Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Vacation To Mobius ❯ Honey, I Shrunk The Kitsune ( One-Shot )
Legal Stuff:
I don't own any of the characters in this story. They are the properties of their respective owners.
Author's Notes:
This is really just a little short chapter that I came up with, and it's not really part of the story. My imagination does some crazy things. Don't believe me? You will by the end of this chapter.
Honey, I Shrunk The Kitsune
We were working at the park, and finally starting to make progress. Little did we know that we were being watched…
Metal (MS-02): <stops suddenly, slowly looks around>
Tails: What is it, Metal?
Metal: I sense something…
From behind a building came a large spider robot. It lunged at them. Metal tried to protect Tails, but the robot reached around him and grabbed the fox.
Tails: Sonic! Help!
Sonic: I'm coming, Tails!
The spider vanished. Sonic stopped in his tracks.
Sonic: Metal, where is it?!
Metal: I do not know. I am not picking up any signals…
Sonic: So it's not just invisible, then…
Metal: It would appear that it is no longer here.
Amy: But then, where is it?
Me: I bet I know!
Lunar: No kidding! Let's go!
We all rushed off toward Robotropolis. Several minutes later, we arrived.
Me: Hey, Porygon, that hole we made looks a lot bigger up close, doesn't it?
Porygon: Affirmative.
Sonic: <looks at hole> You guys…made that?!
Me: Yup.
Lunar: Awesome.
We made our way in. Meanwhile…
Robotnik: And now, you will be the first living test subject!
Tails: <strapped to a wall> Test subject?! For what?!
Robotnik: I'm glad you asked…<removes white covering from a device>…
Tails: What is that?!
Robotnik: This is my shrink ray!
Tails: You mean like in those movies with th-
Robotnik: --NO!! This one works using completely different principals! But I won't bore you with the details…
Tails: Oh don't worry…Please, bore away…heh heh…
Robotnik: Quit trying to stall for time! Now, let's see how it works…
Robotnik pressed a button on the device, and a beam of energy shot from it, and into Tails. The fox, gloves, shoes, and all was almost instantly shrunken. Tails now stood only about two inches high. Free of the restraints, he made a break for it, but his tiny legs didn't get him too far.
Robotnik: I don't think so!
Robotnik caught Tails in a glass jar, and put a lid on the top. He carried the jar toward his communications room, but we caught up with him.
Sonic: There you are!
Metal: Return Tails to us now!
Robotnik: I'm afraid I can't do that, Sonic.
Sonic: What have you done to him?!
Tails pounded on the glass of the jar.
Tails: Sonic! Help!
Amy: Tails?!
Robotnik: That's right, you brat! I've shrunken your little friend into a tiny friend!
Lunar: Fix it now, or else I'll-
Robotnik: --Or else you'll what? Ha! That's what I thought!
Me: What do you want?
Robotnik: I want a lot of things…But I'll settle for supreme emperor of the planet!
Me: I've got a better idea…Don't I, Porygon?
Porygon: Affirmative.
Porygon shot a tractor beam at the jar, and easily pulled it from Robotnik's hands. Porygon gave the jar to me.
Me: Let's go, guys!
Sonic: Right!
We all left, leaving Robotnik angry over his loss. After a few minutes, we arrived at Knothole.
Sonic: Well, this is unusual…
Amy: No kidding! Look at him! He's so small!
Tails: Now I know what a museum exhibit feels like…
Metal: His reduced size will hinder his combat abilities.
Lunar: How did this happen?
Tails: Robotnik has some sort of a shrink ray…
Me: Weird…
Tails: You've got lots of stuff on your planet…Can you help me?
Me: Well, I never really developed matter-mass alteration technology. It was too impractical. Sorry, buddy.
Tails: This isn't good…
Lunar: How about we go steal that shrink ray…Maybe it has a reverse mode…
Sonic: Sounds good to me.
Metal: Then, let's go.
Me: Wait a sec! What about Tails? We can't just leave him here…
Sonic: Good point. One of us is gonna hafta stay behind.
Amy: But who?
Sonic: I can't do it; I've gotta lead us.
Amy: I could do it.
All: <sweatdrop> No…
Lunar: Metal's too valuable of a fighter to leave behind.
Metal: As is Lunar.
Sonic: Well, we could have the overlander do it…
Me: Me?!
Metal: It is the logical choice.
Me: I guess so…What do you think, Tails?
Tails: Well…Sure, I'll do it.
Sonic: All right then…Nate, promise me that you won't betray us, especially not now.
Me: I promise. Sonic, I would never betray you-or your friends.
Sonic: I hope so, Nate. I hope so.
Lunar: Take care of my nephew…We shouldn't take too long…I hope…
Amy: <winks> Yeah, we'll be back before you know it!
Metal: Then we should go.
Sonic: Right, let's move out!
They all left, headed for Robotropolis. Porygon and I went inside Tails's house. I carried the jar with me. We entered, and I set it on the table.
Me: Well, Tails, what now?
Tails: Could you maybe let me out of here?
Me: Oh, right…duh…
I opened the lid of the jar, and Tails flew out the top, and landed next to the container. He looked up at me.
Tails: Well, now, you're uh…You're really big, aren't you?
Me: No, you're just really small…I think this has something to do with Einstein's theory of relativity…
Tails: So I guess we just wait here until they get back…
Me: I guess so, but instead of just sitting here, you should find a use for your new size. There's got to be something…
Tails: <sigh> I dunno…What if they can't get the shrink ray back?
Me: Well, look at it this way; a can of spaghettios will last you a really long time…
Tails: Heh, I guess…You know, I've always wanted to see the inner workings of my inventions up close…Like the Tornado!
Me: You've got the Tornado here?
Tails: Yeah, it's in the basement.
Me: Cool.
Tails: One problem…We have to use a keypad to unlock the door…
Me: How is that a problem? You've got me, remember?
Tails: I guess so…Man, I hate to have to fly all the way over there…It seems so much farther when you're tiny…
Me: No problem.
I put my hand down next to him, palm upwards and open.
Me: Hop on.
Tails: <sweatdrop> Uh…I don't know…
Me: What are you worried about?
Tails: I guess you're right.
Tails nervously climbed into my hand. He sat down in the center, so as not to fall over when the hand moved.
Me: Ready?
Tails: I guess so.
Me: Then, here we go.
I gently picked him up, and walked over toward the keypad.
Me: You know, this is kinda funny…
Tails: How?
Me: An overlander like me and a Mobian like you are supposed to be mortal enemies. And yet here we are, best friends. I could easily crush you, you know.
Tails: <nervously> Yeah…
Me: Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. What I meant was that I'm letting you live, but I'm supposed to be some kind of murderous killer.
Tails: I never thought of it that way…
Me: And that's what makes it funny-none of us fully realizes the strangeness of the situation.
Tails: Neat…I think…
We made it to the keypad.
Me: Well, we're here. What now?
Tails told me the code, and I dialed it. The door opened, and we went downstairs. Amongst other things, I finally saw the P3-a Tornado, in jet mode. We walked up to it.
Tails: This is so cool!
Me: It is pretty neat, isn't it?
Tails hopped into the air intake in the front of the plane.
Me: Uh, Tails…I don't think that's safe…
Tails: Don't worry, I know this place inside and out.
Me: Alright, but if you're not back in half an hour, I'm calling a search party.
Tails: <walking deeper into Tornado, voice echoing slightly> How would you do that?
Me: Porygon can alter his size. It's too bad he can't alter the size of other stuff.
Tails: Oh…
Tails explored for about fifteen minutes or so before returning. He hopped into my hand again, still slightly nervous.
Me: I'm getting worried about the others…They should've been back by now…
Tails: Maybe Amy slowed them down…
Me: Could be…
Tails: <yawn>
Me: You tired, little buddy? No pun intended.
Tails: Kinda…Climbing around in machinery really takes it out of you.
Me: Makes sense to me.
Tails: Let's go back upstairs…I wanna see if they're back yet…
Me: Okay…
I carried the tiny hero back up the stairs, closed the basement door, and went up to the window.
Me: Nope, not yet.
Tails: Aww…
Me: So, now what?
Tails: Well, I <YAWN> kinda wanna go to bed…
Me: Alright, I'll take you there.
Tails: Thanks…
I started to walk to the bedroom, but stopped halfway. I heard tiny snores from below. I looked down, and saw that Tails had already fallen asleep, curled up in my hand.
Me: Either he trusts me, or he was seriously tired…
Porygon: Try not to disturb him; it would probably wake him up.
Me: Right…
I walked over to the couch, and sat down. Tails was still peacefully asleep, unaware of how vulnerable he was. I could have easily killed him, but I didn't. He knew that he was safe, and protected. I pulled out my palm pilot with my other hand, and used it to write down what had happened.
Mission log, continued
A most unusual event has occurred today. Robotnik captured Tails and somehow shrunk him. He is now approximately two inches tall. Other than his reduced weight, that is the only difference. His voice is the same, as is his cheerful disposition. I am unaware of how his body processes the air molecules. It is also strange that time seems to move normally for him, rather than at an accelerated rate. I am responsible for his care and safety until the others return with the device that caused all this. I will report more later.
End addition
Me: There. I wonder if the process can be reversed…What am I saying? Of course it can. Sleep peacefully little buddy. We'll get this fixed.
I sat there for a few minutes, holding the tiny fox. Porygon was beside me, performing various scans on Tails. Eventually, Sonic and the others arrived. They knocked on the door, and I answered it.
Sonic: Nate, we're back.
Me: I noticed. Did you get the device?
Lunar: <holding shrink ray> Yeah, we got it.
Metal: Where is Tails?
I pointed at my other hand.
Sonic: You didn't kill him, did you?
Me: Of course not. He's asleep.
Amy: Oh just look at him! He looks so cute like that! It reminds of that Bambi movie!
All: O.o
Lunar: Let's get this thing setup, and get my nephew back to normal.
Me: Right.
I gently nudged Tails.
Me: Wake up, Tails…It's time to get you back to normal.
Tails yawned as he sat up. He looked up at his friends, who towered above him. Then it hit him that he had fallen asleep in my hand.
Tails: Um…Sorry, Nate…I didn't mean to fall asleep…
Me: Don't worry about it.
We walked into his house, and Lunar set the shrink ray on the table. He pointed it at the wall.
Me: Let's see if we can get this thing in reverse. Porygon, do your stuff.
Porygon turned himself into data and entered the device. Almost a minute passed. Finally, he emerged from the device and converted into matter.
Porygon: Modifications complete.
Me: Good.
Tails: Here I go…Wish me luck…
Tails flew up in front of the device. Lunar pressed a button, and a beam fired into Tails. The fox grew in size until he was back to normal.
Tails: Hooray! I'm my good old self again!
Sonic: Great. Now, what do we do about this shrink ray gizmo?
Metal: Perhaps we should destroy it.
Me: I've got a better idea. <presses button on watch, opens portal> I'll send it back to my base and have the robot drones examine it. A lot could be learned, and besides, we might need to use this again. After all, Robotnik probably has a dozen or so more of these things.
Robotnik: Why oh why didn't I build a dozen or so more of those things?! That blasted hedgehog destroyed all the plans! Oh, why???
Tails's house…
I sent the device through the portal and back to my lab. The portal closed, and we all celebrated today's victory with ice cream from a nearby store.
Well, that was weird.
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