Sonic Series ❯ Sonic Matrix 3 ❯ Sonia’s funeral ( Chapter 2 ) 
Shadow held Maria and Aleena as they waited inside the little chapel in Lake valley for Sonia’s funeral.
Manic sat down beside Shadow.
Sonic came over and sat down on the other side of Shadow. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t your fault.”
Shadow nodded.
Sonic looked over at Sonia in her coffin and exhaled slowly. “They did a great job cleaning her up.” He said softly. “Can hardly tell she was hit by a blast.”
Aleena tugged Shadow’s coat sleeve. “Daddy, are you sure she’s not sleeping?”
“I wish she was.” Shadow said.
Shadow and Sonic stood in front of Sonia’s grave as everyone else left the cemetery.
Sonic dipped his chin to his chest. “She had a hard life in the Matrix.”
“I thought she was an actress pre-unplugging.” Shadow said.
Sonic nodded. “A decent one, not a major star.” He replied. “But she lost her fame when it got out that she was involved in hacking. She had nothing to lose when we found her. I think that’s why it was so easy to convince her to join us. She didn’t realize I was her brother until she unplugged.”
“I see.” Shadow said.
“Thanks.” Sonic said.
It started to rain.
Shadow opened his umbrella. “For what?”
“You treated her better than her previous boyfriends ever did.” Sonic said, opening his umbrella.
Shadow and Sonic headed back to the latter’s cottage.
“She’s been in a few abusive relationships.” Sonic said. “Manic and I sent the guy before you to the hospital. Manic didn’t have to deal with the other guys, but I did. That’s why I didn’t trust you with her to start with.”
“She told me about some of it.” Shadow replied. “I don’t blame you.”
“You can stay as long as you need.” Sonic said. “I know I’ve complained about Manic, but he hogs the shower and he drums in his sleep.”
“He can take my house.” Shadow replied. “I‘m not sure I can live here now.”
“If you do, just visit sometimes.” Sonic said. “We want to see the girls.”
Shadow nodded.
Shadow opened the girls’ bedroom door and stuck his head in the room. “Girls, it's bedtime.”
Maria, curled into a ball, was laying on the bed.
Aleena was sitting on the window seat, looking at the stars.
Shadow walked over to Aleena and sat down. “What’re you doing?”
“Looking for a shooting star.” Aleena said.
“What’re you wishing for?” Shadow asked. “I might be able to help make it come true.”
“I want to wish for Mama to come back to us.” Aleena replied.
“I would love to help you with that.” Shadow said.
Aleena hung her head. “But you can’t. None of us can do that.”
“I’m sorry.” Shadow said. He picked up Aleena and carried her to her bed.
Maria uncurled. “Dad, I had a nightmare.”
Shadow sat down beside Maria. “Same one?”
Maria nodded. “I wish this was a nightmare and that I’d wake up and Mom would still be with us.” She whimpered.
Aleena snuggled beside Shadow. “Daddy, can you tell us some stories about Mama?”
“Yeah, please?” Maria asked.
“You’ll probably fall asleep, but here goes.” Shadow replied. “So….”