Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Matrix 2 ❯ Final battle ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shadow unplugged himself from the VR system after helping to free several hackers and regular prisoners. “You need backup, Princess?” He asked through the communicator.

 “No, I’m fine.” Sonia said.

 “Uh, I hate to interrupt.” Tails said. “But you do need to try to learn how to use my computer, Terios.”

 Shadow kissed Sonia, then left the room.

 Sonic, Manic, and Knuckles gathered around Sally and Sticks’ part of the desk while Sally coordinated the attack on the fortress.

 Shadow sat down in one of the empty computer chairs.

 Manic chuckled. “We overheard Tails.” He said. “Are you seriously struggling with his computer?”

 “That thing’s AI has it in for me.” Shadow replied.

 “Don’t laugh, Sugar hog. Nicole hates me.” Bunnie said, nodding her head to Sally’s mini tablet. She set a tray of coffee mugs on the table.

 Sally nodded. “It’s true. She ignores her and Sonic.”

 Sticks barely glanced over her shoulder. “All tech hates me,” She said. “Probably because they know I’m on to their scheme for world domination.”

 Shadow rolled his eyes. “Terminator 2 was a movie, not some prophetic message, Glitch.” 

 Sticks swiveled her chair to face him. “That’s what they want you to think.”

 “Hard to argue with her since Ro-butt-nik made the Matrix a reality.” Manic said.

 Sonic dropped his (thankfully empty) coffee cup, which shattered. “Thanks, Manic.” He muttered. “Now I have a new nightmare to look forward to.”

 Manic rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry about that.” He replied. “For what it’s worth, I scared myself.”

 Tails came in with his laptop. “Okay, I’ll show you the basics, then I’ll let you try it on your own for a bit so I can help Sally and Sticks and check on Sonia.”

 “Let’s get this over with.” Shadow said.

 Shadow tapped a button on the computer. “Tails, your stupid computer hates me.” He called over his shoulder.

 Sonic, Knuckles, and Manic laughed.

 A video screen popped up, showing a live feed of a grinning Robotnik in his lab.

 The hedgehogs and Knuckles flinched.

 “Greetings, Terios.” Robotnik said. “Or would you prefer to be called Shadow?”

 Shadow raised an eyebrow. “How did-?”

 “I finally found you through your darling wife’s memories and my latest invention.” Robotnik continued. “Which reminds me, I have your wife right here.”

 Two robots dragged a badly beaten Sonia over to the camera.

 Shadow slammed his fist on the desk. “Unplug-”

 “Don’t be too hasty to unplug her.” Robotnik said. He motioned to a thin metal collar around Sonia’s neck. “See the lovely choker I gave her? It’s set to kill her if you try to unplug her.”

 Shadow gritted his teeth, cursing under his breath.

 Robotnik chuckled. “Someone needs a bar of soap for that filthy mouth.”

 “He can hear us?” Manic asked.

 “What do you want, Robotnik?” Shadow asked.

 “I know it’s foolish to ask the resistance to completely give up.” Robotnik replied. “So, I’m sure we can negotiate a deal. Come to my fortress before six o’clock tonight. If you don’t show up, she’ll be the test subject for my new cybernetic slave experiment.”

 The pop-up disappeared.

 Shadow got up. “Let’s go.” He said, snatching his coat off the back of his chair.

 Tails ran in. “Shadow, there- wait. Did a pop-up from Robotnik come through my laptop?”

 “Yeah.” Shadow said, walking over to the gun safe. “Stay in the room with her. Manic will stay with you.”

 “Why do I have to stay?” Manic asked. “I want to save my sister too. You may need someone to pick locks.”

 Shadow unlocked the gun safe and pulled out his guns. “Because Robotnik expects us to be there.” He replied. “We’re not sneaking in. Knuckles, Sonic, you’re going with me.”

 Knuckles got up and walked over to Shadow while Sonic got his body armor out of the crate under his desk. 

 “Do you think we can still do the attack?” Sticks asked. “Some of the unplugged are working to get the others free and out of the lab.”

 “Maybe.” Shadow replied. “Have everyone ready and wait for my signal.”

  “Will do.” Sticks said.

 Shadow, Sonic, and Knuckles arrived at the imposing metal fortress.

 The main doors opened.

 A loudspeaker crackled on. 

 “Come in, Shadow.” Robotnik said over the intercom. “But leave your colorful friends outside.”

 “Be careful, Terios.” Knuckles said.

 Shadow nodded and headed inside.

 Robotnik gave Shadow a sinister grin as the latter walked in. “I’m glad you accepted my invitation.” He said. “It makes things easier.”

 “Where’s Sonia?” Shadow asked. 

 Robotnik pressed a button on his gauntlet. 

 Two metal Sonics dragged Sonia in.

 Sonia was desperately trying to get to her feet and pull away. “Don’t take a deal, Shadow.”

 The metal Sonic on Sonia’s left slapped her, scratching her face.

 Sonia cried out in pain.

 Shadow grit his teeth, his eyes glowing. “What do you want?”

 “I’m willing to set free the rest of the Mobians and your wife.” Robotnik said, turning on a hologram viewer that showed a projection of eight brightly colored gems. “If you gather the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald and bring them to me.”

 Shadow raised his eyebrow. “Why?”

 “To power the machines.” Robotnik said.

 “They’re unstable, probably radioactive.” Shadow replied. “I don’t believe you’d only use those to power machines.”

 “I really don’t care if you believe me or not.” Robotnik said. “Either bring the emeralds or say goodbye to your wife and forget about the prisoners.”

 Shadow looked at Sonia. “Set everyone free first.”

 Robotnik scoffed. “You won’t hold up your end of the bargain if I do that.” He said. “We’ll trade at the same time.”

 “I don’t even know where the Chaos emeralds are.” Shadow replied. “I have only vaguely heard of them before and figured it was an urban legend.”

 The wall on the right side of the room burst open with a metallic crash.

 Sonia used the distraction to run over to Shadow.

 “What is the meaning of this?” Robotnik demanded.

 Sonic, his spines glowing gold and his eyes glowing red, hovered over the destroyed doors. “We got tired of waiting for your signal, Shads.”

 “You mean you got tired of waiting.” Shadow sneered. “You-”

 “Oh, and Glitch found the Chaos Emeralds.” Sonic said. He flew over to the metal Sonics and slammed them into the wall.

 “Rescue the others; I’ll help Sonic.” Shadow whispered to Sonia. He took the collar off of Sonia.

 Sonia nodded and headed for the lab.

 Sonic flew over to Shadow and grabbed his arm.

 “What’re you doing?” Shadow asked. He noticed his arm glowing light yellow. “Oh.”

 Sonic and Shadow, both in super forms, destroyed the lab.

 Sonic smacked a button on the control panel.

 “Self destruction sequence initiated.” A robotic voice announced.

 “You idiotic rat!” Robotnik yelled. “This place will explode in five minutes.”

 Sonic and Shadow’s communicators chimed.

 “We got the prisoners to safety.” Tails said over the communicator.

 Sonic and Shadow flew out of the facility. 

 Sonic pushed a button on his communicator. “Get ‘em to the airship.” He ordered. “The facility is gonna blow up.”

 “Will do.” Tails replied. 

 Shadow noticed Sonic’s super form fading and grabbed his arm.

 Shadow and Sonic made it inside Tornado 2.0 before the building exploded.

 Shadow and Sonic’s super forms finally faded completely away.

 Sonia hugged Shadow and Sonic. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

 “We’re glad you’re okay too, sis.”  Sonic replied.

 “Do you think Robotnik survived?” Sticks asked.

 Sonic shrugged. “Maybe.”

 “We’ll search as soon as we get the survivors to safety.” Knuckles replied.