Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ As The World Gets Drunk And Passes Out ❯ Soap Opera ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: The Sorcerer Hunters are not mine, I just like to take 'em out of the closet and mess with 'em.
Notes from the Miko: This fic is dedicated to Cody, who gave me the irresistible idea of pairing up Gateau and Potato and who is a very kind and faithful reviewer, who will now never review my fics again after this. However, blame may be placed directly upon me and the Evil Hentai Slug that lives in my basement. By the way, anyone ever seen the movie Earth Girls are Easy?
Warnings: Oh gods, there's everything you can possibly hate in a fic. We got yaoi, we got sap, we got random references to manga and food, we got dialogue form, we got swearing, and we got brother love. All in one fic. Wow.
As the World Gets Drunk and Passes Out: A Soap Opera
Gateau: Marron baby, we need to talk.
Marron: Yes?
Gateau: I just have to tell 'ya {the music plays softly...actually, its rather loud and obvious}. I never loved you.
Marron: What?
Gateau: I was just using you to get to my true love.
Marron: {stepping foreword} Who?
Gateau: Its...its Potato.
Marron: What the bloody hell!?
Gateau: I just used you to make him jealous. You didn't really think someone as beautiful and conceited as me could love /you/. Ha! I laugh to sound important.
Marron: {glares} {raises a hand to strike Gateau}
Gateau: {cringes}
Marron: {seems to think for a moment} {lowers hand}
Gateau: {sighs}
Marron: {delivers a well-placed kick to Gateau's lower region} Bastard. {storms out the door, it, of coarse, slams behind him but catches a bit of his robe.} {opens door, removes robe} {slams door again}
Gateau: {lying on the floor trying to comfort 'Chibi Gateau' by clutching it}
Scene:: Smoky bar, you know, with annoying red stools and a Nosy Bartender who likes to give advice. A couple of men play pool, one sinks the eight ball by accident and the other dances a bit too gleefully, making you ponder exactly what the bet was. The dust jukebox in the corner plays a cheezy bit of music, just for the hell of it.::
Marron: {stalks in} You! {points to the midget looking boy sitting at the bar and sipping milk}
Potato: Hi Marron.
Marron: Hi Marron my ass! I'll kill you for what you've done! {goes for Potato}
Jeeves: {jumps in the way and glares threateningly} {glares threateningly} {glares threateningly}
Marron: {finally looks down}
Jeeves: Leave Master Potato alone! {prepares to attack}
Marron: {whispers spell and stick an ofuda to the old man's forehead}
Jeeves: {turns, grabs a nearby cat and starts making out with it in a fashion that is not worthy of being described.
Kuroneko-sama: Meow.
Jeeves: Oh Neko!
Potato: Jeevth!
Marron: {turns back to glare at Potato}
Potato: {stands on stool to be almost eye level with the mage}
Marron: You slut! {bitch slaps Potato}
Potato: Tall Floozy! {bitch slaps Marron}
Marron: Blond bimbo! {slap}
Nosy Bartender: Oooh! Cat fight! 5 to 1 odds on the little one!
Potato: Whore! {slap}
Marron: Bitch! {slap}
Gateau: {rushes in holding a conspicuous bag of frozen Lima Beans over his newly gained injury} Stop this madness! {grabs Potato}
Carrot: {who was apparently sitting at a table watching the fight and waiting for a dramatic entrance, grabs Marron}
Marron: {struggles against Carrot} Let me go Niisan, I'm gonna mash some potatoes!
Gateau: Over my dead body!
Marron: Even better! {fights harder}
Potato: {struggles against Gateau...uselessly} Let me go, I'm gonna crack thome chestnuts!
Carrot: No way!
:: Chaos continues in the Jerry Springer fashion, pulling Carrot's hair, breaking Potato's nail, and giving Chibi Gateau yet another thing to put frozen Lima Beans on.::
Marron: {breaks down in tears} {falls to floor in the perfect center of a blue spotlight} I loved you.
Gateau: {kneels next to Marron to wipe away his tears} Well, it was nice when it started.
Marron: No.
Gateau: No?
Marron: I never loved you.
Gateau: said--
Marron: I was sleeping with your teammate the whole time.
Gateau: But you don't like girls.
Marron: Right, I don't.
Carrot: {steps forward and scoops Marron into his arms} Come on up to my bedroom ototo and I'll make everything all better.
Gateau: But...but....but....
Marron: {still in Carrot's arms} Size isn't everything Gateau {evil smile} but sometimes it is.
Carrot: {carries Marron to his room where they [This section has been censored to keep the rating of this fic at the pre-determined PG-13 level, just know it involved a severe lack of clothing and an excess of the phrases "harder", "faster", and "Who's you brother"]
::Back at the Bar::
Gateau: But...but...but...I'm bigger that Carrot!
Potato: {obviously lying, but pets Gateau's head in fake reassurance} Thure you are Gateau-thama.
Gateau: {gets sparkly manga-girl eyes} Oh, Potato-chan!
Potato: {gets eyes so sparkly they blind the Nosy Bartender} Gateau-thama!
Gateau: Potato-chan!
Potato: Gateau-thama!
Gateau: Potato-chan!
Potato: Gateau-thama!
Nosy Bartender: I'm blind, my god, I'm blind! {runs into convenient pole and passes out}
Gateau: I love you Potato Chips!
Potato: I love you Gateau Mocha!
Jeeves: I love you Kuroneko-sama!
Kuroneko-sama: Meow.
End Notes: Um...hi. This is by far the worst thing I've ever written, yeah, I know. Please flame my work of...ano...this.
Notes from the Miko: This fic is dedicated to Cody, who gave me the irresistible idea of pairing up Gateau and Potato and who is a very kind and faithful reviewer, who will now never review my fics again after this. However, blame may be placed directly upon me and the Evil Hentai Slug that lives in my basement. By the way, anyone ever seen the movie Earth Girls are Easy?
Warnings: Oh gods, there's everything you can possibly hate in a fic. We got yaoi, we got sap, we got random references to manga and food, we got dialogue form, we got swearing, and we got brother love. All in one fic. Wow.
As the World Gets Drunk and Passes Out: A Soap Opera
Gateau: Marron baby, we need to talk.
Marron: Yes?
Gateau: I just have to tell 'ya {the music plays softly...actually, its rather loud and obvious}. I never loved you.
Marron: What?
Gateau: I was just using you to get to my true love.
Marron: {stepping foreword} Who?
Gateau: Its...its Potato.
Marron: What the bloody hell!?
Gateau: I just used you to make him jealous. You didn't really think someone as beautiful and conceited as me could love /you/. Ha! I laugh to sound important.
Marron: {glares} {raises a hand to strike Gateau}
Gateau: {cringes}
Marron: {seems to think for a moment} {lowers hand}
Gateau: {sighs}
Marron: {delivers a well-placed kick to Gateau's lower region} Bastard. {storms out the door, it, of coarse, slams behind him but catches a bit of his robe.} {opens door, removes robe} {slams door again}
Gateau: {lying on the floor trying to comfort 'Chibi Gateau' by clutching it}
Scene:: Smoky bar, you know, with annoying red stools and a Nosy Bartender who likes to give advice. A couple of men play pool, one sinks the eight ball by accident and the other dances a bit too gleefully, making you ponder exactly what the bet was. The dust jukebox in the corner plays a cheezy bit of music, just for the hell of it.::
Marron: {stalks in} You! {points to the midget looking boy sitting at the bar and sipping milk}
Potato: Hi Marron.
Marron: Hi Marron my ass! I'll kill you for what you've done! {goes for Potato}
Jeeves: {jumps in the way and glares threateningly} {glares threateningly} {glares threateningly}
Marron: {finally looks down}
Jeeves: Leave Master Potato alone! {prepares to attack}
Marron: {whispers spell and stick an ofuda to the old man's forehead}
Jeeves: {turns, grabs a nearby cat and starts making out with it in a fashion that is not worthy of being described.
Kuroneko-sama: Meow.
Jeeves: Oh Neko!
Potato: Jeevth!
Marron: {turns back to glare at Potato}
Potato: {stands on stool to be almost eye level with the mage}
Marron: You slut! {bitch slaps Potato}
Potato: Tall Floozy! {bitch slaps Marron}
Marron: Blond bimbo! {slap}
Nosy Bartender: Oooh! Cat fight! 5 to 1 odds on the little one!
Potato: Whore! {slap}
Marron: Bitch! {slap}
Gateau: {rushes in holding a conspicuous bag of frozen Lima Beans over his newly gained injury} Stop this madness! {grabs Potato}
Carrot: {who was apparently sitting at a table watching the fight and waiting for a dramatic entrance, grabs Marron}
Marron: {struggles against Carrot} Let me go Niisan, I'm gonna mash some potatoes!
Gateau: Over my dead body!
Marron: Even better! {fights harder}
Potato: {struggles against Gateau...uselessly} Let me go, I'm gonna crack thome chestnuts!
Carrot: No way!
:: Chaos continues in the Jerry Springer fashion, pulling Carrot's hair, breaking Potato's nail, and giving Chibi Gateau yet another thing to put frozen Lima Beans on.::
Marron: {breaks down in tears} {falls to floor in the perfect center of a blue spotlight} I loved you.
Gateau: {kneels next to Marron to wipe away his tears} Well, it was nice when it started.
Marron: No.
Gateau: No?
Marron: I never loved you.
Gateau: said--
Marron: I was sleeping with your teammate the whole time.
Gateau: But you don't like girls.
Marron: Right, I don't.
Carrot: {steps forward and scoops Marron into his arms} Come on up to my bedroom ototo and I'll make everything all better.
Gateau: But...but....but....
Marron: {still in Carrot's arms} Size isn't everything Gateau {evil smile} but sometimes it is.
Carrot: {carries Marron to his room where they [This section has been censored to keep the rating of this fic at the pre-determined PG-13 level, just know it involved a severe lack of clothing and an excess of the phrases "harder", "faster", and "Who's you brother"]
::Back at the Bar::
Gateau: But...but...but...I'm bigger that Carrot!
Potato: {obviously lying, but pets Gateau's head in fake reassurance} Thure you are Gateau-thama.
Gateau: {gets sparkly manga-girl eyes} Oh, Potato-chan!
Potato: {gets eyes so sparkly they blind the Nosy Bartender} Gateau-thama!
Gateau: Potato-chan!
Potato: Gateau-thama!
Gateau: Potato-chan!
Potato: Gateau-thama!
Nosy Bartender: I'm blind, my god, I'm blind! {runs into convenient pole and passes out}
Gateau: I love you Potato Chips!
Potato: I love you Gateau Mocha!
Jeeves: I love you Kuroneko-sama!
Kuroneko-sama: Meow.
End Notes: Um...hi. This is by far the worst thing I've ever written, yeah, I know. Please flame my work of...ano...this.