Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Who Will you trust Tails? ❯ Total irritation ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3: Total irritation
“Wake up Tails!” Amy requested while shaking Tails in his sleep. Tails stirred a couple times but didn't wake up. “Fine,” Amy then revealed her trusty Piko Piko Hammer and raised it over Tails' head. “If you won't wake up I guess I'll have to make you!” She said but before she could execute her action Tails opened one of his eyes and saw the deadly weapon headed towards him. Tails shot up put his shoes and gloves on and ran out the door. “See you later,” Tails yelled back and a smile spread its way across Amy's face. Her smile died though when she heard Tails say “I see why Sonic don't want you now you crazy BITCH!!” Amy's blood began to boil at that bitch comment and she whipped out a gun that Shadow had given her the month before. “Say that to my face COCKSUCKA,” She yelled and fired the gun, which destroyed the window she was firing out of. “While you at it hop off Sonic's dick!” She roared and stomped up the stairs.
Tails just shrugged it off and walked down the street. Hhmmm. Know that I'm up I need to be searching for Cream's murderer. Tails thought and an idea popped right into his well, developed brain. “Eggman!” he exclaimed and he began to run all the way to Eggman's poorly hidden base.
When Tails arrived he came face to face with cold steel doors. While searching the perimeter he came across a poorly hidden security camera. “Hey RO-FAT-SHIT,” Tails growled “Open up the doors and let me in I need to talk to yo fat ass!” The doors soon opened up after Tails' insult and he walked right in. “you think Eggman would have better security than what he already has.” Tails mumbled and continued to wander in the cold dark hallway.
Soon enough Tails came to a laboratory with many gadgets and gizmos. He shifted his eyes a bit and stuffed some of the machines that might be useful to him in his socks. Tails walked around some more until he saw Eggman sitting at one of his ridiculously large tables concentrating hard on something. Tails walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. Tails expected the mad doctor to jump but he didn't. “What do you want fox-boy?” the mad scientist asked, still working on an apparently important invention. “Hey Eggman I need to ask you some questions.” The dual tailed vulpine stated walking around so he could get a better view of what the doctor was doing.
“Well come back later I'm working.” He requested.
“This is very important.” Tails said.
“So? What do you want me to do?” The scientist asked.
“I told you answer some questions!” the young kit boomed.
“And I told you come back later!” Eggman retorted. Tails then slammed his hands on the table really hard startling Eggman a bit and making him look up. “What are you working on anyway?” Tails asked curiosity getting the best of him. Suddenly Eggman dropped whatever he was doing and stood up flinging his chair back. “Look Fox-boy,” Eggman began “I'm working on a very important invention that will ensure the demise of you and your pesky hedgehog friend. I can't work on it because you're here and destroying my concentration.” Eggman gradually began to talk louder. “HOW CAN I WORK ON SOMETHING TO DESTROY YOU WITH IF YOU KEEP BOTHERING ME?!?” he roared. Tails backed away intimidated a bit by the doctor's actions. “Listen fats all I need is the info that you have on Cream's murder.” Tails replied waving his hands in the air to show Eggman that he really didn't mean to bother him. “Oh? You mean the rabbit?” Eggman asked. “Well its obvious that Sonic killed her.” He stated. “What do you mean?” Tails asked “do you have any proof?”
“Actually I do.” Eggman responded.
“Let's eat and I'll tell you all about it.” The fat one said and he and Tails began to walk towards the kitchen. “You see,” he started “I illegally of course have installed cameras all over Station Square and I can see anything at anytime anywhere in this city. And yes I have installed cameras on each one of your friend's properties. Except Shadow I don't seem to know where he is. Anyway I have put cameras there to insure that nobody kills or harms them, because that is my job and I won't let anyone else take it away from me.” He explained. “Then how come Cream's not alive then?” Tails asked. “Two reasons. 1) I nor could any of my robots make it to Cream's place in time. 2) I have never been able to best Sonic in combat before.” Eggman stated. “What does Sonic have to do with any of this?” the young kit questioned. “For a mechanical genius you sure are dumb! Anyway like I stated before Sonic killed her.” Eggman said.
“You also said you had some proof!” Tails defended.
“Dude your riding Sonic's balls to hard over here.” Eggman stated. “besides I have the video tape to prove it.” The mad doctor added. The two finally came to the enormous kitchen. “Eggman why is your kitchen so big?” Tails asked looking around. “Look in the fridge and you'll see!”
Tails walked slowly walked over to Eggman's fridge and reached for the door slowly. Silently hoping that he had every kind of food known to man in there. Which meant chili dogs. Tails opened the fridge but his jaw practically hit the floor at what he saw hiding in fridge, obviously where the portly doctor spent most of his time. Tails saw millions and millions of eggs sitting in his food storage device with no other kind of food there to accompany them. Eggman chuckled a bit at the look he saw on Tails face grow more shocked and shocked. Tails slowly turned his head to face Eggman with his jaws still hanging out. “EGGMAN HOW COULD YOU SURVIVE ON EGGS ALL THIS TIME?!?” Tails was baffled at how the doctor survived on only eggs for so long but continued to ramble on. “THAT'S WHY YOU'RE SO FAT BECAUSE ALL YOU EAT IS EGGS!! TELL ME RO-FAT-NECK HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH?!?” Tails boomed. Eggman however suddenly became so fascinated with his feet. “700…” he murmured “What was that?” Tails asked. “I weigh 700 pounds!” Eggman responded much more clear now.
(A/N: this next part defines the true meaning of the phrase giving head.)
Knuckles and Rouge we're hanging out in Club Rouge. Knux and Rouge decided to head upstairs to Rouge's room for some lovin'. “Rouge are you really sure that you love me?” Knuckles asked. “Of course I do hon.” She replied and pinned him against a wall. “You love me don't you?” the nocturnal female asked. “Damn straight!” the dread locked echidna replied.
The two's faces began to inch closer. So close they were only a breath apart. Rouge closed the gap and kissed her lover with great passion. Knuckles kissed back with an equal amount of passion and feeling. The two began to grope and massage each other erecting moans from the both of them.
Rouge wrapped her legs around Knuckles waist as he lifted her with ease, then carried her towards the bed. When he laid her on the bed he once again removed the heart that kept her meal tickets inside. Knuckles squeezed Rouge's right breast and broke off from their kiss panting and gasping for breath. He then began to slip the rest of her jumpsuit off of her. Rouge pulled Knuckles' gloves and shoes off and grabbed him. She began to stroke his hardening member going faster and faster making Knuckles moan. Knuckles moved his hand down toward her crotch and began rubbing her clit. “OOOOHHH Knuckles!!” she cried. Still moaning in pleasure.
I wonder… Knuckles thought. He stopped Rouge from rubbing him and he moved his head down to her entrance. He began licking her womanhood, lashing his tongue inside her walls causing Rouge to moan louder. Then all of a sudden Knux's treatment stopped. “Why'd you stop?” Rouge asked in disappointment.
(A/N: I know that what Knuckles is about to do is 100% impossible but since it's my story…. well here goes everything.)
Knuckles began to inch his head inside Rouge's vagina making her wince in pain but she didn't tell Knuckles to stop. The stubborn echidna moved his head more and more inside of Rouge until his head was all the way in. Upon entrance Knuckles began to look around and found a couple of things. “Hey Rouge there's fifty cents and a bus pass in here can I have it?” he asked.
I wondered what happened to that bus pass. She thought. “Sure hon.” She replied.
“I'll have the videotape at your workshop by tomorrow!” Eggman said waving goodbye to Tails. “Yeah whatever.” Tails murmured and left the doctor's base.
When Tails was about a mile away from his workshop he looked up at the moon and sighed. But his head darted forward when he heard a familiar voice. It sounded like his. “Hello Miles.” It said.
A/N: yep an OC enters the fray next chapter and he explains Tails strange behavior to him. Yeah sounds weird but you have to check out the next chapter to find out!