Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ The Eastern Promise ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~The Eastern Promise~
The sky above was the same sky that covered the entire Spooner Continent. The clouds above could drift from one place to another, and be seen by as many eyes as who would wish to look to the skies for as long as the cloud existed. The cloud might be tugged apart by wind, perhaps dissipate into the atmosphere... perhaps nobody would see it, but that would not destroy the fact that, just for a while, the cloud had existed. It had existed and it had lived in the expansive sky above the entire Continent, and if clouds could speak, what might it have seen, what might it be able to tell...?
The sky covered everybody in the Continent. The sky covered everybody and winds could come from afar, and standing on the furthest-reaching rocky outcrop of the surrounding territory, Marron found some comfort in those thoughts. It felt like far too long since he had last seen his family, but knowing that they still remained under the same sky as he, that perhaps the wind that caressed his skin now might have also been touched by his brother... such thoughts made the wait more bearable.
How long had it been...? At least half a year, if Marron really thought about it... time had moved both quickly and slowly, the days seemed both fast in their passing and unbearable in their slowness, but the separation couldn't be helped. He was a student of Eastern Magic, for the time being the most important thing was his learning and his studies; his family would wait for him.
It wasn't as if the distance was so enforced; Marron could have travelled back to Mount St Hordic if he really wished, but the distance wasn't a small one to journey over, and it would be a week there and a week back and that was before one considered spending any time on the other side of the initial week... Marron could come and go if he wished, but for the studies to remain parallel, he and Monbran had to learn simultaneously, and it was hardly fair on the other student if Marron chose to pack up and leave for three weeks. Monbran himself was loathe to study without Marron around, and so three weeks like that would be three weeks wasted.
That last journey to Hordic mountain, Marron and Monbran had taken together. After all, they both originated from that area, and if they both took time off then it could be a shared holiday. For what seemed like an all-too-short time, Marron had seen Carrot again... it had seemed almost strange, to see him again.
Carrot had seemed amazed at the transformation Marron had undergone, away from the eyes of his brother. Marron was starting to gain age and bearing and power, and everything about him had seemed different... almost everything. They'd spent time alone during that week's visit, and Marron had shown him some of the Eastern Magic that he'd learnt... Carrot had been amazed. Marron was so powerful now... powerful and graceful and beautiful, and Marron hadn't known how to react to all of those things. How were you supposed to react when even your brother called you beautiful...? Marron had just glanced away and thanked Carrot for the compliment before changing the subject onto something else.
Of course, from Marron's point of view, Carrot had changed also. More stocky, starting to build up a little more muscle... taller also, but Marron had somehow now surpassed him when it came to height. The two of them had laughed when they realised that; Marron, taller than his older brother? How strange!
The memory brought a smile to Marron's face as he let the wind buffet around him. He could remember everything from that trip so vividly still, and that had been months ago... it had felt so wonderful to be back with Carrot again, and he yearned so fiercely to be at Carrot's side once more... but the more practical side of him knew it had to wait. Carrot had always wanted him to become strong, now Marron was becoming strong... he would become as strong as possible, and then return.
Of course, that had always been his mindset. His justification throughout all of his studies had been Carrot; some days he'd found it hard to concentrate (and he'd be berated by both Master Hourai and Monbran), but most days he could fight back the terrible sadness that came from being away from his brother with the fact that he was doing what he was doing, for his brother's sake. He'd be strong. He'd be powerful. Carrot wouldn't have to stick up for him any longer (though incidents like that hadn't occurred for many a year now)... Marron would be able to hold his own, and perhaps even be able to protect Carrot, in return for all the times he'd protected Marron throughout their childhood...
Marron looked down at his hands. Those hands could now summon a bird of fire, a dragon of ice... he could seal magic, he could throw ofuda, he could cast spells, he could chant the sacred tongue to call forth anything within his power. Oh, and how his power had increased, especially over the last few months...! He'd always seemed to have an affinity to the magic they learnt that Monbran hadn't. Not that Monbran was a bad student, but it seemed that Marron could afford to let his mind wander a lot more often than Monbran could. Monbran really had to work to memorize the chants, affirm the language in his mind, call summoned beasts of any strength... Monbran was certainly powerful, but Marron didn't understand what was so difficult for him, or... even more, what it was about he himself that caused the Eastern Magic to come so easily to him himself. It was hard. There was a whole other language to learn, countless spells and summons and seals - so why did the words feel so natural in his mouth, why could he memorize a spell after only one incantation...?
He didn't know and Monbran didn't know either. Often Marron had found himself losing speaking terms with his fellow student, he having mastered a spell easily and Monbran suffering from all kinds of difficulties... he'd often be found sulking behind a rock somewhere, wondering why the hell it was that he couldn't do things as well as Marron... Marron would sigh and say that he didn't know the reason either, that he didn't try to show Monbran up or anything... things just tended to happen that way. Some people had more of an affinity for magic than others, Hourai always told them that, and it seemed that Marron had more affinity than Monbran. It couldn't be helped. Monbran would realise that he was being stupid, his sulkiness would vanish. Marron didn't like it when he inadvertently angered the other youth like that - the place where they learnt their magic, there was only he, Monbran and Master Hourai to the area. If Monbran wasn't going to talk to him then that left only Hourai, and that wasn't the same... not that Hourai wasn't interesting in himself, but there was a world of difference between his life and Marron's own. The three trusted each other implicitly, but when it came to it, Hourai was their teacher, there was always that vague authority about him that couldn't be shaken... somehow Marron just felt closer to Monbran. Though, he supposed, that wasn't so unusual. They had known each other the longest, after all.
Marron shifted around on the grass. He sat near the edge of the rocky outcrop, his legs in front of him and his arms leant out behind him, holding him up. The wind was getting quite strong now... it almost stung with it's chill, but Marron didn't mind. Feeling the elements against him like that... he felt so alive, in a strange sort of way... and to fancy that the wind blew directly from Hordic, that made anything bearable, enjoyable, even. Marron closed his eyes, and took a deep breath; such refreshing air. He held that breath to himself, then let it go as he opened his eyes one more.
In front of him seemed to lie an endless plain of forest patches, lightly-coloured paths, rivers, other small things that Marron couldn't quite make out... that particular outcrop was quite high up, they were high enough up the mountainous region as it was... Marron knew that Master Hourai didn't like he or Monbran venturing too far or going too close to the mountain's edge, if you fell from there you wouldn't be getting up again to tell the tale... but this was his place of silent contemplation, Hourai didn't have to know about that. How far away was Marron from the solid ground below? Even trees looked small. The horizon seemed impressive from that angle, though... this landscape was so different to one he felt more used to. Marron came to that outcrop almost daily, but still in his mind he saw the view from Hordic mountain, the city of Facade below, the forests and lands beyond that... compared to that, this land was so much more empty, but it gave it an atmosphere all of it's own. You could sit on that part of the mountain and really feel as if you were the only person in the world...
The sun was beginning to set on the horizon. That caused the warm land below to be streaked by far warmer colours... the world became orange, red, yellow... the wind was cold, but then it would die down for a few moments, and the air would be warm once more. Marron desired the view of Hordic, but he knew that he would miss this view all too much once he left it behind. This would perhaps be the last time he sat there like that, the last time he could sit and survey and feel that this was somewhere he belonged...
Somewhere down there was the path that led, eventually, to Facade and Hordic. Which path...? Marron knew by memory, but it seemed so small down there on the ground, leading off into the sunset... Marron smiled softly. He'd be walking that path again soon. Tomorrow.
His studies were now at an end, there was nothing more he or Monbran could be taught. Anything else would have to come from within... it was the end of an era, and Marron didn't know whether to be happy or sad. He was now free to travel back to Mount St Hordic, and be by his brother's side once more... but part of him would always remain in the Eastern reaches of the Continent... part of him would always treasure his days with Hourai and Monbran, even if during those days he'd spent a lot of them wishing that this day would finally be here, the day he would be free to be back with his brother...
Marron sighed loftily. He felt so comfortably confused; should he be happy or should he be sad? Was there really any way to describe quite what it was he felt...? He felt nostalgic for all the time he'd spent studying, but he felt nostalgic for times from his childhood... neither was a time he could return to, but...
Falling onto his back and closing his eyes, Marron could only feel entirely calm and relaxed. It was looking to be a lovely night, if the sunset was anything to go by... and it really did feel like there was nobody else on the Continent... on the planet...
"... I'm the only person in this world..."
The wind blew over Marron again, catching against his robe and letting his hair billow out behind him.
"... I'm the only person in this world, yet... my brother is also out there..."
Then perhaps they could be the only two people in the world. Marron didn't mind the thought of that, not at all. Even if they were so far apart, Marron would find his brother. He'd search to the ends of the Continent, if he had to... but he only had to go as far as Mount St Hordic. That also brought it's own comfort.
"You may be the only person in the world but I'm still standing right here!"
Marron opened his eyes quickly; the voice had startled him. Still with his back to the floor, Marron shifted his gaze to the origin of the voice... a little behind him, leant against a taller rock... it was Monbran. Well, of course; it was hardly going to be Hourai, and if not Monbran or their teacher, then there really was nobody else to disturb the silence... and who else knew of Marron's private retreat? Only Monbran.
Sitting up, Marron watched his companion for a few moments. He received a smile in return, then Monbran stepped forward, looking at the view with a silent admiration... while he watched the view, Marron watched him. Something else that would change... he and Monbran had spent almost every day for the past... Marron mentally counted the years in his head. He'd begun to study the Eastern Magic when he was around... ten, wasn't it? He was fifteen now, so... going on for five years, now. He and Monbran had spent most of five years together; that seemed quite a lot, really. A third of Marron's whole life.
Of course, he'd known Monbran for a lot longer than just the time they'd spent studying magic, but it had been in the past five years they'd really started getting closer. The two of them had been friends right back from their childhood at Mount St Hordic... well, 'friends'. At first, Marron had always been vaguely apprehensive about this strange older boy. Marron couldn't remember when they'd first met, but as far back as he could remember, Monbran and Carrot had always had a bizarre kind of rivalry going on. Those two always seemed to end up having fights, and they always seemed to be having them on Marron's behalf, too... Marron never particularly wanted them to fight over him (since Carrot nearly always came off the worst), but the two were determined; Monbran always said that he would be a better big brother for Marron than Carrot could be, Carrot would get angry and say that he was a perfectly good big brother... Monbran would wind Carrot up and then let at him, and Marron would just stand by and watch as Carrot got beat up, again. Still he remained loyal to his blood-related big brother, and Monbran had never seemed to be able to understand that. Why stick by such a loser? Monbran hadn't earnt any points early on with Marron for such behaviour.
However, as much as Monbran had seemed to dislike Carrot, he did at least like Marron, and as the two grew a bit older, he became more bearable. It was better to meet him away from Carrot, those two together usually spelt rivalry, but... the he and Marron had seemed to get along alright, and then Onion had told Marron that he was to be learning Eastern Magic, and that Monbran was to go with him also... Carrot hadn't liked the idea of Monbran and Marron going off together, Marron hadn't liked the idea of being separated from Carrot, but circumstances couldn't be helped, and so Monbran and Marron had been more or less forced to make friends; either make friends or spend the next couple of years at odds with each other, and when they were the only people studying under Master Hourai, Marron supposed it was better to be friendly than not.
Marron continued to stare at Monbran, but he seemed content enough to watch the sunset, still.
Often, Monbran had asked Marron why he'd always favoured Carrot. Really looking at Monbran, it was hard to come up with an answer for that... Monbran seemed to be almost everything that Carrot wasn't; he'd always been strong, now that he knew Eastern Magic he was even stronger... he was patient and kind, he was gentle when he wanted to be and dangerous when roused... he was a loyal and trusted friend. He'd always been quite popular back during childhood, the kind that all the village girls said they wanted to marry, which had always irked Carrot, even back then... Marron smiled to himself, wondering how those village girls would react if they saw the boy they had known now.
Carrot had said, the last time he'd seen Marron, that Marron was now beautiful; Marron didn't know how he felt about that. He'd often been teased for looking like a girl in his past, and he'd only continued to bloom so softly and delicately... when they'd last spoken Carrot had been annoyed that his muscles seemed so small, but from Marron's point of view, at least Carrot had muscles; looking to his father, looking to his brother, looking to other people he knew, Marron always felt woefully undeveloped when it came to masculine things. Onion had always cherished him for looking so similar to Apricot, but... Apricot was his mother, was it alright for him to look so much like her, when she was, well, a woman?
Marron supposed that couldn't be helped, but he'd always wished to be a little more manly. Muscles would have been nice, but at least his voice had deepened now. Nobody could mistake that for the voice of a girl, in any case. He may not have been physically powerful, but Marron now felt confident that he could prove himself through his magic... he was strong, now. Not in the ways that he'd always hoped to be, but strength was strength, no matter what the kind, it couldn't be denied.
When it came to Monbran, though... Marron wasn't sure how good a judge he was on such things, but perhaps Monbran couldn't have been described as exactly manly, either. Not if manly was judged by things like muscles, in any case... he was stronger and less delicate than Marron, that was obvious, but there was still something about him that was... striking, somehow. Marron didn't know how to describe it, really. Was Monbran also beautiful? Looking at him, trying to work it out... Marron shook his head to himself, not really beautiful as such, but there was something about him...
Currently, he stood with his arms folded. His long silver hair was tied back behind him, as it always was. He seemed so content to just watch the motionless horizon... the silence between he and Marron wasn't uncomfortable, though. It could never be uncomfortable.
Marron looked back towards the horizon himself, sitting up. The sun seemed like a huge ball of fire on the horizon... almost as if you could travel to that line at the end of your vision, and reach up and touch it. The sun had never been quite like that back on Hordic mountain.
"You know... you don't have to wait until tomorrow, Marron. If you really can't wait, then you could just go now..."
Monbran's voice was quiet, a little begrudging. Marron looked up at him again; he met Monbran's gaze, looking straight back at him. There was something almost sad about his eyes, though... his words were true. If he really wanted to, then Marron could leave... nothing was keeping him there anymore... and if anything, Monbran couldn't stop him. Monbran knew that, and so was his sadness.
"Monbran, you know as well as I do that it would make more sense to start the journey after a good rest..."
"Then, get some rest! I thought you would have been asleep already, but I checked your bedroom and you weren't there, so... I supposed you came out here for a bit. Don't blame you, though. Lovely sunset...!"
"Isn't it..."
Silence for a moment. Monbran looked down at Marron, who was looking back towards the sunset. He smiled wistfully, and sat down next to his sole classmate. He brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them... he leant his chin on his knees, rocking back and forth slightly.
"Guess you couldn't sleep too, huh..."
They smiled at each other, knowing their circumstances to be similar. Much as he knew that he should rest for the day ahead, Marron just hadn't been able to sleep, not just yet... he could sleep anytime, but he could only see the sunset from the mountain on the last day... at sunset, on the last day, from the mountain. He wasn't sure of Monbran's reasons for staying awake, but he supposed that the reasons were similar.
Secretly, Marron was glad that Monbran had joined him. It was relaxing enough to sit along and remember the times that were good from the past few years, but... the nostalgia could be better if it were shared, and who better to share it with than the person he'd shared all those years together with...?
Why did that have to be secret... Marron let his gaze drop to the furthest point of the outcrop, in front of him.
"I'm... glad you came out here, Monbran."
"Hm? No problem, I figured I should find you. I mean, what if you'd gone already, without even telling me! I would have been angry if you'd done that..."
Marron's voice was almost slightly shocked, "Monbran...! I wouldn't have done something like that!"
"Then how do we say goodbye...?"
The earnest tone in that voice couldn't be shaken, and it was a sobering question. The two of them just looked at each other for a few moments... Monbran's eyes were still sad, and there didn't seem to be any way to answer that question. Marron's expression fell a little, he looked back towards the horizon.
"I... suppose we find out tomorrow."
Monbran sounded as sure on the situation as Marron felt. It had seemed bad enough to say 'goodbye' to Carrot all that time ago, knowing that he wouldn't be seen again for such a long time... Marron had never known what to say, and had always felt empty on the return journey to the East. This, though... this was something different. Marron had said goodbye to Carrot in the past, sad but knowing he'd see his brother again... this time, though - would he even see Monbran again, after today and tomorrow...?
"You could come back to Hordic with me, if you wished... surely your family...?"
"Hey, you got ties I don't, Marron. Didn't you say that your father wanted you to become a Sorcerer Hunter the moment you returned from learning Eastern Magic?"
"Well... yes..."
"I... I don't think that's really me. I mean... my parents were Sorcerer Hunters, they'd probably want me to be a Sorcerer Hunter, but... I don't know. I want to stay out here for a while, I think... maybe I'll stay here with Master, maybe I'll travel around a little... I don't know. I just don't want to tie myself down to anything just yet, I suppose."
"It'll be strange... after tomorrow..."
"Be happy, though... you'll get to see Carrot again! Don't say you haven't missed him, 'cause I've heard you saying his name in your sleep, an-"
"I say his name in my sleep...?"
"Well, you go 'niisan, niisan!', so... I don't know what you're dreaming about there, but I guess you want to get back to him more than anybody else, right?"
Monbran's lips curled in a smile, "And I still couldn't get you calling me 'brother', could I? All this time... you've been like the little brother I never had, Marron! Couldn't you at least admit I was like the big brother you never had?"
Marron laughed softly, "You certainly haven't been like the big brother I did have...!"
"Haha, that's true. Never did understand why you clung to that guy so much, I mean... even you saw he was a lazy idiot half the time, surely?"
"Monbran, don't talk about him like that, please."
"Okay, okay..."
Another silence between them; Marron never could bring himself to talk badly of his brother like that with Monbran, even if he did only mean it jokingly... Carrot had his bad points and he had his good points, and it always seemed that Monbran remembered more of the bad points than the good points. Alright, so Carrot could be lazy and stubborn, and he tended to get everybody else into trouble often, but... more than anything else he was Marron's brother, and there was nobody in the world who could mean quite as much to Marron in quite that way as Carrot. Even Marron didn't know what it was about Carrot that meant so much to him, in all honesty Monbran did seem like the perfect big brother, but... if he was to be somebody's perfect big brother, he could never be Marron's perfect big brother. Despite his flaws, Carrot was the only person who could be like that, in Marron's eyes.
Marron's ears twitched, hearing something from Monbran. He looked to his side, it seemed as if Monbran found something amusing...
"What is it?"
"Ah? Oh, nothing... I was just remembering that time when I nearly hit you with a Seiryuu attack...! And you were running around the field 'cause we couldn't get it to go away..."
"That wasn't funny...! I could have been hurt!"
"Oh, come on. Master wouldn't have let it hurt you. You have to admit, it was pretty damn impressive! I think that was the strongest attack I ever managed, back at the time..."
Monbran smiled wistfully.
"I keep trying to think of things that happened... funny things, things we can laugh about... but it's not as if we ever got up to any mischief, is it? I mean... we were always respectful to our teacher, there was never anything we did..."
He looked down, then looked back to Marron.
"... these years have been kinda quiet, haven't they? But I... I'll miss them. It's been good... don't you think? Us, learning magic... look at us, Parsoners who can wield magic...! Surely... surely now..."
Marron gazed curiously at Monbran, who seemed to be getting flustered, almost. Perhaps the enormity of the situation was playing on him as much as Marron felt it did upon himself... Marron reached out and shook Monbran's closest shoulder, trying to be comforting.
"Don't talk if it's difficult, Monbran. We knew this time would come, though... we couldn't learn magic forever."
Suddenly, Monbran looked to Marron, his expression heavy.
"Marron-... what... what do you feel, about all these years that are over now? How do you feel about it...? I... you never... you never seemed to let on what you felt... so... I want to know..."
"What I felt?"
Marron was unsure of Monbran's expression, but supposed that the request was easy enough to fulfil. He looked from Monbran to the advancing sunset, thinking over the past years. How did he feel about them...? He, like Monbran, felt sad that they were over. He was indeed pleased that he'd be able to return to Carrot, but... Hordic had always been there, would always be there. The same, Marron hoped, with Carrot. However, the time with Monbran in the East... it was as if a box had been opened, and then would be sealed shut. There would be no way to return to those times... even to return to the area, the people would be gone, would be different, and all that would remain were memories. Yet Marron didn't know how to say that to Monbran in a way that would make sense... he just smiled to himself.
"Even though I sit here on this mountain now... it's as if... the time we spent together is not yet over, for we are sitting next to each other still... but I feel sad, for the time being over. I know that we can't return to the times we had before... I have not left them, but I feel that I can't return..."
"Do you think... we've changed at all, Marron?"
Monbran nodded, "Yeah. I think you've changed, Marron. You've changed a lot. I mean... when we first came here, we were kids, weren't we? You were like... ten or something. I can... still sort of remember what you looked like, on that day when we were setting out to come here. All wide-eyed... you were worried, and you were sad about leaving Carrot. That was all you'd talk about... and it took some time to settle you down here, too..."
"I remember that..."
"I can't say when exactly it was you changed from being small and wide-eyed to being... what you are now, but... the change must have been too small for me to notice. Every day... I guess we changed a little."
Marron nodded, "I understand what you're saying... to look at you, you've... you look very mature, Monbran. You look like an adult."
Receiving the compliment warmly, Monbran's very smile seemed to radiate pride at hearing such a thing. He reached over and ruffled Marron's hair.
"Thanks, I'm glad you think so!"
He let his hand fall; Marron quickly re-arranged his hair, smoothing it back and tidying it up. Monbran still looked at him, though; it seemed as if he was waiting for something, waiting for Marron to say something... was there any other way that Monbran had changed? Not that Marron could think of. Obviously, the two of them had changed, grown and matured during their time together, but there was no way of them themselves being able to say just what had changed... was there?
As if he'd been reading Marron's thoughts, he spoke.
"I guess it is hard to notice things like that with people who are next to us every day... I mean, even Master Hourai's getting grey hair a bit now, so that means he must be getting older... but he didn't seem very old when we first met him, did he?"
"Maybe we've stressed old age into him. All the times he'd get impatient with me after you did something great, I wouldn't be surprised... but..." Monbran sighed impatiently, "... Marron, do you not... notice, things?!"
"Things...? Well, you said it yourself... it's hard to notice changes with somebody who's beside you every day. Once I return to Hordic... I'm sure it'll seem as if my brother has changed immeasurably. Yet still... once I've talked to him, I'll realise... he's still the same niisan. Just older, just a little different... but still the same. I'm sure he'll think the same of me. He seemed so surprised when we went back those months ago... he told me he could hardly believe I was the same person he'd known, I... I was a little sad when he said that. Was I really so different...? But then... the time we spent together, we... we realised, that we were still the brothers that we had been previously..."
"You talk about him so easily..."
Monbran's voice was quiet, perhaps even a little snappy; Marron looked at him with confusion, "Monbran, what do you mean?"
"Marron, I-... all these years, I've been saying, 'can't I be like a brother to you' or 'call me brother' or... or all those things... and now we've spent all this time together, now it's all gonna be over... after tomorrow we might not even see each other again, how do you feel about that?!"
Suddenly unable to look directly at Marron, Monbran glared towards the sunset, his voice sounding almost annoyed... if anything he felt annoyed with himself for his sudden inability to even say the things he'd wanted to say, but Marron couldn't know that. Marron just watched him quietly.
Softly, Marron shook his head.
"Monbran... I don't think anybody could say that we would never see each other again. I would let you walk with me back to Facade if you would only let yourself... but you have your reasons. Don't say that we won't see each other again, though... I believe that we will, somehow."
Despite Marron's calm words, Monbran didn't seem any the easier to hear them. He was sat still beside Marron, one arm leant on his knees, supporting his head with his hand. His eyes were closed, he seemed uncomfortable. This in itself alerted Marron; what was it that was wrong with Monbran for him to be acting like this...? He didn't seem to have anything more to say on the subject, so Marron continued.
"I... I believe we'll meet again. And... I'm glad that we've spent this time together, though surely by now something like that can go by unsaid... I should hope that you feel the same... we share such a trusted friendship, that's why I don't think this is the last time we'll meet. So please, Monbran... don't look so anguished...!"
"When you spend each day beside a person perhaps it is hard to notice the most obvious thing about them, but... Marron, I... perhaps I never expected you to think of me as a brother more than you think of Carrot as your brother, but... I at least wanted you to think of me...! Even if it was obvious... even if you couldn't notice..."
"Monbran, what... do you mean?"
It seemed that Monbran didn't want to have to explain anything further in words; in the time it took for Marron to question Monbran, the older youth had shifted over on the rock and was now closer to Marron. Leaning against Marron's shoulder, pressing to Marron's side... he saw Marron's eyes look at him, wide and curious. Perhaps they hadn't changed too much at all. Perhaps they'd both changed unimaginably. Was there any way to tell? Then Monbran kissed Marron, and he knew that, at that point, something had changed.
The kiss itself was somewhat awkward. Monbran held Marron's face in his two hands, and Marron wasn't sure quite what Monbran was up to... but whatever it was, Marron couldn't deny that Monbran felt heavy against him; he toppled onto his back, with Monbran still against him... he felt Monbran's lips and tongue against him, but why...? After a few moments he pushed Monbran away.
"Monbran-... what?"
Monbran was breathless, "... You said I looked like an adult... that was an adult's kiss, Marron..."
Marron's brow furrowed in confusion, "Mon... bran...?"
He didn't understand Monbran's actions, all of a sudden. That was an adult's kiss? They weren't adults... and why should Monbran want to kiss Marron? After all... if nothing else, were they not both male? Marron wasn't sure, but he'd thought that only men and women were really supposed to... he'd never really thought about it, though obviously Monbran had...
"... Monbran, why did you kiss me...? We... we're..."
"We're what? We're friends? We're both guys? I know, I know. I... don't make me explain it, because I don't know if I can... I just... I know I can't even be like a brother to you, Marron... so... can't we be something else, instead?"
Marron looked up at Monbran, feeling slightly unsure. Monbran was shifting over now, climbing on top of him... his pulse and breathing had both quickened, and Marron wasn't entirely sure why. Monbran wanted the relationship between them to be something else...? What else was there...?
"Something... something else...? Ah-hn!?"
Pressed against the grass and rock, trapped between the floor and Monbran's body, Marron stared up at the darkened sky. For a moment Monbran didn't say anything at all, kissing hungrily at Marron's lower chin and neck... Marron felt confused, but he didn't quite want Monbran to stop. Somehow, when Monbran did that... somehow... the feeling made Marron shiver. A strange feeling, but it didn't feel entirely unwanted, so, confused as he was, Marron allowed Monbran to continue.
Something more than friendship... something different to brothers... neither friends nor brothers did this, did they...? Whatever this was... oh, and Monbran's body was warm against his. Marron didn't know what to say anymore, how to react to Monbran's actions... but as to those actions... as warm as Monbran's body was, Marron also felt warm, strangely so... he seemed to feel a tremble throughout his body, shuddering through reasons he didn't understand... Monbran was wrapping an arm around Marron's shoulders now, the other hand nudging against Marron's chin.
"Marron... Marron, are you... okay...?"
Monbran's voice was harried and quiet, and he seemed to be looking to Marron with quite some concern; how was Marron feeling? He was near-motionless, his pale complexion tainted by such a strong blush, his breath coming quickly and his heart hammering in his chest... his expression seemed confused and Monbran wasn't sure if that should be taken as a sign to stop, or to carry on. As far as those feelings went, as far as any feelings Monbran had ever felt before went, he didn't want to stop; knowing only little of his feelings he'd desired the younger mage as something for as long as he could remember, and there had been times when he'd touched himself and not been able to prevent his voice catching on Marron's name, but... even Monbran wasn't entirely sure what such feelings were, though he could never deny how powerful they felt. With Marron looking so irresistible yet confused below him, was it really fair to inflict those feelings onto him? Despite their advancing years, Marron still seemed so innocent, in a way... did either of them really know what they were doing?
"Marron... if you want me to stop, I... we can go back to our rooms, if you want us to..."
Marron shook his head, "Nnn... d-... don't..."
Feeling intently aware of the boy in his hold, Monbran wrapped his other arm around Marron's shoulders and pressed his lips to Marron's forehead then lower, against his nose, stopping before he reached his lips again... Marron had been unresponsive during that last kiss, though maybe he wasn't used to things like that... Monbran pulled back a little to be able to look at Marron, it wasn't as if he was used to anything like that either! Perhaps he knew more than Marron did, had learnt more from people he knew, had gathered more from his feelings, but he wasn't as if he'd ever kissed anybody before!
"Don't... don't what...? I... I don't want to scare you..."
Marron smiled slightly, Monbran felt his blush increase.
"Scared...? Why... why should I be scared... I-... oh..."
"I... things are hazy... those rocks over there... they're a bit blurry... it seems... it's strange to say, but... even my body feels hazy... though perhaps I can't describe it..."
Monbran kissed against Marron's lips momentarily, "I know what you mean... I feel hazy too..."
Remaining silent for a moment, just staring at Monbran again, Marron tried to make sense of what he felt. Just for a second, Monbran's lips had been warm against his... and previously to that there had been, at least what Monbran had said, that adult's kiss... adults kissed like that? Marron frowned slightly, wondering what kind of kiss that was. Kisses that he'd experienced had usually been to the forehead or cheek, from his brother (rarely) or from Tira or Chocolat, and from a time in the past, his mother...
A memory flickered to light in Marron's mind. His mother... back when his mother had been around, her and his father... there had been times when they'd kissed, Marron distinctly remembered the kind expressions they'd carried... they'd kissed, but... then they'd done something else that Marron had wondered about during his innocent years - a deeper kiss? The kind of kiss that Monbran had tried with him?
His mother and father were adults, weren't they? Perhaps he and Monbran were not yet adult, but if the silverhaired youth felt sure enough of himself to do such things, and do such things with Marron, then... Marron didn't know if he should resist. Neither were adults but nobody else knew... Master Hourai was likely long asleep by now, he always slept early... perhaps it was something they shouldn't be doing, but... there was nobody else to know... nobody would be able to find out, would they...?
Feeling emboldened by that, Marron picked himself up from the ground and tried to wrap his arms around Monbran as he'd felt done to himself, but Monbran was heavy and his body was shaking and he ended up pulling Monbran down back with him. Well, perhaps they could both remain on the floor, then... Marron brought a shaking hand to behind Monbran's head... an adult's kiss, then...?
Almost wanting to prove himself to Monbran (though he wasn't quite sure what he was trying to prove), Marron leant up and kissed against the other boy as he felt might be appreciated. He felt Monbran's open mouth against his, warm lips and hard teeth against his tongue and another tongue against his own... Marron's eyes were closed, this was a bit strange. A kiss was usually nice, quick and simple enough, but this was a kiss? Monbran seemed braver now, his arms tight around Marron and his movements quick and feral; Marron wondered when he should pull away, if he should pull away... he slowly half-opened his eyes, saw Monbran's face so close to his own... Marron closed his eyes again. He'd let Monbran take the lead again, he was the one who seemed to have more of an idea of what he was doing.
The more Marron moved against him, the more encouraged Monbran felt to continue. Why had they never done this before? To that point, how had Monbran resisted for so long...? His young friend, his fellow classmate, somebody he'd practically grown up beside... he knew he couldn't remain beside Marron beyond the next morning, so... he at least wanted to stay with Marron through the night.
Doing what, Monbran wasn't entirely sure.
Marron's kiss was intoxicating, though. He'd obviously been hesitant, but his hesitation seemed to be fading... that was fading, and Monbran's own feelings could only grow... before they left each other, he at least wanted Marron to know the feelings he himself had felt in the past. He wanted Marron to know, to realize... he wanted Marron to feel that certain elation, teach him by his own hand...
Almost without realising, Monbran felt his body shift against Marron; their bodies were hugged together, their bodies pressed against each other... clothes could only go so far to hide certain things, and so close like that... Monbran felt Marron's erection pressing somewhere close to his own, and just the feeling, just the knowledge... he shivered powerfully, moaning softly against Marron's lips.
Marron seemed to answer with a moan of his own; his body felt numb, but Monbran's movements had alerted him to something within him... a certain feeling when he moved, that delicious, fuzzy warmth feeling stirred somewhat... Marron knew that Monbran wouldn't want him scared, and he wasn't sure if scared was the word for it, but his body seemed to suddenly be very different to what he was used to, his movements felt distant, and everything seemed to originate from his lower stomach, below there... then Monbran moved and Marron had almost cried out against the kiss; that had been when he'd pulled away.
Once more Monbran seemed concerned, "What...? What is it...?"
"Monbran... what... what is happening...? I'm a little-... I... I haven't felt like this... before..."
Monbran only felt the more protective of Marron on hearing his unsure, quiet voice.
"You've really not...?"
"I... I'd remember if I had..."
"I see... so I guess... I guess you've not felt down here, then..."
Speaking slowly, Monbran brought one of his hands out from where it had still been tucked behind Marron's shoulder. He shifted again, letting his hand push between their two bodies... he accentuated his query with a swift stroke where Marron's robed legs met. Marron let out a louder cry, suddenly pushing Monbran away from him as much as he was able; what was he doing?!
Monbran had been a little surprised at Marron's sudden reaction; he'd managed to shift out from underneath Monbran and now lay about a foot away, still blushing, undoubtedly aroused, yet unaware of what that arousal even meant... he stared at Monbran, panting and frowning slightly. He couldn't even describe to himself what his body was feeling, anymore... just that he felt so strange, and when Monbran had touched him there it had felt equally strange - no, stranger... but that... you didn't let other people touch you in that place...!
"Marron... I... I'm sorry..."
"Why did you touch... there?"
Rolling onto his side, Monbran gazed evenly at Marron.
"Isn't that where it feels strongest, though...? Look, I... I'm... we're both like that. See...? And on you, too... if you just touch it, it's... it's hard..."
Marron looked from his own body to Monbran's body; the failing light made it harder to see, but he did seem to be speaking the truth; somehow, for some reason, he was hard, and Monbran was also... and it was where those feelings felt the strongest, but to touch it?
"Why should I touch it...?"
"I... perhaps I'm the weird person here, but... I... sometimes... it's got like that before, you know? I've been in bed, just lying there peacefully trying to sleep... then it's suddenly too warm in my room... I've gone all like this... even if I move around in bed a lot, it doesn't go away..."
Marron looked up in shock, "It doesn't go away!? It... it's sticking out, though...! Will it... will it always be like this?! That's embarrassing...!"
"Ah, I didn't mean it like that... it does go away, but... it's only after I've been touching it... hey, have you ever woken up and been sticky?"
"Mm, around there," Monbran indicated his groin with a hand gesture.
Marron's first thought was to deny such a thought completely, but once Monbran had mentioned it, memories came back to Marron; occasionally he had woken up, as Monbran had put it, 'sticky'... he'd never known quite what that was, but had never known if he should say anything about it... at first he'd wondered if he'd wet the bed, he'd been worried about that, he hadn't done anything like that since he was a small child, and what would he tell Master Hourai, who did the majority of the washing? However, it hadn't been like that... Marron had never taken any chances and had washed his sheets quietly himself on those occasions, but he'd never been sure why he'd wake up and find his sheets stained... perhaps it was a sign of oncoming illness? Marron had never been sure, and had then usually forgotten about it come a few hours later. Even if it was a sign of illness, well, Marron was always sure that he felt on top form, aside from those stained sheets... most illnesses also gave fevers and things too of course, Marron felt that if an illness wasn't giving him a fever or anything else, it was probably alright to leave to clear up by itself. He'd never thought to mention the whole business to Monbran, but... did he also have experience in the situation...?
"I... sometimes..."
A nod, "Well... it comes from it being like this, I think... sometimes I'd woken up and it'd been like that, but... when it goes like this, and I touch it, then at the end... um... it's where the stickiness comes from."
Looking away from Marron and waving his hand, Monbran seemed almost embarrassed, despite his earlier actions. It was all very well to try to let Marron feel what he himself had felt so many times, but how were you supposed to explain something like that? Monbran didn't know the words for what was going on inside his and Marron's bodies, but Marron was the kind of person who liked to know things implicitly...
Monbran smiled softly, "It's alright to touch it though, if you were worried about that... I... sometimes I've touched it, and I think of you, and... um..."
"Thought... of me?"
"Mm, yeah... it just... it feels good, Marron...! Strange, but good..."
Marron didn't move, despite Monbran's assurance. Monbran had... felt such things before? Marron wasn't sure if he'd felt anything quite so intense before... why not? How come Monbran had and he hadn't...? Was it because Monbran was that year or so older than him, perhaps?
Thinking of the age difference... the thought of Carrot drifted over Marron's mind. Carrot... he was about Monbran's age, wasn't he? Of course, Marron hadn't seen Carrot enough to be able to ask anything, and had it not been for the current night Marron wasn't sure if he ever would have known, but... had Carrot ever felt anything similar? Had he suffered from the sticky sheets, the fuzzy feelings, that strange... hard... thing happening...?
Had he touched himself as it seemed Monbran had done?
"Monbran... you... you touch it?"
Marron wanted to ask things like 'how' and 'why' but wasn't sure quite how to word his queries. 'How' seemed simple enough to figure out, and the 'why'... well, perhaps that was something he needed to find out for himself... before he could ask anything though, Monbran had shifted over and was crawling to where Marron was leant against the grass.
"Like this..."
Flinching as he felt Monbran against him once more, Marron fought the urge to dash away like he'd done before. It was impossible not to react at all, though... Monbran stroked over Marron's crotch as one would stroke an animal, and the movement was addicting. Marron didn't want to move to escape the touch, but his hips seemed to give sudden jolts without him even realising... he had no strength to keep himself held up any longer, he was on his back against the rock with Monbran against him again. His breathing was quick, and every touch from Monbran seemed to spur on a gasp, a moan, a cry... then Monbran stopped, and Marron looked at him with yearning and curiosity.
"You stopped..."
"Y-yeah... I... I didn't want to mess your clothes, or mine really... doubt you'd wanna stay out here long enough to do another batch of laundry, would you...?"
"So... um... should we take them off...?"
"Our clothes? Ah... I..."
Monbran was already unfastening the catches of Marron's robe before Marron could agree or disagree. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to be naked on a mountain, but the nights never got too cold... there was also the age-old 'somebody might see us', but in that region there was only Master Hourai, and even if he was awake, hopefully he wouldn't notice his two students missing... hopefully he wouldn't think to look on the mountain... Marron supposed he just had to trust in luck on that one. In a practical sense, at least taking off their trousers seemed a good idea. Monbran was already busying himself with that, in any case.
Once Marron's robe was unbuttoned, Monbran set about slipping his own garments off... he quickly dispensed of his overshirt, throwing it to the side... Marron looked over to it, then back up at Monbran.
"If it gets dusty, surely that defeats the purpose..."
"We'll get just as dusty lying on the ground like this, it doesn't matter... sit up a moment..."
Marron did so as best he could, though his body still trembled. He felt Monbran pull his robe from behind his neck, he lifted his arms out of his sleeves... Marron remained still as Monbran moved back a little to undo the cord around Marron's waist that held his robe together. For a moment the knot was picked at, then the cord pulled away. Marron now lay on his outspread robe, like a blanket... and Monbran's fingers were at the edge of his trousers. He let out a slight cry.
"You okay?"
"I'm glad... I mean... it's not like we've not been naked together before, is it? Those times we went swimming in the river lower down the mountain... or that time Master found those hot springs and took us to them..."
Marron shook with silent laughter; Monbran frowned his confusion, "What's funny?"
"You couldn't remember anything mischievous... but I remember when we went to those hot springs, and fought in the water..."
"Mm? Ah... yes, I think I remember... didn't I try holding you underwater until you admitted defeat? You were pretty damned stubborn back then, Master really yelled at me for being so rough with you... he was all on about how you coulda drowned and things, but I don't think you'd have let me keep you underwater until you drowned..."
A smile from Marron, "I... liked it when we were playing in the water, though."
Both Monbran and Marron's voices were nostalgic. Monbran nodded with a wistful smile, "Me too... if we meet up again in the future, we should find a nice quiet private little hot spring, just for you and me, that we can wreak total havoc in... somewhere nobody can find us..."
Monbran's sentence faded away. He looked down for a moment, thinking on his point... he looked up to see Marron staring intently again at him once more. He didn't know what Marron was thinking, but... Marron leant up and pulled Monbran back down with him, kissing him again, but slower... he seemed to be learning, Monbran thought to himself. Well, they both were... and a slow kiss was just as potent as a feral one. Especially with Marron's warm naked skin pressed against his own... it was a heady feeling to be so close like that, the contact and the warmth... one arm around Marron's back, Monbran felt Marron's hair brushing and trapped against him...
Surely there could never be anybody more beautiful than this young mage.
Such thoughts worried Monbran slightly; he distracted himself from those by occupying himself with Marron in a different way, "Come on, let's take the rest of these clothes off, else it'll be sunrise before we get round to it..."
Supposing there wasn't any reason to deny the action, Marron lay back as he felt his undergarments pulled from him. Another pause as shoes were dealt with, then Marron lay naked below Monbran... of course, Monbran had been right, it wasn't as if they'd never seen each other naked before, but... this was an entirely different situation, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed... Marron just watched as Monbran disposed of the rest of his own clothes, as he eventually knelt naked on the grass.
Marron knelt up also, facing Monbran. He looked his friend up and down, looking at him now that they were both naked... he glanced from Monbran to himself, and frowned slightly.
"You're... bigger than me..."
"Ahaha, I guess so... suppose it's 'cause I'm older, though..."
"Even there is silver..."
Monbran shifted closer, wrapping his arms around Marron's shoulders and trying to distract him from any other observances, "What other colour would it be? Anyway... now..."
He gently cupped Marron's cheek in his hand, wanting to lead a kiss once more. Wanting to be close to Marron, as close as possible... wanting him to cry out again, wanting to hear his own name said as he'd said Marron's too many times in the past... how was he supposed to explain all of that...? Marron seemed confused by the very concept of what they were doing, obviously he was just so much more innocent...
Marron was beautiful, he really was. Monbran took a moment to look at Marron once more, both staring at each other, nothing said for that moment... the silence was heavy and Monbran didn't know how else to dissipate that silence, so he continued the kiss. Actions spoke louder than words, and when you didn't know the words to say out loud, perhaps action could be the only communication.
"I want to be close to you," was what Monbran wanted to say.
"I always want to be close to you..."
"I want us to be like this forever..."
How were you supposed to say that, though...? If anything, Marron's destiny seemed so laid-out for him... he'd go back to Mount St Hordic, he'd meet his relatives once more, he'd go off and be a Sorcerer Hunter. Perhaps Carrot would also. Oh, so they'd be together for as long as it took... hunting Sorcerers together, what fun.
"I always wanted you to notice me..."
Marron was noticing him now, only now that it was almost too late. The night belonged to them but the morning would be different, and Monbran knew his presence likely wouldn't be needed once Marron was back with Carrot once more.
Carrot, the big brother Marron still clung to, still wanted to be with, still idolized... couldn't he see how much he'd grown, how much stronger and powerful he was now? Carrot was just... Carrot was nothing compared to what Marron had now become!
Monbran's own hips shuddered against Marron; their naked bodies pressed together, his erection touched Marron's own and the tight embrace didn't seem nearly enough; to be close to Marron, to be closer... how much closer could they get?
Even Marron, so seemingly innocent and pure, was feeling those strange feelings... his breath was quick and his voice was a constant soft moan... he'd grown from innocent and wide-eyed to pure and strong, and Monbran felt jealousy flare within him alongside his arousal. Marron couldn't be his brother, Marron couldn't be anything to him after the night; Monbran wanted Marron's innocent self to belong to he and him alone, he wanted to take and leave more than just memories...
Shifting over and nuzzling against Marron's cheek with his desperation, Monbran whispered against Marron's ear.
"Let's... touch each other... okay?"
"U-un...? AHN-..."
Marron's cry was louder as Monbran moved again; still holding Marron tightly with one hand, Monbran's other had dropped between them and was stroking Marron's arousal with lightly clenched fingers; that cry was delicious and Monbran felt he could continue for as long as he wished just to hear that cry again, but his own feelings... the intense fire within him... to feel Marron's touch would be sign that he'd managed to conquer something in their time together - his touch would forever be on Marron's skin as the first, and Marron's touch would be similar... Marron seemed hesitant. Monbran didn't want to repeat himself, but inwardly he pleaded so fervently...
Gazing imploringly at Monbran, Marron allowed his own hand to drop between them, to meet with Monbran's hand, to feel across and feel something else... Monbran let out a cry of his own, Marron froze for a moment.
"Monbran, that- you-..."
"Don't worry... don't worry... don't stop..."
For a moment Marron felt unsure, but Monbran still stroked him and he supposed it couldn't be so difficult. Just to mimic Monbran's movements, that should hopefully suffice... his fingers were shaking as they wrapped around the other boy's erection, Marron couldn't deny that he thought the actions were strange... it felt hot and hard in his hand, he wondered if he felt so to Monbran... Marron couldn't think on that for too long. Strange or not, the movement was addicting, and his own hips trembled and jolted just as Monbran's did also. There was nothing to think of any more, and it was almost scary; Marron's world had devolved to the feelings that held him in thrall, those feelings which held him, the person who held him... the person who'd caused those feelings... the person kissing and sucking on his neck at that moment...
"Oh... oh... Monbrannnn..."
He was lithe and slender and beautiful, and those little hitched gasps were almost more than Monbran felt he could bear. He looked up when he heard his name spoken... he smiled softly, Marron's eyes were closed now. The thought 'I caused this' was at the front of Monbran's mind, and he felt nothing but pride for that fact. And the way Marron said Monbran's name...
Monbran dropped back to kiss against Marron's neck. Such things he could so easily become addicted to.
"Mmn... Marron... Marron... you're... you're beautiful..."
"Ahn... AHN... nn... nnh..."
Monbran smirked as he stroked Marron's cheek with the arm behind his shoulders, "Can't... can't even speak anymore...?"
Supposing that to be the case, Marron shook his head; no, he couldn't. His body was numb and his mind was frozen - it was difficult enough to concentrate at all on what Monbran was saying, let alone attempt to speak any words in reply... Monbran's smirk softened.
"I see... damn, but... you... you're... I like you... really really like you, Marron..."
"Umn... o-oh..."
Replacing his hold over Monbran's shoulders, Marron's fingers almost clawed against the flesh of his friend's shoulder. The feelings felt like they were taking over... something was going to happen and something was going to happen soon, but Marron didn't know quite when or just what... just that something was building, something was building quickly... Monbran's whisper in his ear only accentuated his feelings.
"Guess... guess I couldn't get you calling me 'brother' after all..."
"Wonder what we are now...? Friends... friends don't do this, do they..."
"Umn... hh..."
The desire to win was making it's way through Monbran's mind; all those years, all that time he'd wished for Marron to look upon him as something more than a friend... all those fights he'd had with Carrot, all those times he'd tried to prove himself to Marron only to be rejected even if Carrot lost... whether Carrot lost or Carrot won, Marron had always been by Carrot's side. However... Carrot wasn't around. Carrot wouldn't experience this. Carrot could never be the first one to touch Marron - Monbran had claimed that for himself. However, to mean something to Marron... he wanted to really mean something to him...
"Say... say 'aniki', Marron..."
"Mo... Mo... Monbran...?"
Monbran rocked his hips purposefully, "Just for now... just between us... say 'aniki'... call me brother... this, we're doing... s'not... Carrot couldn't... ah- AH... you... this is between you and me... so..."
"A-aah... u-unn... nnnh..."
"A... ni... ki... Marron... Marron, I... we could be brothers in title, even if not by blood... I'd call you 'otouto'... I can call you 'otouto'... so... how about it...? Ot-... otouto...?"
Otouto. A word very rarely said even by Carrot... of course, Carrot would describe Marron as his little brother, but if he were to refer to him he would usually just say 'Marron'... but the connotations that word held...? That, that and 'aniki'... Monbran's suggestion seemed wrong to Marron's hazy mind. 'Aniki' meant 'big brother' meant... well... Carrot was 'niisan' but still Marron's big brother... his only big brother... Onion had always insisted that Tira and Chocolat be thought of as sisters, but they'd always respected the distance of blood, and it wasn't as if Tira had ever called Carrot 'oniisan' or anything. They were relatives in title yet not by blood, like how Monbran was currently suggesting he and Marron be. Yes, Marron agreed that he and Monbran were close, they were very close, especially now, but... this was something between only him and Monbran, something Carrot couldn't know about - but to call Monbran 'big brother'...? Surely that would be to deny Carrot his special place in Marron's heart, to insult the bond they shared... they were brothers and nobody else could be strictly like a brother in Marron's heart and mind, not even Monbran... they could be close, but Marron wouldn't allow nor afford Monbran that closeness. That was reserved for Carrot, and Carrot alone.
"Nnn... only... only... niisan..."
Marron was still hugged tightly to Monbran, not wanting to let go of him and almost scared in case Monbran himself let go... he wanted those feelings to continue for as long as possible, he didn't want Monbran to suddenly stop, but he couldn't call him any word which meant... which meant what only Carrot could be...!
"Only... only niisan... can be... niisan..."
"Marron-... you... I'm not saying that's not... you don't have to-... I'm not asking you to call me 'niisan'..."
"Mon... b-... bran... uhn... UH-NN... NN-!"
Freezing suddenly, Marron scrabbled up into an arch against Monbran. The feelings really were more than he could bear - but surely it was wrong? Something only between he and Monbran... this was something Carrot wasn't to know about? This was something Carrot couldn't experience? No... no! Marron didn't want it to be like that...! The feelings were so powerful and so intense... so wonderful yet scary in their entirety... couldn't Carrot ever feel it? Something between only Marron and Monbran... no... surely he and Carrot could also... surely they would also be able to... surely Carrot was also able to feel...
The thought of Carrot being able to feel... Marron opened his eyes weakly, looking to what he could see of Monbran through his blurred vision. Monbran's skin was hot, he blushed... Marron felt he was blushing too, and he was less hot more burning up entirely... and the thought of Carrot like that... that only intensified the heat...
For he and Carrot to be able to touch like that... for Carrot to be hot and blushing and naked and close... Marron felt a keen, sharp yearning like never before. Monbran had awoken these feelings but Marron craved more... not just Monbran, but... but Carrot...
Nothing and nobody else would ever be able to replace or even come close to replacing what Carrot meant to Marron... Marron knew he would never allow them to... and then all conscious thought was lost, for the feelings had reached their eventual peak, and for the first time while awake, Marron came.
The world had disappeared and all that existed was he and Monbran... though Marron seemed suddenly unaware of the strong body in his grip and the arm that held him. He clung to Monbran with such desperation, but the name that escaped Marron's lips - the title that escaped Marron's lips - was not one which belonged to the silverhaired youth.
"Nnn... nnn-aaahhnnn-... nii-... NIISA-!!... NIISANNNN-... NNNH... hhn... nn..."
Unable to control his body any longer, Marron fell prey to the convulsions and spasms which ripped through his body. Perhaps he really did claw against Monbran at that point, but he wasn't aware of it... his hips jerked against Monbran's hand with powerful, finalistic thrusts, and his face froze on a silent cry as everything became nothing became blank.
Marron didn't have the strength even to hold himself against Monbran any longer. Entirely drained, Marron fell back against his robe, which had remained beneath him throughout. He remembered nothing after that.
Marron was vaguely aware of his own voice as he groaned softly. Darkness... tired... sleepy... he was asleep?... No, this was more like waking up. Asleep, though? Marron didn't remember being asleep... he couldn't remember much at all, if he really thought about it.
Realising that the darkness of his closed eyes belied something brighter beyond, Marron opened his eyes. Too bright; they narrowed, he held his hand up in front of his forehead to shield him from the sun.
Morning... so it was morning...
Thoughts flooded Marron's mind; today was the morning... today was the morning when he was going to head back to Facade, the day his real journey would start... today was the day he hadn't wanted to come last night, when he and Monbran-
Marron sat up in bed, looking to either side of him. The room was empty, but - that in itself wasn't strange. He was in his bedroom? He looked around him. The sunlight shone in from the window to his left, somebody had opened the window... it seemed to be a breezy day, the curtain hanging over the window rippled softly. Seemed to be guided by the wind... Marron frowned. The room seemed very fresh, but the last thing he remembered was being on the mountain... he and Monbran had been on the mountain from sunset to the night, and it was so hard to remember quite what had happened. He and Monbran, though... he and Monbran had been naked. They'd been naked... they'd touched each other, Marron remembered that. Then those feelings... everything had become so intense... Marron looked down at his bed, feeling slightly confused. Perhaps he'd passed out? He couldn't remember. Still, Monbran's room was only the one next to his; Marron stretched as he slipped out of bed. His journey was today, but it could wait for Monbran.
Taking a moment to look out of the window, Marron sighed deeply. The carpet was soft beneath his feet, as soft as it had always been, the same colour... something he'd taken for granted. Everything about the room was like that, really... Marron never questioned the beige carpet, the white walls, the gauzy curtain, the desk and the wardrobe and the cabinets... this had been his room for all his time in the mountains, but now it was time to leave. That thought made Marron feel empty, somehow.
Looking at himself, Marron realised he was clad in a nightshirt; some robes had been laid out for him, but the rest of his clothes were already packed to the side, ready for his journey. That was likely Master Hourai's doing - he'd always seemed to enjoy looking out for his students. Getting changed into his robes could wait just a little, though. He'd go to see Monbran, then he'd take a shower, he'd find Master Hourai and say his farewells... he'd find something to say to Monbran as he left, and then he'd leave. Marron wasn't quite looking forward to the goodbyes, but knew they had to be done. In any case, Carrot was waiting for him back at Hordic village... Marron decided to keep that in mind. That would make the current situation easier to handle.
Marron opened his bedroom door and stood in the outer hallway. Nobody there... he looked to his side, to the closed door beside his. Monbran's room. Standing in front of the door, Marron knocked lightly with his fist, "Monbran? Monbran, are you awake?"
The sound of someone descending the steps at the end of the corridor; Marron looked up, it was Master Hourai.
"You won't find Monbran in there, Marron."
"Monbran left earlier this morning... while you were still asleep. He seemed to want to leave without anybody knowing... I saw, though. I watched him walk the path down the mountain... I'm sure he had his reasons. Perhaps he finds 'goodbye' hard to say... however, I found this near the front door after he left."
Hourai was holding an envelope between two fingers, nudging it gently against his chin. He reached out and flipped the envelope at Marron.
"It has your name on it, so he must have intended for you to find before you left... do you think there were things he wanted to say to you...?"
"Ah... I'm not sure..."
Marron accepted the letter. He looked down at it, then up at Master Hourai. He didn't quite want to open the letter under his teacher's watchful gaze, he didn't know what the letter might say... but it gave Marron some comfort that Monbran had written to him before he left. Neither Hourai or Marron knew where Monbran could be, but... holding something he'd written... Marron felt warmed. He wondered whether to feel relieved or not - Monbran having left already meant that he didn't have to say goodbye, but on the other hand... Monbran was gone, would Marron ever see him again? He'd said last night that he'd been sure that the two would meet again, but... the Continent was a large place...
Hourai's expression softened, "You wanted to say goodbye to him yourself? So did I. However... I felt it would be wrong to prevent him, so... if he had anything to say he would have said it. That was his personality. However, you will also be leaving today, will you not?"
"Oh? Ah, yes, Master Hourai. I had hoped to speak to Monbran before I left, but... since he's gone... all I have to do now is to get ready for my journey..."
"Mmm," Hourai smiled.
"... and also before I leave I should like to thank you, my Master. I'm sure that Monbran is just as grateful towards you as I am... the two of us, we are forever in your debt. We have both become strong these past few years... we wouldn't have been able to achieve that without you."
"I am only happy to have been able to pass my skills on to two such skilled individuals... both you and Monbran, you have become so much stronger... and you, I am sure that you will only continue to become strong, Marron. You have a natural gift for Eastern Magic. Be sure to develop your skills... and be sure to use your power for the right reasons. The problems of this world stem from the fact that there are too many Sorcerers with too much power and too little sense; there are Sorcerers in this world far more powerful than me, Marron. Perhaps someday you should meet one... I believe that, should you keep that cool head of yours, you would be able to defeat somebody with even ten times my strength..."
Marron glanced away shyly, "Master, I couldn't defeat somebody so strong..."
"Marron, don't doubt yourself. True power comes from knowing how to control yourself, always remember that. That's something many Sorcerers don't realise; as far as they're concerned, power is power and can be thrown around indiscriminately... there is a difference between power and strength. You are strong, Marron... I pray you and Monbran continue to be so."
A nod, Marron smiled back at Hourai.
"I understand, Master. You always talk so sensibly... I hope I can be as wise as you someday."
Hourai laughed, "I can't see that being too far away, Marron. You're wise beyond your years already... as I said, as long as you keep your focus, you'll be able to achieve anything. I feel honoured to have met you."
"It's true! Anyway... I won't keep you any longer. Feel free to prepare yourself for your journey, take what food you need... if there is anything else you wish to say to me, I'll be in the back garden. If not, then this is where we take our leave. I hope you have a safe journey, and also I hope we should meet again someday. Farewell, Marron."
Marron watched silently as Hourai disappeared from the corridor, going around the back corner. The sound of the back door opening, then closing... then silence in the house for a few moments. That, Marron decided, had been goodbye.
A short while later, Marron himself was walking away from the house that he, Hourai and Monbran had shared for the past five years. At the end of the front garden path, Marron stopped and turned around; he wanted a final last look at the place he'd learnt so much from. The cottage-like building itself... behind it was the back garden, where Hourai was at that moment. That had been where he and Monbran had first learnt to summon the four holy summons... everywhere around seemed to hold a memory. One hill held the memory of a spell, another held the memory of a chant, or an incantation, or meditation... the hill next to the house with a large tree on it, Monbran had often been found sitting there, lost in his thoughts (or sulking). On the other side of the house, the path that led higher up the mountains... somewhere up there was the spring the three of them had gone to, back in the past, perfectly hidden away from anybody else. So hidden, perhaps only Master Hourai had known of it's existence...
Taking a snapshot in his mind, Marron closed his eyes and didn't open them again until he was walking along the path with his back towards the house. He wouldn't look back.
He had everything he needed for the journey back to Hordic. His clothes were packed with him, he had food and money, and... he also had Monbran's letter. He hadn't packed that away... he hadn't read it yet. However, now he was actually on his journey home... he looked down at the envelope in his hand. Now was the time to read it; Monbran's words could accompany him on the trip home. Marron fumbled with the paper for a few moments, holding that and envelope together as he unfolded the letter.
I suppose when you get this, you'll wonder how you ended up back at the house... well, I took you there. You fell asleep so quickly last night, even though we were out on the mountain!
However, let me say, you haven't lived until you've run around a mountain in the middle of the night while giving another man a piggyback. It was sort of exciting, though I was a little worried that Hourai would catch me as I came back. How would I be able to explain something like that? You and me both naked... I don't think even I could have come up for an excuse for that one.
Maybe I'm a coward, but... I'd rather leave before you or Hourai wake up. I know you have more of an idea of where you're going than I do, but... I'd rather you were able to leave quickly, I wouldn't want to risk holding you back or anything. Last night... I'm glad last night happened. I was finally able to tell you - or at least let you know - about stuff I haven't been able to tell you for years now. I know it was probably all confusing, I just hope I didn't scare you too much.
I don't really have much else to say... I would have followed you back to Hordic, but I don't have much business there at the moment, and I wouldn't want to come between you and Carrot meeting up again once more. Somehow I get the impression Carrot still doesn't like me, it'd be better for you to meet him on your own, right?
I was pessimistic last night, I know... but now I'm writing this, I'm more determined! Perhaps that's because it's late and I haven't slept yet, but... you were saying about how you were sure we'd meet again... I'm sure too. Somehow we've GOT to meet again! Maybe I'll become a Sorcerer Hunter, just like you. Maybe you and me'll get to go out on missions together, and it'll be like all the times we spent training. Two Eastern Magic users together, we'd be unstoppable! The Sorcerers would learn to fear our names.
Let's leave it a while and see how much stronger we can get before our next meeting. Maybe the next time we meet you'll be even MORE beautiful... I'm sure you'll be fighting the admirers away, but I'll run back and protect you. After all, I'm the first person who touched you, aren't I? Nothing can change that.
Have a safe journey back to Hordic Mountain, and say hi to everybody there for me, okay?
ps. I'm sorry for trying to make you call me 'aniki' last night. I guess I just can't give up with that. I'm sorry if it got weird or anything, I guess I really can't shake your devotion to Carrot. Not that I'd want to, I... I just wanted to be special to you like he is. Guess that's a losing battle."
Marron quietly stared at the letter for a few moments after he finished reading it, then turned it over in case there was anything more on the reverse side; there wasn't. He looked over the page of text once more, then carefully folded the letter and put it back into the envelope.
Even Monbran was optimistic that they'd meet again someday... reading those words, Marron couldn't be doubtful. Somehow they'd make each other meet again... and Monbran was right, if they both became Sorcerer Hunters, then it'd be even more likely... perhaps he, Monbran and Carrot could become a team themselves, if Carrot and Monbran could get along for long enough without fighting... they were all getting older and more mature, at least. If a fight was going to start up, these days, it'd probably be Carrot causing it...
Reading the letter put a spring in Marron's step; he'd have the letter from Monbran close to him, he could read the words whenever he wanted and think of his friend's voice. He didn't know that Monbran watched him along the path from further up the mountain, as far as Monbran had managed to venture... he still didn't know quite where he wanted to go or what he wanted to do, but Marron did, and that was what was important.
Monbran sat against the rocky outcrop he and Marron had been at the night previous; perhaps if Marron looked behind him then he might have seen, but... Monbran knew that Marron wouldn't. He'd walk directly on, unaware of what was behind him... Monbran didn't want it any other way. For the next few minutes he'd be able to watch Marron quietly, without him realising... then Marron would be gone, proudly walking off to the horizon.
They would meet again, though. Monbran was sure of that. Perhaps he'd stay in the East, and wait for Marron there in case he ever returned... perhaps in a while he'd make his own journey to Facade, follow Marron there and meet up with him once he was settled. Either way... something would happen, Monbran was confident.
He hoped that the night before meant that Marron would never forget him... he wanted Marron to always remember him, perhaps yearn for him... Monbran felt he could wait for as long as it took. They would eventually meet up again, more sure in their feelings, and Monbran would say something more, be able to express his feelings with more clarity.
He looked forward to that. The day when Marron would have no confusion as to his feelings, or to Monbran's feelings...
Whether that day was a year away or ten, Monbran was ready to wait.
The days would tick away to their next meeting, to when his and Marron's relationship would finally be able to change... for better or for worse.
22nd August 2004
Author's Notes
I think some notes are really needed here... the question on most people's lips'll probably be 'Who's Monbran!?' as well as 'Who's Hourai!?' and possibly 'What's going on here anyway!?'... recently, I got hold of the Sorcerer Hunters novels, two of which delve into Marron's past a little. I don't exactly have a brilliant understanding of Japanese, but I'm sure enough that Marron and Monbran were students under the teachings of Hourai. I have pictures, scans and stuff of Hourai and Monbran if anybody wants them.
Monbran appears to have lived at Mount St Hordic back with Carrot and Marron; he appears to see Marron as a brother, and fights with Carrot in a kind of Marron-induced rivalry. Of course, Marron always sticks with Carrot, but that never stopped Monbran trying.
I'm less sure when it comes to things happening during the timeframe of that third novel, though; by this point Hourai seems to be ill or dying or something, and Marron and Monbran do meet up again... however, by this point, they're trying to kill each other. Monbran also seems to have a lover, Panna Cotta... I'm confused when it comes to her. Her profile says about how she's all in love with Monbran, but Monbran's profile only mentions Marron, and he never seems to interact with her too deeply... Marron and Monbran have a fight that goes over 100 pages (by this time they're referring to each other as 'kisama', which is like, 'you bastard', I think), Panna tries to get between them (earlier on she'd tried to kill Marron, by the way), but then Monbran knifes her, 'cause ya know, nobody gets between the warring bishounen.
They have a bigass fight with lots of Suzakus from Marron and lots of Seiryuus from Monbran, but Marron wins in the end. Don't worry though, Monbran's still alive. I think. Actually, he might not be. If anybody knows, please tell me? Thanks. Panna... I can't actually remember. I know very little about Miss Cotta, but if anybody has the OAVs, look out for the OAV with all the flickers of the girls during the opening sequence; at one point there's a fadein with three girls, Kris (from novel 1), Crepe (from novel 2 and volume 8 of the manga), and Panna Cotta herself~... so that's more animation than Monbran ever got.
I'd really like to know why Marron and Monbran are fighting, come that novel. They keep talking about Hourai, so I can only assume that Monbran's possibly responsible for Hourai being sick/ill/dying, but... that would only be an assumption. One day I will know enough Japanese to understand those novels! That day is not soon.
When it comes to Monbran, Hourai and Marron's living arrangements (and their education), I'm just taking educated guesses. Still, everybody has their own theory on how Marron learnt his Eastern Magic, I guess I'm going to have to give here and say that he did go off and learn it for a couple of years away from Carrot (as sad as the thought of Marron being away from Carrot for so long is). I can't say anything for certain, but Monbran and Marron almost definitely trained under Master Hourai, I know that much.
I think that that novel is where it comes to light that Marron has Tenrinoh within him; I'm not sure if the rivalry between Marron and Monbran may come from that... I don't know quite when they find out about that, but it'd at least explain why Marron was always the more adept with the Eastern Magic ^-^
Expect MonbranxMarron rivalslash as soon as I can figure out just why they're at each other's throats in the novel. I really want to write more about them, I just want to know more about them before I do so... though, so few other people have the novels in the first place, maybe it doesn't matter? Would anybody be interested in more MonbranxMarron? 'Cause I am ^_^
I also just like the idea of Monbran being the one to accidentally kickstart Marron's obsession with his brother in that way ^.~