Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sabrina's Adventure 3: The Journey of Sin ❯ Loss of Life ( Chapter 22 )
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At the center of Angel Island, Slash has arrived, walking calmly towards the altar. “This is it…” He slowly climbed up the ancient steps, feeling the incredible energy of all seven of the chaos emeralds within him. He stopped in front of where the Master Emerald once was, before he shattered it in rage. Slash closed his eyes, having a light green aurora, letting out all the Master Emerald shards he has collected while searching for the chaos emeralds. He concentrated his energy to the altar as the shards floated gently into their proper places. Once this was complete, he notices some shards are still missing. “Hmm, it seems the heroes have disabled me from releasing my master…how foolish of them!” At the very same moment, Knuckles was standing behind him. “Hey!! Stay away from the altar!” With his shovel claw in hand, the echidna launched himself, striking rapidly at Slash, giving it all he had. Amazingly, Slash grabbed the sharp tool with a single hand, clenching it tightly until the metal object suddenly crumples up into a ball of scrap, trapping itself on Knuckles’s fist. “What the! Agh!” His powerful fist was being crushed under the hard metal. He tries to pull the hard metal off himself, but it was stuck so tightly. He was feeling so much pain, he ran to a large rock and slammed his trapped fist onto it. Over and over he repeated until the metal finally crumbled off. Also the came out was a shard of the Master Emerald. It quickly became in Slash’s mind possession. “Just what I needed…” Knuckles quickly jumped to his feet, launching a powerful kick. “Yah!!” The kick knocked the chameleon off his feet, sending the shard flying towards the incomplete emerald. With it’s own power, the shard fixed itself into the emerald, completing it. Slash got back to his feet, not fazed by the attack. He grinned, focusing his energy on him, sending a wave of energy at him. The wave was moving so fast, he couldn’t react in time, being hit by the powerful blast. “Ahh!!” The force of the impact sends him clinging on the very edge of Angel Island. Luckily, the attack didn’t damage him much, he easily climbed back up, but nearly falling off the island again as it started rumbling, a sign that the island was on it’s way to the sky again. Knuckles climbed back up, able to stand up with the rumbling as the island floated quickly back up into the blue sky and clouds.
At the same moment, Sabrina and Sabre were just arriving at the mountains, then they saw the island rising. “No!” The ran as quickly as they could, but the wooden bridge that held the mountain and island together had collapsed. At once they both had attempted to jump up onto the island. Sabre managed to grab the edge of the island and pull himself up. He tuned around, Sabrina was jumping; she clinged the edge of the island, but the earth gave way. “Ahh!” She was suddenly pulled up by her brother. “Thanks Sabre.” The hedgehog pulled her sister up. “Come on! We have to help Knuckles!” Sabrina looked down to see the teens and Shadow, who were unable to jump onto the rising Angel Island. Tails and Christina were flying themselves up, landing on the ground gently. Everybody ran towards the altar, where Knuckles was struggling to fight the powerful chameleon. They were standing a few feet from each other, when suddenly, Knuckles collapsed. He was so exhausted and injured form the fight. “Now…” Slash turned to the altar and climbed the steps. As he climbed the steps, he released the seven chaos emeralds from his body, all of them having an unusual glowing red surge of dark energy. “The emeralds are ready for you my master…” The chaos emeralds slowly floated down onto the master emerald, absorbing themselves into the green gem. “No!!” Sabrina ran up the altar, jumping at the red warrior, but just before she was able to hit him, a powerful surge of energy overtook her, throwing her back against one of the altar’s pillars. “Agh!!” She fell to the ground, feeling somehow very weak from the energy surge. “What’s happening to me…?” She looked up, there was a bright red energy light coming from the Master Emerald. Suddenly there was a powerful blast of energy coming form the emerald, red energy spreading across the sky. Slash walked towards the emerald. “Yes my master, rise and show your true wrath!!” He was laughing evilly, as the skies of red covered the entire planet. A cloudy dark figure was appearing on top of the Master Emerald, unable to be recognized. It was moments until the energetic red smoke faded off, revealing a pure black echidna, showing ancient markings on his fur and demon-like clothing, and holding what looked like a staff. He looked old and weak, stepping off the emerald, which was now gray and dead, having no energy left. The old echidna took a few uneven steps, looking as if he would fall. Knuckles was shocked. “Who is that??” Slash immediately ran to him, helping him on the echidna’s short journey. “Master! I have completed your request…” Slash backed away several feet, not knowing what attack he will do. The old echidna raised his staff, then tapped the base onto the ground twice, the black orb on it’s tip starting to glow red with energy. Sabrina slowly got up, having recovered little energy. “What is he going to do?” Everyone watched, confused. Suddenly, the entire island started rumbling violently, cracks appearing instantly. One large crack growing underneath all the heroes until… “AGH!!” Sabrina was suddenly struck by a powerful red beam of energy, coming form the ground below. The energy was intense, draining her of all her energy. “Ahh!!” All the other heroes were also struck by the same beam, all of their energy taken away by this unknown power. The beams stopped as the entire island started to crumble and fall apart below their feet. Sabrina recovered, but feeling extremely weak as if she didn’t have her emerald. She weakly got to her feet picking up Tails, who was unconscious from the intense drain of energy. Sabre was also back up on his feet, also weakened, he picks up the blacked out Christina. Both siblings quickly jumped off the falling island, and safely landing on Red Mountain. They both turned, nearly collapsing from the lack of energy, watching as the beautiful Angel Island, now in pieces, crash into the ocean, sinking. “No!!” Knuckles tried to jump out to try to save his emerald, but was grabbed by Shadow. “It’s too late…” Neither Knuckles or Shadow were affected by the attacker’s beam. The echidna, now floating in the sky where the island once was, slowly floated down onto the mountain. He tapped his staff once more to the ground, sending a cloudy vine of energy thrashing after the heroes. “Ahh!!” Sabrina quickly got to her feet in a rush of flight and ran as fast as she could, but not feeling her emerald’s presence, she was no match for the vine. It quickly wrapped around her arms and legs, feeling a dark evil enter her body. The echidna slowly walked to her. “Yes, I finally have you back in my control..” Sabrina froze in fear, not strong enough to break the vines paralyzing her. “Who are you? What do you want??” The echidna gave a weak smile. “I am your life giver, and I want my emerald back!!”
At the same moment, Sabrina and Sabre were just arriving at the mountains, then they saw the island rising. “No!” The ran as quickly as they could, but the wooden bridge that held the mountain and island together had collapsed. At once they both had attempted to jump up onto the island. Sabre managed to grab the edge of the island and pull himself up. He tuned around, Sabrina was jumping; she clinged the edge of the island, but the earth gave way. “Ahh!” She was suddenly pulled up by her brother. “Thanks Sabre.” The hedgehog pulled her sister up. “Come on! We have to help Knuckles!” Sabrina looked down to see the teens and Shadow, who were unable to jump onto the rising Angel Island. Tails and Christina were flying themselves up, landing on the ground gently. Everybody ran towards the altar, where Knuckles was struggling to fight the powerful chameleon. They were standing a few feet from each other, when suddenly, Knuckles collapsed. He was so exhausted and injured form the fight. “Now…” Slash turned to the altar and climbed the steps. As he climbed the steps, he released the seven chaos emeralds from his body, all of them having an unusual glowing red surge of dark energy. “The emeralds are ready for you my master…” The chaos emeralds slowly floated down onto the master emerald, absorbing themselves into the green gem. “No!!” Sabrina ran up the altar, jumping at the red warrior, but just before she was able to hit him, a powerful surge of energy overtook her, throwing her back against one of the altar’s pillars. “Agh!!” She fell to the ground, feeling somehow very weak from the energy surge. “What’s happening to me…?” She looked up, there was a bright red energy light coming from the Master Emerald. Suddenly there was a powerful blast of energy coming form the emerald, red energy spreading across the sky. Slash walked towards the emerald. “Yes my master, rise and show your true wrath!!” He was laughing evilly, as the skies of red covered the entire planet. A cloudy dark figure was appearing on top of the Master Emerald, unable to be recognized. It was moments until the energetic red smoke faded off, revealing a pure black echidna, showing ancient markings on his fur and demon-like clothing, and holding what looked like a staff. He looked old and weak, stepping off the emerald, which was now gray and dead, having no energy left. The old echidna took a few uneven steps, looking as if he would fall. Knuckles was shocked. “Who is that??” Slash immediately ran to him, helping him on the echidna’s short journey. “Master! I have completed your request…” Slash backed away several feet, not knowing what attack he will do. The old echidna raised his staff, then tapped the base onto the ground twice, the black orb on it’s tip starting to glow red with energy. Sabrina slowly got up, having recovered little energy. “What is he going to do?” Everyone watched, confused. Suddenly, the entire island started rumbling violently, cracks appearing instantly. One large crack growing underneath all the heroes until… “AGH!!” Sabrina was suddenly struck by a powerful red beam of energy, coming form the ground below. The energy was intense, draining her of all her energy. “Ahh!!” All the other heroes were also struck by the same beam, all of their energy taken away by this unknown power. The beams stopped as the entire island started to crumble and fall apart below their feet. Sabrina recovered, but feeling extremely weak as if she didn’t have her emerald. She weakly got to her feet picking up Tails, who was unconscious from the intense drain of energy. Sabre was also back up on his feet, also weakened, he picks up the blacked out Christina. Both siblings quickly jumped off the falling island, and safely landing on Red Mountain. They both turned, nearly collapsing from the lack of energy, watching as the beautiful Angel Island, now in pieces, crash into the ocean, sinking. “No!!” Knuckles tried to jump out to try to save his emerald, but was grabbed by Shadow. “It’s too late…” Neither Knuckles or Shadow were affected by the attacker’s beam. The echidna, now floating in the sky where the island once was, slowly floated down onto the mountain. He tapped his staff once more to the ground, sending a cloudy vine of energy thrashing after the heroes. “Ahh!!” Sabrina quickly got to her feet in a rush of flight and ran as fast as she could, but not feeling her emerald’s presence, she was no match for the vine. It quickly wrapped around her arms and legs, feeling a dark evil enter her body. The echidna slowly walked to her. “Yes, I finally have you back in my control..” Sabrina froze in fear, not strong enough to break the vines paralyzing her. “Who are you? What do you want??” The echidna gave a weak smile. “I am your life giver, and I want my emerald back!!”