Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Warner Adacmedy 4 ❯ Part 4 Ending and Uncut scene of Fifi and AlexII ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Gillimon VS Myotismon, Other Toons Fight Vampire Toons

Alex Dodge the Grisly Wing and call his Digimon.

Alex: Gillimon Are you ready?

Gillimon: YEA!


Gillimon: Gillimon WARP_DIGIVOLE TOO!

Then he change into Wearthmon.

Wearthmon: Wearthmon!

Myotismon: A Digimon Let Fight!

Wearthmon: You ON!

Razor kill Mr. Burns with a stake and Tammy Tied up Count Spanklot.

Then AlexII and Anthors went to Rayians Laire and Found him on his Thrown with Belladon, V. Fifi, Rouge, Vampire Tiny Toons, Vampire Catdog, Vampire Tick, Vampire Dinosure, Vampire ADGTH, Vampire Loony Toonsm Vampire Slappy, Vampire Skippy, Vampire Anamaniacs, Vampire Freedom Fighters and Vampire Charles.

Then Slurlock Homes and Dr. Wastion Fighting Jack the Ripper VIII.

Rayian Fox: So AlexII and Anthors you made it here now V. Fifi and Rouge want to bite you so you can give me the Medalion and other Vampires Toons and Vampires Charles will Attack the Normal Toons, Jussonic, Digi-Fan and Axel Foley now go and Attack them.

Vampires Toons and Vampire Charles: Yes Master.

Vampire Yakko, Wakko, Dot and Charles Attack Axel, Jussonic, Digi-fan and Lisa Simpson.

The Vampire Toons Attack Normal Toons.

Rayian: Now you won't need those.

Then Belladona use her Magic to Took the Super Sokers and Stun Guns away from Anthors And AlexII.

AlexII: Great.

Anthors: Doubal Great.

V. Fifi: Now Love you will join us.

Rouge: Yes Love join Us now!

Then V. Fifi use her Tail grab AlexII Wase and Drag him to her then grab him in her super Grip and try to bite AlexII neck but AlexII is Trying to not to get bit.

Then Rouge Did the Dive Grab and Grab Anthors in her Super Grip and Pin Anthors to the ground and Try to Bite Anthors but Anthors doing the same thing.

Vampire Charles Attack Jussonic, Vampire Dot attack Digi-Fan and Vampire Yakko Attack Axel.

Things got interesting

Jack The Ripper VIII: And now, Holmes, you will pay for what you did to my ancestor.

Sherlock Holmes: My dear boy, I believed you are making a big mistake.

Jack the Ripper VIII: Don't be ridiculous! I know I couldn't!

Sherlock: (shrugged) Well, don't say I didn't warned you.

(Sherlock quickly took out some sort of weapon and fire a shot at Jack The Ripper. It went through the villain who laughed evilly.)

Dr. Watson: Sherlock, you missed him!

Sherlock: On the contrary, I wasn't aiming for him.

Jack The Ripper VIII: What?!

(Jack The Ripper VIII then sees that Sherlock's aim hits V. Fifi head on before she could be able to bite Alex II. She screams, covers her eyes, then a few seconds later, she was restored to normal.)

Fifi: My love, what happened?

Alex II: Fifi! You are back to normal!

Rayian Fox: Jack the Ripper, you idiot! You let him changed her back!

Jack The Ripper VIII: But...but how?!

Sherlock: I got my friend Smartypants to do the favor of building the same device with the same antidote that will restored toons to normal except no magic can take it away. I knew Belladonna will do something like take our hope away so I came prepared. Speaking of prepare, Watson, will you do the honors?

Dr. Watson: (taking out another device) Right-o, sir!

(Dr. Watson pushed the button that causes a bunch of light to appeared in the room nearly blinding everyone. As soon as it's gone, Rouge, the Tiny Toons, Catdog, ADGTH, the Looney Tunes, Slappy, Skippy, Animaniacs, the Freedom Fighters and Charles are back to normal.)

Yakko: Whoa! My head feels like it gone through a nightmare-ville.

Charles: JusSonic, is that you? Why does it look like I am about to bite you?

JusSonic: Simple. You got turned into a vampire, plain as simple.

Charles: Oh. Yeah.

Axel: Okay, now that the (bleep)ers are back to normal, will you please get off me (bleep)?!

Yakko: Ahh, come on Axel, buddy. Don't you miss me?

Axel: (Bleep) You!

Rayian Fox: (to Alex II) You! You done this!

Alex II: Actually no. It was Sherlock who plan ahead, not just me.

Rouge: I am so glad I am back to normal, love.

Anthors: Yeah, yeah. Same here.

Rayian Fox: Grrrr!!! Vampire Dinosaur, Vampire Tick, and my wife destroy the others! Jack The Ripper, continue what you were doing! Alex II is mine!!!!

Belladonna: Yes dear.

Sannabella: You are going down hard, mother!

Alex II: And Rayian Fox, I still got the Medallion, so if you want it, come and get it!

Rayian Fox: Die mother (bleep)er!

Axel: Hey, I am the only one who swears around here (bleep)hole!

Alexander II VS Rayian Fox Battle of the Highlanders

(BGM: Highlander Fight Backgournd Music)

AlexanderII Took out his Sword And Same as Rayian Fox.

Sannabella Fire a Magic Shot to her Mother Belladona and Bel was hit hard then Annabella Join Sanna to fight Belladonna Then the Freedom Fighters, Tiny Toons, Disney Toons, Histerians, authors, Anthors, Rouge, Anamaniacs, Loony Toons, and Catdog Fight the Vampire Dinsour and Vampire Tick.

Surlock and Dr. Wastion Fights Jack The Ripper VIII.

Back to AlexII and Rayian Fox Fight.

AlexII: Rayian this will be the end of you when you lose your Head and your powers will go to me.

Rayian Fox: Your Head will be lose and I will have your powers!

Then They Began to fight.

Back at the Surlock and Jack The Ripper VIII Fight Surlock Homes grab a Bottle then Jack The Ripper enter the Bottle and Surlock Close the Bottle with Jack The Ripper VII.


Surlock: I Think not.

Then Catdog Put Galice Juce on Vampire Tick and the Vampire Tick return to Normal.


Then CatDog Flick the Tick to the wall.

Cat: We here the same thing over agan so give it a rest.

Dog: YEA!

Then Slappy Blow up the Vampire Dinousoure then Buster Put the Stake in the Vampire Dinousore heart and he was destory.

Then Annabella and Sannabella Tie up Belladona.

Axel: Well That the end of (Bleep) Vampire.

Fifi: Well AlexII is Fighting Rayian Fox.

Charles: Well We better see the fight.

Jussonic: Yea.

Then they see AlexanderII and Rayian Fox Sword Fighting.

Sword Hit back and Forth then Alex Did a Spin Kick to Rayian Face then Rayian Did a Roundhouse Kick to AlexII mouth then AlexII Knock off Rayian Sword then Slice his Head.

Rayain: NOOOOOO!

Then Rayian Head Fells off then All the Power went to AlexII and he screams and he put his hand on his chechs and Fifi Ran over to him and hug him

FifI: Love you did it.

AlexII: yes love I did it.

with title "The End....Or Is It???"

(Cut to the LFA HQ as everyone, included those who were freed from the vampirism, are celebrating.)

Mickey: (famous laughter) We aren't vampires anymore. Of course, we are sorry for what we did.

Minnie: Yeah, we don't know what came over us.

Yakko: Say....don't I know you?

Mickey: Uh, before you start, I like to say that wasn't us you fought in the first WA story. Those were clones made by Snowball to framed us.

Dot: Oh really?

Mickey: Yeah! Can't you at least leave us alone???

Wakko: I dunno. Can we?

Yakko: Ahhhh. I guess we would let the earlier rivalries slide. But...for the whole turning us into vampires thing, you got to do more than that to get on our good sides. (eyes wiggling)

Minnie: Ooh, I knew he would say something like that.

(Cut to Alex II and his family.)

Alex I: Well, I got to say son, that you did a good job of destroying Rayian Fox once and for all.

Slappy: Yeah, let's hope we never see him again.

Alex II: Until the next adventure sadly.

Slappy: Heh?

Alex II: Nothing. Say, what happened to Myotismon? I don't know what happened to him.

Gillimon: After his boss was disappeared, he went back to the Digital World.

Alex II: How sad for him. Not!

Sherlock: And you don't have to worry about Jack The Ripper VIII. He's in a dimensional prison where he should stay for all time.

Alex II: Villains always find a way to escaped justice. But let's not discuss that for now. (to Fifi) Let's kiss love.

Fifi: Okay, love.

(Alex II and Fifi kisses.)

Loud: (V.O.) GET A ROOM! (We hear kissing offscreen) NEVER MIND!

(Cut to a graveyard late at night. The camera scrolls around until it's stops in front of a tombstone which reads "In the Not-So-Loving Memory of Rayian Fox". Suddenly, a hand pops out of the ground like a zombie at the end of a horror film. We fade out before we can see whose hand is it.)

The End...Or Is It!

(Evil laughter is heard offscreen)

Uncut Secnes (AlexII and Fifi Having Sex)

Alex II began to lick Fifi Pussy while Fifi went to a 69 positon with AlexII and suck his cock*

Fifi: Oh yea.

AlexII: Oh yea.

*then 5 seconds they cum in eatch other mouth then Alex lick Both of fifi Red Flat heel shoes then AlexII Pick up Fifi and put her on his cock and carry her to the bed room then turn around, got on his back and Fifi began to Ride him.

Fifi: Oh Yea Fuck me hard my Love!

AlexII: Say my name love.

Fifi Keep Riding him and say his name.

Fifi: OH ALEXANDER ARMINGTON II now say my name!


THen AlexII cum his Big load of Seed into her wombe then Fifi Cum on alexII dick and they rested it.

Fifi: Good night my love.

AlexII: Good Night my love.

*Hental Uncut Scene endit*

Cast list

Charles Roberts: Alexander Armington II, Himself, Anthors Armington II

Frank Welker: Rayian Fox, Pule Houser, Father Time

Rob Paulsen: Yakko Warner, Sammy Melman, Mr. Smartypants

Jess Harnell: Wakko Warner

Tress MacNeille: Dot Warner, Cho-Cho

Sherri Stoner: Slappy Squirrel

Nathan Ruegger: Skippy Squirrel

Eddie Murphy: Axel Foley

Kath Soucie: Fifi LaFume, Lola Bunny

Belle Neuwirth: Belladonna, Sanabella

Wayne Allwine: Mickey Mouse

Russi Taylor: Minnie Mouse

Jim Cummings: Cat, Smith Jackson

Tom Kenny: Dog, Vampire Dinosaur

Charlie Adler: Buster Bunny

Cody Ruegger: Loud Kiddington

Laraine Newman: Charity Bazaar, Miss Information

Jeff Glen Bennett: Lucky Bob, Delta City Police Officers

Nora Dunn: Lydia Karaoke

Dan Castellaneta: Dracula

Phil LaMarr: Static

Jason Marsden: Gear

Daran Norris: Count Spankulot, Sgt. Small, Sky Armington

Richard Epcar: Myotismon

Harry Shearer: Mr. Burns

Oliver Cotton: Jack the Ripper the 8th

JusSonic: Himself

Digi-Fan: Herself

Sarah Michelle Gellar: Buffy

David Hasselhoff: Angle

Robert John Burke: RoboCop

Thomas McHugh: Doug Funnie

Billy West: Bugs Bunny, Rex Armington

Joe Alaskey: Daffy Duck, Plucky Duck

Maurice LaMarche: Pepe LePew, Sleet

Jason Anthony Griffith: Sonic the Hedgehog

Bill Farmer: Goofy

Chris Seavor: Conker

Louise Ridgeway: Berri

Peter Wilds: Dingo

Richard Steven Horvitz: Invader Zim

Rosearik Rikki Simons: GIR

Chris Sanders: Sanders

Barry Gordon: Razor

Steven Hay Blum: Gillimon/Wearthmon

Jason Grey-Stanford: Sherlock Holmes

John Payne: Dr. Watson