Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Meditation Vs. Masturbation ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Notes: Okay, so I'm sitting at home watching the Sunday Night Sex Show (What?! Don't look at me that way! You're the one reading this! No, no, don't leave! {sigh} I don't know what's wrong with me either...). Anyhow, I was watching Dr. Sue talk to all these hopeless people and I was thinking, these people are just like Marron! But alas, Spooner has no Dr. Gateau will have to fill in.

Time Management

Gateau opened his eyes to the bright light of early morning. Instantly a smile was on his face as the specifics of his situation registered in his mind. Last night, due to lack of space at the tiny inn, Marron and Gateau had ended up sharing a room. Marron had at first tried to take his spot on the floor, as usual, but, thanks to the rock-like floor boards and cold weather, Gateau had been lucky enough to coax him into the bed. Fully dressed, of course, Marron had settled on the very edge of the bed, but now her was considerably closer.

Pale hands rested on Gateau's tanned arm, forehead between them. Long legs, clothed only in thin leggings entwined his own. Trying not to move, Gateau shifted his eyes to the side. Marron was quite a beauty, but what pleased Gateau the most was the obvious erection that the boy was sporting, pressed firmly against his thigh. It was a clear sign that the stoic mage was indeed prone to the same human tendencies of other sixteen year old boys.

The chuckle that shook Gateau's chest was enough to rouse Marron to consciousness. For a wonderful second, he didn't move and irrational hope rose in Gateau's mind. It was soon dispelled as gold eyes snapped open and Marron rolled away with a sudden jerk. Sitting up, he pushed at his hair as it fell around his face. With an appraising gaze, he looked at Gateau, surely debating exactly how long the older man had been awake and exactly what he knew.

Gateau just grinned.

Sliding off the bed, Marron padded to the window. He spent only a moment taking in the mediocre view before settling himself on the floor. Confused, Gateau watched as he tried to arrange himself in the proper lotus position for meditation, apparently encountering a 'difficulty' and deciding on more of an indian style stance. Placing one hand on top of the other, he slowly let his eyes slide closed and his breathing even out as if once again in slumber.

Gateau rolled his eyes. Only Marron would think of handling such a common situation in such a manner of denial. It was then an idea hit Gateau, an irrational idea, a wonderfully irrational idea. Pushing himself off the mattress, he crossed the bare four feet of space to stand behind Marron. With strange ease he knelt close behind the boy, aware that Marron knew he was there. They shared too much battle experience for either to think of sneaking up on the other. Still, Marron made no move to acknowledge him. Oh, but that was soon to change. Gateau leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

"You know Marron, you'd be much happier if you spent less time meditating and more time," he reached over one white clad shoulder and brought a heavy hand down to grab Marron's crotch, "masturbating."

Shock was an understatement in describing Marron's reaction, pure horror was closer.

"Gateau," he hissed through clenched teeth, the name serving as a warning.

"Aw, now, don't be like that," Gateau purred, letting his hand contract a bit.

"Let me go," Marron wriggled, succeeding only in causing himself more trouble.

"Why are you so worried? Eh? Just because I'm here doesn't mean...what? What was that sigh for?" Marron had gone still in his arms, letting his eyes rest on the window sill.


"What nothing? The I hate you Gateau and would never trust you with anything like this nothing or the I would never touch myself that way because I'm better than that nothing?" Gateau slid his hands up a bit, providing a moment of relief while he toyed with the drawstring of Marron's pants.

"You know I trust you," it was a statement, saying all that needed to be said.

Undoing the drawstring, Gateau caught Marron around the middle. Falling backwards he drug him into his lap, the white pants being pulled down around the boy's knees. With a tactful flip of his arm, Gateau had the tunic flipped backwards and Marron's hard member revealed to the air.

"Touch it Marron," he stated, resting his hands low on the boy's hips.

"No," it was a whisper, he looked away, denying the situation and all it entailed.


"I can't."

"What if...what if I do it first, eh? How 'bout that?" he offered.

There was no response, but perhaps that was a good thing. Gateau decided to think so. He stood with Marron in his arms. Depositing the mage on the bed, he pulled the pants away, dropping them beside the nightstand, and rearranged the tunic so he could still see the precious treasure so recently discovered.

Now shyness had never been a factor for Gateau and as he dropped his boxers it became obvious as to why. A smirk lit on his face as he turned just quick enough to see Marron staring. Already half hard, he ran his hand over his length a few times before taking a seat in front of the other.

"See? Nothing to worry about," he said, taking his penis in hand. "Want to try?"

No answer, he wasn't looking, but the bright blush was still there.

"Me first then?"


A small victory, but still a victory. Marron was beginning to accept the situation and really he did want to see just how such things were done. At sixteen he felt very much undereducated but bringing himself to ask was just out of the question. And now? Now there was this, if he could just get through it.

"Look at me Marron," he requested, stroking himself. "Its not dirty or wrong. Its just fine."

Marron did look, and Gateau smiled. In the silence he began the routine that had been repeated so many lonely nights. Now the vision that usually guided his hand sat across from him, half naked and aroused. His breath soon became heavy, his gaze falling to meet Marron's before he spoke.

"Ask me Marron, ask me what you want to know," his left hand tangled in the sheets, right still at work.



"What do you think about?" it came out too quick, before he could think to stop it.

Gateau laughed, but instantly regretted it as he saw Marron's unsure look become more so. "I didn't mean it that way. Its just...its you."


Gateau took a deep breath, knowing he couldn't keep up his instruction for too long but hardly needing to. "I think of...of you Marron. Your beautiful body spread out before me. God, you turn me on Marron."

He watched as Marron tried to process that. Golden eyes were now glued to groin but at least he was having an effect. He didn't miss the twitch of Marron's hands or the quiet sounds that escaped him. The boy liked it and that pleased Gateau to no end.

"My lovely Marron, so innocent, so hot. I lay in bed and touch myself and I think of you. Uhn, god. Please Marron, tell me you like that."

"I like it," it was a rough whisper but the words were what dreams were made of.

Gateau came with a moan, letting his head roll back. Warm cum fell over his hand as he pumped a few last times. Coming down from the self-inflicted high, he gifted Marron with a grin. Snatching his shorts, he used them to wipe off his hand.

"Your turn," he quipped.

Marron bit his lip, a rare nervous gesture. His shoulders trembled as Gateau's stare shifted to his swollen member. His hands remained clasped at his side.

"Its okay, come on now. Just try for me, okay?"

One pale hand lifted only to fall back. Marron shook his head, he couldn't, he just couldn't.

Gateau sighed, unable to be really frustrated. Scooting close he reached out only two fingers and ran them up the length of Marron's shaft. The skin was soft beneath his hand and the gasp was perhaps the sweetest sound he had ever heard.

"You do it," he stated, lifting Marron's hand and guiding it to the proper locale.

With a hesitant motion he gripped his penis, look at Gateau to be sure he was doing it right, which the blond found quite endearing. And then he moved it, strokes becoming more sure and strong. Gateau watched with fascination as he thrust into his own hand, eyes half closed and the blush changing to one of desire.

Unable to resist, Gateau drew the hands away. There was no resistance, no sound except Marron's harsh breathing, as he knelt. Leaning forward, he took Marron into his mouth. The mage moaned, pushing his hips forward. One delicate hand gripped Gateau's short hair as he tried to comprehend the volumes of sensation that rushed over his mind.

Gateau worked with sure motions, increasing his pace adding nips and bites to the dance. Marron moaned something that sounded like a plea. Never missing a beat, Gateau slipped a hand beneath Marron's creamy thigh. As the mage arched up once again, he came down to impale himself on Gateau's finger. Unimaginable feelings coursed through him, and with a cry Marron came.

Gateau pulled back and made a show of swallowing the warm seed. With the taste still in his mouth, he leaned forward to kiss the panting mage. With a smile he laid down, pulling the thin sheet over them both. Wrapping Marron in his arms, he held the boy in the perfect silence of the room. Marron ducked his head, hiding his face against the blonde's bicep, perfectly willing to be snuggled for the moment.

"Thank you."



Notes: I know, I know! Gateau is out of character and so is Marron and the whole situation just happened to easily, but...I don't want to write resistance! {sigh} Well, until next Sunday Night, this is your friendly neighborhood Miko saying be safe and always wear a condom! Oh, and review!

Her Supreme Omni-potence,
Miko No Hoshi