Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Warner Adacmedy 4 ❯ Battle 2 and Saving there Wifes ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Revenge of Jack the Ripper VIII

(Loud and Smartypants, as we cut to them, are being forced to fight their lovers who were turned into vampires.)


V. Charity: If I do, then you'd let me bite you in the neck so you'd joined us.

Loud: NEVER!

Charity: Then prepared to get bit!

(Back in the Alex II and Rayian Fox's battle, the two fight viciously. Gear runs over to V. Fifi in an attempt to give her the cure.)

Gear: Here, this will changed you back!

Jack The Ripper VIII: (V.O.) Not on my watch, fool!

(Suddenly Jack The Ripper VIII appears and grabs the antidote from Gear's hands. Gear is shocked.)

Gear: What?! No!

Jack The Ripper VIII: (laughing evilly) You don't stand a chance. But maybe you could be a use to Rayian Fox.

Gear: I don't get what you're saying.

Jack The Ripper VIII: You'll see.

(Suddenly Myotismon appeared and attacked Gear, biting him in the neck. He screams which ended when Gear was turned into a vampire.)

Myotismon: Now, who do you served?

V. Gear: (hissing) Lord Rayian Fox.

Jack The Ripper VIII: Good job. Now kindly go ahead and turned everyone else into vampires. Except Alex II. Leave him to me!

(Jack The Ripper flies away. Cut to Alex II and Rayian Fox's fight once more. It seems that Alex II is about to cut Rayian Fox's head.)

Alex II: This is the neck, (bleep)hole!

Jack The Ripper VIII: Not on my watch, Alex II!

(Jack The Ripper VIII appears and hits Alex II knocking him away from Rayian Fox. Alex II got up and looked shocked.)

Alex II: You!

Jack The Ripper VIII: That's correct, Alex II! Despite the fact that you destroyed my body, I have returned to get revenge once and for all! And now I got this! (holding up the antidote)

Alex II: The antidote!

Rayian Fox: And your friends aren't doing any better. Good.

(Alex II turns and sees that Gear is now a vampire and is biting the neck Beast Boy. To make matters worst, all the other members of Teen Titans are now vampires.)

Alex II: (Bleep)! This got worst! I must pulled away my troops before I lose all of them! (talks into radio) Listen up! Retreat now! The situation just got worst!

Axel: (V.O.) What are you (bleep)ing kidding me?! We got them on the (bleep)ing run, (bleep)!

JusSonic: (V.O.) Uh, Axel? Some of the police officers got turned into vampires. Mr. Burns and Count Spankulot just show up.

Axel: (V.O. pause) When the (bleep) do you want us to leave?

Alex II: (frantic) Now! (to Rayian Fox) We'll be back and I'll be back with my wife!

Rayian Fox: Go ahead, but by then you'll face an army of the vampire toons!

(The villains and other vampires laughed evilly as the good guys was forced to retreat. Belladonna goes up to her husband.)

Belladonna: Why did you let him go? You have him where you want him!

Rayian Fox: He'll come back for his wife eventually and he does, we'll be ready for him.

Jack The Ripper VIII: And with Gear now our slave and the antidote in our possession, they don't stand a chance in Hades!

Belladonna: Now, now. No need to bring him into this. On second thought, we may bring him in after all.

Jack The Ripper VIII: Stupid (bleep)ing jokes.

In the Vampire lare Vampire Rayian Fox is going over the plan to the Vampire toons and Talking to his Daughter Vampire Sannabella.

Vampire Rayian Fox: Now I sence AlexII is gavuring more forces to come and try to attack agan but this time this will be his last Fight now Sannabella your Frends ADGTH to Led the Vampire Toons to Attack AlexII and his Remaing Forces.

Vampire Sannabella: Yes Farther.

Then she left.

Belladona: Now We got Chairley and My Twin Cousin Annabella under our Power and Sonic and his Freedom Fighters are under our power too and we rull the world but.

Jack The Ripper VIII: We must desotry AlexanderII For Ever.

Rayian: And the Armington Familey! inculding Rex Armington! HA HA HA HA!

Belladona: What about Anthors?

Rayian: Well Rouge can have him he will become a Vampire and Fight his Twin Borther AlexII! HA HA HA!

Mr. Burns: So we must get ready for AlexII Attack.

Rayian: Right Vampire Charles and Vampire Dot come forth.

V. Charles: Yes My Master?

Rayian: Tell the Vampire Toons to get ready to Fight AlexII Agan.

V. Dot: Yes Master come love let go and tell them to get ready.

V. Charles: Right love.

The Two left.

Rayian: AlexII You will die at my and Jack The Ripper VIII hands HA HA HA HA!

Back in LFA HQ

In the Taring Room AlexII was and Angrey mode when he Destory the Punching Bags then he came out real Angrey.


Jussonic: Comedown well Robocop call for reinforcements.

Then The Crow, Butt Ugley Martans, Mummys Alive, Spider-man, Iron Man, Hulk, Cyborgs 009-014 Came in, Kinghts of the Zoidac, Thundercats, VR Toorpers, Mask Rider, Digimon 1,2,3,4, Kerby, Tiff, Tuff, Medal Kinght, TMNT, Shaman Kinghts, Cubix, Funky Cops (Scence They Left Before Vampire Attack Fox Box) Astor Boy, Mucha Lucha (Sence they Left Before Vampires Attack Kids WB) Jet Le, Blade, Tekken Fighters, Battle Arena To-Sadin Fighters, The American Ninja, Stargent Joe Armstorng and Stargent Curets Jackson, Batman Beyond, Superman, Invader Zim (Well He left before Vampires Attack Nick), Mr. T, Robo Mr. T, and his team, Chuck Nories and his Team, Centurions, and Nack Wesale and his Bountey Hunters.

Nack: Well this Vampire Rayian Fox giving you the Hard time well I beat Bautla well I am going to help you becasue I came from Queen Aliena to Return Sonic and his Friends to normal scene he is a Vampire I got the cure with us.

Sleet: Yea AlexII We will help you to take Vampire Rayian Fox Down and bring your Friends Back to normal.

Conker: So Let do this and get your and my Friend back from the Vampire Power.

Berri: Yea!

Dingo: What we wating for Let do it.

Jussonic: Well We need all the Help we can get.

Zim: Yes I will come with you Scene Dib is a Vampire I will help you.

Gir: Yes we will help you.

AlexII: Thanks Now LFA Army Get in your cars We going to Attack Vampire Rayian Fox Place Agan!

LFA Troops and the Hearos: YAAAAA!

Axel: Let (bleep) Go!

So AlexII, Jussonic, Digi-Fan, Robocop, Anthors, and Axel got in the Stelth SUV. and the Troops got in the Jets, Tanks and Cars with Stun Bullets and Capture Missales Net and Nick the Wesale Bountey/Vampire Hunters got in there car and Zim and Gir got in there Vootrunner and they drove to Attack Vampire Rayian Fox Place.

A Plot For Vampire Takeover

(Back in the vampire lair, Rayian Fox is explaining his latest plot to his vampire minions (other than the vampire toons)

Rayian Fox: My vampire minions, while our forces are busy taking care of Alex II and his men, it's time to get the most powerful artifact that will make sure the sunshine will never be a factor again!

Myotismon: What is it, Rayian Fox?

Rayian Fox: It's the star that gives heat to the planet Earth, but that's isn't important right now. (rimshot) No, what I am talking about is...the Medallion.

Belladonna: I heard of it. It was once used to bring Alex II, his then wife, his clone, and Rouge the bat back to life a while ago.

Jack The Ripper VIII: And may I asked what it got to do with our quest?

Rayian Fox: I plot to find the boy with the Medallion, steal it away from him, and use it to make us impossible to stop! Soon, not even the powers of Alex II can stop us!

Mr. Burns: And where is this boy right now?

Rayian Fox: He is in Hong Kong. Myotismon, Count Spankulot, go there and get the Medallion. I don't care if you bite the boy or kill him, but get me that Medallion!

Myotismon/Count Spankulot: Yes sire!

Belladonna: Soon, my dear. Our forces will reign supreme on this world, right my daughter?

V. Sannabella: Yes my mother.

(Rayian Fox laughs evilly. Cut to Alex II and his forces as they are getting close to the vampires' lair. Loud and Mr. Smartypants are with Alex II's bunch in the Stealh SUV.)

Loud: How can we save the others? Rayian Fox and company got the antidote!

Anthors: Don't worry. I'm sure that my original self has an idea.

Alex II: Let me think on that, and I'll get back to you.

Axel: Ah (bleep)ing weak!

Sky in Hong Kong saving Sanders

in AlexII Suv: Mr. Smarteypants can you creat another antodote and here the prints from Gear how to make the antodote.

Mr. Smarteypants: Well I can it will take some time.

AlexII: Well when you get done put the antodote in the Super Sokers becasue I got a plan and I have to radio Sky. (Radio): Sky are you in Hong Kong?

SKY(Radio): Yep I am and I am arear of the siutation we are transporting Sanders to your cornadents and we will be there ETA 7 Minnents in the Stelth Fast Jet.

AlexII: Good We meet you at the enrtance.

Sky(Radio): Ok over and out.

AlexII: Now Rayian know that I got the Medalion and He wouldn't Kill me If he want it.

Then Back at Rayian Fox lare. Myotismon/Count Spankulot return empy hand it.

Myotisom: Sir that Bundger Count Spankulot Lost the Medalion and Sky and his Army attack us and Trasported Sanders to AlexII.

Rayian Fox: WHAT!


Rayian Fox: I got a Ideal We will use V. Fifi and Rouge to mind link with There Husbens AlexII and Anthors then once they get here V. Fifi and Rouge will turn AlexII and Anthors into Vampires and AlexII will be force to hand me the Medalion then we killed them.


Rayian Fox: WELL JACK YOU CAN KILL SURLOCK HOMES AND DR. WASTION First then AlexII becuase wille AlexII is A Vampire I will make him suffer by turning his Friends into Vampires Fifi and Rouge Mind Link to your Husbins.

V. Fifi/Rouge: YES Master.

Back in AlexII Sleth SUV Park outside with the Selth Fast Jet and Sanders hand the Meldaion to AlexII and Surlock Home and Dr. Wastion is with the Troops as well.

Sanders: Gard the Medalion Rayian Fox will get it from you and he know he can't kill you unlese he take the Medalion away from you.

AlexII: I know He won't get it.

Then AlexII and Anthors got hit with the Mindlink and it was Vampire Fifi and Rouge Talking to Them Telepathey.

V. Fifi(mindlink): Love I know you there and you have the Medalion and we can't kill you but if you come in here I will Attack you and turn you into a Vampire like me then you will be force to give the Medalion to Rayian Fox HA HA HA!

Rouge: Same here Anthors love now when I bite you we will be togever as Vampire for ever and help Rayian Fox Take over the world HA HA HA!

AlexII: Fifi I have no choice to fight you but I won't be turn into a Vampire.

Anthors: Same here Rouge.

V. Fifi and Rouge(mindlink): Well that too bad you will be Vampries like or not and Jack the Ripper VIII know that Surlock Homes and Dr, Wastion form the 22nd Century is there and he will kill them HA HA HA!

AlexII: We have to face our wife first rest of you take the Super Sokers and turn The Toon Vampire Back to normal and Surlock Homes and Dr. Wastion Fight Jack the Ripper VIII while me, Anthors, Razor and Tammy Take care of Rayian Fox, Belladona, ADGTH, V. Fifi, Rouge, V. Tiny Toons, V. Anamaniacs and V. Charles.

Toops: Right.

AlexII: Charge!

They began to fight.

Will AlexII Beat Rayian Fox or will V. Fifi and Rouge turn AlexII and Anthors into Vampires and Force to give the Medalion to Rayian Fox next time on Warner Academy 3.