Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic: Epilogue 2: The Past ❯ The Ocarina Girl ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: The Ocarina Girl.
(Hey people, what ups. No reviews? That's normal. Any way, I was wondering… does anyone (electrode not included) even READ my stories, cause I kind of feel as if I am wasting my time. Well, unless you haven't noticed, Amy has an extraordinarily large role in this story, why? Because she doesn't take part in Sonic Epilogue. That is why. Anyway, enjoy this chapter, if anyone even reads it. Btw, Amy is around 16 in this story, although no one else's ages have changed. Get used to it, it's still the same Amy.)
Amy knocked on Tails door. He opened it soon after.
“How is she?” Amy asked. Tails shock his head.
“She's in a bad way, but she's sleeping right now. I put her in my bed.” Tails said.
“So, what do you think social services will do?” Amy asked.
“There isn't going to be any social services.” Tails said. “Cream's staying here with me.” He walked over to the sofa. “You can come in by the way.” He joked. Amy tapped herself on the head. She walked in and closed the door. “Your umbrella is right over there.” Tails said.
“Thanks.” Amy said as she walked over.
“Amy, go dry yourself, you're soaked.” Tails moaned. Amy laughed. “There is a towel in the bathroom, you can use it.” Amy walked over to the bathroom and dried herself. Tails went over to his dresser. He pulled out an old dress he had, it was once his mothers, he kept it for so long but forgot it was in there. “Amy! I got a dress here for you if you want to borrow it for a little while whilst your clothes dry.” Tails called.
“Thanks Tails, throw it in.” Amy replied. Tails walked over and threw it in.
Fifteen minutes later, Amy walked back out. She was in the dress Tails gave her.
“That was my moms, so I want it back when you're done.” Tails said. Amy threw her wet clothes in the kitchen; waiting for the batch of clothes washing to… well, wash. She went and sat next to Tails on the sofa.
“You know what…” Tails started.
“What?” Amy asked.
“I kind of know what Cream is going through. I lost both my parent when I was young too, but I lost them to Eggman.” Tails said. “So I know how Cream feels.” Tails explained.
“Me too.” Amy said.
“But how? Both your parents are alive on our other planet.” Tails said.
“I know… but…” Amy started; she looked down at the floor.
“What?” Tails started.
“Tails… I had a baby once…” Amy said.
“What!” Tails called.
“Yes, that's how I know. Only through a mother to her child, instead of the child to the mother. You see, I had the baby with Sonic, it was a one nighter, but one that made all the difference. Sonic has probably forgotten. I had the baby and she grew up to about two, she was a runner, just like Sonic. But Eggman got her. Sonic and I chased him down and Sonic hit him. He dropped my child into the woods. I've not seen her since. We searched and searched, but we found no signs of her. We searched for several days, maybe a week or two. However, we came to a conclusion she must have died. It was a big fall, especially for a 2 year old.” Amy was nearly crying, she sniffled a lot. “About two days after, Sonic… Sonic went back to his old ways, pretending we never had a child. But I'll always remember my little girl, my little Lilly.” Amy cried. Tails, held her, as he did Cream before.
“Please… don't tell me anymore.” Tails cried, he was also in tears. The day was a sad one.
Minutes later, Amy had cried herself to sleep. Tails rested her down on the sofa. He decided he needed to tell Sonic about the events and ask about his daughter. Tails grabbed a raincoat and left, the rain had lifted, annoyingly. He left the raincoat and walked towards the forest, where Sonic told him he would be for a few days. Tails flew towards it.
Tails arrived and began searching. He heard an ocarina playing. He followed the sound. Tails had brought along a handgun, for protection against wild Eggman machines or messed up mutations. Tails listened as he walked, the playing got louder and louder to the point where it seemed to be around the corner. When he looked the playing stopped, no one was there. Tails walked over.
“Why do I have the feeling I am being…” he began whispering to himself. He heads some shuffling behind him. He instinctively pulled out the gun and pointed it to where the sound came from. A little cyan hedgehog jumped in fright and covered herself, pushing herself into the tree behind her.
“Don't hurt me, don't hurt me. I mean no harm. Please, don't.” She squealed.
“Sorry.” Tails said drawing his gun away. “I was looking for someone. She vanished. Her head appeared next to Tails.
“Well, I'd say found someone you do.” The girl spoke.
“Who are you?” Tails said as he jumped in surprise.
“Me? I name Erika. It what forest name me.” The cyan one said.
“I'm Tails. Were you playing that ocarina?” Tails asked, the girl vanished again, She came down upside down from a random tree vine.
“Play ocarina I did. You come, I stop.” She said.
“Do you speak English.” Tails asked.
“I not am speaking French.” She mocked.
“Right.” Tails said. “Well, I have to finish my search.”
“For the blue me?” the girl asked.
“Y… yes.” Tails said. “How'd you know?”
“The music tells me.” The girl told him.
“The music?”
“Yes, it tell me something bad happen soon.” The girl dropped from the vine behind a bush. She should have landed on her head. Tails gasped. Then he felt something. Her face came down again, only she was sat on his head.
“Listen closely.” She said, “When the dark one appears, the light shall go to darkness, only then with the world be turned into a living nightmare. I call it… Sonic Epilogue.” The girl bounced of Tails head and ran off into the woods.
“Wait! What did you mean?” No response. Tails continued his search.