Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ A Brother's Love ❯ 07 - Not Even the Kindest Intention... ( Chapter 7 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~Chapter 7~
Milphey walked along the line of assembled Sorcerer Hunters, enjoying his little activity.
"Tira-chan CHECK!!"
Milphey nodded happily at her, moving along the line.
"Chocolat-chan CHECK!!"
A giggle; Milphey performed a neat little bounce, standing in front of Carrot.
"Carrot-chan CHECK!!"
Carrot didn't seem as chipper, "Haaiiii..."
Milphey prodded his nose, "Oh, cheer up, we're going to rescue Marron-chan today. Anyway..."
Gateau pulled a random pose as Milphey reached him.
"Gateau-chan CHECK!!"
"Hai! Mite KURE!"
"Oh, I'm looking, I'm looking. Very nice. And and, the last one..."
Milphey saluted with a smile, "Hazelnut-chan CHECK!!"
"Um... yes?"
"Close enough."
Milphey hopped a step across from Hazelnut, facing empty air.
"And, of course, Marron-chan CHECK! ... Marron-chan? Oh no, of course, he's not here, is he? Well, he's who we're going to rescue, so that's okay, I forgive him. SO! Is everyone ready to go? I'm feeling quite excited! It's been a couple of weeks, but Carrot-chan doesn't seem to be crying, so I'm sure that means that he's strong enough to carry on!"
"Milphey, shut it! Can't we just go already?"
"Oh, Carrot-chan, you're not getting into the spirit of things! Lighten up! Marron's not here, but you get to take me with you, and we've got Hazelnut-chan with us anyway, so..."
Milphey leapt back over to Carrot, his thumbs pulling at the corners of Carrot's mouth, trying to force him into a smile.
"... c'monnnn, smile! For me?"
"Milphey, you're so damn hyper this morning! What's got INTO you today?"
"What's got into me? Nothing yet, unfortunately enough." A smirk, "Why, are you offering?"
"Aw, shame. Anyway, the time is... I'm not sure what the time is, but the sun hasn't been up for too long so it can't be too late. The sun's up, the capital city of Facade is waking up around us as we speak, the sun looks beautiful as it shines down on Eden's spire, the beautiful morning must surely be enough to make a grown man cry at it's majesty! But we will not cry! For we have a mission! A mission to rescue our comrade who was so cruelly taken away from us! We thought him dead. But no! Our beloved Marron-chan is a survivor, and he won't let anyone kill him! And we won't let anyone kill him either! And he won't let anyone kill Carrot! And I think that's really cute! But that's just me. Radish and Celery will not escape our holy judgement! The holy god-given judgement of the SORCERER HUNTERS! ... And of Mille Feuille and Hazelnut Brazil too! Never! Ahahahahahah!"
Tira's eyebrow twitched as she leaned in to whisper to her sister.
"No, really, what is up with him this morning?"
"I don't know, I really don't know." Chocolat sounded thoughtful, "Whatever he's had... I want some..."
"I know what you mean. I wish I had his energy so early in the morning."
Milphey was already walking ahead, walking to the exit of the room.
"Come on! The sooner we set out the sooner we get back, right? So come on!"
The Sorcerer Hunters followed off after Milphey, help and transportation from Big Mama enabling the start of their journey from Facade to the Qerada-Ehret border.
On that border, the morning rose much as it had in Facade; Celery had woken Radish up early to do the thing he'd meant to do the day before, but had somehow forgotten about. The Sorcerer Hunters were fairly deep into their journey by the time the Salt brothers were awake.
Radish yawned, "Oniiiisamaaa... what's the deal with waking me up so early? We didn't have any plans for today or anything, did we?"
Radish was knelt in the front room where he'd first entered Marron's mind, what seemed like so long ago. Celery stood at the windowsill, his arms folded, a brisk business-like aura to him. Early morning sunlight streamed into the room, the sky fading from pinks and oranges to faded versions of that former glory, faded to the light blue which would pervade for most of the rest of the day.
With a short-tempered sigh, Celery quickly closed the curtains in the room. The room fell into darkness, cracks of light barely visible where the curtains didn't cover.
Celery remembered that Radish had asked him a question.
"Oh... no, there was nothing that we had planned, but... if you'll remember, I have raised this point before, my brother. The feeling that I had yesterday... the feeling has increased. I can't ignore it... to the point of being unable to sleep, I can't ignore it. Forgive me for waking you so early, but... I need your assistance in order to do this."
Radish stretched, not feeling his brother's sense of urgency.
"Uh huh... whatever you feel like, oniisama. Maybe Marron had some more dreams? I dunno. Whaddaya think this feeling might be about?"
Celery busied himself going around the room, lighting candles.
"I don't know, but I hope that this spell will tell us."
"What spell?"
"A spell of watching. I want to see if I can see those Sorcerer Hunters as much as I can feel them."
Celery turned to face his brother, seeing sudden shock in Radish's eyes, the flickering candlelight around the room echoed in his dark eyes. His eyebrow twitched slightly, looking at Celery with confusion.
"... You can feel those Sorcerer Hunters?"
Celery stood with a lit splint in his fingers, letting it burn down to an inch or two of fragile wood before blowing it out swiftly before it could burn his fingers.
"I don't know what it is I feel. If it's nothing, then forgive me, it was just my mind creating illusions of things that weren't there. However, if it is something..."
"Oniisama, oniisama, just tell me. Those Sorcerer Hunters. Can you feel them?"
Radish fixed Celery with a level, intense stare.
Celery blinked, then glanced away.
"... I can. The feeling is only quite vague... the feeling of the Sorcerer Hunters is something small and fragile in the midst of all else that I feel... like a storm, or an uncontrollable fire, I can feel it..."
Radish stood up and quickly took hold of Celery's head. Celery obediently dropped his head to his brother's level, letting Radish see into his mind.
"An oppressing feeling..."
Radish suddenly felt the feeling all around him, swirling throughout his mind like some kind of rushing wind... he pulled back, his eyes wide.
"Wow, I guess I can see how that'd stop you from sleeping. Let's hurry this up, okay? Maybe it'll make oniisama feel better once he realises that it's nothing."
Celery watched Radish carefully as Radish took up his former place on the carpet on the floor, knelt on a little step underneath the carpet.
"That is... if it IS nothing..."
Celery decided to try not to worry about those thoughts until he was sure; he sighed and dropped to a kneel in front of his brother, his arms around Celery's upper shoulders, leaning his forehead against Radish's own.
"My brother... you remember the spell?"
"Yeah, yeah, let's just get on with it already."
The two of them chanted the words to the spell, feeling the power grow between them; Radish let Celery control the magic that coursed through his body, supposing that this was how Celery felt whenever Radish himself called on magic through his brother's body.
The two pulled back in unison, some kind of glowing ball rising from between them, their suddenly parted fingers; their eyes opened, Celery finished the spell, raising his hands... Radish just watched as the glowing ball turned from indecipherable white smoke to something suddenly visible...
Both brothers made noises of surprise once they realised what it was that was visible; Celery gasped, and Radish stood up, "FUCK!!"
The glowing orb showed a forest trail. The morning sun was the same as it was outside the curtains that Celery had closed, the orb showed some other area of the Spooner Continent. A forest-like area. A forest trail. A forest. Somewhere in the background, a distant spire of some tall building was visible... none of these things especially attracted the attention of Celery or Radish, though. The main thing that was noticeable to them was the group of people walking on the forest path...
Radish was frozen to the spot, pointing helplessly at the orb.
"It- it's those BASTARDS!!"
Celery folded his arms.
"Well... it would seem that they at least have a will to live, if they're still alive after what happened at Qeran..."
"I don't fucking CARE about their fucking will to live or whatever the fuck it is they have! How the fuck did they manage to escape?! How!? HOW!? What the fuck did they manage to do?! You saw how bad that fire was as well as me, oniisama!! How could anyone 'cept for people like us escape?! I mean, fuck, Marron's gotta be like, their primary magic user, right? Or something like that, anyway! And if he's so good at magic, how come, like, I mean... how come THEY managed to escape!? What the fuck did they manage to do!? I don't get it! Fuck, I bet it's because they've got Big Mama on their side..."
Celery nodded, "I wouldn't doubt it, otouto. The feeling that I have... it certainly seems to... when I see them, my feeling seems confirmed. They're alive, Radish. They're alive, and we still have Marron with us... I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks that they're on a journey to rescue their kidnapped comrade... am I right?"
Radish glared away from the orb, his bad temper evident on his face.
"Fuck... I guess it'd be too much to ask to say they're just going off on some normal mission, right?"
He looked back at the orb.
"Hey, but I don't recognize all those people... those two chicks, they were at Qeran... and the dude with the muscles, he was the guy who hurt my mind... and that's Carrot, of course, fucking bastard that he is, always running through Marron's dreams... but what about those... other two?"
Celery looked thoughtful for a few moments, "I'm not sure, otouto... perhaps they're two other Sorcerer Hunters? We can't know... but perhaps we should start making preparations. If they are on their way here, then... don't you think that, perhaps... there might be some kind of... conflict?"
"Oniisama, what the fuck are you talking about? I thought you put up all those barriers and stuff to keep people like them out!"
Celery nodded, "Yes, I did. But just because we're keeping them out doesn't mean that they won't try things... at the very least, they might just stay there. I can't imagine what they'd do, but... would you really want Marron having one of his little relapse things while they're always so near? 'Oh, I remember someone called Carrot. Who's Carrot? Oh, he's my brother! He's that person standing in front of me! Niisan, rescue me!'... I'm sure that's not something you want to risk."
Radish sighed, feeling suddenly weary.
"No, no it's not... damn, how come they didn't die, though? If I just knew that, I'd feel a whole lot better. We could drop a landslide on these guys and they probably wouldn't die, fuck. What can we do?"
Radish watched Celery, hoping that some kind of terrific insight would occur. Celery glanced to the side, thinking something over; he turned back to face Radish.
"I'd understand if you wanted to remain here with Marron, but... if you wanted me to, then... I could attempt to face them off before they reached here. If anything, it could be a judgement of what strength it is that they possess; if I manage to defeat them before they reach this place, fine. If not... if not, I'll return and tell you so, and we can prepare for attack."
"I still don't think they'll be able to get in..."
Celery let out a short-tempered noise, his sudden change in mood surprising Radish somewhat; Celery was someone who rarely lost his temper, but he seemed to be tiptoeing perilously close to the edge at that moment.
"Radish, it's not a matter of people getting in or out! The bottom line is, they are Sorcerer Hunters, we are Sorcerers. Even if there wasn't this whole fiasco with Marron, they would still want us dead for the crimes we've committed against humankind, the destruction of so many lives... you were as shocked as I was at seeing that they were still alive; do you want them to stay alive to continue to haunt Marron's life? Even thinking that those people are dead, Carrot at least still haunts his sleeping mind, and is beginning to creep into his waking one... this is without even knowing that they're alive, Radish! Until today, even we thought them dead! The fact that they're alive... what do you think this is going to do to him, letalone do to US!? Whether they live or die... I don't understand your need to kill as much as possible, but while they're still alive, they're so much of a threat to us, so much of a threat to you... otouto... I have to protect you from them. Even if you won't accept my love in the way that you always used to steal it from me, let me at least do this... I want to protect you."
Celery's voice became a little softer, his rage seeming to drop suddenly. "... Let me protect you, Radish."
Radish just watched, awestruck for a moment. His brother had such passion when he wanted it... he just nodded, slightly dumbly.
"Well, uh... y-yeah, okay then... if that's what you wanna do, then... go ahead and do it, just don't get killed or anything, okay? Come right back if it's getting too bad... please?"
Celery smiled warmly at his brother's concern. He nodded, stepping forward and embracing Radish; Radish froze momentarily, unsure at what to do with such a gesture. He gingerly wrapped his arms around Celery, "Uh... oniisama?"
Celery's hug was tight, and he sounded almost tearful.
"Don't worry, Radish. I'll come back alive, if it means coming back alive for you..."
Radish began to suspect that his brother was enjoying the melodrama. He patted Celery's back firmly, "Sure, sure. I'll, uh, stay alive for you in here. Just try and get rid of those bastards, okay? I don't wanna have to do anything really bad, after all..."
Celery pulled back with a smile, "Anything really bad? Radish, you enjoy all the bad things."
Radish folded his arms, smiling back. "That's true, that's true. Anyway, I'll... I'll go wait for Marron to wake up, I guess. If you're gonna go, then you should go as soon as possible, right? Try and get to them, I don't know, halfway between where they are now and here? It'd help if we knew where they were, but still... leave at least a while between here and there, so if you do get asskicked, then it at least gives me some time to prepare something really nasty... but try not to get asskicked."
Celery was on his way out of the door; he turned back, smiling at Radish.
"Of course. I'll fight well for my little brother."
Radish smiled and nodded back, his smile remaining for a few moments after Celery had shut the door. Radish could hear his brother's footsteps recede, he could also hear the not-oft used door to the side of the room he was in at the moment be opened, be shut... Radish glanced through a crack in the curtains, he saw Celery walking off to the side of the house, his walk purposeful and determined... he carried himself with such grace and determination... Radish smiled. That was his brother.
Radish then heard another noise, footsteps again. He looked up, realising that Marron must be awake; he went to the door, opening it in time for Marron stepping onto the bottom step of the stairs.
"Ah, Radish... out of my window, I saw Celery going somewhere... did something happen?"
Radish carefully stepped out of the door, deciding it might be best if Marron didn't see the watching orb just yet. With no-one to watch it, it still tracked the progress of the Sorcerer Hunters.
A smile, "Oh, no, nothing happened, my brother just felt like a walk, that's all..."
"Are you sure? There was something about the way he was walking..."
"Well, uh... he just had one of his bad feelings, you know how Celery is. Hey, but it's probably nothing, I mean, he'll be back once he's managed to clear his head, you know? I was just up waiting for you, nothing big. You sleep well?"
Marron looked vaguely troubled for a moment.
He looked up, "Yes, I suppose..."
Concern was evident on Radish's face, "You suppose? Hey, did you have any bad dreams, or anything? Let's go through into the other room and talk about it."
Anything to get Marron away from the watching orb, anyway.
Marron let Radish lead him into the other room, and sat himself down on one of the soft chairs there. Radish sat himself next to Marron, looking at him with concern.
"So... was it another nightmare?"
Marron looked definitely troubled this time.
"I suppose it must have been, but... I barely remember anything from the dream. Always it seems like that... my dreams, they feel so intense while I dream them, but... afterwards, I don't know... the feeling remains but the dream doesn't, if you see what I mean..."
"Is there anything you remember? Images? People? Names? Voices?"
Marron shook his head, "Nothing like that. Only darkness... darkness, myself, and some kind of desperate feeling, a desperation for... for something, or someone..."
Radish prevented a growl, "Carrot, I suppose..."
"I... see... well, hey, you know what dreams are like, they're always weird. It's probably nothing. I'd ask if you wanted anything for breakfast, but Celery's the one who always makes breakfast, I'd end up burning everything. Um... how about a glass of water or something instead?"
Marron nodded with a slight smile, "Water sounds refreshing, yes. Then maybe we could sit out on the lawn? I was in the middle of reading a book yesterday, perhaps it'd be nice to continue it... the sunrise seemed agreeable this morning, hopefully the rest of the day will be as relaxed..."
Radish wondered if it was a good idea, letting Marron calmly read while on the lawn while there were Sorcerer Hunters abroad in the area... but on the other hand, he couldn't really think of a reason to tell Marron not to sit on the lawn... besides, Celery was out on the trail of those Sorcerer Hunters, he could probably deal with the situation.
Radish nodded to himself. Best just to trust Celery on this one and leave him to it.
Time ticked itself away as the Sorcerer Hunters made their way along the forest path. Unaware of Celery heading straight towards them, the group headed leisurely along.
Gateau smirked down at Hazelnut, who travelled alongside him. Gateau stood at least a foot and a half taller than Hazelnut despite his lesser years; he noticed Gateau's smirk and glanced up at him.
"Hm? Oh, I was just lookin' at that sword. Pretty fancy."
Hazelnut drew out the sword that Gateau had been referring to; the scabbard swayed beside him as he walked.
The sword shone in the morning sun, clean, polished and lethal. The swordhandle shone, it seemed crafted out of some kind of shining metal, though the place where Hazelnut held it was bound by some kind of material. Coloured glass stones shone amidst the handle.
Hazelnut just smiled, "It's nothing special. It should be enough to eradicate that evil."
Milphey walked up in front, a spring in his step. He hummed a small tune to himself, noting that Carrot seemed quiet enough to his side. That pleased him. While Carrot was quiet, it meant that he wasn't asking or speculating about Marron, and that was less that Milphey had to lie to Carrot about. It never pleased him to do something such as that.
The sun rose until it was high in the sky; eventually, as the group reached the crest of a small hill, Milphey raised his hand to his eyes, shielding them from the sun.
"I think it's around lunchtime now. If we wanted to have anything to eat, now might be the time..."
No-one else stopped, though. Milphey looked at them, "Guys?"
He heard Carrot's voice, "It can wait, right? First, we get Marron, then we eat."
Milphey blinked. Carrot was someone who always seemed eager for meals... he sighed with a sad smile, supposing that they didn't want to delay reaching the Salt Household. Milphey wondered if he'd been trying to cause a delay... he wasn't sure.
All of a sudden, Hazelnut stopped; Gateau noticed this, "Hazelnut?"
He stood stock still, his sword partly drawn from it's scabbard.
By this point, the others noticed that he'd stopped. Chocolat called over, "Is there something wrong?"
"I was sure I heard something... like... almost a growl, or something..."
"Maybe it was a fox?"
"No natural animal makes a sound such as that... it was much deeper, like... I'm not sure. It almost sounded like 'gi gi... go go... jiyaal'..."
Carrot folded his arms, "'Gi gi... go go... jiyaal'? What kind of thing goes gi gi go go jiyaal? Did anyone else hear it?"
Disagreement from the rest of the group. Milphey shook his head.
"No, I didn't hear anything like that... but if Hazelnut heard something, then perhaps we should be careful..."
"The sound was only soft; perhaps it was just some kind of animal... but I suggest we proceed with haste; I wouldn't want to be caught unawares by whatever it was that made that sound..."
Tira nodded, starting to move on. "Neither would I..."
The group advanced quietly.
A few glades on, Celery stood. There was a circle of blue light that flickered and shone around him like fire, and beyond that, a circle of seven motionless golems stood. Celery raised his arms, and an eighth one was created... it held its arms apart, growling in lifeless emotion.
"Gi gi... go go... JIYAAL..."
Celery lowered his arms, and the circle of blue flame was extinguished. Celery looked upon his creations; they stood perfectly still around him. He smirked.
"Alright... golems, this way!"
Celery pointed to the exit of the glade opposite to that which Milphey and the others would walk through roughly five minutes in the future. The exit led to some kind of small, unkempt field; much better room to house eight golems, especially once a fight began.
Celery folded his arms, four golems on either side of him. He smiled at them, satisfied. Creating golems was no mean feat, but these golems looked pretty good, if he said so himself. Which he did. He didn't know if the golems could defeat the Sorcerer Hunters, but it was worth a shot.
Celery closed his eyes, "Where are they now..."
He could feel the feeling he'd had increasing; the Sorcerer Hunters obviously were not too far away... best to just wait them out, he decided.
A wind picked up, blowing his cape out behind him, playing with his hair. Celery ran a lofty hand through his hair, feeling quite excited... there would be a battle... Radish wouldn't be there... it'd just be him - and his golems - versus the Sorcerer Hunters. And whoever those other people had been. Celery wondered why he felt excited; these people were powerful, after all. They were powerful, and he was only really fighting them because Radish didn't want them getting anywhere near Marron... but even so, the thought of a true, proper battle was one that excited Celery somewhat. A chance to show off his skills and mastered magic... a chance to protect his younger brother, even if the aforementioned younger brother wasn't actually there... Celery was sure that Radish was safe back at the house. No, the one in danger was him. Somehow, the danger was just so exciting, though...
Celery stood, quietly waiting for his handiwork to be noticed.
Walking into the glade that Celery had been in previously, Milphey was the first one to notice that something had happened.
He shifted at the grass and powdery topsoil with his foot, frowning. Carrot glanced up at him, "Something's wrong, Milphey?"
"Something's been here. Something's been here recently. There's been some kind of... I'm not sure... but something's happened here... see, this kind of... circle, in the grass? It's as if it's been burnt away by something..."
"Maybe someone had a campfire?"
"It looks too recent for that. And how would a campfire leave such a circular mark? No... not a campfire... something else..."
Celery heard voices. His smirk deepened; they were so, so close...
It was Tira who first noticed the golems.
"Everyone! Look over there! What's that!?"
Chocolat looked up at Tira's cry; Tira was pointing to something outside of the glade. Trees obscured the view somewhat, but what they saw was unmistakeable. There was something there; something large, something dangerous.
Before he could be stopped, Carrot ran from the glade, out into the field-like area. Milphey noticed, "Carrot, WAIT! It might be dangerous!", and followed after him as quickly as he could, despite the possible danger he'd warned about.
Carrot had come to a halt a few steps into the glade, and was staring at Celery.
"It... it's you!!"
Celery nodded, unfolding his arms and running another hand through his hair.
"Yes, I'm aware that I'm me, thankyouverymuch. If it's any consolation... you're you too."
"Shut up! You're that Sorcerer dude, that... that... that Celery dude! You're the guy who killed us!"
Celery sighed, "That wasn't me, that was my little brother. He has... pyromaniac tendencies. It's true to say that I didn't exactly save you, but I didn't purposely try to kill you either, honestly. Myself, I almost regret this; you don't seem like bad people, and in another situation, perhaps we could have got on well together. However, my brother has ordered your deaths, so, I'm afraid... you will have to die here."
Gateau cracked his knuckles, "Work on the speeches, Celery."
"I'll try, Gateau. I'll try. I'll work on the speeches while you work on these, alright? Anyway, where was I... oh yes. GOLEMS!! ATTACK!!"
On that cry, the golems seemed to suddenly come alive; all of them cried "GI GI! GO GO! JIYAAL!!" to various intensities and volumes; the group stood there for a few moments before Tira and Chocolat leapt into action; they wasted no time in transforming into their dominatrix forms.
Celery took a step back, "Leather versus living stone... an interesting combination. Oh, how a magic user might be able to easily wipe them out with, say, a few well-placed ofuda. Like these."
Celery brought an ofuda out of one of his pockets and admired it for a few moments before he heard Carrot's angry cry.
"What, he only has one?"
"Those are the kinds that he uses! Where the hell did you get them from?"
Celery just smirked, holding the ofuda to his lips.
"Where do you think I got them from? From Marron's own fair hand, of course. Your brother, right? Quite a handsome boy, I'll admit."
Celery quickly stepped aside and formed up a barrier similar to the kind Radish had formed at Qeran as Carrot rushed at him, sword held high.
Celery ran a few paces back, "You're willing to leave your friends alone to fight my golems? Tut tut Carrot, it's never good to desert those you care for... is it?"
"Shut the hell up, I trust them, they're perfectly capable on their own! I want to kill you myself, Celery Salt... you just tell me what you've done with my little brother."
With a swish of his cape, Celery produced one of his daggers, one of the ones with purple jewels in the handle; the type he'd threatened Carrot with all that time ago during that first meeting. He pointed it at Carrot, "You'll never get the chance to find out."
Suddenly, Celery threw the dagger; Carrot ducked, and barely managed to escape the fire that'd shot forward from Celery's hand a second after that. He fell into a roll, holding his sword over his head, deflecting any stray sparks.
Standing above him, Celery just smirked down at Carrot. "Interesting. Ah yes, you're the one who turns into a monster of some kind when hit by magic, right? I remember now."
He brought a dagger similar to the one he'd thrown out from beneath his cape, "I shouldn't risk that, Carrot Glacé. I want to see the look on your face as a human, not as an animal. Remind me not to do that again. Maybe we'll have to be more... physical with things, don't you think?"
Celery quickly ran over and took his other dagger from the tree in which it'd embedded itself after he'd thrown it, and held them both aloft to deflect Carrot's sword attack; the weapons made a loud clash sound as they impacted against each other, but Celery just smirked in Carrot's face, much to his infuriation.
Carrot held his sword firm, pressing with increasing strength against Celery's daggers.
"I don't care what you want to do... where's that brother of yours? He about to set the forests alight around us as we fight? And where, I ask you again, is my brother?"
Celery summoned up a quick burst of strength, pushing Carrot away for long enough to steady himself.
"The Marron Glacé that you knew as your brother is dead."
That shout was loud enough for the others to hear it above the growling golems; Tira and Chocolat worked together to dispose of the stone behemoths, and Gateau hit them down while Hazelnut attacked them with his sword. Milphey stood to the side, ready to step in and save anybody who needed saving, or perhaps to transform should the situation call for it; he didn't think that it would, however. The Sorcerer Hunters themselves seemed to have a firm grip on the situation.
Chocolat looked up at Carrot's cry, seeing Celery and Carrot on the top of the hill; Celery had his barrier raised, but was being pressed backwards by Carrot and his sword. Carrot seemed so angry, Chocolat looked over at Tira, "Darling looks so angry!"
"I know! What... what could Celery have said to make him so angry?"
"I don't know, but... I'm glad I'm not in Celery's shoes at the moment."
The golem they'd been working against fallen, Tira and Chocolat looked behind them to see Milphey. He looked at the two girls with serious eyes, "I don't know what argument Celery has against us to attack us like this, but... if he and his brother still have Marron in their possession, then anything he says might be enough to inflame Carrot's anger... for the time being though, we should take care of these golems. Or at least, you should... after all, I'm not too good at fighting..."
Milphey chuckled, waving his hand and walking off to the side. If only they knew.
Celery just stared up at the angry Carrot, submitting against his attack for the time being.
"Carrot, Carrot! You're so angry!"
"You... you killed my little brother... YOU KILLED MARRON!! You killed him, and I WON'T forgive you for that!!"
That evil little laugh didn't improve Carrot's mood any.
"QUIT IT! What the hell are you laughing at?!"
"Hahaha, I'm sorry. I didn't say that Marron had been killed, only that the person, the Marron Glacé you knew as your brother... is dead. He's still alive, Carrot."
Carrot pushed against Celery, determined to somehow break through that barrier.
"Stop talking in riddles! Is Marron dead, or isn't he?"
A light shrug; "Put simply?"
Carrot's voice was deathly quiet, "Put simply."
Celery was forced down to a kneel now.
"He's not dead."
With an exasperated noise, Carrot brought his sword away from Celery. His breathing was heavy; Celery stood, the two of them just stared at each other for a moment, a level gaze. Carrot scowled, Celery was just being so confusing...
"If he's not dead, then... then why say something like that? If my brother isn't dead..."
"Your brother is dead, Carrot."
Carrot shook his head, "I'm not in the mood, Celery. He's either dead or he isn't, you can't just keep switching what you say."
Another golem death-cry echoed from the bottom of the hill. Celery dusted his shirt and cape down, smiling at Carrot. That smile was creepy, Carrot thought. Almost friendly, except for the situation...
"Marron, is not dead. Your brother, however, is. Do you understand now?"
Carrot whipped his sword out again, pointing it directly at Celery's neck.
"No, but you're going to explain it to me, right now. Okay?"
Celery turned his back on Carrot, still addressing him.
"How I wish I could show you what I talk about, you'd understand so much easier if you could just see, but I can't let you get that far. Marron, however, is no longer your brother. He belongs with us now." Celery remembered when Radish had placed the contrary triangle illusion on Marron's head, "... He's a Sorcerer now."
"What the fuck are you on about!? Marron's not a Sorcerer! No way! You're just trying to piss me off... I hate to say it, but you're doing a pretty good job... no brother of mine is a SORCERER, though! It's not even physically possible!"
A sigh, Celery turned around again. "No, your brother isn't a Sorcerer, Carrot. But Marron is. Just get used to it, please? Maybe if we... come on, say it after me. 'Marron is not my brother anymore'. Can you say that?"
"Shut up, I'm not gonna believe anything you say. Marron's always gonna be my brother, always and forever, and nothing's gonna change that, nothing and no-one, not even- especially not you!"
"I'll say that for you, you're determined. Quite a brotherly protection you've got there, Carrot. You love Marron, don't you?"
"Of course I do, he's my little brother... I'll do anything to make sure he's alright!"
Celery nodded, "I see, I see. Marron loved you too... oh, if only you could see how, though... the images that ran through his mind..." Another malicious chuckle, "... were certainly not the kind of thoughts that brothers should have about each other... however, I can't really talk. My brother and I... we do share quite a... close relationship ourselves. Oh, excuse me for a moment..."
Carrot just stood and stared at Celery as he ran down the hill, performed some kind of barrier spell followed by some kind of revival spell. This was followed by the seven fallen golems rising again; Celery surrounded himself in a barrier, and ran back up the hill. Carrot just stared at him.
What kind of thoughts was he talking about? Not... the kind of thoughts that brothers should have about each other? A confused frown made it's way over Carrot's face; what was Celery talking about?
Celery returned, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure that this fascinating little conversation could continue for a little longer. It would seem that your friends are stronger than they seem, it's a shame, I was quite proud of those golems... but still, nothing like that lasts forever, what am I supposed to do, paint a picture of them before they eventually fade away? Anyway, where was I? Ah yes. My brother and I share quite a close relationship. A close relationship indeed."
"... What did you mean, Marron having thoughts that... he... that he shouldn't have? Thoughts that people shouldn't have about their brothers?"
Celery pointed a finger at Carrot, "Let me into your mind and I'll show you."
"Let you into my- hey, that's that tingling feeling! What the- what are you-... I-... oh... oh my GOD, that's SICK! You sick FREAK!! I'd never do anything like THAT!!... Fuck, not like THAT either!! And Marron would NOT be enjoying it!!"
It took a few moments for Celery to show Carrot what he'd seen in Marron's mind while Radish had had him under his spell that time, and a few seconds for the effect of such images to make Carrot react. Celery pulled back, "I'm only showing you what I saw when my brother looked into Marron's mind."
"You... you're making it up! You're making all that up! Marron can be a little weird but he's not like that! Maybe he doesn't like girls, I don't know, he's just not someone who talks about that kinda thing, but even if he did like guys, he wouldn't like me like that 'cause I'm his brother and that's sick!! Making him into such a blushing little... JEEZ, he's not someone who'd take something like that! If anyone tried anything like that on him he'd fix 'em with an ofuda in no time whatsoever!"
"What if he wanted that, though?"
"He wouldn't!! He wouldn't want something like that!!" Images of Marron under him wouldn't leave his mind; images of Marron gasping and holding himself against Carrot so tightly... Carrot could hear him, hear his gasp, his cry, the fervent, desperate way he called Carrot's name, the way he said 'niisan'... those thoughts wouldn't leave his mind and it was really starting to creep him out.
"He WOULDN'T want something like that and he wouldn't just sit back and let something like that happen!"
Celery leant over, whispering into Carrot's ear.
"It's amazing how people change when they're in the hold of someone they love, though. When my brother holds me like that... when his passion overrides all other senses and feelings... god, he's so brutal. So brutal, so passionate... I don't fight against him. I can't fight against him. I wouldn't fight against him. If I'm sick for showing you what Marron dreams about... if I'm sick for that, then he's sick for thinking that, isn't he? And if he's sick for thinking that... then what am I for doing that? What's my brother? Who's more at fault, he who makes it happen or I who lets it happen? Neither of us would stop it, Carrot... I can't stop him and I wouldn't want him to stop... and he wouldn't listen to me even if I told him to stop. My brutal, violent little brother."
Celery reached out and tenderly brushed a frond of hair away from near Carrot's ear.
"Oh, but he's excellent in bed. So rough... so brutal... so violent... and I take it without question."
He leant in a little further, his voice barely audible, but Celery was enjoying this, his velvet voice dripping sensual excitement.
"I love it when he fucks me, Carrot... when he pounds me into the bed, driving me down, making me scream... I love it... and Marron would love it if you did that to him... Carrot."
Carrot hit Celery away from him suddenly, "SHUT THE HELL UP!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M EVEN LISTENING TO YOU TALKING LIKE THAT!! DON'T EVEN MENTION SOMETHING LIKE THAT ABOUT MY BROTHER!! Marron would... Marron would NEVER dream of ANYTHING like that!! Never!! Things like that... that's so disgusting, and I don't know where you get off making up crap like that... but if you really are getting fucked by your brother... shit, don't even touch me, not even to fight me... that's just horrible."
Celery stood back from where Carrot had hit him away, tutting softly.
"Tch... poor Carrot. Even more than that, poor Marron... his dreams will just have to continue being that, won't they? That tragic, tragic unrequited love... perhaps it's a good thing that that person is dead, I'm sure he's living a much happier life as he is now. The life where he doesn't have to suffer at the hands at such feelings... yes, a life such as that... that's a happier life."
At that point, the others came running up the hill, Milphey running up to Carrot.
"Carrot! The golems are gone, and we heard you shouting... are you okay? What happened?"
Carrot pointed at Celery, "He's one sick fuck... him and his brother... sex... ugh, I don't even wanna think about it anymore. Jeez, and he was saying that Marron had thoughts like that about me... can we just kill him now or what?"
Gateau glowered, "You bastard, talking about Marron like that... Marron's not the kind of guy to think thoughts like that!"
Celery regarded Gateau with calm disapproval.
"Oh, you're the obsessed one, my brother told me about you. I'd show you the thoughts Marron thinks about Carrot, but now is hardly the time or the place... I dread to think of what effect such images would have on your body, letalone your mind... even if it was with Carrot, it's still Marron, isn't it? Blushing, helpless, gasping, panting, screaming... trembling fingers scrabbling for some kind of hold against tight sweat-slicked skin... crying against the pounding of hard flesh that just won't stop..."
Celery was quick to throw up his barrier as Gateau leapt forward, suddenly so incredibly angry.
Celery glanced quickly at Gateau, "Wouldn't you like it if it was you, though? If it was you treating him like that, making him scream for you, if it was YOUR sweat-slicked skin that Marron held himself against?"
With that glance, Celery remembered Radish's method of 'seduction' that he'd performed on Marron... perhaps some kind of similar tactic could be used here. Radish, after all, was not the only one who could use the Farra Kinju.
Gateau seemed to freeze as Celery stared at him; the others had no idea what was going on between the two, and could only watch as the two walked together for a few paces, joined as if on an invisible string. Chocolat frowned, "What's happening?"
Milphey bit his lip, "Celery's doing... something to Gateau, something with his mind..."
He recalled his talk with Big Mama prior to the mission; Marron's mind being so twisted by Radish and Celery... was Celery going to twist Gateau's mind also? Milphey suddenly wished he knew what was going on between those two minds...
"If it wasn't using up my brother's power enough keeping Marron in check, I might be tempted to take YOU on as a little pet, show my brother that he's not the only one who can bring back pretty lovers to take care of... you're not unattractive, but he's the only one I want, Gateau. My brother, he's the only one I WANT. Just like Marron's the only one you want, right?"
Celery felt subconscious agreement.
"Yes, yes... I can't take you with me, but perhaps I can prevent you from fighting back when I attack you with a mind to kill in a short while. You and your friends are fun to play with, Gateau... but it can't continue for TOO long. I can't let my brother worry."
Celery had a feeling from Gateau, something along the lines of 'I won't let you kill me until I'm sure that Marron's safe'... Celery just smiled.
"Don't worry, Gateau. Marron's perfectly safe, just... not exactly Marron anymore. If you ever see him again, he won't even know who you are... and isn't that a shame?"
Celery took a few moments to visualize Gateau and Marron in various passionate clinches, and then to send those thoughts through to Gateau's mind.
"That was what you wanted to do with him, wasn't it?"
Gateau's eyebrows slowly raised in delayed shock, "Ma-... Marron..."
Carrot ran forward, "Gateau? Gateau, can you hear me? What's he doing to you?"
"He can't hear you, Carrot. He's a little... preoccupied, I think. Thoughts of Marron that disgust you seem to be having quite a different effect on Gateau here, don't they?"
"Gateau, GATEAU! Don't let him get to you! He's just trying to fuck with your mind!"
Despite Carrot's cries, Celery seemed to have found something that Gateau was susceptible to, and was milking that for all it was worth. Image after image was created in Celery's mind, passed over to Gateau's mind, spoken about in such teasing dulcet tones...
"Why, wouldn't his hair feel soft as it fell against you? His hair soft against you, and his tongue... slowly, gently licking it's own trail down that beautiful body of yours... perhaps he'd tire of your body, and go to where that movement was REALLY needed... can you imagine it, Gateau? His tongue, his lips, his mouth... imagine them wrapped around that hard, straining erection... yours, Gateau... a touch that makes you melt and freeze at once. Picture it. There, is that better?" Celery smiled craftily at the frustrated noise that Gateau made.
"I'm sure that's better... oh, but what if he was trapped between you and a bed, no possible escape... no escape from the bed, no escape from YOU... you wouldn't LET him escape. Holding him down, hearing him gasp and cry... look at that delicate blush! The way his eyes flicker to a close... he's so delicate, isn't he Gateau? So delicate and so beautiful. You want him, don't you? His delicate, beautiful body... you want to drive him mad to a point of incoherence, don't you? He wouldn't know what he was saying anymore, only wanting you, only able to focus - if that's the right word - on the wonderful power you were inflicting on that fragile body of his... and maybe he wouldn't be able to take it anymore..."
"Oh... oh god... Marron..."
"... perhaps those actions would be enough... enough to make him come, Gateau. Oh, how you'd love that! Every movement that you loved would be replicated with such intensity... his blush, deeper... his groans, deeper... your thrusts, deeper... your body, deeper... deeper, harder... faster... maybe he'd be screaming by that point, neither of you would care. He'd scream your name until he could speak no more, his throat raw from attempting to voice all that he felt... and it'd be YOU who'd made him like that. You who'd make him attempt to arch under your powerful body, you who'd hold him down, hold him close, never, ever let him go..."
Gateau fell to his knees with a breathless "Marron..."
Carrot gasped, "Gateau?!" and dropped to a kneel beside him. He put his hand on Gateau's shoulders, "Gateau, listen to me! This isn't gonna turn into another Primetown thing, is it? Don't let it get to you! Gateau! Gateau?"
Gateau just stared blankly ahead of him, "Marron..."
"SHIT..." Carrot scowled up at Celery, "You're gonna make him attack us now, aren't you?"
Celery just smiled, "Oh, far from it, Carrot. Come on, look at the poor man. Does he really look in the right frame of mind for attacking anything? No, scratch that. Does he look in the right frame of mind for anything full stop? His mind's full of Marron, Carrot. All he can think of is that brother of yours, wondering what it'd be like to... well, I'm sure you can imagine, can't you?"
Hazelnut drew out his sword, "You really are ruthless, aren't you?"
"And who are you? I don't recognize you."
"No? We've met, if briefly. Some time ago, you raided the tomb of someone who died protecting his magic. You raided his tomb and stole his magic, to use it for your own evil ends... I am that person's descendent. I cannot forgive you for the injustice you've caused upon my family..."
Celery didn't look impressed.
"And Gateau says I've been taking corny dialogue classes. You're quite quaint, aren't you? Anyway, my brother and I, we've gathered a lot of magic from here, from there, from anywhere, really. You expect us to remember every magic we've... acquired?"
Hazelnut snarled, "I'd expect you to have the respect to leave my ancestor's grave well alone!"
He went to rush at Celery with his sword, but was thrown backwards with a wave of Celery's hand.
"Well, I suppose I owe you an apology, though I still don't remember who you are. I'm sorry. Perhaps if you told me your name, I might remember who you are, and how you're connected to anything my brother or I have done?"
"I am Hazelnut Brazil, descendent of Walnut Brazil... Walnut Brazil was a master of shield and barrier magic. We have reason to believe that you're using a bastardized version of his power in order to shield away the friend of these hunters..."
Celery stared at Hazelnut for a few moments, "Brazil... ah, I vaguely remember... yes, I think I remember now. A tomb underneath a hill, right? Yes, well... that's the way things are. I'd love to stay here and continue to chat, it's a lovely conversation we're having, but unfortunately I must cut our time short. Or, at least, your time short. You were fascinating people, but you unfortunately have to die now, I'm sorry. Goodbye, everyone; it was nice meeting you, I'll tell Radish and Marron all about you when I get back. As for now..."
Celery took a few steps back, his hands together, glowing pale blue.
"... I'll say goodbye."
Carrot threw up his hands to attempt to shield himself against Celery's sudden attack, but that action wouldn't have served as any protection at all; it was the sudden wave of a protective cloak in front of him, that and a sudden barrier; both of those seemed to come together to prevent his early death.
Slowly, Carrot looked up. He didn't recognize who'd saved him... the person had a long cloak, impressive armour, flowing purple hair... Carrot frowned.
"A... a Haz Knight?"
It wasn't any Haz Knight that Carrot could think of. Cinnamon Tea, Kahlua, that... other one, or... was there another? Carrot was pretty sure he'd seen four Haz Knights in shadow on other missions and occasions. Who was this Haz Knight?
Milphey glanced over his shoulder, "Carrot! Are you alright?"
Carrot pointed helplessly at Milphey.
"Ha- Ha- Haz Knight!"
Milphey's look softened as he saw Carrot's shock, he smiled.
"Yes, Carrot. I'm a Haz Knight."
Carrot just stared, "Mi... Mi... Milphey!?"
Milphey turned around again to look at where Celery had been; he was gone. He sighed impatiently, "I suppose we were too late... he's probably on his way back to his brother as we speak... he was confident to face us on his own. I suppose we could continue to their household, but be cautious... if he attacked us now, he might not hesitate to attack us again, don't you think?"
He turned around, facing the Sorcerer Hunters, and Hazelnut. Hazelnut seemed nonplussed, having being visited by Shiffon Cake, being aware of the Haz Knights... the others seemed somewhat more disbelieving, though. Carrot just had his finger pointed at Milphey, his mouth open. Tira, back to normal, stepped forward.
"Milphey, you're a Haz Knight?"
Milphey nodded, smiling.
"Yes Tira, I'm a Haz Knight. I've been one for most of my life, even... is that so shocking to you?"
"B-but you're a PERVERT!!"
Milphey glanced at Carrot, who'd just spoken; Chocolat was quick to aim a punch at the back of Carrot's head, "Darling, don't act so stupidly in front of a Haz Knight!!"
Milphey just chuckled, "It's alright, Chocolat. I'm still Milphey, after all. Just with armour now. I couldn't let Celery attack you with his magic, could I? Those brothers have so much magic mixed in their bodies, even a simple attack could have anything mixed within it. I wouldn't like to imagine what that might do to Carrot. Anyway... Carrot, you were talking to Celery the most... what did you manage to find out? Anything about Marron that we didn't already know?"
Carrot sighed, idly kicking at the ground. "Not really... he was being so confusing, though. I mean, he was all going on about how, well... he kept saying that Marron was dead, then that he wasn't dead, then saying that my brother was dead, but Marron wasn't... I don't know, it was just weird. Oh yeah, he said something about... this is just stupid, but he said something about Marron being a Sorcerer! I mean, jeez, how stupid is that? That couldn't happen!"
Milphey's look was quietly serious; Carrot frowned.
"... Couldn't it?"
"Not... in itself, no. However..." Milphey sighed, a short, sharp sigh. "... that which Big Mama told me... would correlate to that... we have to hurry; we can't know what'll be waiting for us once we reach those brothers, but..."
"Hey, once we find them, we find Marron, right?"
Milphey just watched Carrot, as if he was something delicate, something about to fall apart. His look was sympathetic, but he gave nothing away.
"... Yes. Yes, we do."
Chocolat stepped forward, "If Celery attacked us here, maybe their base isn't too far away from here? He could have transported or something I guess, but he knew we were here, he was waiting for us... why attack us so randomly? I keep thinking there's gotta be a purpose behind such things, right?"
There was general agreement from the group; Milphey indicated to Gateau, pointing an armoured finger in Gateau's direction.
"And... is Gateau alright?"
Gateau was half-knelt on the floor, supporting himself with one fist. He glanced up at the group, "Y-yeah, I'll be okay...", he picked himself up.
"I could do with a couple of moments rest, though... you guys go on ahead, I'll catch you up."
Chocolat folded her arms, "I could stay with you for a bit, if you wanted..."
Gateau just stared up at her before looking away, "N-no, it's okay, I'd rather be on my own. As I said, I'll catch you up, okay?"
"Well, okay..."
Gateau nodded, stood up, and wandered back down the path that the group had already followed. Chocolat, who was standing closest, noticed that Gateau seemed to tremble as he stood up, but... it was probably nothing, she concluded.
The group's attention turned itself to Milphey again, who now addressed Hazelnut.
"Hazelnut, you've seen our enemies... you're still willing to come along with us?"
"I can't not come along, Haz Knight Mille Feuille. You require the magic which I have learnt, do you not? And besides... those Salt brothers still roam this world. Even if not by my own hand, I would like to see themé destroyed... for that, I must walk alongside the Sorcerer Hunters, must I not? I am still willing."
Milphey nodded, "I'm glad. You're certainly capable in battle, at least; those golems bowed to your sword easily enough. So... we're heading to their hideout now?"
Carrot nodded, "Yeah. Let's just hurry up and get there, okay? I don't know what the hell Celery was on about and I don't know if I even wanna know, but I do know that I just wanna get Marron outta there as fast as I can. I don't care what we have to do, I just want Marron back... okay?"
Milphey nodded, "He seems so serious about this... he IS so serious about this. He can't realise... yes, we understand, Carrot. Let's go."
By the time the group ran into the next glade, Milphey was back to the crossdresser the Sorcerer Hunters had always known, and no-one even mentioned it.
Celery eventually materialized into the front room, where Radish had been quietly watching the Sorcerer Hunters' battle on the orb. He looked up with vague shock at the buzzing sound, then dashed over once he realised who it was.
"Oniisama! Oniisama, the Sorcerer Hunters are still walking around! How come you're here? Shouldn't you still be trying to kick their asses?"
Celery was knelt on the floor, hunched over. He glared up at Radish, who looked back at him with slight confusion; was Celery angry with him for something?
"... Oniisama?"
"Radish, you saw that battle, you saw those golems... they defeated them easily, even though I could barely watch... we were right, though. Those Sorcerer Hunters are on the way here to try and rescue Marron..."
Radish nodded, "I saw, I saw... dammit, so I guess they're still on the way here? Why didn't oniisama kill them all though? You coulda got them even after they got the golems, right?"
"Have you ever tried summoning golems, otouto? It's not the easiest thing in the world, perhaps I was overconfident..." Celery motioned to the glowing orb, "... those golems, they defeated them all, and they're still walking here as if nothing happened."
He stood up.
"If you need me for anything else, I'm going to be in the greenhouse. I need to recover... it took power to summon those golems, power I don't really have to spare at the moment. Do what you want."
Radish watched as Celery left the room. He seemed so sullen suddenly, so bad-tempered... Radish just sighed, supposing that it was because he got defeated. The brothers didn't have many chances to battle, and such a defeat... even so, he did seem quite tired. Perhaps it was a mix of defeat and fatigue. Radish nodded to himself and turned his attention back to the orb; the Sorcerer Hunters were getting closer, closer, slowly, slowly... he sat himself on the floor in front of it. He wondered where Marron was. He supposed he was somewhere else in the house, studying his magic... he'd told Marron that he had magic he needed to study, and so had managed to be alone for the time he needed to watch the Sorcerer Hunters.
He'd watched the battle, and he continued to watch them walk. He supposed that, eventually, the view in the orb would show the view of outside the house, and battle would be imminent...
Thinking of battle, Radish thought of Marron; if the Sorcerer Hunters came for a battle, would that affect Marron in any way? Radish supposed it would; maybe he'd have to visit Marron beforehand, make sure that his magic was fully implemented?
The thought of implementing more magic made Radish roll his eyes and fall onto his back in front of the orb. It was important, but he couldn't quite be bothered, not at the current moment. He watched the Sorcerer Hunters; maybe he could wait until they were just a little closer before doing anything.
Marron had been in the middle room when Celery had stormed through, reading one of the many books of the house. He'd looked up and said Celery's name, but Celery had just ignored him, storming through. Marron had heard the slide door slide open and then shut with a slam, then the distant sound of the greenhouse door opening. Marron had sat with his book for a few moments before wondering if he should perhaps follow Celery, see what was causing the bad mood...
Marron knocked on the front door of the greenhouse. The glass walls were misted over, but he could see Celery's rough shape inside, sitting on the floor in the middle. His knock was hesitant, and Celery didn't say anything in reply to it. Marron stood for a short while, waiting for any kind of reply. He held his hand against the glass of the door before knocking again.
That time, a short-tempered "What IS it?!" issued from inside.
"Celery? It's me, Marron..."
Again, no reply.
"Celery, are you alright? When you walked past earlier, you seemed bad-tempered... if you don't want to say anything, that's your own business, but... I just wondered what was wrong, that was all. I'll leave you in peace if you want."
Marron started to walk away, looking the greenhouse over as he did so; he was about to turn to walk back to the main part of the house before the door opened, Celery stood with his hand on the door handle. Marron just stared at him for a few quiet moments before Celery sighed, "Come in."
Marron complied.
Once he was inside the greenhouse, Celery shut the door, drawing a catch on it. The first thing that Marron noticed was the sheer heat of the greenhouse... that was obviously where the condensation on the glass panes came from, at least. The sun outside was pleasantly warm, but from underneath the concentration of the glass, it was nearly unbearable; Marron wondered how Celery could stand to stay in such a warm place for so long, but... it was one of his choice places of magic study; each to their own, he supposed.
The two stood there for a few moments, Celery watching Marron as Marron looked around the greenhouse. Apart from the heat, it was pleasant enough. The plants inside the greenhouse were living and growing, most of them were vibrant greens, but some were beginning to flower... Marron glanced at Celery as he saw movement, he saw Celery kneel down on a carpet placed on the floor. The carpet was red, trimmed with yellow. Slightly unsure, Marron knelt in front of Celery on the carpet.
"... was there something wrong?"
"Many things are wrong, Marron. That doesn't mean we can do anything about them though, does it?"
A cryptic answer; Marron just frowned slightly.
"What do you mean?"
Celery sighed, a short, sharp sigh.
"In this world. Many, many things are wrong. If only will was some kind of governor of strength! If my strength compared to my will... well. Many things would be different."
"Did something happen? I don't understand you."
Celery had been glancing off to some point to his right, seeming to glare at a brown earthenware urn filled with soil with numerous green shoots poking out of the top. He turned to face Marron, noting his confusion; he sighed, "I... I'm sorry. Perhaps I'm not making a lot of sense. Maybe it's the heat in here... perhaps we should go somewhere else, but I feel safe here, somehow. I know that, while I'm here, Radish won't disturb me, much as how I won't disturb him when he's doing whatever he wants wherever else in the house he is... one of those unspoken rules, that which we don't disturb each other."
"You do want me to leave..." Marron stood up, "I'm sorry for disturbing you."
Marron made his way to the door, and turned his head at hearing Celery stand up.
"Maybe you disturbed me, but maybe I wanted to be disturbed. Here, let's go somewhere a little less humid."
Celery was acting strangely, and Marron was compelled to follow.
The two of them quietly walked back into the house, Marron followed Celery up the stairs to the upstairs corridor. The sun still shone outside, and it streamed beautifully through the tall windows; it shone onto the doors, it fitted neatly against the floor, guiding itself along the wall, leaving some areas in shadow and some areas in light.
Celery walked to one of the windows, leaning his arm against the windowsill. He looked out of the window with almost a bitter stare, then glanced at Marron, a kind of sadness in his eyes.
"Even when something's so wrong, but you can't change it... no, you even go along with it... have you ever done that? I suppose you have. Against your will, you've done it. Something so wrong, so deeply wrong..."
Marron quietly walked to the windowsill and leant both elbows against it, looking up at Celery.
"Did something happen while you were outside?"
"While I was outside? No, before that."
"Then... what are you talking about?"
Celery sighed deeply, "It's hard. I can't talk to Radish about what it is I feel, and to talk to you about it would be against my brother's wishes. My brother's sadistic desires..." Celery glared to the side, as if glaring at Radish as he spoke.
"You wanted to know about the past, but... you accept everything that Radish tells you, don't you?"
"He only tells me of the past, Celery..."
"Yes, but what makes you think that he's right?!"... Celery wondered if he was treading on eggshells by mentioning the point. He decided he didn't care.
"What is it about the things he tells you that makes you think that they're right? Is there anything you remember from the past that clicks when he speaks to you, is there anything that goes 'yes, he's telling the truth' when he talks to you?"
Marron frowned, not quite sure what Celery was trying to get at as he spoke.
"... Celery, what do you mean? Radish... Radish wouldn't lie to me, Celery. It's true that nothing he says... he... he tells me things of the past, things that used to happen, things that we used to do, but... nothing he tells me is anything I can recall. I can't remember anything he says, but... he wouldn't lie to me..." Marron's voice was a little quieter, "... he loves me. He acts so nervously, I can't see how he'd have it within him to lie... I don't see why he'd lie..."
Celery just made a short-tempered sound, "He loves you? That's what he said to you? I saw you two kiss the other night... I suppose that was when it was, right? And you? Do you love him?"
"... Celery, you sound angry...?"
"You don't KNOW my brother like I do!!"
Celery almost shouted; he saw Marron's look of shock, he felt the angry scowl on his face... he corrected himself, standing up. He self-consciously adjusted his cape's catch, and looked again out of the window.
"I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Marron. I didn't mean to snap... please, continue."
Marron paused for a moment; he'd stepped back when Celery had had his outburst. He replaced his elbows on the windowsill, and stared back out at the garden below.
"Do I love him? I don't know what I feel. Last night, I was trying to at least attempt to sort out my feelings... he told me he loved me, and... yes, we kissed, but... Radish makes me feel protected, makes me feel safe... he's someone that, perhaps, I could have the potential to love. But somehow, there's just nothing that I feel, not really... your brother seemed so nervous when he spoke to me that night, I asked him if he loved me, he said yes. He always acts so selflessly for me, but still, whenever he acts like that... I smile, I acknowledge the things he does and the things he says, but somehow... I don't know. It's almost as if I can't feel. I want to, but I can't..."
"What do you mean?"
Marron shook his head, "I don't know. Radish tells me that he and I loved each other, back in the past, back before I can remember... perhaps it's something naive to think, but... such a thing as that, even if it was just a slight feeling, then at least I should be able to remember something of that, even if not as intense as he speaks of it then at least just an inkling! A feeling that connected to a feeling... I don't know, just something from the past that he speaks of... I don't remember any of it, though. There's everything that's happened since I've been here, but any time before that... any time before that is a mystery to me. I can't remember anything from it."
"So, you... don't love him?"
"I can't love him, Celery. I can react to him and how he feels, but... I feel something for him, and I recognize how he acts towards me, but love? I don't know if I could feel that for him. I want... I want to know the past. I want to know how I felt in the time that I can't remember..."
Celery spoke delicately, "Perhaps... it's best not to know the past."
"It'll prey at me until I know, Celery. Nothing reminds me of the past, not you, not Radish, not this place, not anything... but... the dreams..."
Celery remembered Radish's worry about Marron's dreams of Carrot; he spoke delicately.
"... Dreams?"
Marron nodded, "The dreams. Dreams I have of somebody else... I can barely remember anything from them when I awake, but the little things I remember, they feel as if they connect to something larger... that probably doesn't make any sense, I'm sorry."
"No, it's alright... do those dreams... do they feel as if they're something from the past?"
There was a moment of silence.
"As if they're from the past..."
Celery noticed the look on Marron's face seem to harden somewhat, as if he was speaking with some kind of hidden determination.
"... yes. I feel that the person I dream about... I feel as if they're from the past..."
"It's Carrot you dream about, isn't it?"
Marron looked at Celery with sudden shock.
"... Carrot... y-yes, it's him who I dream about... it's stupid, though. I shouldn't. Radish told me who he was, Radish told me he was the person who took me away from him, he was one of Big Mama's Sorcerer Hunters... he's not somebody who should be important to me, so why do I have such thoughts and dreams of him? I don't understand it... if I dream of the past, I suppose it's the past I experienced with Big Mama and her Sorcerer Hunters that I dream of. But why can't I dream any further back than that? The time before she turned me against you, why can't I remember that?"
Celery fought back the urge to say 'because there wasn't a time before that', but decided that that wouldn't be too beneficial.
"I... I don't know, I really don't know."
"All of the magic I read about... why can't there be any kind of magic to help me remember that which I've forgotten?"
"A magic to help us recover that which we lost... things that you've lost... things that... things that I've lost... things that other people lose..." Celery thought of his cruel treatment towards Gateau back during the battle. He felt stabs of guilt poking at him; Gateau obviously loved Marron, why had he had to provoke him like that? Marron was lost to those Sorcerer Hunters, so why taunt Gateau with thoughts and images of what could never be?
Celery sighed. Battle induced a very different frame of mind, a kind of bloodlust that descended around the mind like a fine mist... to Carrot, to Gateau, he'd been quite cruel; he supposed that that was because of the battle, but still he couldn't quite forgive himself for that. Why couldn't he just have summoned the golems and left it at that?
"... magic can't solve everything, Marron. How I wish it could, but... but it can't. If magic could solve everything, or even some things, then... well, I don't know. No, but... magic seems to cause more problems than it solves... even with all the magic that my brother and I possess... even with all the magic that we have, that I have... am I truly happy? Is it possible for me to say that? If I think about it, then... no, I'm probably not. Things keep changing, and not for the better. If I could just change them to what they were like before, then perhaps I could be a little happier..."
Celery smiled, a slightly bitter smile.
"... and at the time I wondered if the things he did were wrong. Nothing compares to this, nothing before has quite been like this. Nothing has been like this and nobody can help him now, not even I. Not even I, the one person who..."
Celery caught himself, realising that Marron was looking at him with growing confusion, realising what it was he was perilously close to saying.
"... Marron, I'm sorry. I keep rambling about things that aren't important. I suppose I'm just in that kind of mood..."
"As long as you're not trying to poison his mind, it's alright, I suppose. Oniisama, can I even trust you anymore?"
Celery turned around quickly, seeing Radish standing across the stairway, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, his eyes closed.
"R-Radish! How much of that did you hear?"
"I heard enough. Yeah, it's me. Who else did you think it'd be?"
Radish glared caustically at Celery for a few moments before his look softened as he turned to face Marron.
"Marron... are you alright?"
Marron nodded, "Yes... is there any reason why I shouldn't be?"
"It all depends what you've been saying to him, oniisama. Oh, no, no reason. However, the situation has... look, Marron, those Sorcerer Hunters... they're on their way here as we speak. They want to take you back to them, they want to make you theirs again..."
Marron looked vaguely shocked, "The Sorcerer Hunters... Radish, you told me they were dead!"
"We thought they were dead. Somehow, because they're tricky little bastards I guess, they managed to not die. Hey oniisama, you went out to try and fight them, didn't you manage to find out how they did that?"
Celery shook his head, "I'm sorry, otouto."
"Nevermind, it's not your fault you're incompetent. Anyway, they're still on their way here, they're getting closer with each second... I don't know what they're gonna do once they get here, but... oniisama, you go do something else, I wanna... speak with Marron for a bit."
Radish took Marron by the hand and dragged him into his bedroom, leaving Celery standing out in the corridor, on his own again.
He stared at the door for a few moments, sighed, and quietly made his way down the stairs, deciding to go to the orb, deciding to see just how close the Sorcerer Hunters were to their settlement.
Inside the bedroom, Radish quickly dragged Marron over to the bed and pushed him onto it; Marron just watched with confusion, looking up at Radish, watching him as he felt Radish straddle his hips, felt Radish place his hands urgently against his chest.
"Radish, what are you... what are you doing?"
"Marron, I love you, you know that, you know I love you, right?"
"Y-yes, I know that, but... what...?"
Radish fell against Marron's chest, breathing deeply. He shifted up slightly, Marron could feel Radish against his body, and wondered just what it was Radish was going to do... Radish sat up slightly, then bent down, wrapping his arms around the top of Marron's shoulders and kissing him suddenly.
"No matter what... no matter what, you... you believe that I love you... that I'm the only truth... that I'm the person who loves you most... right?"
Marron pulled away slightly from Radish's kisses, "Radish, what's wrong with you? You seem so unsure suddenly... why are you acting like this?"
"I love you, I love you, you gotta remember that, okay? Even if those Sorcerer Hunters turn up here, you can't... you can't remember any of the things they said, okay? I don't know if we're strong enough to go against them, but it doesn't matter, the things that they say, the things you dream about... they're just illusions and stuff, okay? It's just them trying to fuck with you and screw you up, okay? Just because Carrot might say that you're his brother doesn't mean that he is and even if Gateau says he loves you it doesn't mean he does and even if any of the others say anything like that it doesn't mean it's true, okay?"
Marron half-pushed at Radish, "Radish, what is WRONG with you?! You're suddenly acting strangely! Just explain what it is that's wrong, and maybe we can work out a solution..."
Radish didn't seem to be listening, just quietly leaning forward, kissing Marron again, their foreheads pressed together.
"An image of Carrot is an image that must be destroyed. Marron, believe me..."
"... believe you?"
"A dream of Carrot is a dream that must be destroyed. I love you..."
"... I know you do..."
"Carrot must be destroyed. No matter what, I love you, okay?"
"... You keep saying that..."
"Carrot can't just be killed, he must be destroyed totally. It's because it's true..."
"... You're suddenly so desperate..."
"A thought of Carrot is a forbidden, evil thought. I'm sorry, Marron... I just love you so much..."
"... I see..."
"Don't see him, don't dream of him, don't think of him. Are you sure?"
"... I'm sure..."
"Want to kill him, Marron. Want to kill him for this confusion. And... anybody else?"
"... anybody... else?"
"When you see him next, even if it's only in a dream, you'll want him dead. ... Like... like Carrot..."
"... Carrot?"
"The person you dream about. Yes..."
"... I don't... know what you mean..."
"Yes you do. Carrot, the person who stole you from me."
"I remember you mentioning that..."
"An image rises up and you destroy it... a thought occurs and you dismiss it, a dream is a nightmare until you wake up... don't worry about it, Marron... just... just don't let him get to you, okay?"
"He's somebody who..."
"... who you want to kill, Marron. He's somebody who wants you dead, he doesn't love you, he CAN'T love you, nobody can love you like how I love you... he's somebody who isn't important, so when we see him, we'll defeat him, right?"
"... we'll defeat... that person... niisan..."
"Not that person! NOT THAT PERSON! Not niisan, not Carrot, just a nightmare! He's NOT that person and he DOESN'T love you!!"
Radish leant forward, silencing the room with his sudden kiss. His previous statements had been punctuated with kisses, but as the seconds passed he got so desperate... Marron couldn't remember that person, he couldn't remember them and the memories he had, he couldn't, he just couldn't!!
Radish's fingers curled into a hard clench against Marron's shoulders, who tried to impart his pain into the kiss; despite those noises, Radish didn't let up. Marron's pain... the more it hurt, the more the pain would increase. The pain... the pain from him? The pain from Carrot? Whatever it was, Radish wouldn't let Carrot take Marron away from him, he just wouldn't... he didn't dare break the kiss, too worried about what Marron would say once he did so.
"I won't let him take you from me, Marron. I'm your truth. I'm your only truth. You won't... you won't leave me, I won't LET you leave me..."
Marron pushed against the kiss, and Radish pushed against Marron. If he struggled... a sudden urge rose within Radish. If he struggled, it only made it more fun... a sudden flash memory of Celery struggling underneath him passed through his mind. He opened his eyes weakly; this wasn't Celery, this was Marron. He didn't need to worry about Celery, Celery belonged to him, Celery would be his forever. Celery would be his, but more than anything else at that moment, he wanted Marron... he wanted Marron, and... he could take Marron. He could make him his, make him belong... thoughts and desires changed, and Radish pulled back suddenly. Marron just stared.
"Radish... Radish, what are you... what are you doing?"
"The power, the power I could wield and the power I'd control... your power, Marron... I love you, Marron... I want you to be mine... I want you to be mine forever, I don't want them to take you from me..."
"I won't let them take me from here, Radish. Those are the people who... they're our enemies, you've told me so many times before. They want to take me from here... they're on their way here... I suppose we have to fight them. I don't care, I'll fight them. I won't let them reclaim me... I won't let them take me from this place, alright, Radish? If you're calm, then we can get past this and go back to our calm life..."
All Radish could think of was Marron's cries of 'Carrot!' and 'Niisan!' from his various dreams and visions; much as Marron wanted to confirm those thoughts, sudden blazing anger wouldn't let Radish believe what it was that Marron said. "I'm afraid I can't believe you when you say that, Marron... you say you won't let them take you, but then how long will it be until you're crying THAT name in another nightmare?! You won't let them take you..."
Radish smirked sadistically, licking along one finger before biting on it, gazing deeply at Marron.
"... would you let me take you?"
Marron shifted slightly, his facial expression indescribable. His brow twitched into a frown, "Radish, what are you saying?"
"I want you to believe me, Marron... the voice in your mind that tells you what to do and what not to do, I want you to listen to it, and... I want you to forget all about Carrot, never say his name, never think of him, I just want you to... I just want you... not those memories of a time before... I want you..."
Radish leant down, running his teeth with deceptive gentleness over Marron's ear. He closed his lips against it, kissing so lightly with breath that tickled... his sharp teeth nibbled gently, and Marron didn't know how to react. He tried to retract his head, "Radish...?"
"I'll make you mine, Marron... I'll make you scream my name and never even want to think about that person ever again."
The charade had lasted for long enough, but that hidden anger and sadistic desire could be hidden no more. The kind Radish that ran around the house to make sure Marron was alright every hour of the day and night was somewhere unreachable; the Radish that manipulated people's lives and minds for the sheer hell of it, the Radish who used and abused his brother (and anybody else given half the chance) just because he could was the Radish who surfaced as he spoke that sentence.
Those Sorcerer Hunters, what could they do? Radish smirked as he quickly ran his fingers down the front of Marron's robe, parting buttons from the loops that held them; the slightly stronger catch at Marron's neck was undone with haste, Radish pulled Marron's robe open.
"I'll take you, I'll make you mine..."
"Ra... Radish..."
Radish curled his fingers over the curve of Marron's neck, dragging his fingers slowly, powerfully down Marron's chest. White scratchmarks faded to an angry pink against Marron's skin, he just looked up with confusion and vague anger; Radish just smirked.
"... and if you say no it'll just make me more determined 'cause you can't stop me. Oniisama doesn't struggle with me anymore, he just lets me do whatever I want, and that's no fun, is it? Maybe you'll flail and scream a bit. Or a lot. As much as I want you to... my little bitch."
Radish pulled harshly on Marron's sash, "I'll fuck you... make you scream my name... make you scream in pain... but you can't fight against me, can you?"
Marron wasn't listening anymore; feeling suddenly so unsure, he'd closed his eyes and let his mind wander in an attempt to escape. Some kind of similar feeling in the back of his mind lulled him into silence.
His mind wouldn't let him escape from the situation; his mind suggested the word 'Carrot' to him, and that word along with the feeling of Radish declothing him so violently... the illusion Radish had fed to Marron suddenly rose in his mind. His heartbeat quickened as he recalled what might have been, as far as he was concerned, a memory; a memory of Carrot kissing him, of Carrot speaking to him so sinfully... Carrot... Carrot was... Radish was... Radish was someone who loved him, wasn't he? But Carrot, Carrot was... Carrot was... Carrot was his niisan... Carrot was someone... who... he loved...
Radish's lust and anger clouded his mind much too much to feel the sudden shift in Marron's mindframe. Slipping ohso slightly from Radish's control, back to a state between his old memories and the new ones created... back to somewhere where Carrot was... he felt fingers against his body, unfamiliar in touch but familiar in memory; Radish's fingers, but Carrot's touch...
Radish just laughed cruelly, unaware of the struggle going on inside Marron's mind.
"You're so quiet suddenly! Maybe you've accepted it, huh? Accepted that you're gonna get fucked and you can't stop me? Hahaha, seems like so long since I've been like this... how I missed it... this feeling... and it's so much more exciting for being with you and not with oniisama!! You're so beautiful, and I... I get to claim that beauty, I get to break it, I get to break you... I can't wait, Marron... I'm sure you've got a beautiful scream..."
Marron felt lips kiss and teeth bite; Radish brushed hair away from Marron's neck and kissed his way down with suddenly uncontrolled passion; such sweet, untouched skin... a body that would soon be his... the excitement clouded Radish's mind, and it wasn't until he heard that one breathless moan that he froze and pulled back abruptly.
"... n... niisannn..."
Marron's eyes were open but hazy, as if he wasn't quite on the same mortal plane as everyone else. Or anyone else at all. The slight scary smile on his face cemented Radish's anger; how could he be smiling!? How could he lie there like that and still say that name?! Lust was forgotten and anger won through; no more deep kisses, seductive bites or passionate nibbles; Radish shouted his anger and Marron couldn't hear him, Radish threw his clothes to the floor and Marron didn't notice, Radish pinned him to the bed, pushed him into the mattress, Radish took him so suddenly and so angrily, and Marron didn't care. Marron cried out loud when Radish entered him, but it was a distant cry, and it was still that one title, still crying for his niisan, and Radish couldn't take it. Gasps, cries and names called... all were for Carrot, all were 'niisan'... the more Marron said that name, the angrier Radish became. He didn't hold back anymore. He raked his hands down Marron's back, he dug his fingers into Marron's skin, he wanted to see blood, he wanted to see this insolent beauty below him bleed, Radish wanted Marron to do at least one damn thing that he wanted him to do... Radish snarled as angry tears coursed their way down his cheeks, unable to shout his anger out any longer, growling cries and snarls all he could manage through his bestial lust. Marron couldn't be his, not even after all this time, not even in this situation; even after all of that, Marron's heart and mind still belonged to his brother, to Carrot, to the one person Radish wanted him to forget... he tried with his strongest power, and it still wasn't enough... Marron didn't struggle. Radish lifted him to his body, pressing their bodies tightly together, trying to spur some kind of movement... Marron moved slightly, his hands wrapping around Radish's chest, moaning 'niisan' continually... Radish pushed Marron away violently, pushing him back down against the bed, gripping against his shoulders again, his fingernails settling into now-familiar grooves. Deep breathing and frantic gasps echoed in the room for but a moment that was all there was; Marron spoke Carrot's name again and Radish pulled his hands down Marron's arms, leaving his mark there too, as hard as he could manage. Marron didn't bleed... Radish snarled, he wanted Marron to bleed. He wanted to taste the coppery elixir, if Marron bled than it meant he felt pain, and for all the feelings that Marron still felt for Carrot, Radish wanted Marron to feel pain. He loved Marron and Marron didn't care, the only one Marron cared for was Carrot... the only one he thought about was Carrot... the only person who was important to him was Carrot, was his niisan, and nothing anybody could do could change that, not Radish, not Celery, not anybody else. The only person who he loved was the person who was on his way to rescue him as the moments ticked past.
Eventually, Radish's growls became that little more hoarse, his gasps that bit more breathless, his limbs felt that bit heavier as he continually pound himself against Marron's body. Radish held against the headboard of the bed now, using that to lever and control his thrusts; he felt suddenly so tired, but he needed... he needed to leave his mark on Marron, he needed to make Marron HIS and nobody else's... Marron's body was crossed with marks of Radish's actions, pale skin branded with deep scratches, none of which bled, all of which looked painful.
Radish urgently whispered Marron's name, "Ma-... Marron...", suddenly, above all else - above the anger, above the need of everything else... above everything was the sudden paralysing urge to finish, to finally reach his angry climax... Radish wondered if Marron was close. The thought was dismissed, he didn't care. He looked at Marron, trying to judge him through his haze of anger, but... Marron was caught in a haze of his own, his eyes closed now, his breathing frantic... perhaps he was close. Perhaps he was thinking of Carrot again. Perhaps he'd cry out Carrot's name, Carrot's title as he came. Probably.
Outside the room, Celery calmly stood against the wall that separated the door of his room and the door of Radish's room. His arms were folded, one leg bent and resting against the wall. He tapped his fingers against his inner elbow, his eyes glancing at the sun-streaked ceiling as he listened to what he could hear from the room behind him. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on in there - he knew what was happening, that was obvious, but it sounded so brutal... he'd seen how his brother reacted to Marron, he'd been denied in favour of Radish's sudden Marron-induced celibacy... Celery laughed humourlessly to himself. Seems like his brother couldn't hold back for that long after all.
"If Radish had wanted to do something like that, he could have at least have asked ME... I can hardly see Marron saying yes to Radish like that, and... if Radish... if he's done that, then that's gone against all his moral and ethical arguments..."
Celery sighed.
"... not that I thought he'd abide by those thoughts for too long anyway."
Radish's shouts were audible, as were the occasional louder gasps and cries from Marron; Celery nodded as he heard the word 'niisan' cried out. That certainly wouldn't please Radish... Celery wondered if something like that was what caused Radish's temper in the first place... perhaps, perhaps.
Radish's shouts, Marron's cries, the sound of the bed impacting against the wall... Celery waited patiently. There wasn't any point in disturbing his brother while Radish was busy, after all. That would only earn Celery his brother's rage, and while that was a vaguely attractive idea, while Radish was doing things like that to Marron, after the other night, he couldn't guarantee that Radish would do things like that to him... Celery heard his brother hang on to a long drawn-out cry, a growl that turned into a snarling scream... he also heard Marron calling out from his own emotions, then, after that, there was comparative silence in the corridor. Then Celery's sigh. He pushed himself away from the wall, turned around to face his brother's bedroom door, then quietly opened the door.
He took silent stock of the room. Marron's purple robes were discarded in various places on the floor, his sash in one place, his trousers in another... Radish was clothed, but obviously still connected to Marron as Celery stood there. Both Radish and Marron were panting heavily, Radish's breathing the loudest. Celery heard Marron's voice, quiet, emotional.
"Nii... niisan... I'll... always love you..."
A deep breath, then silence from Marron.
Celery saw one of Radish's fists clench, then heard a tearful angry "... Fuck..." in his brother's voice.
Feeling oddly impassive, Celery wandered over to the bed. He reached out, gently putting a hand on Radish's shoulder.
Radish looked up quickly, "O-Oniisama?!"
Celery nodded.
With that, Radish launched his arms around what he could reach of Celery, his arms around Celery's upper midriff, burying his face in the fabric of Celery's chest, suddenly emotional.
".. o... oniisama... I... I didn't mean to do that, I... I just..."
"... You got angry?"
A tearful sniff, Celery felt Radish nod against him. Celery sighed deeply, reaching out, stroking Radish's hair with his hands. Radish pulled his arms back, clinging to the front of Celery's shirt.
"... I didn't... I didn't meant to do that to him but I just couldn't help it... I was trying to like, convince him that... I was trying to make it so that, like, when the Sorcerer Hunters got here, he wouldn't let himself be taken back by them or anything, then somehow Carrot came up in the conversation, and... I... I don't know, it just... it just ended up with me... doing that..."
Radish broke into violent bitter sobs, "Oniisama, oniisama! Oniisama, he didn't even see me or do anything 'cause of me... it was all 'cause of what his mind was doing, he was all saying Carrot's name and stuff, and moaning and gasping for his niisan... and he... he even smiled... he smiled, oniisama... that's just... that... it was too creepy, the look in his eyes was all hazy and..."
He stopped, looking up at Celery with wide eyes.
"... I wish it'd never happened... oniisama... I wanted it to be all special and stuff but I just blew it... and... oniisama... when Marron wakes up... do you... do you think he'll... remember?"
Celery never stopped stroking Radish's hair, "I... don't know."
A quieter voice, "Make us forget, oniisama."
"With the Farra Kinju. Do a spell and make us forget. I don't wanna remember this."
Celery stepped back, Radish leant back against the side of the bed. He looked at Celery with wide-eyed desperation, Celery had to say yes...
"Please, oniisama..."
Celery was walking around the bed. He walked to the other side, watching Marron as he did so; Marron now appeared to be asleep, a small smile on his lips, his breathing slow and measured. His hair was strewn out around him, his body bruised from Radish mauling against his skin for so long, but... he was still beautiful. Celery sighed, looking at Radish with sadness in his eyes.
"... magic can't solve everything, otouto."
"O... niisama?!"
Celery closed his eyes momentarily, and leant over Marron. He put his finger against Marron's forehead where the fake contrary triangle was, glancing up at Radish.
"I'll make him forget. He doesn't deserve to have a memory like that, but... if I let you forget, who's to say that something similar might not happen in the future? We learn from our mistakes, Radish."
"B-but I never meant to do that! I never wanted to do that!"
"And that's what's called regret, otouto. As I said... we learn from our mistakes. Regret isn't something you show easily..."
Celery trailed off as he leant his forehead to Marron's forehead, there were a few moments of silence where Radish supposed that Celery was sealing Marron's memory away to somewhere where it would never be found. After those few moments, Celery stood up again, looking down at Radish with distant sadness.
"... for this one time, you show regret... all those times, with me... never did you regret those times. All the times you got angry, all the times you used me, all the times you abused me, all the times when I said no but you wouldn't let me say no... when you tied me up... threw me down... when you didn't even care about me as I tearfully gasped your name, just as long as you got your own selfish pleasure... all those times, otouto... all those times, and you never felt regret, or at least, if you did, you never told me about it... you can be loving too, otouto. I know, I've seen you, I've felt you. But love is something so infrequent balanced against your anger and your lust... but... why regret what you did to him, and not to me?"
Radish just stared at Celery, unsure of what to say.
He eventually looked away, "I didn't mean to do that to him."
Celery nodded sadly, and said nothing as he walked to the door. When he reached the door, he opened it, and glanced over his shoulder.
"Oh, yes. Otouto? The Sorcerer Hunters are approaching the bridge just beyond the magic barrier. I just thought that you should know."
With that, Radish closed his eyes, and Celery left the room.