Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Matrix 2 ❯ On the way to Lake Valley ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The crew of the Tornado 2.0, minus Tails and Sally (who were eating lunch in the control room) gathered together in the cafeteria for lunch.

 Manic poked at the pineapple chicken on his plate with a chopstick.

 “Just eat it and shut up, bro.” Sonic said, helping himself to another helping of noodles. “You don’t hear me complain that there’s no chili dogs.”

 “We had this for lunch and dinner two days ago.” Manic replied. “The food in the matrix isn’t this bad.”

 “Oh, don’t be so dramatic, Manic.” Sonia said exasperatedly. “The last time you ate in the matrix, you had shrimp stir fry, then spent the rest of the night in your bathroom.”

 Manic threw a balled up napkin at Sonia. “We were not supposed to talk about that.”

 “It’s no secret, Rogue.” Shadow said, purposefully reaching across Sonic’s plate to get the sriracha bottle. 

 Sonic gave Shadow a death stare.

 “You constantly roll the dice on questionable food, then lock yourself in your room’s bathroom for hours. It’s not hard to connect the dots.” Shadow continued.

 “If you don’t like my cooking, then make your own food, Manic.” Bunnie said. “You don’t have to imply that gas station sushi is better than my home cooking with what supplies we have.”

 “I’m sorry and, for the record, your food is better than gas station sushi.” Manic replied. “I didn’t-”

 Everybody except Manic pushed their plates away.

 “What?” Manic asked.

 “Dude, no one wants to hear that.” Sonic replied. 

 Shadow got up and walked away.

 Sonia followed Shadow.

 “I’m certain you were adopted, Sonia.” Shadow said. “There’s no way you’re related to those two.”

 Sonia giggled. “I wish.”


 Shadow groaned as another error pop-up flashed on the screen. “This thing clearly has it in for me, Tails.”

 Tails eased his laptop away from Shadow. “Maybe you should take a break.”

 Manic came in with a cup of coffee and handed it to Shadow.

 “Thanks.” Shadow said. He downed the cup in minutes.

 “We’re in Lake Valley anyway.” Tails said, landing the ship.

 “That conspiracy theorist Sonia got into an argument with isn’t still there, is she?” Manic asked.

 Tails shrugged. “Hard to say.”

 “Who?” Shadow asked.

 “Sticks the badger.” Manic replied. “A.k.a Glitch. Sonia doesn’t like her.”


AN: Sticks’ hacker name was chosen because she is kind of crazy, so in a sense she’s “glitchy”. I can’t believe I didn’t think to add her to the first Sonic Matrix, but better late than never.