Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Chronicles: The Wrath of Shadow The Hedgehog ❯ Another Surprise?! ( Chapter 6 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Here's the next chapter of The Wrath Of Shadow The Hedgehog.
Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic or any related characters.
Chapter 6: Another Surprise?!
“Well, that's the last of the parts.” Sonic said as he brought out the final part from the cave. “So, what should we do now?” Rouge asked. “Let's see if we're able to contact Omachao.” replied Shadow
Sonic activated his blue communicator that looks like Shadow and Rouge. “Omachao gave you one too?” asked Rouge. “Well, yeah! I am part of your team,” exclaimed the blue hedgehog.
A hologram of Omachao came from Sonic's communicator. “Mission success.” Shadow answered before anyone could say anything. “Well done!” Omachao congratulated them.
“We would have never been able to complete this mission without Sonic, isn't that right Shadow?” asked Rouge. “Yeah, whatever.” Mumbled the black hedgehog. “Thanks you guys!” answered Sonic with happiness in his voice.
“I have another suprise for you guys.” Omachao said. “What is it?” Sonic and Rouge asked in unison. “It's a suprise!” Omachao laughed before disappearing. “Probably more recruits or something to help us with our missions,” mumbled Shadow. “I hope it's jewels!” answered Rouge. “Only one way to find out! Let's go you guys!” yelled Sonic. The trio activated their communicator teleportation devices simultaneously.
Seconds later Shadow, Sonic and Rouge appeared in their HQ only to see Omachao flying to them and shaking their hands. “Well done!” Omachao congratulated the trio. “Omachao...” mumbled Shadow as he held out two data disks, “The assassin dropped this when we blew blew it up.”
“What about that surprise you mentioned a few minutes ago?” asked Sonic, eager to find out. “I remembered. You guys can come out now.” Omachao called.
A door opened with three figures standing there. One figure was tall and the other were rather short. The tallest figure was metallic red and patches of black with a large white stripe going down the centre. It appeared to be a robot. The middle sized figure was an echidna had red fur with dredlocks and spiky fists. The third and smallest figure was a yellow fox with a white stomach and two yellow tails that were white at the tips. The tallest figure was E-123 Omega, an old ally and friend of Shadow and Rouge. The middle figure was noneother than Knuckles the Echidna, a rival and friend of Sonic. The third figure was Miles Prower better known as Tails to his friends, he and Sonic are very best friends.
“Hey you guys,” Tails greeted his friends enthusiasticaclly. “Hey Tails!” yelled Sonic as he high-fived the yellow fox. “Well, well, well! If it isn't bat girl.” Knuckles said with annoyance in his voice. “You could say hello, you hothead!” retorted Rouge. Knucles growled at the female bat. “Hey Omega, long time no see.” Shadow greeted his “ally” calmly. “Greetings, Shadow. How have you been?” Omega asked. “It might take ome time to crack the code in this data disk.” Omachao interrupted the group. “So, why don't you guys chill out a little? There are some snacks in the kitchen, which is the door on the left.” The robot chao finished and then went back to his supercomputer.
“Who's hungry?” Tails asked everyone before everyone's stomach growled. “Well I haven't eaten something in ages.” Shadow announced. “Let's go.”
In the kitchen everyone was chilling out and relaxing. Sonic then asked the new trio, “Have you guys gone on any missions yet?” “No.” Tails replied, “But Omachao said we'd all go on the next mission together.” “Oh, really? I thought Knux would wet himself on the thought of going on a mission.” Rouge insulted Knuckles. “What the hell did you just say you b****?!” Knuckles yelled.
“Guys! Break it up!” interrupted Sonic. “And Knuckles, you shouldn't use such language in front of Tails.” Sonic added. “Well, she started it!” Knuckles complained childishly.
After the tension died down, the six started talking about how their lives were and the missions. They were talking for over two hours before Omachao bursted in.
“I've finally cracked the code!” yelled Omachao looking pretty proud of himself. “What is the data encrypted on the disk?” Omega asked. “I've only cracked the first one. This is what is in the first disk.”
“Eggman has a robot army ready to destroy capial city of Mobius. This army has almost every robot you've ever fought. This is going to be the most difficult mission that you have so far went on.” Omachao explained. “Will there be any Silent Assassins?” Shadow asked a bit nervously. Omachao shook his head. “That was the prototype you fought. The real one's design isn't going to be completed for a while.” Everyone sighed of relief.
“Here's the plan. Eggman is going to deploy the army in the wasteland beside the city. You guys are going to take the dropship there and destroy every last robot there. If 3/4 of the city is destroyed, then the mission is failed and you must all retreat.” Omachao finished explaining . “Any questions?”
Tails put his hand up and asked.”What is the chances of us dying?” the fox asked. “There is an 80% chance of at least two of you dying if you let your guard down. And note I said at least.” Omachao answered. Tails gulped. “If you would all follow me, we will be on our way to the dropship.”
They all folwed Omachao silently, stuck in their own thoughts. When they reached the dropship, Omachao broke the silence by saying.”Oh! I almost forgot to give you guys the chaos emerald.” Omachao handed Shadow the green chaos emerald.
Omachao wished them all good luck. They boarded the ship quietly. The ceiling opened. Omachao waved goodbye to his comrades. The six all waved back simutaneously. Then they prepared themselvels for what could possibly be their final mission.
A/N That's chapter six. Sorry I wasn't able to update for a while. I had so many summer exams. I would like to thank my only reviewer, Solarity the hedgehog. Please could more people review? You don't have to be a member to.