Sonic X Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Duels: The Shadow Clan Saga! ❯ A Darker Realisation ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 25: A darker realisation.
“What is taking so long?” Nazaruda barked upon entering a large computer room.
“Clearly it's not as easy as expected to just hack into Pegasus's duel satellites.” Tia replied from in the room.
“Seems we need another approached, keep Quatre on it.”
“Yes sir.” Nazaruda walked out.
“Let's pay Mr. Pegasus a visit.” He grinned, walking off.
Mitsuko, Kiama and Aqua were walking toward the station, now halfway between there and Tails secluded home. Knuckles caught up with them.
"Yo, wait up, I want to come too." He said.
"Why?" Mitsuko asked. "What's going on back there?"
"Meh, Tails has just locked herself in her room, I can't be bothered with her when she's like this. She used to be such a good kid, but ever since those damn shadows came and messed things up, she's been different." Knuckles replied. Aqua cleared her throat purposefully making Knuckles aware she was there, making him sweat drop. "What?! It's true! You people were the ones who messed us up from the inside out."
"He does kinda have a point...." said Kiama quietly, remembering her experience with being sealed. Mitsuko shrugged.
"Sure thing Knuckles. Ya more than welcome to tag along."
"Well, I'm not going to apologize for that, I followed orders." Aqua said, looking away from the group.
"No-one's asking you to apologise. It's over." Mitsuko said as he carried on walking to the hospital. No-one noticed, but Kiros came to slightly, enough to slip 2 cards into Mitsuko's deck, before he slumped back into unconsciousness.
"We nearly at the station? You know it's at least 10 minutes to the central from here by train, right?" Aqua asked.
"Yup." Mitsuko replied as he delved into his pocket to pull out his credit card. "Hopefully once we're on the train, we can try and figure out what the hell happened." With that, almost as if on cue an enormous bang was heard from Tails workshop, even from the distance the group was at, the noise was considerably loud. They all instinctively turned to see what had happened, only to witness a large cloud of black smoke rising from it, soon after the largest airship seemed to float from where it used to be into the air. "Odd....."
"What the hell?!" Knuckles yelled.
"Knuckles!" Mitsuko barked. "Head back, find out what's going on!"
The ship rose, turned and headed seemingly toward the group. As it got closer the group noticed Tails, standing near the front of it, looking down on them, as it passed over head into the distance of the mountains.
"Screw that, I gotta go to Red Mountain! If you see Sonic, tell him to go to the tip of Red Mountain!" With that, Knuckles dashed off, toward the crater in the side of one of the cliffs.
"What was that all about?" Aqua asked.
"I don't know...." Mitsuko muttered as Kiama clung to him. "But I have a really bad feeling that we won't like it." He was interrupted by the whistle of the train. "Come on! We better hurry!" he dashed off towards the station. The other two followed him closely, as they made it to the train.
Mitsuko bought the tickets and the gang got aboard the train, just minutes before it departed. They sat down and took a breather.
Aqua sighed. "Why is my life always this complicated?" She asked herself. "I guess bad people get bad events."
Ribbon wanders in from another carriage, seeming out of breath "Hey! I don't know my way around here remember...nearly left me there with..Um..Whatever that was."
Mitsuko looked first from Aqua then to Ribbon. "No idea what happened back there then?" he asked as Ribbon sat next to Kiama, who was busy staring out the window.
A voice echoed in Mitsuko's ear. "A great evil has stirred my friend. Tails is not herself." The lion looked around the carriage.
"Zewl?" he muttered.
Aqua looked at Mitsuko curiously. "What..? The old geezer?" She also looked around, curiously.
"Nothing...." Mitsuko replied, shaking his head. "Just curious as to where he disappeared to...." he lied.
"Oh, thought you saw him or something..." Aqua sighed. "I want know where Hiei is...personally." She uttered.
"You didn't know?" Mitsuko asked amazed. "He's working for Pegasus, heading up some new team that weirdo came up with."
"You're lying, Hiei wouldn't work for Pegasus..." Aqua retorted, though not in a snapping way.
Mitsuko shrugged. "Believe me or not. Makes no difference to me. Kiros was asked to join to, but he said he had to think about it."
Aqua lowered her head to the ground. "I won't believe that Hiei would work under someone else's command...he has no reason to..."
Shaking his head, Mitsuko turned his attention to Ribbon. "So why'd you tag along anyway?"
"Ain't got any idea were anything to keep my part of the deal, eh?" Ribbon replied.
"I suppose." Mitsuko sighed.
*Ding dong* "Good afternoon Passengers, this is your captain speaking, we should be arriving in Station Square Central in about 5 minutes, that's 5 minutes till Station Square Central Station, thank you." *Ding dong*
"Mitsuko................." Kiama whined. "I need to go to the library...I borrowed a book and I haven't taken it back yet!" Mitsuko shook his head. "Alright Kiama. We'll take Kiros to the hospital and I'll take you to the library, okay?" the little girl nodded, and returned to staring out the window. Aqua pulled out a small portable television set. She switches it on, and raised the areal, hoping to find something interesting to watch. As she tuned, a new station appeared, catching her attention, as she began watching.
"Mm...What's that you're watching?" Ribbon wanders over to aqua, peering over her shoulder.
"Just listen." Aqua said.
"The facility has been confirmed as an illegal unregistered Science facility, that performed unrecorded experiments, though the explosion was swift and extremely deadly, the remaining survivors, who are now under house arrest, explained that none of the experiments they were working on had survived..." The report said.
"Sounds like someone's had their fingers in the wrong pies." Mitsuko said as the train began to pull into central station.
"In other news, people in Station Square have often reported 'sightings of a monster' which seemed to fly above the city late at night. This was first presumed paranoia, which later turned into accusations that Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the current mad-scientist still on the loose, had been creating yet more machines to take over the city..." the report continued as the group got off the train.
"Pies? Seems more like they were digging into something larger than pies." Aqua replied.
"Mm...Maybe Tails heard this and went to check it out?" Ribbon questions
"I doubt it..." Mitsuko muttered, recalling the strange warning he'd heard.
"...since she took off long before this report if you remember." Aqua replied.
"Well..You never know...she could have noticed something before us?"
"Maybe..." Aqua replied. "But why destroy her own home, just on one investigation? And why an entire airship?"
"Look...." Mitsuko interrupted as he hefted Kiros over his shoulder. "Let's just get this sorted first, shall we?" he headed to the exit.
Aqua pocketed the television and nodded. "As you wish."
"Hey Aqua! Aqua!!!" Called an overly cheery voice from the left. Aqua looked over.
"Selphie? Tyrone? What are you doing? And what's with those clothes?" She asked. Selphie and Tyrone ran over, both wearing what seemed like duel academy uniforms, though coloured more black than the official three.
"This? You'll find out soon enough." Selphie, the owner of the previous voice, replied. Selphie looked at Mitsuko and freaked, hiding behind Tyrone.
Aqua followed. "You coming?" She asked.
"We have an assignment, but a detour couldn't hurt." Tyrone said, following with Selphie in tow.
"Assignment? Hiei never gave you assignments, only missions." Aqua replied confused.
"Yeah, about that..." Tyrone said, scratching his head. "We sorta don't follow Hiei anymore." This caused Aqua to create a water wall, blocking the two from following. "Yup, she took that as well as I knew she would." Tyrone said, as he and Selphie walked to continue their assignment.
Ribbon yells from behind, seemingly having walked slower than the others. "Hey!! Don't leave me behind...I can't walk through this either!" A hand appeared form the wall, grabbed Ribbon and violently pulled her though, when she was on the other side, surprisingly she wasn't wet. Then the wall splashed to the ground loudly. "Um...thanks." Ribbon looks a little embarrassed, rubbing her wrist from the violent pull.
The gang made it to the hospital, and after getting Kiros admitted, they sat in the waiting room, the doctors taking an awfully long time to get back and tell them what was wrong. Mitsuko paced back and forth, his long coat dragging along the floor.
"You'll pace a hole in the floor, sit down, would you?" Aqua asked.
Aqua stood up. "Excuse me a moment,” She walked over to the register counter, which was the same as the Waiting room. "S'cuse me, could I get a..Um..." She then uttered something to the woman at the counter.
"Yes, we can fit you in for a test, let me see when we're next able to.." Aqua then shushed the girl.
Aqua then took a paper and walked back to the seats, where she retook her seat, rolling up the paper in her lap.
"This is a "mind your own business" test." Aqua replied, coldly.
"Pff..." Ribbon sighs, as a brown Tappeti Rabbit wanders in to the hospital, going straight to the counter and asking about something, Penelope's name can be heard.
The Tappeti Rabbit then wanders to a seat after having a little talk. "Goddamn waiting..." He mutters.
Mitsuko sighed. "This is taking forever. Kiama, come on, let's go take your book back." Kiama jumped up, and stumbled over the feet of the rabbit in her excitement. "S-sorry mister." she smiled sweetly.
Almost an instant later, another Tappeti Rabbit walked in. "Big bro? Big Bro! I know I saw you come in here." She called, looking around.
The Tappeti rabbit looks at Kiama for a moment, giving off a smile before standing up and going to the other one "What is it, Ayuki?"
Mitsuko and Kiama left the hospital, and made their way towards the city's library, Kiama rushing off ahead, her brother keeping a close eye on her.
This young rabbit was dressed in normal clothes, save for an obviously oversized jumper. "You left me outside with the creeps; someone could have taken me you know!" Ayuki whined.
The rabbit laughs a little "You know no one would of..Common, let's sit down...We can't see Penelope yet."
"Uguu~... Well, you still shouldn't have left me there..." Ayuki then took her seat next to him and anxiously looked around. "Who was that girl?" Ayuki asked, a hint of Jealousy in her high-pitched, yet cute voice.
"You mean the one that tripped over my feet?" The rabbit questions. Ayuki nodded.
"Not really sure...she just seemed really excited and ran into me, why?"
"No reason." Ayuki said, skipping to the floor, and table, hitching for some child magazines.
Meanwhile, Mitsuko and Kiama were headed over to the library. Mitsuko sighed as he watched his sister run inside the library. Following, he saw her talking to the librarian, who Kiama seemed to like. Walking over, he introduced himself.
"Excuse me, but I hope my sister hasn't caused too much trouble yet."
"Eep!" The young librarian jumped. "Um..n-no, she's been okay...but uh..." The girl looked at the book and quickly sorted the return. "Um, it's overdue, but since the former librarian retired a week ago, any books she leant out won't be charged for." She bowed, "Thank you for returning the book. Is there anything else I can help you with?" The door opened and two familiar blue foxes walked in, dressed in the same attire as Tyrone and Selphie before. The librarian looked at the taller blue fox a little too frightfully. The younger female one waited behind the other two. The librarian then looked toward Kiama, hoping for some answer.
Mitsuko eyed the newcomers warily, and slowly slotted his deck into his duel disk in readiness. Kiama shook her head at the librarian, and hid behind her brother.
Kai, the taller blue fox, looked at Mitsuko, but said nothing, the younger one walked toward the girl. "Where can you tell me is the location of books revolving around manga?" She asked.
"Um, all manga issue books are in the northern-east section of the library." The librarian, said to her, though oddly more relaxed than with Mitsuko.
Kai spoke. "Mitsuko, was it?"
Mitsuko nodded. "And you're Kai."
"Indeed..." Kai walked over. "Unprepare your disk; it's hardly worth being ready for nothing." He said. "I'm not here to duel; I'm simply waiting on my sister."
Mitsuko chuckled and shut down his disk. "Something we have in common."
"I heard someone was looking for you." Kai spoke. "At least the name Mitsuko was mentioned."
"Somewhere in the middle of the main block of town. A woman wearing a robe far too bright for my liking was walking around asking random strangers if they knew the location of a duellist named Mitsuko."
"Um, someone like that actually came into the library just moments before you did, I don't remember her leaving, to be honest." The librarian spoke.
Kiama tugged at Mitsuko's coat, and the lion nodded and turned to the librarian. "What section did she head to?" he asked.
"The readers section, I'll take you there." The librarian, then walked around the counter and toward the area, Kai was interested and followed, as his younger sister walked the other way. Mitsuko followed the librarian, and readied his duel disk. Kiama walked behind her brother closely, her head comically appearing out from his side. "Um, what're you names?" The Librarian asked, as they walked.
"I'm Mitsuko, and this is Kiama." Mitsuko said coldly, nodding at his sister.
The librarian seemed to jolt slightly, at the cold tone in voice. "Um...oh....M-my name is...Mint..." She stuttered, somehow fearing him.
"You don't have to act scared of me Mint." Mitsuko said as he looked between the aisles of books. "I'm just having a bad day."
"I...I'm not acting..." Mint replied. "I'll just be quiet." The group then arrived. There, sat reading a manga was a pure white hedgehog, two of her quills bending like goats horns on her cheeks as three more reminded the group of Sonic, somehow.
"You don't have to -be- scared of me either." Mitsuko whispered in Mints ear as he passed her, and stood before the sitting hedgehog. "I hear you're looking for me." he said.
The hog looked up at him. "Mitsuko..." she returned to her manga. "I hope you remember who I am."
Mitsuko nodded. "You're the one who thinks I could wield Ra's power."
"Perhaps. Tokimi the Guardian of the Winged Dragon of Ra." She said. "You might want to sit for a moment."
"I'll stand." he replied.
"Suit yourself." Tokimi replied. "This poor woman just found out her child is still born...must be hard on her, you couldn't possibly imagine the pain of someone giving birth to someone who has already died...really is quite sad." Tokimi babbled.
Mitsuko shifted about. "I don't think you wanted to talk to me about Manga Tokimi."
"You're right." Tokimi said. "Now, tell me this. Do you want the Winged Dragon of Ra?"
Mitsuko nodded. "Yes I do." Kiama smiled, remembering how pretty the card was. Kai looked dumbfounded.
"And why? Why would you possibly want that card? For what reason would its purpose be with you?" Tokimi asked.
"You want the power of the Sun Dragon?" Tokimi asked, lowering her book. "You want it to wield and use its power?"
"I already said yes Tokimi." Mitsuko answered. "Now, is there a point to this, or are you going to keep asking the same questions all day?"
"This test is over if you want the Dragon for power..." Tokimi went back to her book.
"I don't want Ra for his power." Mitsuko answered. "I want Ra for his ability to help me protect people. So I don't have to spend every moment of every day worrying about whether or not those people are safe. So I can watch Kiama grow up and not have to look over my shoulder constantly!"
"Do you know just how powerful the Sun Dragon Ra is?" Tokimi asked.
Mitsuko shook his head. "Does it matter?" he asked.
"I'm sure you've heard many rumours about the different powers he has." Tokimi replied. "My job is to make sure Ra is not used for the wrong reasons. I now ask you this, if I am going to accept you as a candidate for Protecting this sacred card, would you protect it over using if, given the choice?"
"I wouldn't use him just to beat someone in a duel, if that's what you mean." the lion replied.
"Put this into play, your little sister is captured, heaven forbid, and you have Ra at your disposal, however there are clearly more options that don't involve summoning him that you could attempt to save your sister...what do you do?” Tokimi asked.
Mitsuko laughed slightly. "A slightly unfair question Tokimi, and one there isn't an answer to that you could believe."
"Try me, I'm gullible." Tokimi replied.
"Fine. If Kiama were in danger, and I had other options, then I would have to judge the situation. If I had other options, but using them could lead to Kiama being hurt whether I won or not, then I sure as hell would use Ra to bring the bastard down as quickly as possible. If not, then I would probably try to find another way."
"Would you become my Protégé, knowing that I would be like a watcher over you. Almost like master and apprentice, and still take the responsibility of holding Ra?" Tokimi questioned.
"This isn't the confrontation I expected..." Kai yawned, walking off.
"If that's what it takes, then yes." Mitsuko replied. Kiama walked up to Tokimi, and smiled sweetly. "Could I see the pretty card again please?" she asked shyly.
Tokimi looked at Kiama. "Maybe later." She said. "Right now would not be a good optional time to show it off."
"Oh okay..." Kiama said, slightly disappointed, and cuddled up to Mitsuko, who smiled at her. "So, what do I do now then Tokimi?" he asked.
"Judge me..." She replied.
"Judge my methods of protection to this card. For the next duel, I'm going to treat you as if you are another overconfident duellist trying to steal the god card from me and I will do what I can to protect it. You're to duel me, expecting to win but take notice of how I deal with my way of protection and judge my strategy accordingly." Tokimi explained.
Mitsuko narrowed his eyes, focusing on Tokimi. "Sure thing. I expect we'll be doing this in a place more suitable than the inside of a library?"
"Naturally, Mints only recently started working here, I'm not about to get her fired." Tokimi then stood up and placed her book down, walking toward the exit. Mitsuko followed, his duel disk already prepped, and he followed Tokimi outside. Kiama jumped up on the reception desk and smiled at Mint. Mint returned to her work, seeing as she couldn't follow for that reason. Tokimi stood outside the front. "Don't you have other business?" She asked.
"None that can't wait." Mitsuko replied. "Besides, I don't plan on this taking too long."
"You believe your that strong? That I don't stand a chance against you?" Tokimi asked.
"I think that willpower and belief are key in a duel. I believe that my will is stronger than yours, therefore I can overcome your deck." the lion replied as he drew 5 cards.
"Your willpower to take the god exceeds mine to protect it?" Tokimi asked, more curious than anything.
Mitsuko smiled. "That is what we'll have to find out, isn't it?"
Tokimi activated a seemingly steel blade duel disk, with white patterns on it. The disk was shiny enough that you could see the reflection of anything that hit it, like polished metal. She shuffled and slotted her deck.
"Let's see the power of your light surpass mine then." She challenged, gathering a crowd.
Mitsuko drew 5 cards, and motioned for Tokimi to make the first move.
Tokimi drew six cards. "Lets see now." She uttered. "Very well, lets begin with a Foolish Burial." She said, activating her card. "I'm sure you've heard of this, right?"
"It allows you to place any monster card from your deck and put it in your graveyard." Mitsuko replied.
"Yes, so I'll send my Lightlord Druid - Aurkus from the deck to the graveyard." She said, discarding her card.
"Next, I use Solar Exchange, this allows me to drop a lightlord monster in my hand to the graveyard, draw 2 cards, the discard 2 cards from my deck." Tokimi explained. "So, my Lightlord Summoner Luminous can go to the graveyard, my two cards come to my hand, then two more to the graveyard." Tokimi resolved her cards.
"Interesting..." Mitsuko muttered.
"Now that I've got my Druid Aurkus, Summoner Luminous, Beast Wulf and Magician Leila in my graveyard, I'll use my Dragons Special effect which means that he comes straight to the field. Come forth Judgment Dragon!" A large Dragon appeared behind Tokimi and roared anxiously at Mitsuko. (3000/2600)
Mitsuko raised an eyebrow. "Not bad. I'm sure the crowd gathered are impressed."
"That was awesome..." A member of the crowd replied.
"Anyway, one face down card and I'll summon Cyber Valley whilst I'm here." A machine appeared next to the Dragon. (0/0) "And now, show me your light." Tokimi ordered. Four decks fell from her deck to the graveyard. Mitsuko ignored it.
Mitsuko drew. "Gladly." he replied as he studied his cards. His eyes shot open as he saw what one of them was. '' he thought to himself.
"Fear not my friend...." Zewl's voice echoed again in his ear. "You have this card for a reason. Use it wisely......"
He nodded slowly, and then smiled. "Alright Tokimi, you wanted light, then here it is. I activate the spell card Magical Mallet, to return one card to my deck." After returning a card to his deck and drawing another, Mitsuko continued his move. "I'll then set 2 face-downs and end my turn."
Tokimi drew. "Hm, how fun. With two light monsters on my field, I can summon this. Meet Guardian of Order." The large guardian appeared. (2500/1200) "I'll switch Cyber Valley into defence and attack you with the Judgment Dragon."
Mitsuko took the blast with a grunt <5000> while the crowd jeered at him. He started to laugh.
"Should be interesting to know why you're laughing?" Tokimi asked.
"Because I activate my trap card, Damage Condenser!" Mitsuko replied. "By discarding one card from my hand, I can special summon one monster from my deck with attack points equal to or less than the damage I just took. So say hello to MY dragon!!"
Mitsuko's trap appeared, a large machine that covered the field in smoke. A roar was heard, one that was eerily familiar.
"Oh my god!" A crowd member yelled, knowing the noise.
"He can't have..." Another gasped.
The almighty dragon appeared in all its glory, with an almighty roar, and took to the sky. Mitsuko laughed. "I believe you know Blue Eyes White Dragon, right Tokimi?" (3000/2500)
People were running passed the hospital yelling and making a fuse.
"Come on, someone pulled the 4th blue eyes!" Ayuki jolted her head.
"That's a lie." She said, aloud.
Aqua also took interest, having finished her test. "This I have to see." She ran out of the hospital and toward the fuss.
The rabbit sitting with Ayuki bursts to his feet "For the duellists sake...he better be lying, lets go find it Ayuki"
"Okay." Ayuki said.
"How interesting that you pull that card." Tokimi said. "Impressive, but risky."
"I know your monster's effect Tokimi. But it's not half the risk you think it is." Mitsuko replied.
"Which of my cards would that be then?"
"The dragon. I know that by paying 1000 lifepoints you can destroy all the cards on the field."
"I'm not talking about me being risky, more about you being risky, look around, the crowd has more than tripled in the course of a minute. You pulling that dragon might have just pulled you unwanted attention." Tokimi said. "And my effect is great, but I don't plan to use it, in fact, I want to see what happens if I just end now." Tokimi said, ending her turn, another 4 cards from her deck sent to the grave.
Mitsuko smiled and drew. "I'll set one monster and activate the spell card fissure, to destroy your Cyber Valley."
"Very well." Tokimi said as the machine self-destructed.
"Next, I'll equip my Blue Eyes with Axe of Despair, increasing his attack points by 1000" (4000/2500) The mighty dragon roared as he grew even larger, the crowd gasping and jumping back slightly. Mitsuko grinned. "You think I pulled a risk bringing out 1 Blue-Eyes? Then how about 2? I activate the trap card A Rival Appears, and by selecting my dragon I can bring out another level 8 monster." A second Blue-Eye appeared, next to the first, and roared just as loudly as its compare. They looked down on Tokimi's monsters and growled.
"He gave you them both?!" Tokimi was surprised now.
"Wait! What the hell!" Someone in the crowd yelled. "He can't have two?!"
"Pegasus made a 5th? What's going on!" A riot was beginning to form.
The first Blue-Eyes looked down at the spot where people were beginning to get out of control, and roared so loud the windows in the nearby buildings shook, which quickly silenced them.
"Big Brother! Big Brother! He has Penelope's blue eyes! He must have been the one behind her being hospitalized!" Ayuki called. This caused more fuss.
" not worry soon as this is finished we will find the truth." The other rabbit replied.
"Now do you see why I said it was risky?" Tokimi asked. "None the less, continue."
"Now, Blue-Eyes, attack her Guardian!!" the second dragon launched a powerful ball of energy at Tokimi's monster.
"I activate my face down Mirror Force, Sorry, no go." Tokimi replied.
Mitsuko smiled slightly as his dragons roared, before vanishing. "No matter. I set one face-down and end."
Tokimi drew. "As impressive as summoning those two were, your planning wasn't up to standard, no matter...anyone wielding those dragons think little about how to use them rather than using them." Tokimi said. "I will admit though, you had me worried."
"I took a calculated risk." Mitsuko countered, a little defensively. "And I won't have my duelling questioned by anyone, let alone you."
"Did I question your duelling?" Tokimi asked.
"Yeah, by implying I wasn't thinking." Mitsuko replied. "You don't know what my strategy is, or how I plan to play this duel. So let's finish this before you start making your judgements."
"Well then." Tokimi drew. "Okay then, I'll go straight for the attack with my Judgment Dragon."
"I activate Negate Attack." Mitsuko said calmly.
"I'll set this monster and end my turn then." Tokimi said. Another 4 cards fall from the deck to the graveyard.
Mitsuko drew. "I flip summon my monster, Batteryman AA (0/0)." the tiny creature appeared with a small 'buzzzzt!'
"Interesting..." Tokimi said.
"Glad you think so. Next, I'll sacrifice the little guy to summon my Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon!! (2400/1000) Who by the way, gains an extra 1000 points because he was summoned with Batteryman AA." (3400/1000) Mitsuko's strange looking dragon appeared on the field, now the most powerful monster in play.
"Very interesting..." Tokimi said. "Heh, this one actually has me worried." She smiled slightly, probably the first time since...well...ever. Aqua at this time had pushed though the crowds to get a better view.
"Now Voltech dragon, attack!! Destroy her Judgement Dragon!!" Tokimi did nothing but block herself as her monster vanished in a bolt and smoke, with a loud cry of pain. <7600>
"You finally hurt me..." Tokimi smiled. "There's a first."
"I'll then set 2 face-down's and end." Mitsuko said calmly. "And believe me, there's a lot more pain to come."
"I'm sure." Tokimi replied. She drew her card. "Lets try this. Heavy Storm."
Mitsuko smiled. "I'll chain my trap cards. 2 Jar's of Greed, which allow me to draw and extra 2 cards. A waste of your spell card, but I'm not complaining."
"Yeah, well, I prefer it this way somehow." Tokimi replied.
"I'll tribute my face down Cyber Trooper for my favourite creature. Lightlord Dragon Gragonis!" With that, another dragon rose from the ashes of the Cyber Trooper. "Now, Mitsuko. As impressive as you are to continue to raise your attack beyond my strongest creature, Judgment...It's time to play seriously. This dragon gains 300 attack points for all of his fallen Lightlord comrades." Tokimi explained. "I counted 11 monsters in the grave, which means he has 5300 points of attack." Tokimi said. (5300/1600)
"You're screwed man!!!" someone in the crowd yelled.
"Bah!! He's just an amateur, no way has he deserved the Blue Eyes!!" another yelled. Mitsuko just smirked.
"Attack his Voltech Dragon, Gragonis!" Tokimi ordered. Mitsuko was sent flying back against the library wall as his monster was destroyed. <3900> Tokimi halted and turned to the crowd. "Can the two people who said that step forth?" She asked. The crowd fell silent as the 2 men stepped forward. Mitsuko looked on curiously as he got himself back up. "Tell me, you ignorant pair. How many times have you summoned not one, but two monsters of 3000 attack or more on a single draw?" Tokimi asked, referencing to the fact one dragon was summoned on her turn, the other on Mitsuko's next. The 2 men looked sheepish. Mitsuko called out.
"Hey Tokimi, leave 'em be. Finish your move. Just be ready to keep your end of the bargain when I defeat you."
"No, I want to hear their answers." Tokimi replied. "Go on, tell me."
One hung his head and admitted he didn't even duel. The other shrugged and muttered something about luck of the draw and how weak his deck was.
"You don't deserve to watch this duel..." Tokimi spat. "You have no right to say anything, not even being a duellist, and if Mitsuko is an amateur with that move...then you don't even know how to play." She said to the other, and then turned around. "My guardian, attack him." She ordered.
Mitsuko was sent back against the wall, and fell to one knee. "Not...bad..." he muttered. <1400> He rose. "I hope you enjoyed it, because once you end your turn, things are going to change."
"Perhaps." Tokimi replied. "Let's find out. I end my turn, and naturally my dragon sends 3 cards to my graveyard from my deck." As such happened.
Mitsuko drew. "First, I'll pay 800 lifepoints to activate Brain Control, and take your dragon." <600>
"Was that wise?" Tokimi asked.
"Considering what I'm about to do to you, it is." Mitsuko replied as Tokimi's monster settled on his side of the field. "Because I will sacrifice him to summon Zaborg, the Thunder Monarch!!" (2400/1000) The dragon disappeared, replaced by Mitsuko's monster which immediately struck Tokimi's guardian with a blast of lightning that destroyed her monster instantly.
"Hmm, that was impressive." Tokimi smiled. "My field is now barren."
"Now I'll set one face-down, and pay 500 lifepoints <100> to activate Battery Charger, to special summon my Batteryman AA in defence mode. I'll end here."
"This is where it ends then." Tokimi said.
"I flip my Lightlord Hunter - Raiku. (200/100) His effect states that I destroy a card on the field. So I'll destroy your facedown card." Tokimi said. "In exchange, I must give up 3 cards from my deck to the graveyard."
"What a waste of a card....I don't plan to attack you, not at all. No, I activate this trap card, which, by my calculations, you lost the chance to stop. So this duel is over. My trap is known as Blasting the Ruins!" Tokimi smiled. "With 31 cards in my graveyard, it's tribute has been met, you lose 3000 life points." Mitsuko hung his head as Tokimi's trap sent him blasting back, the library wall collapsing as he went straight through it, the cards in his hand scattering all over the floor. Tokimi walked over and picked up his hand as poor Mint screamed in terror. "Guess he was unlucky." She uttered to herself. Then walked over to him.
The rabbit from before barges through the crowd and walks over to were Mitsuko lies, looking down on him. Tokimi began medically checking on Mitsuko.
Mitsuko looked up at the rabbit and chuckled, choosing to stay right where he was for the moment as Kiama came running over to him, crying. "If you want a match, come back later....." he laughed. "Tokimi, I want a rematch. That was the best damned duel I've had in a long time!"
"I'm not looking for a match...I am here to take what does not belong to if you don't mind, give them to me and I will be on my way."
Mitsuko raised an eyebrow and stood, towering over the demanding rabbit. "Excuse me?" he asked as he cracked his neck."
"The blue eyes...they do not belong to you and I am here to get them back."
Tokimi looked at the saddened Kiama. "Aww, don't cry little one." She said sweetly. "Here." She then pulled from her bag, the glass box protecting the Winged Dragon of Ra. "You wanted to see this?"
"First of all, I didn't even know they were in my deck until I duelled. Second, I'm not in the habit of just -giving- cards away. Third..." Mitsuko glared at the rabbit as Kiama wiped her eyes and looked at the god card. "...did your mother never teach you manners as a child?" Mitsuko finished, before turning to Tokimi. "Guess I failed, huh?"
The rabbit got angry at Mitsuko. "Did your mother never teach you to not use stolen cards?"
Ayuki ran over, hid behind the older rabbit and spoke. "Those cards are my big sisters!" she yelled, childishly.
"You are beginning to irritate me." Mitsuko shot over his shoulder. "I -don't- steal cards, and I -don't- know where the Blue-Eyes came from. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to take care of."
"Return the cards...and you can be on your way, and if you never stole them you should have no problem returning them."
Tokimi looked up to Mitsuko and returned the cards that were in his hands. "When you're done arguing with Yuuichi, tell me what you were going to do with this hand." She said, before returning her attention to a now happy Kiama.
Mitsuko glared at Yuuichi before going over to Mint. "I'm sorry about all this." he said, trying to console the poor girl. "I'll pay to have the place fixed up, I promise."
Mitsuko turned to Tokimi, and looked down at the cards he had held. "I was going to sacrifice Zaborg and Batteryman to bring out 1 Creator, and use my face-down monster to special summon the other. Then it was just a case of sending the other 2 monsters to the graveyard to bring back the Blue-Eyes to the field."
Mint was in tears looking at the damages to the library, it wasn't long before police and fire department came with some doctors from the nearby hospital.
Yuuichi grows extremely impatient. "Return the cards now...before something bad does actually happen."
"Move along, move along, nothing to see here." The police said, as they barged in.
Mitsuko glared at Yuuichi before going over to Mint. "I'm sorry about all this." he said, trying to console the poor girl. "I'll pay to have the place fixed up, I promise."
The police arrived, and Tokimi showed them a specific badge from her pocket. "This is my jurisdiction, there's no injuries, there's no crime, just a powerful duel, the Library was unfortunate, but no one was injured." She explained, as Mint was still on her butt, legs either side of her body, crying over the damage.
"I'm...I'm going to get fired for this..." She cried.
"No you won't. I'll talk to your bosses, we'll get things sorted out, I promise." Mitsuko smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It had nothing to do with you, it was my fault." Mint tried to calm down, and though she was usually scared of Mitsuko, she seemed calmer around him too.
Yuuichi clenches his fists in anger, but keeps himself from shouting. "Tell me...if your sister was nearly killed, and had her rarest cards stolen, what would you do?" He faced Mitsuko. Tokimi turned to Yuuichi, but remained quiet for now, as the place was patched off, the crowd slowly dispersed into the town again.
Mitsuko smiled at Mint, before standing up and moving over to Yuuichi and violently pushes him backwards. "Get out of my face, before I get pissed off. I'm already having a REALLY bad day, and you're really getting on my nerves. I don't know your sister, or anything about what happened to her, but if you're looking for someone to blame, I suggest you go find the person who's responsible."
"That's enough!" Tokimi yelled at them both. Kiama leaped up, scared by Tokimi's shouting, and ran to hide under Mitsuko's coat. "Yuuichi, you remember your teachings, no? About the ancient scriptures of ancient Egypt? The one which states that he who defeats the wielder of the Blue Eyes and the Blue eyes themselves may choose to take the cards, regardless of argument. Technically I have the right to remove you of those dragons, Mitsuko, but I choose not to for now." Tokimi explained, her voice strong, but calming toward the end.
"Yuuichi, Penelope is currently comatose, she won't be needing those dragons yet, but if you're so keen to get them back, arrange a duel for a later date, meanwhile, the cards remain in his possession." Tokimi said, calmly. "And Mitsuko, to answer your question, you are wrong, you are the first person to pass my little exam."
Yuuichi turns his back on the few "Fine, meet me outside of here tomorrow...midday, come on sis...we better go see how Penelope is doing..." Yuuichi begins to walk off.
"Uguu~...yes big brother..." Ayuki said, before following him.
"Pffft." Mitsuko scoffed. "I don't duel unless there's something worth duelling for." he called after Yuuichi. He then turned to Tokimi. "And how did I pass? You obliterated me."
"You think you need to beat me to be worthy to guard the Sun God?" Tokimi asked. "Let's move away from here, and back to the hospital where you were before, I believe I have a lot to explain to you, my protégé." Tokimi said, walking off toward the hospital. Mitsuko grunted, and hefted Kiama up onto his shoulders, and held her hands so she didn't fall off his neck as he followed Tokimi.
As they walked, a dark figure looked down upon them. As Mitsuko passed out of view, and entered the hospital, the figure vanished.
As they entered the hospital, the two rabbits were not there. "Guess they're visiting Penelope now." Tokimi said.
Aqua walked in, behind them. "That was intense you two." She said. Kiama screamed happily and launched herself from Mitsuko's shoulders towards Aqua, as her brother just laughed. Aqua caught the girl safely, then took her to the seats.
"Tell me about it Aqua. I haven't had such a great duel in a long time." Mitsuko replied. Tokimi took her own seat and rested her head in her hands, sighing loudly. "You showed determination, courage and confidence where most would have simply thrown in the towel and to be perfectly honest, I would have lost, had I one less card to finish that duel."
Mitsuko nodded. "I was trying to win...losing isn't an option for me. I only duel when there's something important at stake..."
"You're my first protégé..." Tokimi said, looking at him in the eyes. "You must prepare for and complete 3 exams before I will hand over the god, however. And after the god is in your possession, I technically will be under your command."
"Now, I guess I need to explain about Yuuichi and his little perky sister, don't I?"
"It would probably be a good idea." Mitsuko replied.
"What do you know of the current champion, Penelope 'Voncraft'?" Tokimi asked.
"I know she's a ruthless duellist, undefeated until Hitomi beat her in the last tournament, and she hasn't been seen since then." Mitsuko said as Kiama cuddled up against him.
"She's known as the top duellist in the world, she's about 17 years old and has a temper for the obnoxious bitch she is." Aqua added her two cents.
"She's known as Penelope Voncraft to all those duelling fans and rivals alike, she looks 17, and hosts the 3 blue eyes..." Tokimi said. "Truth in the matter is, her real name is Penelope Mekasu, she was adopted at the age of 3 as a prodigy at duelling. She's actually 7 years old and uses a contraption wrapped around her neck which gives the illusion that she's older..." Tokimi explained.
"...the Mekasu is a rich family of 3 children, Penelope was their 4th and is the only non-biological daughter of the family. She was raised to duel and knows only to duel. Shortly after she was defeated by Hitomi and humiliated in front of the planet as she warped into her younger form, she went into hiding in the construction yard, where she met your friend Kiros."
"Kiros takes that route as a short-cut. But if you're going to tell me that he duelled her and put her into a coma, then you're lying. He's a hot-head, but he's a decent kid." Mitsuko said sharply.
"Kiros duelled her, though it ended immediately by the luckiest hand in the history of duelling. The two were then ambushed by two rogues, formally fired by their master, Robotnik." Tokimi continued.
"Is this Fiona and Scourge?" Aqua asked.
"Yes." Tokimi answered. "The four duelled a tag team, where it looked bleak for Fiona and Scourge, so they used their typical cheep tactic..."
"They planted a bomb on Penelope..."
"And blew her up..." came a voice from behind them. Kiros stood, looking a little worse for wear.
Tokimi looked toward Kiros. "Should you be up?" Aqua asked.
"Probably not...but the food in here is awful!" he grinned, as Mitsuko went and helped his friend take a seat with the group.
"After they blew up Penelope, another girl appeared and duelled the rest of the fight, winning the duel and ending Fiona and Scourge, turning them into Dark Matter." Tokimi replied. "Penelope would have died when the explosion hit, however, I managed to jump to her and form a barrier enough to preserve her life and her body, but I can't say the same about myself."
"Most of the skin on the left side of my face is artificial to the skull and I had to replace my left eye." It was at this point everyone actually realised her two eyes had a different colour each. "Though Penelope survived, she's been in a coma since, resting in this exact hospital. Yuuichi, naturally, wanted to know what happened to his little sister and went on a witch hunt, until he could find the one responsible for turning his sister into what she is now, not to mention reclaim the Dragons that were prized as a result of the duel."
Kiros sighed. "Good luck to him....they're both dead...."
"He might not find the ones responsible, but that won't stop him from trying to reclaim the dragons." Tokimi replied.
"Well then that's tough." Mitsuko said. "Because I have no intention of duelling him, and when Penelope comes to, she's the one who'll get the dragons back."
"I had the chance to take them from you, Mitsuko, but I have enough to guard as it is." Tokimi sighed.
"Enough of this depressing stuff." the lion interjected. "What were the tests you mentioned before Tokimi?"
"They will become aware to you as they come, I'm afraid it's beyond my restrictions to pre-warn you." Tokimi said. "Telling you what's to come allows you to plan around it, however, when the time comes, no matter how you plan, you'll never know what's coming. The tests are build like that as well."
"Well do you think I am at least capable of passing them?" he asked.
"If you were unable to pass the trials in order to properly guard the Winged Dragon of Ra, I would never have considered you as a guardian, let along taken you as my Protégé." Tokimi explained. "My judgments and decisions are absolute, I choose no favourites, nor do I pick my options rashly. If you weren't ready, you wouldn't be here talking to me now."
Mitsuko laughed. "Glad to hear it!"
"Now, I can answer questions anyone might have, so please ask away." Tokimi said. "Just...don't always expect an answer."
Kiros yawned. "Can I go sleep?" he asked.....but had nodded off before anyone could answer. Mitsuko looked over at him.
"I still want to know what the hell happened back at Tail's place..."
"That one I can't answer." Tokimi replied. "Well, if there are no further questions, I should be going." Tokimi stood up.
"Take care Tokimi." Mitsuko said as he stood. "I'll see you around." he picked Kiama up. "But I think Kiama and I should go back to the library and try and sort things out. Aqua, would you mind staying with Kiros until he wakes up? We shouldn't be too long."
Aqua nodded. "Sure, I guess..." she replied. Tokimi vanished, suddenly.
Kiama gasped. "Wow!!!! I wanna do that!!!" she squealed.
"Huh?" Aqua questioned, realising Tokimi was gone.
Mitsuko shook his head. "Catch ya later Aqua!!" he called over his shoulder as he and Kiama left the hospital.
Aqua looked outside. "Wow, it's getting pretty dark out, what time is it?" She asked.
Back at the library, there was already construction going on to repair it.
"Mint?!" Mitsuko called as they walked into the library.
The manager of the construction looked over. "Mint? You need a mint?" he asked, "There's a convenient store down the road." He said.
Kiama giggled, while Mitsuko sighed. "No, the girl who works here." he went on to describe Mint to the construction worker.
"Oh, the cute librarian, she went home about 3 minutes ago." He replied.
"Hmmm..." Mitsuko said. "Guess we'll have to come back tomorrow. Come on Kiama, let's head off."
"She went south via the back roads, if you need to see her, I know that much." The manager said.
"The back roads?" Said a fat construction worker. "I hear that's a lethal place to go at this time, usually no one there, rumours spread, you know " He then went back to work.
Without another word, Mitsuko ran out of the library, Kiama still on his shoulders, and headed off in the direction of the 'Back roads'.
Meanwhile, Mint was walking along the back roads, dialling on her mobile. She looked up the road and then behind her, barren, in the dark shadows of the trees, she was alone. “I think I'm not afraid...” She said to herself, and continued on her path. She placed the phone by her ear as it rang. Click! “Hello, daddy.” She said. “I just finished work, I'm coming home now.” She said, after a pause she continued. “I'm fi...” She head movement and turned around. “Huh? That was wired...” She said, she sped up a little, talking again. “No, I'm fine...” She continued again. “I'll be home soo...” Without another word, she was grabbed around the mouth and chest, pulled into an alleyway, where she was pinned to the wall, the phone falling out of her hand to the floor.
“Mint...Mint!” The voice on the phone yelled out.
“Listen to me! You be quiet, you make no noise whatsoever and this will be quick and as painless as possible, got me?!” The thuggish man said to the terrified girl. Mint was too terrified and already muted by his hand as his other began to “search” her body. Another man stood anxiously waiting.
"I'd leave her be if I were you." a voice said from the darkness.
The two thugs looked around, the one already harassing Mint snuffed.
"You find him and kill him." He said, as he began to rip Mints librarian clothes, caused the poor girl to freak even more. Before the other thug could move, a flash of steel flew by his body, and the man's head rolled from his shoulders and hit the floor. This caused Mint to go pale, she'd never seen death before, the other thug watched his friend's body slump to the ground. He smashed Mint in the face, in attempt to knock her unconscious and tossed her toward her phone, then pulled out a large metal bar from next to a garbage can, lifting it in preparation to fight. "COME ON, YA BASTARD!!!" He roared.
In the dull light provided by the moon, Mitsuko showed himself. Stood in the dark, all the man could see was the long, black trench coat. But his attention was more on the evil looking katana at Mitsuko's side, dripping with his friend's blood. "You only had one chance. You should have taken it..."
The thug, despite the odds and sword, charged forward, pole in arms, screaming a battle roar as he charged. "I'LL KILL YOOOOOUUU!!!"
Mitsuko easily sidestepped the blow, and drove the sword through the man's chest, holding it there, grinning while the would-be rapist looked down in shock. The thug spat blood, gritting his teeth violently, as blood poured out down his face, dripping, him chocking for air, his eyes wide with the pain.
Mint lifted herself up and looked down the alleyway, her face terrified at...well...everything...
"Mint!!!" The phone yelled. Mint would take it, but was too terrified to move.
"I would make this last longer....god knows you deserve it...." Mitsuko whispered. "But that poor girl you attacked has her father waiting for her, so I'll make this nice and easy for you...." He pulled his sword from the man's chest, and in a movement too fast for the eye to see, he had removed the thugs head from his body, the eyes forever open in fear and pain.
Sheathing the Katana back inside his coat, Mitsuko went over to Mint and knelt down, offering her his hand. "I'm sorry you had to see that, but there was no other way to protect you..."
Mint trembled with the fear, fear for her life, fear for her purity and fear that she'd just witnessed the murder of the ones about to do the former to her. Unable to move or speak, her eyes fixed on the alleyway.
"Mint! Answer me! Mint!" Seemed the father was still trying to contact her. Mitsuko looked at Mint, who was shaking with fear. He picked up the phone and spoke.
"Who is this! Whoever you are if you've hurt my daughter, I swear to god I'll..." the father barked down the phone.
"Relax!!" Mitsuko cut Mint's father off. "Your daughter is fine, I took care of the guys that were attacking her. We're at the alleyway that leads to Central Station Park. I'll make sure she's safe until you get here."
"Oh god! Attacking her? What happened? Is she okay? What happened!" The father questioned in panic.
"She's fine, but she's scared and needs her father." Mitsuko explained.
Mint began to regain her composure and swallowed hard, backing off to the wall, where she then scrunched up in a terrified ball. Mitsuko closed the phone and put it beside Mints feet, and then sat down against the opposite wall. "Your dad's on the way."
Mitsuko shook his head and stood up, starting to take care of the bodies. He lifted them and pulled them around the corner, out of sight, until he could dump them in the nearby lake when Mint's father had come for her. Once he had done, he sat back down. "You don't have to be scared anymore, it's over. No-ones going to hurt you." he said.
Mint was still scared. "Why..." She asked, not lifting her head.
Mitsuko shuffled over, sitting next to her. "Because I'm here. And I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. I promise."
" was" Mint asked, herself more than anyone.
It wasn't long before shouting could be heard from afar, a large muscular rabbit and a smaller thinner female one were running over. The female dropped to her knees and pulled Mint into a loving hug. "Oh, thank god you're alright."
The male rabbit was a little differently, pulled Mitsuko into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you for saving her!" He not long after let him go, so not to embarrass the guy too much, then turned his attention to his shaken daughter.
Mitsuko scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "It's no problem...I'm just glad I turned up when I did..."
"Aren't we all?" The man said. "Thank you! Thank you!!"
From the same alleyway where the thugs were, a golden porcupine stood, grinning. He was in a large black cloak, much like Mitsuko's, just watching the scene. Mitsuko watched the scene, and felt a pang of jealousy, before he heard footsteps...allot of them. Craning his ears, he silently drew out his katana, and turned to Mint's father.
"Take Mint and your wife and get out of here." he said quietly. The man picked up his daughter and began to run home with his wife, in order to not get Mint into anymore danger. As expected, soldiers began to run out from the alleyway. "He killed the boss! Get him!" They yelled, but suddenly paused to a loud SHING!, then they all fell dead as the porcupine walked toward Mitsuko, no weapon out.
Mitsuko watched the porcupine warily, his katana still by his side. "That's a nice trick. Now who are you?" he asked.
"My name? I guess you'll find out soon enough, I am a former ally, neither friend nor foe now. I once was a good old friend of that old mole you know. My name is Salfex." Salfex said. "How noble of you to help the girl, it appears you would save mere strangers when they need it most."
Mitsuko sheathed his weapon. "You mean Zewl?" He nodded thoughtfully before extending his hand in greeting. "Any friend of the old man is a friend of mine. The name's Mitsuko."
Salfex did not accept the handshake, just looked at Mitsuko's hand and then back to his face. "I see." He said. "Well then, Mitsuko. Mind if I forewarn you about a darkness that's soon to shadow the world?"
Mitsuko nodded. "Does it have anything to do with the old man's vanishing act?"
"He too must have foreseen the return of the demon world..." Salfex looked into the night sky.
"Demon world?"
"Some of your friends are not what they appear, but remnants of demons of more powerful entities, soon to pollute the planet." Salfex said.
"So that's what the shadow was....and why Kiros was acting off...." Mitsuko muttered. "Tails!!" he exclaimed in realisation.
"One of your friends has already been saved from a remnant of the princess, another one recently possessed...and one of them IS the demon princess." Salfex said. "This world shall fall into darkness." Salfex turned. "I wonder...would you help an enemy defeat his enemy that is not his friend?"
"If you watched me save Mint for no gain to myself, then you should already know the answer to that." Mitsuko replied. "But the answer is yes; if to save what I hold dear I have to join forces with those I consider an enemy, then I would do so without a second thought."
"Then tell me...would you join Hiei to save his daughter, or join Nazaruda to defeat Hiei?"
Mitsuko thought for a moment before replying. "I can't answer that...not without more to go on."
"Kerin is a remnant, and a damned evil and powerful remnant." Salfex said.
"So she's a remnant....who's the one she answers to? This...demon mentioned?"
"The remnant follows orders of its master, but it's unknown who the master is of this remnant, all that's known is that the remnant has killed before and will kill again if freed. Did you hear anything about an...Accident...or a monster roaming the city at night?"
Mitsuko nodded. "It was on some TV News report."
"It's unknown if Kerin is that remnant, because she has a copy, someone who is her, who is also a remnant. Do you believe that that building was brought down by an accident, as reported?"
"I don't believe the news. They cover up everything."
"Either cover up or make up what they don't know." Salfex corrected.
Mitsuko shrugged. "Either way, it's untrustworthy. But I do know one thing. I couldn't take sides until I knew for sure which side was the one worth fighting on."
"The decision should be clear already, Hiei only believes his daughter is alive and wants to make sure it stays that way." Salfex began to walk off into the darkness. "Nazaruda on the other hand...he knows the truth..." Then vanished.
Zewl's voice sounded in Mitsuko's ear. 'Salfex is not to be trusted. He speaks the truth, but twists it with lies. Find your own path my friend.'
"What's going on old man? Where are you?" Mitsuko muttered quietly.
'I've done what was needed....what will be required for the days ahead. You will find out soon.'
"Enough riddles Zewl!!" Mitsuko yelled. "I need some answers!!"
But there was no reply.