surrounding them. Sabre ran at them,Super Sonic saw him and flew at him at light speed. Sabre growled. "You won't stop me,nobody can stop me,I will destroy you!" Sabre used his chaos powers to punch him,but Super Sonic used his super strength to stop his attack.Super Sonic grabbed Sabre's arm and threw him to the ground. Sabre got back up and healed himself. "Hm,it seems I have underestimated you. Looks like I have a challenge here!" Sabre was about to punch him again,but Super Shadow flew and tackled him,he flew at a boulder and crashed into it,Sabre became enraged. "You just made me angry,nobody likes it when I'm angry." He clenched his fist very tightly,he ran at Super Sonic and punched him,but the super powerful hedgehog blocked his attack easily. "I don't think so,you are too easy!" Super Sonic was gripping Sabre's arm,suddenly,a small ball formed on the tip of his finger,it was pointing at the golden hedgehog.Sabre laughed and shot the energy ball,it hit Super Sonic,he flew into the sky,he stopped and flew back at him. Sabre moved out of the way and punched Super Sonic. Sabre was about to kick him,but a yellow blur suddenly tackled him.He fell to the ground,he slowly got back up and growled. "Is there anything that can get rid of you?" Sabrina grinned. "No,but there are plenty of ways to get rid of you!" Sabrina dashed at him again,she used her chaos powers to punch him.He got hit and flew into a tree,the tree broke in half as he went through it and fell. Sabre got back up and growled. "Hm,you think you are so strong,but yet,we are equally powerful." Sabrina growled. "No,I am going to defeat you and return you to where you came from!" Sabre growled. "So,I see you met Obsidian. I am not surprised,but I will defeat you and destroy the universe!" He was suddenly tackled by a yellow blur,he fell to the ground,growling. The yellow blur stopped and revealed Sapphire. She grinned,Sabretooth ran over and stood next to her. "Good one,Sapphire!" The two gave high fives. Sabrina walked over to them,she shook Sabretooth's hand. "I see you two are getting along,I'm glad you're helping us!" Super Sonic and Super Shadow were fighting Sabre,he suddenly fired a small energy ball towards Sabrina.Sabretooth saw it and suddenly pushed Sabrina and Sapphire down,he ducked with them. "Look out!" A small beam zipped right over them. The three hedgehogs stood up. "Wow,you saved us,Sabretooth,thanks!" Sabretooth smiled. "I saved you too many times,Sapphire.You don't need to thank me." Super Sonic and Super Shadow were still fighting Sabre,Sabrina walked up to them,the two super hedgehogs saw her,she grinned at them,the two grinned back. The three hedgehogs surrounded Sabre in a triangle-like formation,they all had glowing energy balls forming in their hands,Sabre growled.The three hedgehogs shot the energy balls at Sabre,he was hit by all three,he fell to the ground and instantly got back to his feet. Super Sonic was right behind him,he grinned and put his hand on Sabre's back,his hand went inside of him.Sabre felt instant pain,he started screaming and growling. "What are you doing to me?" Super Sonic grinned when he felt a familiar object,he grabbed it. "Bye-Bye,Sabre!" Sabre felt more pain,he felt very weak. Super Sonic pulled the object out of Sabre,it was the rainbow chaos emerald,Sabre felt very weak,he fell to the ground,lying on the ground,motionless. Super Sonic went back into his normal form,Super Shadow did the same.Everyone started running to them,they picked up the two hedgehogs and tossed them. After a few minutes,Sonic and Shadow were set down. Sonic held out the rainbow emerald,it was flashing many colors,he gave it to Tails. "Take this to Christina,she needs it back." Tails smiled,then he started flying to Station Square.
Sabre soon woke back up while the heroes were cheering. "Curse you all,I am not so easily defeated,I will get those emeralds and rule this pathetic universe,one way,or another!" He jumped into the air and vanished. "You will never stop Sabre!"
Sonic and the others settled down,Sapphire noticed that Sabre was gone. "Mom,Sabre got away!" Sabrina walked over to her. "We don't need to worry about him for a long time,Sapphire.He'll be back,though,but we will all be ready,even you and your friends." Sapphire smiled and hugged her. "Thanks,mom. I'm so glad you're back.Things just wouldn't be the same without you." Sabrina smiled and stood up and saw everyone running to her.Sonic stopped in front of her. "You did awesome back there,but how did you come back?" Sabrina chuckled. "I'll tell you all when we get home." Sonic smiled,everyone else nodded.Shadow walked up to Sabretooth and smiled. "I guess I was wrong about you still being evil,you're okay. I think you can stay with us." Sabretooth smiled and shook Shadow's hand. "Oh,thank you! I promise I will help you stop my father every way I can!" Shadow smiled and walked to the group,Sabretooth followed. They both ran to Sabrina,who was still being cheered by Sonic and the kids. "Sabrina,we did it,we got the rainbow emerald back!" Sabrina smiled. Sabretooth walked over to her. "I'd like to thank you for helping me,is there anything to repay you?" Sabrina grinned and shook his hand. "Sure,you can join the party later on,you're on our side now! Welcome to the team,Sabretooth!" Sabretooth smiled. Sonic walked up to them. "C'mon,let's go home and party!" Everyone nodded,they all started walking out of the jungle and into the city of Station Square.
After a while,the seven heroes returned to their house and walked in. Sonic entered first. "Man,it sure feels good to be back home!" Everyone else walked in and went to the party room where Tails,Amy,and Christina were sitting. "Hey guys,glad you're back!" Amy stood up and ran to Sonic. "Oh Sonic,you were so brave out there,I'm so happy you got Christina's emerald back!" Amy hugged Sonic,he hugged back and smiled. "Oh,it was nothing,Amy.At least we stoped Sabre,but I bet he'll be back again,but we'll be ready for him." Amy let go of him and sat down on the couch.Sonic turned around to the others. "Well,what are you looking like statues for? Let's party!" Everyone scattered,Sonic turned on the stereo and turned it to full blast.Sapphire,Sakura,and Speedy started dancing,they went to the center of the room.Speedy started break dancing,Sonic joined him,everyone started cheering them on. Sabrina got some snacks out and put them on a table,Sabretooth walked to the table and looked at the food and drinks. He picked up a paper cup and a ladel,he scopped up some punch and put it into the cup.He drank his punch quickly,he crushed the empty paper cup and threw it away,Sabrina walked to him. "You can help yourself to anything,Sabretooth.Oh,you scared me at first.You look exactly like Sabre,I think you need to change your outfit so we won't attack you by accident!" Sabretooth looked at his clothes,they did remind him of his father. "Yeah,I should change my attire,what should I do?" Sabrina pointed to Sapphire,who was watching the two dancers. "Ask Sapphire,I'm sure she'll find something for you." Sabretooth smiled and walked to Sapphire,he tapped on her shoulder.She turned around and almost screamed. "Oh,it's you,I thought you were Sabre! What is it?" Sabretooth backed away a step. "Your mother asked me to change my clothes,she said that you could help me with this." Sapphire smiled. "Sure,I'll find something! Follow me!" Sapphire walked out of the party room,Sabretooth followed her.They both walked to a yellow door,they both walked in,Sapphire turned on the light.Sabretooth looked around,he saw a very large room with many windows and a skylight,there were many posters on the wall,a big screen tv,a large stereo,and some books.Sapphire went to a door and opened it,she went inside and looked around. "Aha!" She came out with a black leather jacket with black jeans,she walked to Sabretooth. "Here, maybe these will fit on you,there's a dressing room over there." She pointed to a door on the other side of the room.She gave him the outfit,Sabretooth walked to the door and went into it and closed the door. After a few minutes,the door opened,Sabretooth walked out wearing the black outfit.Sapphire saw him and gasped. "Hey,not bad! I really like it!" Sabretooth smiled. "Yes,it does seem to fit me perfectly." Sapphire smiled and walked around him,she straightened a few parts,then she stood in front of him and smiled. "It looks great on you,but I think you're missing one small thing!" She thought for a moment,then she snapped her fingers,she ran to her drawer and pulled out a pair of earrings.She walked over to Sabretooth,he got confused.Sapphire smirked. "Ever had your ears pierced?" Sapphire grabbed a chair and put it behind Sabretooth,she pushed the dark hedgehog to sit on it. "What are you doing?" Sapphire grabbed the golden earrings and stood behind him. "Don't worry,I'm just going to put these on your ears,don't flinch!" Befre Sabretooth could speak,he felt an extremely sharp pain in his ears,he yelled in pain. After a minute,the pain disappeared,he opened his eyes and felt his ear,he felt a strange object on it.Sapphire walked in front of him and smiled. "There,now that wasn't so bad,was it?" Sabretooth stood up,he saw his reflection in the mirror,he had two gold earrings on his right ear. Sapphire giggled. "Those look very nice on you,Sabretooth! I bet girls would be screaming for you!" Sabretooth felt the pain go away,he smiled. "Well,I guess they're okay.Thanks." Sapphire smiled. "Awesome! Why don't you go to the party room and show the others?" Sabretooth smiled. "Okay,I will." Sabretooth walked to the door and walked out to the party room,Sapphire followed him. He walked into the party room,everyone was still dancing,not noticing him,Sapphire stood next to him and whistled loudly. Everyone stopped dancing and looked at the two hedgehogs. "Take a look at this new guy!" Everyone gasped and smiled,Sonic walked up to him. "Hey,nice threads,Sabretooth!" Sabretooth smiled. "Uh,thanks?" Sakura and Speedy walked to him.Sakura froze when she saw him,she fell for him instantly,she sighed dreamily.Then she was nudged by Sapphire,she came back to reality and saw her friend giggling. "Hey Sakura,did I see you daydreaming?" Sakura's face turned a little red. "Uh,no! I wasn't daydreaming! I wasn't!" Sapphire giggled. "I knew that outfit was perfect for him! I even pierced his ear!" Sakura gasped. "You pierced his ear?" Sapphire nodded and giggled. "I'm going in my room,don't fall for him!" Sakura huffed and crossed her arms. Sapphire walked away to her room,Sakura sat down on the couch.Everyone continued dancing,now they started dancing in pairs.Sonic danced with Amy,Tails danced with Christina,and Shadow danced with Sabrina. The kids sat out,Speedy sighed angrily. "Is this a party,or is this a prom?" Sapphire walked in and sat down by them. "Come on,it isn't bad,I love to dance,besides,I might find someone to dance with someday." She sighed dreamily,she watched her parents dance in the center of the room.After a few minutes,the two stopped dancing,Sabrina kissed Shadow and walked towards the kids.She sat down next to them. "Hey,Sapphire,having fun?" Sapphire nodded. "Hey mom,I was wondering,how did you meet dad?" Sabrina smiled. "It was back when I was fourteen,back when I was still an orphan,I just met Sonic and Tails. I was just healing after I was hit by a train,when I was trying to sleep one night,I felt this strange energy,like when you get near a chaos emerald.I decided to go outside for a while,but the feeling kept getting stronger each step I took until I saw Shadow unconsious in the forest,so I picked him up and took him back to Tails's old workshop." Sapphire smiled. "So,love at first sight,huh?" Sabrina shook her head. "No,at first,we were good friends,he really cares alot for me.But after I came back from being a statue,we fell for each other." Sabrina sighed. Sapphire smiled. "Wow,maybe I'll ask Amy and Christina." Sabrina smiled. She saw Shadow walking to them,he sat down next to Sabrina. They both started chatting,Sabretooth walked by them.Sapphire stood up and walked to him. "Hey Sabretooth!" Sabretooth turned around. "Hey." Sapphire smiled. "You know,if you want,you can go outside and walk around,so you can get familiar to the city." Sabretooth smiled. "Okay,let's go!" Sapphire giggled. "Looks like someone's attitude is changing already! You're starting to sound like my dad!" Sabretooth chuckled a little,then he started walking to the front door,Sapphire followed him.They both walked out the front door.
Outside,the two teens started walking through the city,they first walked down the street,chatting. "So,Sabre is your father,huh?" Sabretooth frowned and sighed. "Yeah." Sapphire sighed,but then she remembered about the talk she had with that strange girl on Paradise Island. "Sabretooth,do you know who your mother is?" Sabretooth shook his head and sighed. Sapphire frowned. "Sabretooth,while me and my friends were on the island,we met a lady,she said that she was your mother." Sabretooth froze. "You know who my mother is?" Sapphire slowly nodded. "Yeah,she is a gentle,loving person,she seems to know my mom.Maybe,if we can,I can take you to Paradise City to see her,but we can't because Sabre lives there." Sabretooth growled. "I don't care if my father is there,I need to find my only family!" Sabretooth stomped the concrete,Sapphire put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. "No,we are your family,I am your family.You have your family right here." Sabretooth stopped and smiled. Sapphire smiled. "Don't be too worried,my mom is your aunt,so I am your cousin.You are a part of us that keeps us together." Sabretooth sighed. "I guess you're right,maybe I'm better off staying with you and your friends." Sapphire smiled. "Yeah,maybe if we stop Sabre sometime,then we can go see your mother." Sabretooth smiled and nodded. "Thanks,Sapphire." Sapphire smiled and the two continued walking through the city.Suddenly a young teenage human girl saw them,she gasped and ran to them,she stopped in front of Sabretooth. "Hi,you must be Sapphire,right?" Sapphire nodded.The girl stared at Sabretooth. "Who's this handsome hog you have here?" Sabretooth backed away. The girl stepped closer. "You look so cute like that! What's your name?" Sabretooth was about to answer,but Sapphire growled and started pushing him away from the crazy girl. "Let's go back home before more of my fans crowd us." Sabretooth nodded and started running with Sapphire back to the house.After a few minutes,they arrived back at the house,they walked inside.Everyone was still dancing to the loud music in the house,they both went to the party room and sat down to rest. Sapphire sighed. "I knew those clothes would make girls go after you,we almost didn't make it!" Sabretooth chuckled. Sapphire stood up and went to the table,she got a glass of punch and walked to Speedy and Sakura,who were sitting on the other couch,chatting. Speedy saw her and stopped talking. "Hey Sapphire,what's up?" Sapphire smiled and sat down by them. "I just got back from walking with Sabretooth,he almost got caught by a girl!" Speedy and Sakura started laughing. "First day in the city,and he's already having girl trouble!" They all stopped laughing when they saw Sabretooth staring at them angrily. They all froze and gulped.Sabretooth stood up and walked to them,he stopped in front of them and growled,clenching his fist. "What did you say about me?!" Speedy started shivering. "H-Hey,chill out,dude! We were only kidding!" Sabretooth stopped growling and started walking away. Sapphire pushed Speedy over,Sabretooth saw it and laughed a little. Sapphire got the idea and pushed Speedy off the couch. Sakura and Sabretooth started laughing. "Much better,blue boy." Sapphire and Sakura broke out,laughing. "Nice one,Sabretooth!" Speedy growled and got back to his feet. "Oh yeah?" Sapphire and Sakura stopped laughing. Sabretooth grinned. "You know,you have quite a big mouth there,I like that!" Sapphire got between the two hedgehogs. "Boys,we don't need to fight,this is a party,not a fighing ring,if you want to fight,go to the gym,okay?" Speedy grinned. "Yeah,good idea,Sapphire. How about the four of us go sparring in the gym?" Sakura frowned. "No thanks,Speedy. I'm going to dance for a while." Sapphire and Sabretooth grinned. "Sure,we'll go sparring.Let's go!" The three teens nodded and started running to a door,Sapphire ran to Tails,who was sitting down on the couch,she tapped on his shoulder,he turned around and smiled. "Hey Tails,can me,Sabretooth,and Speedy do some sparring in the gym?" Tails smiled and stood up. "Sure! Do you want me to set up the obstacle courses?" Sapphire nodded. "Okay,let's go!" The four heroes started walking to the door,Tails unlocked it using a key card.They all walked in the control room,Tails pressed a few buttons,the lights turned on and revealed several obstacle courses with rocks,ramps,and robots. Sapphire,Speedy,and Sabretooth walked into the giant room. "Okay,Sabretooth,all you need to do is to get through the course without getting hit by the traps or enemies.Got that?" Sabretooth nodded. Sapphire smiled and gave a thumbs up signal to Tails,he nodded and pushed a few buttons.A holographic robot appeared and moved towards the three hedgehogs. Sapphire jumped up and used a kick,she hit it,the hologram vanished.Then,another hologram appeared and started flying in the air,firing holographic bullets at them.Speedy grinned and jumped in the air,he used a spin attack to hit the figure,it vanished.Speedy landed on the ground and grinned. "Okay,your turn,Sabretooth!" Sabretooth grinned and saw a large hologram in front of him,it was firing fake bullets at him.Sabretooth juped out of the way easily,then he jumped up and swiped at the hologram,it vanished.Tails,Speedy,and Sapphire clapped for him. Sabretooth landed on the ground,he brushed himself off. Speedy walked up and shook his hand. "That was awesome,Sabretooth! Maybe you can show us a few tricks like that!" Sabretooth smiled. "Sure,I can teach you how to vanish like my father does." Speedy grinned. "Awesome,how do you do it? Because we all thought you were using chaos control." Sabretooth shook his head. "No,all you have to do is to jump in the air and move as fast as you can in the air so the enemy can't see you,watch this!" Sabretooth backed away and jumped in the air,then,he vanished into thin air. Everyone looked around,but didn't see him anywhere,suddenly,something tapped Speedy's shoulder,he jumped in the air,scared. Then he landed,but didn't see him anywhere,he huffed,then,something tapped his shoulder again,he turned around and saw Sabretooth right behind him,Speedy jumped back. "Whoa!" Sapphire and Tails started laughing.Speedy crossed his arms. "You got me that time! Good trick,I bet we can use it to track down Sabre!" Sabretooth smiled,then Sapphire stepped up. "Okay,since I'm the fastest here,that means it's easier for me to do,right?" Sabretooth nodded. "Okay,here I go!" Sapphire jumped high into the air and started moving very fast,she instantly disappeared.After a few seconds,she reappeared at the same spot,panting heavily. "That was harder than I thought,that tired me out!" Sabretooth chuckled. "Don't worry about that,you'll get used to it." Sapphire stood back up and looked at Speedy. "Well,your turn,Speedy!" Speedy grinned. "Alright,here comes the blue blur!" Speedy jumped in the air and started moving very fast,but he did not vanish,there was a blue blur running all around the room.Sapphire and Sabretooth started laughing. Speedy stopped in front of them. "What?" The two hedgehogs stopped laughing. "You didn't vanish,you were only a blur.I guess you're not fast enough to vanish." Speedy crossed his arms. "Hmph,so what if I'm not fast enough,I'll just try to move faster!" Sapphire shook her head. "No,you can try that later,I'm getting tired." Sapphire yawned.Sabretooth yawned as well. "Yeah,I'm getting pretty tired,too.I'm going back to the party room." Sabretooth yawned again and started walking to the exit of the gym,Sapphire ran behind him. Speedy shrugged and followed them out of the gym. "Okay,Tails,we're done here!" Tails nodded and shut down the gym,then her walked out of the dark room.
They all walked back into the party room where everyone was still dancing.Sabretooth and Sapphire yawned again and walked to the couch and sat down,Sakura was sitting there,too. Speedy walked to the table and ate a few snacks.Tails walked over to Christina,who was sitting on the other couch,he sat down next to her. "Hey,Christina." Christina smiled and hugged him. "Hey,Tails. Were you and the kids in the gym again?" Tails smiled. "Yeah,Sabretooth showed us a few new moves,he just taught Sapphire how to vanish." Christina gasped. "You mean that trick that Sabre uses to escape?" Tails nodded. Christina smiled. "Do you want to dance for a while?" Tails nodded and put his hand on Christina's. "Sure,why not? You are the most beautiful princess.How could I say no?" Christina smiled and kissed Tails.She stood up and held Tails's hand while they walked to the center of the room.They both smiled and started dancing.Shadow and Sabrina were also dancing,they both stopped and sat down on the couch. "So,Sabrina,how did you come back? You sent yourself and the emerald to the Master Emerald.Why did you come back?" Sabrina sighed. "When I was sent into the Master Emerald,I found out that I am the final reincarnation of Obsidian,a young guardian that was the one who created the black emerald thousands of years ago." Shadow nodded. "When I met her,she took me back into the past,back to the beginning. While we were there,I learned the true meaning of friendship,love,and hope. I realized how much you care about me from when you saved me from the fall in the Mystic ruins,to when you told me that you loved me on Paradise Island. I remember everything,from when I was born,to when Sapphire was born,to when Sabre--Shadow,I found out some bad things about Sabre,he's really a killer who's after the black emerald,he wants to destroy the universe with it.The Sabre that's here is a reincarnation of an evil person destined to destroy the universe." Shadow gasped. "He wants to destroy the universe?" Sabrina nodded. Shadow sighed. "We need to keep away from him as much as possible.I'll do anything to keep you safe,Sabrina." Shadow wrapped his arms around her.Sabrina smiled and kissed him. "Thank you,Shadow." Shadow smiled and stood up. "I'm getting tired,maybe I should go to bed." Sabrina smiled. "Okay,goodnight,Shadow." Shadow smiled and walked to his room.Sabrina sighed. Sapphire walked to her and sat down next to her. "Mom,since Sabretooth is now living with us,where is he going to sleep?" Sabrina thought for a moment. "I guess he can sleep in your room for now,you do have an extra bed in there,I guess he can sleep there." Sapphire jumped back. "What! No,I am not going to have a boy sleeping in my room with me in it! No way,uh-uh,never!" Sabrina giggled. "What's the matter,afraid of a boy?" Sapphire's face turned red. "No,it's just that sharing a room with a boy is,well,sick!" Sabrina giggled again. "Don't worry,he's got his own bed.When I first started sharing my room with Shadow,I had the same problem,but we soon solved it,thanks to you." Sapphire smiled. "Well,that's because you two are married,I'm not!" Sabrina smiled. "Don't be so serious,you and him are room mates,not soul mates,but if he does act strange around you,tell me." Sapphire smiled. "Thanks,mom." Sapphire hugged her mother. Sabrina smiled. Sabretoth walked by and sat down on the other couch. Sabrina stood up and walked to him. "Sabretooth?" Sabretooth opened his eyes. "Yes?" Sabrina smiled. "Since you are now living with us,you'll have to sleep in Sapphire's room,there's a bed in there for you." Sabretooth smiled. "Thanks,I'll be going to bed now." Sabretooth stood up and walked to Sapphire's room.Sabrina walked back to the other couch and sat down next to Sapphire. "Well,he doesn't seem to have any problems with it." Sapphire smiled and yawned. Sabrina smiled. "You should get to bed,too.How about we all go to the beach tomorrow,all day." Sapphire smiled and hugged her. "Wow,that would be great,mom! Well,I'm going to bed,goodnight." Sabrina hugged her. "Goodnight,Sapphire.See you in the morning." Sapphire stood up and walked away to her room. She walked in and saw Sabretooth sprawled all over his bed,sleeping. Sapphire smiled and walked to her bed,she got in and covered up. "I hope Sabretooth will see his mother soon,he's really worried about it.Maybe I should take him back to Paradise Island soon." Sapphire stayed awake for a few more minutes before she fell asleep.