Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The commitment to Commitment ❯ Umm, Surprise? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hey everyone! I'm really sorry about taking so long to update. Luv Shadow 14 edited it for me. Thanks! I'll get the next chapter up in a week tops. And for those who read Be Careful What You Wish For, that'll be updated as soon as I can get YiffyOne to edit. His gay pc crashed, and he can't edit until it's fixed. I might just get him to edit I different chapter later on. And by the way, YiffyOne is also drawing Fin for me. All praise YiffyOne! Read and review, and enjoy the chapter.
Chapter 7: Umm, Surprise?
“Amy? I don't mean to be rude, but, that's something that should only be between me and Tails.” Cream responded, resulting in a frown from Amy. “But I talked to Tails about it on the way over. We're going to tell everyone.”
Cream whispered into Tails' ear, “Tails, you ready?'
“Whenever you are” Tails replied, whispering himself.
“Excuse me everyone” Cream said, standing up. “Could I have everyone's attention for a minute? I would like to say something important.”
“Go ahead Cream. We're listening.” Sonic said.
“Well, umm” Cream started, struggling to finish her sentence and beginning to blush.
“Tails and I, well, we had our first kiss last night.” Cream managed to finish, causing Tails to blush as much as Cream.
“Awww. That's adorable” Amy said.
“You da man Tails” Knuckles said, giving Tails a thumbs-up.
“You two would make the perfect couple.” Rouge said, smiling.
“I'm happy for you Tails.” Sonic said. “And you, too, Cream. I'm going to check how Shadow's doing.”
Sonic got up and went to the bedroom. When he entered the room, he noticed that Shadow's face looked pale.
“You don't look too good there pal, even for being unconscious.”
Sonic checked for Shadow's pulse, but he didn't find one.
Oh shit. I know what I have do, but come on! It had to be Shadow to give CPR to? I only learned it so I might have to use it for Amy. Wait! I can get somebody from the room!
Sonic rushed to the door, but pulled off the doorknob.
“You have to be joking.”
Reluctantly, Sonic went over to Shadow.
Okay, here it goes. I just hope I don't get sick.
Sonic was about to perform his `operation' when Shadow's eyes opened.
“What the fuck?! Get the hell offa me you homo hedgehog!” Shadow barked, a huge vein appearing on his head.
Before Sonic could do anything, Shadow punched him into the wall.
“Hey, don't get any sick ideas!” Sonic yelled. “You didn't have a pulse, so I was gonna perform CPR, as much as I would have rather let you die. Excuse me for trying to save your life!”
“Oh, really faker? And where exactly did you check for a pulse?” Shadow asked.
“Right here” Sonic responded, pointing with his finger at the collarbone.
“That's not where you check for a pulse you retard!” Shadow yelled. “Dammit, I feel sorry for pinkie” Shadow said under his breath.
Sonic sweatdropped and blushed from embarrassment.
“Right, uh…….I knew that. So, uh, this never happened, right?”
Shadow grunted. “Gladly. If I'm gonna kiss anyone, it's gonna be Fin.”Damn! Did I just say that out loud?
Shadow realized it was too late to take back what he said, and slapped his forehead.
A smirk appeared on Sonic's face.
“So Shadow? Who's this Fin girl?”
“No one of your concern faker” Shadow said, walking past Sonic. “But mention that to anyone, and I won't hesitate to end your existence for good.”
Shadow continued walking until he reached the door and kicked it down.
Everyone stared at Sonic and Shadow, and the door now flat on the ground.
Sonic sweatdropped. “Umm, surprise?”