Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Iron Heart ❯ Escape From Your Captor ( Chapter 2 )
Legal Stuff:
I don't own any of the characters in this story. They are the properties of their respective owners.
Author's Notes:
Chapter 2: Escape From Your Captor
Last chapter, we left off with MS-02 and Amy rose KO'd in a holding cell in Robotnik's base. Robotnik himself had left them alone to make the finishing touches on an upgraded MS-01. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were arguing over whether or not to trust MS-02 if they saw him again. The three animals went back inside of Tails's workshop to formulate another strategy for rescuing Amy. (again!)
Inside Robotnik's holding cell…
Metal Sonic 2's eyes lit up as he restored power to all his systems.
MS-02 sat up and looked around as he scanned his memory for what had happened. It was night time already.
Me: What happened to me? What was it that overrode my own programming? Wait a second…I remember there being a remote…Yes, that must have been what did it!
Me: Denied? How could my own system not allow me to access one of my own files?…It must've been Robotnik! Wait…Did I just use a contraction? I did, didn't I…Hey, there I go again!
Me: Dang!…Wait…That's anger due to frustration! I knew it!
Me: Hmm…It seems like I can't do anything about the file that overrides my programming…Maybe Tails could help me…Well, I guess I should focus on something I can change…like the fact that I'm in here…Let's see…
Me: I guess Robotnik thought I wouldn't reactivate before he returned-he put us in a room with a window!
Me: <shakes Amy by the shoulder> Amy!
Amy: <wakes up, talks sleepily> Huh?…Sonnie?…<opens eyes, sees MS-02>…<gasp><afraid>…Oh no…
Me: Do not worry. I am normal now.
Amy: What?
Me: Whatever took control of me is gone. Let's get out of here. <stands up, extends hand to help Amy up>
Amy: <takes MS-02's hand, stands up><nervously> Well…okay…
MS-02 led Amy over to the window. He then fired up his jets, and flew up to the window. There were two thick, vertical iron bars blocking their escape. MS-02 put his hands between them, and bent them apart. The two bars creaked and moaned as they reluctantly gave way to the overwhelming force that had been imposed upon them. MS-02 hovered back down, landing next to Amy.
Amy: <looking at window> Well that's great, but how I get up there?
Me: <puts right hand on Amy's back, picking her up by the shoulders> Let me worry about that. You worry about the landing.
Amy: Landing?! What do you mean-WWHHHAAA!!!
Before Amy could finish, MS-02 threw her out the window. She landed in a mound of soft dirt that MS-02 had seen when he separated the bars. The robot then flew up and through the bars himself, and landed next to a less-than-happy pink hedgehog.
Amy: <scraping dirt off herself> Argh! Just look at me! I'm filthy!
Me: Sorry. We couldn't both fit through the window at the same time.
Amy: Well, yeah, but did you have to throw me?
Me: Yes. Now, let's go-Robotnik probably already knows about our escape.
Amy: Okay, but I can't run that fast, so don't leave me behind.
Me: Who said anything about running?
Amy: Huh? Hey, what are you-oh, I get it! Good idea!
Metal Sonic 2 had grabbed Amy by the wrists and carried her into the sky. The soared a few hundred feet into the air, then rocketed off toward Tails's workshop. The cold temperatures and high winds caused Amy to shiver and blew her quills back in to a new hair(quill?)style. MS-02, of course, was unaffected, and didn't notice Amy's reaction to the new environment.
Back at Tails's workshop…
Sonic: <pointing at part of a crudely drawn map> So then, it's settled. Does everyone know what they're supposed to do?
Knuckles: <sitting on couch, annoyed> For the hundredth time, YES!
Tails: <also sitting on couch> YES!! I GOT IT!!
Sonic: Now, there's the kind of enthusiasm I like to see!
Sonic: Uh, Tails?
Tails: <looks up from Game Boy Advance> Did you say somethin', Sonic?
Sonic: <face vault>
Knuckles: You got a deathmissle arm? <pulls out another GBA with Medabots AX and a link cable> Wanna trade?
Sonic: <face vault #2>
Tails: <to Knuckles> You play video games??!
Knuckles: Well, I gotta do somethin' while I'm guarding the chaos emeralds.
Sonic: <catapults face into floor>
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
Knuckles: What's that?
Tails: <pulls out laser pistol> Knuckles, open the door. If it's Metal Sonic, I'll hold him up at gunpoint.
Knuckles: Right. <puts hand on doorknob><whispers> Ready, Tails?
Tails: <hides next to door, secret agent style><also whispering> Yeah, on the count of three…
Both: One…two…THREE!!
Knuckles threw the door open as Tails rushed into the doorway, pointing the gun directly at MS-02's face. The normally cheerful fox had an unusually dark expression on his face at he peered into the eyes of the robot in front of him.
Me: <holding hands up at the elbows> No wait, I-
Tails: Save it, scumbag!
Knuckles: <behind door><thinking> Whoa…I've never seen Tails like this before…
Amy: <jumps between MS-02 and the barrel of Tails's gun. Her arms are spread apart, as if to shield MS-02.> STOP!! Don't shoot! Tails! Look, I'm fine, see? Okay, sure, I'm a little dirty, and my quills need combing, but otherwise I'm fine.
Sonic walked up next to Tails, and put his hand on top of the gun, causing Tails to lower it to his side. Sonic looked at Amy, then at MS-02, then back at Amy.
Sonic: Amy, are you okay?
Amy: <pointing at MS-02 with thumb> Yeah, I'm fine thanks to Metal, here.
Me: I helped her escape from Robotnik. I bet he'll be looking for us, though. All of us. I'm pretty sure he knows I'm a traitor.
Knuckles: Well, I still don't trust you. And Tails, what was that gun thing all about? I thought you were the one that believed it wasn't Metal's fault.
Tails: I had to be sure. And I didn't want to show any signs of weakness. Metal, if you messed up, I would have shot you. I guess it's a good thing Amy showed up for once.
Knuckles: Remind me never to mess with you, Tails…
Me: Tails's belief was correct. Robotnik has a control device that overrides my own wishes and forces me to obey him. I tried to delete the bit of my programming that activates when the control device is engaged, but I cannot access it.
Tails: Maybe I could help you with that.
Me: Perhaps so, but we don't have time now. We must prepare for Robotnik's arrival.
Robotnik: <flying up from the shadows> HA HA HA!! Too late, traitor!
Sonic: You again!
Robotnik: Your coming with me, MS-02! I'm going to reprogram you!
Tails: Not this time, fatty! <points gun at Robotnik, fires several shots. A few miss, but most of them hit Robotnik's Egg ship.
Me: No! I won't let you take me again! <activates both arm blasters (see pic of MS-02), points at Robotnik, fires repeatedly, hitting with each shot>
Robotnik: Careful, you might damage my ship! <holds out remote> It's time to come home, you misprogrammed bucket of bolts!
Me: <fires several shots into remote, destroying it>
Robotnik: Noooo!! Arghh! I'll get you all for this outrage! <flies away> Great! Now I have to fix my ship and rebuild my remote!
Me: That should keep him away for a while.
Tails: Whew! That was too close.
Knuckles: Well I'm glad that's over.
Sonic: For now, at least.
Amy: <stomach growls> Can we get some food? I'm starving!
They all walked back into the workshop. Amy's grocery shopping paid off, as they figured out that they'd probably be here for a while. Knuckles and Amy were the only ones that could cook, so they made dinner for themselves and the other two.
Tails: So…what's next?
Sonic: I dunno. I was kinda wondering if any of you guys had any ideas.
Me: I think we should attack Robotnik.
All: What?!
Me: I'm serious. We should break in and destroy his research. And we have to stop him from completing his upgrades to MS-01.
Amy: Who's that?
Me: Robotnik is in the process of repairing and reprogramming the original Metal Sonic. He plans to make him as smart as me, and even more lethal. If he succeeds…
Knuckles: It would spell big trouble for all of us.
Sonic: It's too bad you never got the first Metal Sonic's hard drive. I bet he had all kinds of maps of Robotnik's place.
Me: You don't need his hard drive. You've got me, remember? I know everything about that base. I just hope Robotnik hasn't had time to change things since I betrayed him.
Tails: Hey, that's right!
Knuckles: So I guess we're going to attack Robotnik for once. Cool. We should stay here and plan, first though.
Amy: We need to get some rest, too.
Sonic: Yeah, but…what if Robotnik comes back while we're asleep?
Me: Don't worry. I don't require rest. I will keep watch and alert you all if he returns.
This introduced an interesting question. They all needed sleep, and having MS-02 stand guard seemed like a good idea, but what if he turned on them? What if it was all an elaborate scheme to get them to drop their guard? And of course, what if it all worked out fine?
Sonic: Hmm…I don't know. It sounds risky.
Me: I understand your concern. I cannot offer you more of a guarantee than my promise that I will protect you.
Knuckles: I'm not too sure about this.
Amy: I believe him.
Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails: Huh?!
Amy: You heard me! I don't think he's lying. I say we let him do it.
Sonic: Amy, now, we to think this out.
Amy: NO! I trust him! And to prove it, I'm going to bed! Good Night!
Amy stomped downstairs and into one of the bed rooms, jumped into a bed, and lay face-down with her face in the pillow
Amy: <muffled voice, due to pillow> Oooh! Those stupid boys! Can't they see that Metal is harmless?! Ugh!! <eventually falls asleep>
Sonic: She sure can get emotional.
Tails: No kidding.
Knuckles: Well, Metal, it looks like at least one of us believes you.
Me: Does she always act like that?
Sonic: Usually, but I think that's the first time she's used `I'm going to bed' to end an argument.
Knuckles: Well, I guess she did prove her point.
Tails: She might be right about Metal.
Sonic: What do you mean?
Tails: Well, Metal and I did have an interesting conversation earlier. He's very convincing. I doubt even a robot could lie and sound as truthful as he did-and still does, as a matter of fact.
Knuckles: So I guess he's convinced you, then, eh?
Tails: Yeah, I guess so.
Sonic: Well, that's your opinion, I guess. Just don't go stomping away like Amy did.
Tails: No problem. <walks downstairs, falls asleep in another bed>
Sonic: I don't know about you, Knucks, but that kid is the smartest guy I know. If he says Metal's tellin' the truth, then I believe him. See ya tomorrow! <goes downstairs, falls asleep in the third and last bed>
Knuckles: <looks at MS-02, stares into his electronic eyes, trying to sense Metal's feelings> Hmm…You know, I think I can actually sense something from you. You seem honest enough…I guess.
Me: If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them.
Knuckles: <powerfully> Look me in the eyes and tell me that aren't lying.
Me: <locks eyes with Knuckles> I will not harm you…or any of your friends.
Knuckles: Hmm…Very well. I'm not sure if I can sense anything from you or not, but I suppose that's because you are a machine. I'll agree to let you keep watch, but know this: I am a light sleeper, and I will destroy you if mess up. <slowly makes his way downstairs, looking back at MS-02 several times>…<downstairs, he finds that all of the beds have been taken, and resorts to sleeping on the couch.> This figures…I'm the guardian of the Master emerald, the Chaos emeralds, and Angel Island, and I have to sleep on the couch! Ugh…What will they think of next? <falls asleep>
Me: Well, I'm only two days old, and my life has already been a roller coaster ride.
He knew that tomorrow would be his greatest test yet…
Pretty cool so far, eh?
As always, please review!