Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Visions of Darkness, Dreams of Light ❯ Chapter 4
Chapter 16
"Man, Sal! You shoulda seen him! He was a one-man demolition team! I could've done better, but still! He wailed on that guy, even with a knife in him. I mean, I had chills. Bunnie says he's been taking out some swat bots. I bet he tears them to shreds. Wow." He frowned. "I see what they mean by a "creature of the night", though. When he starts to get into "hunting mode", you don't hear him move at all. In the middle of the night, you'd be dead before you knew he was there."
Sally stopped and turned to him. "Not something to joke about, Sonic. Think of what Robotnik could do with that power."
Sonic shivered, then shook his head. "Probably nothing. Drake heals just about anything, I guess. He might not even be roboticizeable."
"Sonic, Robotnik may not be able to use it himself, or even use Drake, but I'm sure he could find a way to use it. You know he could."
Sonic continued to disagree. "Never happen, Sal. If any of the stories are true, wouldn't Drake be able to…control any other vampire that he makes?"
Sally rubbed her chin in thought. "I doubt it. That seems a little far-fetched. Besides, I doubt Drake wants to control anyone, and most stories also say about religion, sunlight, water, and a bunch of other things. Nothing religious seems to hurt him unless you'd…I don't know, beat him with it, he's more tanned now than he was before, he swims, and he eats garlic like it's candy. I mean, his breath reeks of it half the time. Anyway, I don't think he can turn someone that easily. If he could, Mina would have been one by now. Dr. Quack seems to think that the vampirism travels in his blood only, so his bite isn't dangerous. He even believes that Drake's saliva appears to have some antibacterial uses, and that it would probably take a lot of blood at one time to turn someone. So maybe there is nothing to worry about."
"I thought I said that."
"You didn't." Sally smirked.
"You sure? I think I did."
"Of course. Read the royal scrolls. The Princess is always sure. Says it right in the middle, in black and white. You should read them sometime."
Sonic scowled. "There is no such thing as a "royal scroll". Don't tease." He consulted the time. "Sorry, Sal. It's chili-dog time. I figured you might like to hear about the fight. See ya tomorrow. Dad says he's gonna show me something. Tails said he found a guitar."
"Hmm. Sounds interesting. See you later, Sonic."
The next day…
"Wrong note."
"You're getting better, though. You learn faster than I did."
"That's because you taught yourself, and now you're teaching me."
"Nephew, try not to give my brother a swelled head. He won't get through the door."
"C'mon Unc, no one in our family ever gets cocky. You have to know that by now." Sir Charles snorted.
{If anyone can make a good learning scene for Sonic that would fit in here, I'd be much obliged. I know very little about music, and…oh, you get the picture. I'm lazy.}
<Wow. He's good. Better than I thought he'd be. Is there anything that hedgehog can't do?> Drake was nodding to the tune. <Sounds familiar. Hey, there's Mina.> The mongoose had stepped up beside Sonic. Within a few moments after familiarizing herself with the music, she began to sing. Drake was stunned. <She's an even better singer than I thought. She really is incredible.> Mina gave Sonic a smile. <But she wants him. They have so much in common. I don't have a chance. Probably never did.> He sighed, and began to walk off.
<Where did Drake go? Dang it! I wanted to see what he thought of my singing. Maybe I just don't see him.> She continued to sing, hoping her disappointment didn't show.
Sally stared at the two. <They are good together. Maybe I don't have a chance. They have so much in common. I can't stay here.> She hurried off, followed quickly by Bunnie. After getting into the forest away from the music, Sally sat down, trying to control her emotions.
"Sally? Sugar, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, Bunnie. It's silly."
"You're worried about Sonic and Mina, aren't yuh?"
"No. Well…yes. I just thought that…Sonic and I were going to be together. I just took it for granted. But now…"
"Sally-girl, look at me. Sonic cares for yuh, right? And yuh care for him. He just doesn't know that yuh care. Tell him. It's pretty simple. And Ah don't think Mina is as interested in Sonic as she was before."
"What do you mean?"
"She's been making eyes at Drake. It looks like she likes him more than she ever cared for sugah-hog. They'd make a cute couple."
"Bunnie…always the matchmaker." Sally smiled.
"O' course, Sally-girl. Ah been tryin' to get you and Sonic together. Ya'll just make it difficult." Sally hugged her friend.
"Thanks, Bunnie. I feel a lot better." Her head jerked away from Knothole. "What's that?"
The song ended. <I still don't see him. Well, I hope he heard. I could give him a private session.> She felt herself blush at the thought. <I'd be way too embarrassed. But I need to clear this up with Sonic. I hope he understands. Waitaminute…> "What's that!?" She shouted. Sonic looked up.
"Nack! What?" He saw the princess, laying across the lead weasel's bike. "He's got Sal! Sal!!" The hedgehog took out one of the weasels with a flying kick.
Mina raced forwards in an attempt to take out one of the other weasels. "Stop!"
The weasel grinned as he turned to her. "Babe…I wouldn't if I could!" He fired several rounds at her.
Sonic threw her out of the way of the rounds, only to see the weasel fire a second volley at her as she fell. Sonic stared in horror, trying to get up to move her again. Suddenly, a black blur flew in front of the mongoose, and several wet thuds were heard. Drake fell heavily, clutching his side.
Mina raced over, and Drake leaped to his feet. "Motherfreakinstupidassidiot SON…OF…A…Damn! That burns like hell!" He winced, trying to cover the wounds. They weren't healing. A look of shock, followed quickly by recognition, appeared on his face. He glared after the red weasel. "When I catch you, I'm gonna…! Aw, damn." He fell to one knee. "I think I need to see the Doc." He muttered. Mina raced over, helping him up.
"I'll take this turkey to the king. You better get Drake to the hospital." Sonic ordered.
"Right. Let's go." To Drake, she muttered "You're lucky you need help, or I'd…" She was barely able to contain her fear.
Drake frowned, worried. "Are you ok? I mean…"
"Worry about yourself! You just took three bullets, and they're not healing. What's wrong?"
"I may have just found my weakness, Mina."
Chapter 17
"Well, it seems that you were right. If something embeds in the skin, it heals far slower than normal. However, once the wound has been repaired, like stitched together, or the object is removed, it heals quickly."
"So…stakes are something to worry about."
The duck snorted, something that Drake always found interesting. "The only way a stake would be dangerous is with some kind of propulsion."
"Like…a crossbow?"
Dr. Quack winced. "Actually, that's a good example. However, you could probably pull it out if it wouldn't be immediately fatal, and you might even be able to dodge it, considering your speed."
"Great…So basically, St. Jack could put a bolt in me and kill me."
"Don't complain. After all, all he said was that it might kill you." Mina scolded.
"Your right. Sorry Doc."
"Why did you kidnap the princess?"
"Why else? Her parents'll pay us real good to get her back unharmed."
"Real well."
"Yuh meant to say, 'real well'." The rabbot said, dangling him out the window.
"Oh Ms. Rabbot, please don't drop me. I am oh-so-scared of heights. Can I go now?" The weasel mocked.
"Yuh lucky Ah'm a southern belle at heart, yuh varmint!"
The weasel was just beginning to stand as the king was wheeled into the room. The weasel snorted, then burst into laughter.
"Everyone…leave. Now." The weasel laughed harder. "Guards…Enter." The weasel took one look at the huge guards. His laughing died slowly, fading into a nervous chuckle. The first guard cracked his knuckles, and started to chuckle.
"What do you think is happening?" Tails asked.
"You don't want to know." Drake swung onto the balcony, setting Mina down tenderly. Sonic barely restrained a grin.
"What do you mean?" The fox questioned.
"Let's just say…I almost feel sorry for him…almost." He grinned at the last. "Did he say why they…?"
"Yeah. Greed. Pure and simple. And they plowed right through Bunnie to get to Sal. Doc oughta check her out too."
"Ah'm fine, sugah. Don't yuh worry yuhself none. Ah'm looking forward to bustin some heads."
"I'll say this, though. If they hurt Sal…I'm taking Nack and his friends down."
"I claim half, regardless. I really don't like being shot. It hurt like hell. And…" He stopped, trying to look as though he hadn't started to say anymore. Mina frowned, giving him a curious look. She opened her mouth, about to ask…
The king was wheeled out. "I know where they've taken her."
Sonic and the others were sitting outside the mansion. "Ah can't believe that weasel has a place like this. It ain't right."
"Agreed. We could always smash it up a bit."
"Doesn't he have a sister?"
"Doesn't Nack have a sister?"
"Yeah, so?"
"The house probably belongs to her as well, if it was inherited."
"Again, so?"
"She hasn't done anything. You can't just…"
"Harboring a known felon."
"She's his family. You know how that is. He hasn't murdered anyone, and is under most circumstances, a minor pest. If she ain't in there, she might not know he pulled a stunt like this."
"So you want us to protect the damned house!?"
"No, I'm just asking that we keep it to a minimum. After all, from what I've heard about her, she seems to be an ok person."
"He's right, sugah-hog. It might be a good idea. No use getting a new enemy."
The hedgehog growled. "Fine. I'll be careful. Now let's go!"
Drake put a restraining hand on his shoulder. "Wait. I want to know if I can heal her if necessary. You know, with my blood."
"Well…if there's no other way. Sorry about that, but I can almost guarantee that Sal won't want to risk it. So…"
"Understood. What about you? Would you risk it?"
"Me? Well…" He sighed. "Yeah. I don't want to die."
"Anyone else have a problem with the idea? Speak now, or forever hold yer peace. Bunnie, you run probably the greatest risk, because you have the least blood."
"Well, the way Ah see it, Ah'd probably grow mah limbs back, so Ah guess it's kinda win-tie. Ah might get mah legs back, and drink blood, or Ah'll be healed. So Ah'll say yeah."
"Cool. Uh…Mina? What about you?"
"I'll be fine with it. I trust you." <He worries too much. I'll be fine.>
He blushed. "Ok." <I wish Mina hadn't insisted on coming. She could get hurt.>
"Everybody, make sure you're prepared."
"Mina, are yuh sure yuh want to do this?"
"What do you mean?"
"Ah mean, this is dangerous. Ya'll could be hurt."
"I'll be fine."
"Drake's real worried. Yuh know, if you got hurt, he'd probably take a leap off the deep end to fix yuh. He might do something he'd regret later."
"Like what? I think I could stand being a vampire, if I had to."
"Ah figured yuh'd say that. But that wasn't what Ah was talking about. He might tear into whoever hurt yuh. Ah think he might even kill them. From what sugah-hog said, he was pretty well gone when ya'll got hit before."
"I have to go. I…" She lowered her head. "He's not invincible, Bunnie. He can get hurt like anyone else. He just heals fast. He might get killed to protect someone, when they could survive on their own. I need to be there to keep him from doing that. I can give him blood, if he needs it. I don't want to risk losing him again." She finished, feeling tears begin to flow.
"Yuh love him."
"I think so. I…I just don't know how he feels, really."
<Ah can't believe this! Why can't everyone just say how they feel?!> "This is all Ah can offer…tell him how yuh feel. Ah told Antoine. Look how that turned out. Besides, Ah think he might feel the same. Yuh never can tell." <Mah stars! Just tell him!!!>
"I guess so. Thanks Bunnie." She dried her eyes. "You don't think he heard, do you?"
"Never, Mina-girl. He'd never listen in. Besides, he and Sonic were talking, and they were far enough away that they couldn't hear us. Yuh gotta tell him yuhself."
Mina blushed, and they moved towards the men, ready to attack.
"Dammit. No. I can't tell her. That's final." His head perked up. "They're coming, so shaddup."
"Fine, fine. You girls ready?"
"Pop goes the weasel, sugah."
"If the squirrel is hurt, it certainly will."
"Drake, you said you had a plan to get in?"
"Right. Nack knows you, and he planned for you alone, most likely. And what would you do?"
"I'd… have charged right in."
"Exactly. And he almost certainly doesn't know about me, or at least they think I'm dead. And I can almost guarantee that he couldn't know what I can do."
"Like what? You're strong and fast, but he might be prepared for that."
Drake grinned. "I can get us to the roof. I'm sure he has some sort of guard up there, but he's probably listening for you. No one could be prepared for me, and considering that I'm almost silent when I hunt, I bet he'd never hear us until we were right on top of him."
"I can easily get up there, and get each of you up there in turn. The guard hears something, I knock him out. Chances are, he won't. I can barely hear myself when I stalk, and I jump around a lot. Most prey tries to get away if they see you, and I rarely go hungry." Sonic shivered. "Anyway, we take care of the guard, you get Sal, I extract my pound of flesh. They can't expect you to be sneaky."
"Right. Sounds good. Let's go."
Chapter 18
<I almost wish this wasn't so easy.> Drake was clambering up the wall. He was finding cracks in the mortar, places where boards stuck out, and anything else that made a good ledge. The weasel hadn't seen him, and was currently staring the other direction. He had seen a small flaw in his plan, that being that the wind made it harder to gauge his jumps than he would have liked. <Red is mine.> That weasel needed to feel some pain. He almost hoped it was the guard. The guy was a good shot, and needed taken out early. <How many bullets can I take? Four, five…fifty? Too bad I can't get a good estimate. Eh, three was too many. I should kill him.> He froze. <I'm actually contemplating murder. The guy deserves a trial. He deserves to die, but he should get some sort of jury. I'm not qualified…well, I suppose I am. Who better than the undead to decide if you should live? No. I won't kill him. But if he tries to shoot Mina, he's gone. That, I can live with.> He reached the eaves, and hung there, listening. Surprisingly, he heard two separate sets of breath. He stayed there until he heard the radio crackle.
"Nack? Nothing going on up here."
"I figured he'd crack by now. Surprise, surprise."
"Why didn't you just shoot him?"
"Because this way, we know that the hedgehog is going to find us. Be ready."
Drake waited, looking around for alternate entrances. Shortly, the radio crackled again.
<Half an hour. Perfect.> He checked the time and quickly climbed back down.
"Well? You guys ready to go?" Sonic nearly leaped out of his skin.
"Don't sneak up like that!" He clutched his chest.
"Sorry. I told you, I'm good at this. We have a thirty minute window. I take out the guard after a transmission, and then we enter. Just one problem. There are two guards. They might be able to get a transmission in, so we have to move fast." He swallowed. "Mina, I need you to help Sonic and I search. This is probably the worst part of my plan. I was actually hoping for a bigger window. They find out, they won't hesitate to use force. Bunnie, you'll need to watch the guards. I hate to say it, but you can't help us search." The rabbot's ears started to twitch. "Look, you can get down easily, and you can keep those two in check. I'm sorry, but this is the only way this will work. I could do it, but I'm faster, and I can find Sally by scent. It's the least dangerous, but…" <I wanted Mina to watch the guard. I could have knocked him out, and he certainly wouldn't have woken up. Now she has to be in even more danger. Damn!>
"All right. But ya'll best not have too much fun."
"I can do it. No problem." She flashed him a thumbs up.
"Ready and steady."
"Let's go."
The guards were almost ready. The one pulled a pistol out, only to have Drake kick it out of his hands. The other was tripped by Sonic and rendered unconscious more quickly. Drake's opponent had pulled out a knife. Drake pulled the same stunt that he had used before on the fox, and it had the same effect. Sonic sawed through the roof, leaving the three on the top floor of the house. They quickly separated, each searching rooms and areas as they found them.
<Damn. This weasel is good. He's got passages everywhere! Room to room, room to hallway, room to rooms on different floor, floor to floor, even room to outside! I hope the others are having better luck than I am.> A feeling of dread hit him. <I hope Mina is ok.>
Sonic was racing through the halls, flinging doors open, taking out everyone he encountered, almost taking out Mina in his frenzy. The two stared at each other for a moment. "How did you? You went the other way, didn't you?"
"This place is a maze! The halls each turn and twist and…"
"Never mind that. Leave all the doors you've opened open. That way we'll know if we made a wrong turn."
"Good idea!"
The mongoose raced down the hallway, turning into a passage. She slipped, slamming into a wall, which promptly flipped upside down. On the other side was yet another passage, this one having a light at the end. She cautiously followed the light, moving more slowly now. At the end of the tunnel, she found…
The young ruler to be had been tied to a chair and gagged. She was struggling to free herself when she spotted the mongoose. She stopped, and was trying to pretend not to notice her. Confused, Mina looked around. Not seeing anyone, she stepped in, and then saw the mirror the weasel was using from his own passage to watch. Shocked, she stepped back, into a net style trap. Moments later, she dangled from the low ceiling, too tangled to escape.
The red weasel stepped out, grinning. "And here I was, expecting the hedgehog to come in. Isn't this a pleasant surprise. Ol' Nack is losing his touch. I can't believe he thought the king would pay a ransom. What an idiot. After all, with such…fine young women, there are better things than ransom." He gave Mina a once over. "Not too bad, either. Business before pleasure, though. I gotta wait for the rodent. Then we can play." He continued to leer, up until he began to levitate about an inch above the ground. He wheezed, and was flung against the wall. He hit with a loud crunch, but managed to throw himself to his feet. "Who the hell…"
"Just me again." Drake stepped into the light. The weasel snarled, jerked his weapon to the ready and fired. Drake didn't miss a step. Mina shivered, trying not to retch. She could already see the blood flowing out his back, and…<His back? They went straight through! The wounds are already healing! The moron must have a bigger weapon!> She wanted to laugh. Drake was ok! The human grabbed the weapon from the now-terrified weasel, and let out a wheezing laugh as he broke it in half. The weasel let out a terrified squeak, and tried to run. Drake grabbed his tail. There was a loud set of cracks. The weasel shrieked, spinning. Suddenly, there was a second pistol placed against Drake's forehead. The weasel grinned.
"Not as pitiful as I look, am I? Just so you know, I don't think I'm gonna wait for the hedgehog before I have my fun this time. See you in hell." He pulled the trigger. Mina screamed. A blue blur struck the weasel's hand. The round grazed Drake's temple.
"Man, you always get into trouble." He punched the weasel. Drake did the same. The weasel slumped into peaceful oblivion. Sonic raced over to free Sally, Drake doing the same for Mina. The princess clutched Sonic's chest, sobbing softly. Drake helped a relieved Mina.
"I was so worried I lost you." Sonic whispered. Sally gave him a surprised look, then smiled and kissed him. "Well, that was surprising." Sonic managed.
"You'll definitely be getting more of those." She whispered. Sonic blushed. The princess broke the second kiss, and walked over to the weasel. She gave him a vicious kick. Bunnie arrived in time to see the princess deliver another kick.
"What the hoo-hah is going on in here?"
"Red over there had…plans for her."
Bunnie stared. "Ah can't believe anyone would be that stupid."
"We take him with us. He deserves a dungeon." Sally hissed.
"He tried to shoot Mina. He deserves worse."
"He tried to kill us all, Drake! C'mon! Let's get out of here." Sonic shrugged, beginning to rev.
Drake lowered his head. "I almost got us all killed."
Sonic stopped. "Man, you lost your cool. It happens to us all."
"I can't afford to 'lose my cool'! I can do more than just get myself killed, or someone else. Somebody could become…like me. I mean, it would be…terrible." He whispered, the horror setting in.
"Calm down, man. It ain't going to happen. You worry too much. Besides, no one got hurt. Well, except the weasels. C'mon."
Sally took his hand. "Drake, if you hadn't gotten his attention, he would have shot Sonic. He would have died for sure. You saved him. And us." She swallowed. "I don't think we would have liked what happened next, if he was serious about what he was saying."
"He might have just been taunting…"
"No, I think he was going to. He only stopped…groping before because Nack made him."
"Nack made him?" Sonic asked in surprise. Drake noticed a small disk tucked under the chair, which he picked up.
"He called it 'damaging the merchandise'."
"Oh. That sounds more like Nack. Speaking of which, where is he?"
"He went to collect the money. He said they'd turn me loose afterwards. I don't believe it."
"That's good, rodents!"