Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wind's Revenge ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sega.

Wind's Revenge

Chapter 8

The metal hedgehog punched Speed in the jaw. "Bow down before me!!!" said the metal hedgehog.

"You wish!! SPEED SHOT!!!!" screamed Speed. The blast of green energy send the metal hedgehog flying and crashing in a car.

"You force me to make you bow!!!"

"Don't make me laugh! SPEED SHOT!!!!"

The metal hedgehog raised a field of energy which sent the green ray toward Speed.

"Holy…" then Speed got blasted away.

"I don't have time for this…I must stop that white hedgehog before he brings back the bounty!" then the metal hedgehog flew away.

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-GUN base-

"That wasn't too long!" said the commander.

"Well, I took the first opportunity that was put in front of me…" said Wind.

"As always, the money has been transferred into your bank account." said the commander.

"Thank you!" said Wind.

"We have another job for you." said the commander.

"…This is just too weird, are GUN soldiers capable of anything???" asked Wind.

"I don't know…Anyway, we heard that Eggman is up to no good…once again. And we're going to hire a team of bounty hunters to infiltrate his fortress." said the commander.

"A team???? Who will be in it?" asked Wind.

"There will be Deadpool, Sperk, some metal hedgehog and a black hedgehog" said the commander.

"Why do I have to work with Sperk???" asked Wind.

"'Cuz we said so!!!! Now get ready!" said the commander and he left.

Deadpool and I could take out Eggman in the blink of an eye. Why team up with Sperk and that metal hedgehog? Who is that black hedgehog? If it's Shadow, I'll kill him and make it look like an accidentthought Wind. Then he left.

-10 days later-

-GUN base-

"We have called you, because you are the best in the business. We need your skills to destroy Eggman once and for all." said the commander.

"Yeah, but why do we have to team up?" asked Deadpool.

"Because, you all have the same goal. And not teaming up would undermine your efforts and Eggman will be able to get away!!!" said the commander.

None of them liked this a bit. Wind and Deadpool could get along fine, but the others…That left much to be desired. Sperk will try to kill Wind. Wind will try to kill the black hedgehog. Sperk will try to kill the metal hedgehog as well…It wasn't looking good…The commander knew that. But he just hoped that they could put their differences aside for ONE mission…He would have to keep his fingers crossed…

-The next day-

-Eggman's lab-

"Are you in position, Wind?" asked Deadpool over his comm. unit.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for the signal!" answered the white hedgehog.

"What about you, Sperk?"

"Yeah, like Wind, I'm waiting for the signal…" said Sperk.

"Good, Metal, Shadow. You two ready?" asked Deadpool.

"Yes!" they said in unison.

"Wait a second…" said Wind.

"What is it Wind???" asked Deadpool.

"There is something wrong…Guard bots are coming your way, Sperk." said Wind.

"Sperk, get out of there, now!" said Deadpool.

"Got it!" Sperk started running in the corridors until a guard bot stopped him in his tracks. The bot was cut in two.

"Get moving!!! I'll take care of them!!!" said Wind.

"Thanks." said Sperk, then he ran in the opposite direction.

Wind took his two guns from his belt and opened fire on the bots, but he quickly ran out of ammo. He relied on his laser-eye, but after a few shots. He felt an indescribable pain. It's like his right eye was burning, yet it was working normally. Robotnik must be behind this…But he's dead, who could do this Then he started screaming in pain as his eye shut off. Then a guard bot smacked him with the back of it's hand and took him away.

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Was that Wind? Thought Sperk after he heard someone scream. That must be him. He turned back and went to see if he was ok, but he wasn't there anymore. "Deadpool, Wind's missing!" said Sperk.

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