Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Apocalypse ❯ The nightmare that is reality… ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sonic Apocalypse
By Daniel Sargeant
Chapter one: The nightmare that is reality…
“Where… where am I?” The young twin tailed female fox asked. “How… did I get here… why did I get here?” She walked around the dark metallic room, holding her hands out to the front of her making sure not to embarrassingly crash into anything, walking slowly so not to trip over a step or out of place piece of platform. She reached a wall and moved along it, keeping one hand on the wall and the other out in front of her as she moved across the room. She reached a door and a panel, gently feeling the buttons on the panel. She pressed what felt like the biggest button and the room brightened with light as the electric roof lights came on. She covered her eyes suddenly as the intense light struck her. She slowly became use to the intensity and looked back on the panel. She saw it had at least seven buttons on it. She instantly recognised the button she pressed as it was pushed in. She fidgeted as she tried to come up with the right combination to open the door. She scrambled her mind; slowly realising she had absolutely no clue to what the combination could be. She had woken in this completely dark room with nothing to tell her what was what or where she was. It became apparent to her to try multiple combinations; at least trying was better than being stuck thinking `where am I.' Surprisingly the first combination she tried, which was the start of the galactic war between G.U.N, Dr. Robotnik and the mysterious race of Aliens began, was the correct one as the doors began to struggle open. The fox girl quickly ran out into the flames of the forest.
Sonic waited outside with machine gun in hand. He was waiting for Tails and some people Tails went to retrieve with his younger sister. However, no one had come yet. Sonic was getting restless and wanted to move; however he promised to wait until Tails returned. He looked into the distance and spotted thirteen odd Machines created by Robotnik. Sonic got his gun ready and aimed for them as it was obvious they were coming for him. He open fired upon the mechanical menaces without hesitation. Waiting patiently for them to explode and fired jagged metal at him, however they were reluctant to be destroyed as they fired back at him. Sonic dodged out the way and hid behind a tree, which by the sound of things wasn't going to protect him for too long. He dropped his Machine gun and, using his large bag, pulled out multiple pieces of weaponry, combining them to form a huge Bazooka. He jumped in front of the machines and shot three missiles at them and jumped back round, realising a bullet ripped his shoulder a bit. He smirked.
“A challenge…” he said, confidently. He listened and heard three separate explosions and peeked a look to see the damage. He saw that with just those three shots, he had cleared most of the robots. But he was mistaken; his missiles must have blown up two or three as Tails was running over in his blue jeans and black leather jacket, huge backpack and long white scarf, followed by Bunnie Rabbot, Amy Rose and Bean the dynamite duck. The four hid with Sonic.
“Sonic.” Tails said. “These were all I found… and…” Tails sounded severely hurt. Sonic became extremely concerned.
“Tails, are you alright?” he asked.
“I was shot… Tailies… I lost her and I can't find her.” Tails was nearly crying, holding his shoulder in agony. Sonic lifted Tails arm over his shoulders and looked to the other three. “Come on, let's get back to the base,” he ordered. The three complied and Bunnie took Tails other arm over her shoulder. Bean activated a pack o six dynamites.
“This'll keep them occupied.” He laughed. He launched it towards some air robots and watched them explode, then ran on with the others.
The fox girl came out of the flaming forest's end. She ran off towards the next forest, so to keep hidden from enemy sight. She noticed a small battle between Aliens and Robots. Robotnik verses the fate of mankind. Realising that if at one point Robotnik should ally himself with the Aliens; G.U.N would be completely annihilated, even with Sonic and friends on their side. Robotnik has that Ryu guy and the Aliens have convinced Shadow to side with them. She continued to wards the forest and was ambushed by Soldiers. Human soldiers. She was saved. They pointed their guns at her, which startled her a bit. She hastily searched her jean pockets for her id and handed it to them. They quickly changed their attitude and handed her one of their spare air rifles with her id. She then ran off towards home base with them.
Tails was worrying; he was being treated for his wound, but was still concerned about his sister. She was still out there in shear danger everywhere, if the aliens or Robotnik don't get her, the flames of their destruction will.
Sonic entered the room, in his cool blue jeans and blue t-shirt with Speed on the front. He walked over to Tails.
“Tails, great news.” he said. “Tailies just came in with the returning ambush party. Tails smiled.
“Smart girl.” He said. Sonic then left and walked into the other room with the newly formed freedom fighters. The team was large considering all the death and destruction. They were planning to make a strategy when Tails was all treated. The younger members were set near the entertainment stuff that was managed to be picked up and brought here. It wasn't much but it drained most of the fear inside the children. Sonic sat with Sally and the two began to chat.
“Sonic, why did you choose Amy over me?” Sally asked him.
“Sally… I never chose Amy. I'm still a free guy.” Sonic replied with a distasteful tone.
“Then why do you have a kid together?” Sally asked, sounding somewhat jealous.
“We were at a party got drunk and Amy took advantage of that. That's my side of the story.” Sonic replied. “Lilly is a beautiful little girl and I love her dearly. However, it's not like I asked for her. She just came along like everyone else.” Sonic said.
“That's a crawl thing to say. You make it sound like she was a mistake… or… or an accident. That's such a heartless thing to say.” Sally retorted.
“Well, excuse me for being honest.” Sonic replied. He stood and walked away, past the sweet little pink baby echidna, which just crawled after him, sucking her blue-based dummy. Sonic took his leave.
The fox girl had just entered the large underground G.U.N base. Sonic looked over to her and a large smirk crawled across his face as he hurried off towards the medical ward. The girl just walked into the room, filled with Freedom Fighters. She walked over to Lilly, who was just three year's younger than her, making her six years old. The fox girl was nine years old. She sat down and closed her eyes, visualising what happened through the past several hours.
She remembered she was set an assignment with her older brother Miles and Sonic the hedgehog. She remembered that they were ambushed by Robotniks dreadful looking machines and scattered around in the prison room of metal building. She was blasted away and knocked unconscious and found herself waking up where she did.
Sonic had just walked out, looking somewhat irritated. Sally must have misplaced her words, since it took a lot for her to irritate Sonic. Amy was sat next to heavily pregnant Cream, who was still mourning the death of Chao Cheese. She looked across the room at the Chaotix, Mighty the armadillo, Charmy the bee, Espio the chameleon and Vector the crocodile. She noticed they were rock paper scissoring over something. But she shook it of, what they do is their own business. She looked over to the Reconix, Ray the squirrel, Nack the wolf and Bean the duck. They were playing cards. She then looked to the far left of the room, where Tikal, Julia-Su and Tikal were. She stopped looking around suddenly as she realise Knykal was crawling on top of her legs. She looked very tired. The girl smiled and took Knykal and cuddled her close to let her sleep. It wasn't long before both of the girls were deep in slumber.
Tails walked out of the medical facility, nearly as good as new. The injury was only draining blood at the time, causing Tails to feel weak and tired, however, by simply removing the bullet, sewing up the hole and replacing the blood, Tails was a fit as Sonic. He walked over to his wife, Cream and sat next to her. Amy figured she should leave the happy couple alone to talk about this and that, so she walked over to her daughter, Lilly. Tails rubbed Creams belly and kissed her. He was about 18 now and Cream was 16. It had been ten long years, six of which at war.
Rouge was stood thinking long and hard. She missed the company of Shadow and since he defected to the Aliens, he was an enemy to her. Shadow was just about the only fun thing around and she missed him. It wasn't like she loved him or anything; at least she didn't think so. She thought she shouldn't fall in love with him because of the race difference. A Bat and a Hedgehog. But she often thought to herself, Tails married Cream and they are completely the wrong specie since foxes are known to eat Rabbits. But somehow, they fell in love and are now married with a baby or eight on the way. Cream was very huge for a pregnant girl, so she was having at least six babies. Either that or she's just going to give birth to a very big baby. Rouge walked out to join Sonic.
Sonic was sat on the high wall, looking out into he far off explosions between the aliens and Robotnik. This war was dragging out far too long. The children of the world depend on the success of G.U.N. If Gun fail and either Robotnik or the Aliens win, the world will surely fall into an age of everlasting darkness. Enslaved to greed or destroyed by a dreadful army of aliens. Sonic didn't know which would be better… or which would be worse.
It was time to plan out their strategy.
“Okay,” Tails started. “First we will be sorted into groups. Chaotix, Reconix, Sonix and Helix.” Tails explained.
“Helix? A loop?” Tailies asked.
“A name is a name.” Tails replied, smiling. “In Chaotix is the usual group, Vector, Mighty, Charmy and Espio. In Reconix will be Nack, Ray, Bean and Rouge. Sonix will include Sonic, myself, Knuckles, Tailies and Lilly.” Tails was cut off.
“You can't use Lilly! She's so young!” Amy yelled.
“I'm sorry Amy, but she is a valuable asset.” Tails replied. “Finally, in the Helix team, will be Sally, Bunnie, Julia-Su and Amy. This way we have multiple Strengths, speeds and brains.” Tails was cut off once again.
“How so?” Sally asked.
“Vector and Mighty are the strength in Chaotix, Espio is the brains and the speed and Charmy is there for support. Reconix's brain is Ray, Bean, although not entirely strong, has his explosives, which can match the power of both Vector and Mighty. Nack is a great sniper and a good strength to keep enemies away. In Sonix, Tailies and I have the brains, Sonic and Lilly have the speed, and Lilly and Knuckles have the strength. See how Lilly has more than one good point for her age. She even knows the chaos control. I Helix, Amy has her hammer, you Sally are the brains, Bunnie and Julia have the strength and Amy is also pretty fast.” Tails said.
“Right, got it.” Sally replied
“Okay, from what we've heard, the aliens have temporarily retreated, so we will either be attacked by Robotnik or have to attack him. In truth I don't want to be snuck up on, so I think we should strike first. Sonix will take several G.U.N. members and attack up front, causing a diversion. Meanwhile, Chaotix and Helix will be infiltrating the base unnoticed until it's too late. You will use Espio to use his stealth and take out the nearby enemies. Hopefully Robotnik will think they have malfunctioned. Then Vector and Mighty will rip a hole in the side of the building and, when given the word Sonic and Lilly will run over to it and join them in the ambush. I, Tailies and Knuckles will hold off as much as we can and eventually come back to defend base along with Reconix. Whilst we are all doing that Reconix back here will be defending and that is all. And don't bother start complaining, someone needs to defend everyone here. If this base falls, G.U.N. loses. Got it? Good. Now, let's get ready for battle. We strike in an hour.” Tails then walked over to Cream and the meeting was adjourned.
`Back into battle?' She thought. `I only just returned and Tails is sending me back out? This is unfair. I nearly died out there.' She lifted the tiny child up, awaking her from her slumber, however not causing tears to pour from her sweet little face. She set her down onto some cushiony pillows and stood up, dusting her clothes off. She walked over to Tails and heavily pregnant Cream.
“Hi Cream.” She said to her sister in law. “How're the little ones?”
“Oh, there fine. They fidget a lot, but I am quite comfortable.” Cream replied with a smile nice enough to make any man melt right in front of her. Tailies sat next to her and remained quite. Cream suddenly grabbed Tailies hands and placed it on a specific place on her bloated stomach. Tailies got the full pelt of one of the babies inside, kicking as hard as it could. Cream moaned a slight bit and Tailies, although somewhat surprised, giggled. She rubbed all around the oval shape of Cream's frame, looking for another one; however, the others weren't as active today. Cream and Tailies shared a giggle.
“You really should warn people when you do that.” Tailies said.
“I'm sorry.” Cream replied, happily, not really sorry in the least. Tails decided to speak up, since he'd been a bit quite.
“I'm sorry, Millies.” He said.
“Why? What for?” Tailies asked.
“Because, you only just got back and I am already sending you back into battle.” Tails replied.
“Miles. You know as well as I that I would be needed. I was thinking about it for a while, and it does seem unfair. But these tiny you's and Cream's in here made me realise I am not the most important person here.” Tailies explained. Tails and Tailies were both known as Tails and Tailies to their friends, however they always used their first names when it came to each other. Tailies like her real name as much as Tails did, since both seemed rather ridiculous to them. Tailies, Tails and Cream shared a little chat before Tails and Tailies had to leave back into battle.
“So, this is my fate. Working with a bunch of aliens just for you Maria. You told me to let the planet be happy. But if help these aliens…” Shadow was deep in thought. His arms crossed, him standing there in his black leather jacket and black jeans and a black shirt with Shadow written on the front in a graffiti manner. He had his eyes shut, remembering the human girl his heart was set on, remembering one thing. G.U.N Killed her! They took her away from him and for that… they will pay. They will DIE for what they did. The other earthlings do not matter right now. G.U.N. must pay for the death of Maria. Gerald Robotnik was another. However, Shadow did not want him as much as Maria. He wanted his Revenge, he wanted justice… but… is this really justice? Does taking out the human race pay the sins of one organization? Shadow at some points thinks to himself `what am I doing? Maria would be turning over in her grave knowing I am siding with some messed up aliens to destroy the human race and for what?' All he promised them were the seven Chaos Emeralds. After that, his part of the contract would be done and it'd be time for them to pay up what they promised in return. He'd have to fight off Sonic and all of his friends, just for the chance to be with Maria once again. Allowing the aliens to come so close to taking over the world. Shadow opened his eyes and unfolded his arms, listening to the leather as it rubbed on itself making a leathery noise. He smiled.
“I'll see you soon… Maria…” Shadow then walked inside the aliens HQ.
Sonic, Tails, Lilly, Tailies and Knuckles all ran forward towards the bombarding army of metal. Sonic and Lilly split up, running in two different directions, up two opposite trees, Jumping off at the same time, spinning at the same rate with two double edged swords, Sonics in his right hand and Lilly's in her left. They came down at the same time and split one robot each, the robots falling apart at the same time. The two continued to fight in unison as Tails and Tailies shot the crap out of other and Knuckles just hastily running up to each robot and pounding it into oblivion. Tailies was nearly out of ammo and she could feel it. She was about to reload when a cannon of a specific type fired. She knew what it was. A cluster! She and Tails hastily ran in separate directions as the multiple bombs hit where they were before. Tailies landed awkwardly and hastily rolled up. She was then hit in the shoulder hard with a sharp piece of debris. She screamed in agony as she ripped it out of herself, and at such a young age, knew she was draining energy as blood poured out from the obvious hole. She quickly loaded her gun as best should could and jumped out to fight, but came face to face with a green hedgehog.
“Who're yo…” The green hedgehog cut her off by thumping her in the face, taking her out cold. Tails began to shoot at the hedgehog to save his sister, however the hedgehog vanish and Tails accidentally shot Tailies in the leg. He didn't waist a second running over to her aid. He pulled out a small pair of clippers, fit for removing bullets out and used it to remove the bullet form Tailies leg. He then ripped off both sleeves of his white jumper and wrapped up both wounds with them, He flew off, forgetting Robotnik had homing S.A.M (Special Air Missiles) Sites. Tails dodged the missiles as best he could and landed, letting the missiles hit the trees. He ran off with Tailies and placed her somewhere far off from the fight. He used his radio to contact base to come and claim her and return her home. He didn't want to leave her, but had no choice. He ran off back into battle with revenge written in his eyes. Whoever that hedgehog was, he's going to die pretty soon.
Knuckles dodged several attacks made by the green kid and punched back; only the hedgehog grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him, kneeing him in the stomach. Knuckles were temporarily taken down. The green guy looked over to Lilly who was charging for him with sword in hand. He began laughing.
“She's even younger than that useless fox. What she going to do? Cut m…” before he could finish, he realised she moved incredibly fast and barely noticed both his arms had been cut clean off. It soon came clear to him as he burst out into tears and pain, screaming at the top of his lungs. Lilly wasn't one to be messed with. (If you read Sonic::Epilogue 2 & 3, you'll see what she can really do at only 2 or 3 years of age.) He teleported away and let them all get back to their distraction.
Meanwhile, Charmy, Mighty, Vector and Espio were bashing their way though the side of the base as Sally, Bunnie, Julia-Su and Amy waited patiently. It wasn't long before they were through. Sally contacted Tails and informed him the plan has worked for now. It wasn't too long afterwards that Sonic and Lilly came zipping around the corner. Amy held her arms out and Lilly, being the usual little girl smiled with delight and jumped into Amy's arms and hugged her mother lovingly. Amy just holding on to her, making sure she was still there. Soon, the little hugged was finished and they had to make their way into the base, as Knuckles and Tails at the front were struggling to survive with what little recourses they had, so it wasn't long before they and their troop retreated.
Sonic, Lilly, Amy, Charmy, Sally, Mighty, Vector, Espio and Bunnie all ran inside. Rushing past the robots, blowing them up as they past. They soon came up to Robotniks main room. The now armless hedgehog and Robotnik were there. The hedgehog kneeling down with his head in shame at Robotniks feet. These two mechanical arms came down and were painfully connected to the green hedgehog. He roared in pain as they were attached. It was soon over, however, and the green hedgehog turned and faced the intruders. He almost instantly charged at them. He struck down Amy instantly taking her out as she hit the wall. Lilly, of course, did not take kindly to this. She almost instantly became super and vanished. The green hedgehog felt the life being pummelled out of him as he tried to think what was happening. Robotnik in the meantime was charging a large beam cannon. Bunnie charged him, but he shot of her robotic legs, the one he forcefully gave to her. She fell on her front and slid across the room, screaming in pain. Sonic charged Robotnik but was apprehended by robots.
A large war was fought between the people in the room and some robots. Lilly was paralysed by a lucky shot from Robotnik, and slowly he gained the upper hand, forcing Sonic and Co to pick up the injured and retreat.
Tails and Knuckles had returned to find the base in ruins… shadow had been here. The aliens had pulled a sneak attack…