Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ With Arms Wide Open ❯ With Arms Wide Open ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
TITLE: With Arms Wide Open
AUTHOR: Lemony Chocolate
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Sorcerer Hunters.
FEEDBACK: Hell yeah, uhm yes please.
DISTRIBUTION: Archive away
SPOILERS: none that I can think of.
SUMMARY: Marron doesn't like to get wet

* * *
The five sorcerer hunters and Mille trudged back to the house, in the pouring rain, after their battle with the sorcerer. Their heads down, Tira and Chocolate keeping a surreptitious wary eye on Marron. Growing up together, they knew every one of his moods. They knew despite the calm, controlled facade that he presented to the world, Marron had a very volatile temper that was usually only exhibited when Carrot was in danger. But in times like now, Marron was in an extremely very irritable, pissy mood. He was like a cat, he HATED getting rained on more than anything. Right now, it was VERY important to get him calm and under control; they exchanged glances and silently decided to keep Gateau as far away from Marron as they possibly could.

Carrot, too, kept a watchful eye on his ototo, knowing that the least thing will set him off. He just hoped they made it to the house before something set Marron off. He made a mental note to make sure the Misu sisters distracted Gateau away from Marron as soon as they got to the house, it would only take Gateau flirting with him to make Marron lose his control.

They continued to the house in silence, broken only by their feet squelching in the mud. Tira, Chocolate and Carrot praying that they reached the house in time. They closed in on Marron, making sure that if he blew, they would be there to get him under control.

Gateau cast a sidelong look at the silent figure of Marron trudging in the rain. Huh, he thought, it's kinda funny how different the two Glace brothers are. Dry, Marron was the incarnation of beauty and Carrot was the ugly runt. But wet, Marron looks like something the cat dragged in and spit up while Carrot, on the other hand, looks like a walking sex god with his hair plastered to his head and his clothes clinging to him like that, Gateau thought casting an appreciative look at Carrot's ass. He sighed, too bad he's as straight as an arrow.

Mille was drooling in the rain, watching Carrot's ass flex in his clinging clothes. Tonight, he thought, I'll try sneaking in his bed. I think that if I can get his cock up my ass, before he wakes up, he won't be able to resist riding my ass hard. He licked his lips in anticipation.

Chocolate looked up, pathetically grateful to see the house in sight. She nudged Tira, hearing the slight whimper of relief from her and seeing Carrot look up at the sound, happiness filling his eyes at the sight of the house.

"Hey guys," he cried, weak with relief at the sight of the beloved house, "We're almost there!" The others looked up and picked up their pace, rushing to the house and pouring in.

Carrot moved quickly, getting a fire started in the fireplace, feeling the warmth of the fire loosening his tense muscles as everyone gathered around the fire, letting the heat soak through their bones.

Carrot turned and was almost transfixed by the glittering eyes that Marron had trained on him. He blinked and then his mouth tightened.

Carrot looked away, caught Tira and Chocolate's eyes and with a single jerk of his head he signaled them to get Gateau away from Marron who he could see was just about to make some leering remark.

Amid loud protests from Gateau, Tira and Chocolate herded him out of the room, leaving Mille, Carrot and Marron. Marron glided over to the far wall, still without removing his glittering eyes from Carrot.

Mille had a teasing smile on his face as he cast a coy look at Carrot, his smile slowly fading as he took note of the tension that was filling the room. He saw the look of strain on Carrot's face and turned to say something to Marron, who he noticed with a start was staring fixedly at Carrot. He frowned in puzzlement and opened his mouth to say something when Carrot interrupted him.

"While the girls and Gateau are upstairs changing clothes why don't you change your clothes. You can even use my room, too," Carrot said grandly, carefully avoiding looking at Mille.

Mille gave him a wryly amused look, remembering that they were supposed to be sharing the room. That first night, he had crawled into Carrot's bed. Kissing and rubbing against him, and at first Carrot had responded until he realized just who was in bed with him. The house had been woken by his screaming and yelling at Mille, who raced out of the room under a barrage of missiles from Carrot who was nearly incoherent with rage. He had been sleeping on the couch ever since.

Smirking, he left the room convinced that he still had a shot at Carrot.

Carrot frowned, "You let it go on too long, didn't you," Carrot asked softly, without looking up from the fire, sensing Marron silent nod of agreement. Carrot sighed, "Come on little bro, let's go get something ready for everyone to eat," he said over his shoulder, knowing Marron would follow.

Silently they prepared sandwiches, pausing every now and then, listening to the sounds the others made upstairs, occasionally bumping shoulders as they worked. Gradually the tension began easing from Marron's rigid frame, evoking an almost audible sigh of relief from Carrot.

"Go on into the bathroom and get changed," Carrot murmured to Marron, knowing how much the other boy hated being wet.

"I can wait," Marron said calmly, placidly, intently placing meat between slices of bread, before carefully cutting it into two. Carrot frowned as he silently watch the engrossed Marron. Sometimes, fixating on simple tasks could somehow calm him down, but this time he didn't think it would work. Sure he was right when Marron looked up at him, seeing the still glittering eyes before Marron swiftly lowered his eyes back to the task in front of him.

Tira and Chocolate tumbled down the stairs, hearing sounds in the kitchen. Coming to a stop in the doorway, they warily took in the silent scene in the kitchen, at the way that Marron stood a little to close to Carrot as if he was the only thing keeping him from going to pieces.

"Uh oh," Chocolate murmured to Tira, "I think it's gonna be a bad one."

Tira nodded silently in agreement. "We better make sure that Gateau doesn't get too close to Marron, no telling what Marron might do to him," she said quietly before going to help fix the food.

Chocolate crossed to Carrot and murmured that he and Marron could use their room to change in. Carrot cast her a grateful glance, knowing the sooner he got Marron out of his wet clothes the safer everyone would be. It just never did to have a pissed off mage around you, he thought wryly.

Grabbing Marron, he first headed for his room, interrupting Mille in the middle of changing. Ignoring the come hither looks Mille was directing towards him, he grabbed his clothes, a towel and quickly left. Going up the stairs with a silent Marron behind him, he pushed Marron into the girls' room and made his way to Gateau and Marron's room to grab some clothes for his ototo. Grabbing a sleeveless split robe and a loose pair of pants he darted out, ignoring Gateau questions about Marron.

Tossing Marron's clothes on the bed, he quickly shucked his clothes, closely watch by gold glittering eyes. Dressed, he took a deep breath before motioning Marron to stand in front of him. Marron, knowing the ritual by now, stood unmoving as his niisan began to undress him. He watched his niisan bent head, heat rising in him, as he was briskly rubbed down with the towel, burnishing his body to a hot, rosy glow, before swiftly slipping clean, dry clothes on him. Toweling his hair until it was nearly dry, before doing the same to his spiky hair. Freezing at the feel of Marron's hands on his head, smoothing the spiky tufts of hair, flattening his hair to his scalp, he shivered slightly.

Sighing, he grabbed Marron and quickly led the way back down the stairs back to the kitchen.

After a near silent lunch, the wandered back into the living room to bask before the heat of the fire.

Despite everything they tried to do, predictably, Gateau started flirting with Marron who was sitting curled up in the window seat.

"Hey beautiful, why don't you come sit with me, better yet, why don't you sit on my lap," Gateau suggested with a leer.

"Leave him alone, Gateau," Carrot snapped, worried what Marron would do in the mood he was in.

"Hey, I wasn't talking to you," Gateau sneered, "I was talking to Marron. He doesn't need you to answer for him."

Over on the window seat, Marron quivered at familiar sounding argument. He closed his eyes, desperately striving for control.

"Gateau, leave him alone, I'm warning you," Carrot said quietly, trying to keeping his voice low and calm. He saw the tremor that passed over Marron.

"You're always trying to come between us," Gateau smirked, "I know Marron wants me, he's just afraid of what you'll say if he starting sharing my bed...," he faltered to a stop at the low growl of anger coming from Marron.

"Shut up! I have had enough of you and your constant flirting with me," Marron erupted from the window seat, stalking towards the frozen Gateau. "I thought that if I ignored you that you would get the message, that I DON'T WANT YOU!" Marron yelled, his eyes glowing with rage. Gateau was enraptured at seeing Marron lose control, he wanted him more than ever now!

Marron, seeing the lustful gleam in Gateau's eyes, screamed in rage. Suddenly an ofuda snapped in his hands and Gateau eyes widened, finally recognizing his danger.

"Marron," Carrot snapped, "Put that away," he added, gesturing to the deadly card.

"No, I've decided that Gateau has to go," Marron said with eerie calmness. "He won't stop bothering me and I simply can't take it anymore."

Carrot cautiously approached Marron, his hands held out non-threatening, "Marron, come on, you really don't want to do that," he said calmly.

"But of course I do," Marron replied with a puzzled frown. Gateau was still frozen in shock. Tira and Chocolate knew better than to intervene, silently warning Mille off with a slight shake of their heads.

"He's our teammate so you can't kill him just because he's annoying you," Carrot said, trying to be the voice of reason.

With a sly, cunning look on his face, Marron said, "But he annoys you too, so of course I have to kill him," he smirked.

"Marron," Carrot warned in a low tone, finally closed enough that he was able to grab Marron's arm and lower the deadly ofuda to the floor.

Marron sighed, trembling in reaction. He really wanted to get rid of Gateau if only to stop his incessant flirting. Carrot wrapped his arms around him and hugged him hoping that Marron's volatile mood had passed. Feeling Marron's body slowly relax, he knew it was over.

"Come on and sit down," he murmured leading Marron over to the couch, giving the others a tired smile.

Gateau slowly unfroze, he could hardly believing that Marron had threaten him, wanted to kill him! All he was doing was trying to show Marron a good time, he sulked.

Mille watched the Glace brothers with a thoughtful frown.

Carrot sat down on the couch, with his back resting against the arm of the couch, his legs drawn up to his chest. Marron waited until he got into position before sat down next to his niisan resting against his drawn up legs, needing to be close to him, needing to be comforted, to be warm, to feel safe. He closed his eyes and sighed, happy to be in control again.

Tira and Chocolate let out slow breaths, thinking that went rather well. After all, no one got hurt, Tira thought.

Gateau jaw dropped in surprise at seeing the position the boys assumed on the couch. His eyes began narrowing as a sudden thought occurred to him.

Carrot looked down bemused, at the dark head resting against his legs. He asked in amusement, "Comfortable." Nearly laughing at the agreeable nod he received in return.

Slowly stroking the dark head, he leaned his head against the couch back. Relishing the comfort of being indoors and out of the rain.

Gateau smirked suddenly, thinking of a way to subtly get Marron's attention. "Hey, since we can't go outside, how's about we each sing a song about a special event in our lives?" He asked looking around the room, receiving casual nods in return. "Why don't you start us off, Tira," he said eager for Marron to hear him sing. He had a beautiful voice, he thought smugly to himself, even if I do say so myself.

Tira sang a light fluffy song, she had a light soprano voice perfectly suited for the song.

Chocolate was next, singing a dark song about revenge and a woman wronged.

Mille went next, his light tenor doing amazing things to the song he chose.

Then it was Gateau's turn and he sang a wonderful song about a man meeting a beautiful stranger and falling in love.

Marron sat up angrily, his mouth open to blast the idiot fool, when Carrot parted his legs and yanked him back down, scissoring his legs around Marron's waist, anchoring him.

Gateau smirked and thought, top that you stupid vegetable. He was stunned at the song Carrot sang.

Well I just heard the news today
It seems my life is going to change
He closed his eyes, remembering his mother telling him that they were going to have a new addition to the family and at that age he wasn't sure how to react to the news of having a sibling.
He remember how happy he was during his mother's pregnancy, how she used to tell him all the things that he would be able to do with his new sibling. She let him touch her belly and talk to the baby, he and the unborn Marron had many one-sided conversations. He told the the baby all the things he would show him and teach him because he was the big brother and he would take care of him. And when she finally had the baby and they told him it was a boy, he had never been so happy especially when they let him hold baby Marron.

I closed my eyes, begin to pray
Then tears of joy stream down my face
With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open

Well I don't know if I'm ready
To be the man I have to be

Carrot's eyes snapped opened, gazing into the fire as he sang. The others sat amazed at the way he sang, his voice husky and raspy at the same time, sending shivers up and down their spines.

Marron listened to quietly to the words, feeling that his niisan was speaking to him.

I'll take a breath, take her by my side
We stand in awe, we've created life

With arms wide open
under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open

Carrot mused as he sang, on how he had lost his heart to his little brother the first time they had let him hold him. He wanted Marron to be better than him, he never wanted him to join him in living the life of a Sorcerer Hunter, putting his life in danger time and time again. This wasn't what he wanted for his little brother, he wanted him home safe in the village, but he never could deny Marron anything.

Now everything has changed
I'll show you love
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open

Marron remember the time Carrot had patiently taught them how to fish, the girls had refused to touch the worms, and he had gotten frighten when Carrot's fish came flying out of the water, landing at his feet, running to his niisan. Learning from him to stand tall and proud.

Tira remembered the time she had gotten stuck in the tree, trying to copy Chocolate. She had been so frightened because she couldn't get down. Carrot had came up and patiently coached her down, waiting until she was on the ground before blasting her. After that he made sure that she knew how to climb trees and get down from them, he made sure that if he knew how to do something that she had to learn too.

Chocolate remembered Carrot facing down the four bullying boys to protect her. He was shaking like a leaf, but he stood firm standing up to them. She had never been so happy to see him in her life, with Tira and Marron showing up the bullies had backed down, knowing they were no match of all of them. She remembered the sense of unity, of family.

As Carrot sang the last verse he gently pushed Marron away from him, to look him in the eyes. Hoping that Marron understood what he was trying to say. They were so much alike, Marron hid from the world presenting it with a cool, calm demeanor, while he on the other hand became the jester of the group. Constantly hiding behind a quip here, a joke there. Always presenting the jester's mask to the world.

If I had just one wish
Only one demand
I hope he's not like me
I hope he understands
That he can take this life
And hold it by the hand
And he can greet the world
With arms wide open.....

Marron's eyes widen at the last verse, at last understanding what his niisan had been telling him all these years. He hid his face in his niisan's neck, he didn't know if he would be able to do what his niisan wanted. He didn't know if he could be that open, but for his niisan he would try.

The others sat in awe as the last note faded away, slowly coming out of their daze. Entranced by the tender scene on the couch, as Carrot rested his cheek on Marron's head, slowly stroking the long raven locks. They sighed.

Mille eyes slowly widen as an image came to him from a couple of months ago when he was with the group. He wanted to surprise Carrot one morning by sneaking into his bed, he was surprise to find Carrot already awake. He was lying in bed with Marron against his side, idly talking and winding a lock of Marron's hair around his finger. Marron on his part was idly tracing shapes on Carrot's bare chest, listening with an intent look on his face. At the sound of the door opening they had broke off their conversation, turning their faces to the door, an inquiring look on Carrot's and a deeply annoyed look on Marron's and then he saw something else deep in Marron's eyes.

Gateau frowned, Carrot! Carrot! Carrot! It's always about Carrot! I'll never see what the other's see in him.

Carrot gently stroked Marron's head, feeling the body softening. The room was quiet as everyone just listened to the rain coming down, feeling a sense of peace.

Carrot looked down, finding Marron asleep, he gently began to disentangle himself from Marron smiling at the protesting wiggle Marron gave. Chocolate and Tira came over with a smile to help him, while Gateau and Mille looked on. Gateau with a frown and Mille with an unreadable look on his face.

Bending, Carrot carefully lifted Marron into his arms, smiling at the protesting whimper from Marron. Tucking his burden against him, he mouthed to the room that he was putting Marron to bed.

Quickly striding to his room and juggling Marron in his arms, he opened the door and put Marron in the other bed. Swiftly undressing his sleeping brother, leaving his pants on and tucking him under the covers before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. He sighed, thinking about the day before undressing and donning a pair of sleep pants and climbing into his bed. He was just about to turn off the light, when Gateau burst into the room, glaring at him.

"Where is he," he demanded, "Why didn't you put him in his bed?"

"Because if you had tried to flirt with him again he probably would have killed you. This way, everyone is safe and happy, okay." Carrot said, suppressing a yawn. Hoping that Gateau would leave so he could get some sleep.

"Well I don't like him in here with you," Gateau said suspiciously. "I've seen the way you look at him, I saw the way you two were acting!"

Carrot looked at him puzzled, "Ooookaaay," he said slowly, "How exacting were we acting and what was I looking at him like?"

"Like you want him in your bed," Gateau spat out, enraged at the thought. "That just sick!"

Carrot was still confused, not getting what Gateau was implying, he glanced over at the sleeping Marron and pointed out, "Marron's been in and out of my bed since we were kids, what the hell is sick about that," he asked with honest confusion in his eyes.

Gateau eyes widen in horror, Carrot had been fucking Marron since they were kids! He growled low in his throat and started for Carrot, whose eyes widen in alarm.

Suddenly, Mille was there restraining Gateau, casting an apologetic look over his shoulder at Carrot.

"Gateau, you're making a fool out of yourself," he murmured. "He honestly doesn't know what the hell you're talking about and if you tell him, I suspect that Marron will make your life a living hell," he added pointedly.

"What do you mean, he doesn't know," Gateau asked suspiciously, "He has to know, he's involved!"

"No, he's not," Mille said quietly, looking at Gateau before leaning and whispering something in his ear, that cause his eyes to widen and him to choke in surprise.

"You're fucking kidding me, right," he said leaning back from Mille giving him a disbelieving eye.

Mille slowly shook his head, a suspicious gleam of laughter in his eyes. They exchanged glances before bursting into laughter. Gateau wiped his eyes, still chuckling. "Oh man, this is gonna be great," Gateau said.

"Why do you think I'm staying around," Mille said with a light chuckle. "Come on big guy, let's let the boys get some sleep," he said, walking away. "I'll be sharing your room with you, if you don't mind," he said over his shoulder, throwing a coy glance at the suddenly smirking Gateau who followed him eagerly out the door.

Carrot was pissed off, everyone seemed to be in on a big secret that involve him and no one would tell him, he sulked. "They're are nothing but a bunch of big stinkers," he said out loud. He sat up suddenly and ran to the bedroom door and locked it. There, he thought in satisfaction. No one was going to sneak up on him tonight, he thought smugly. No sirree Bob, he thought rubbing his hands in glee, there'll be no sneaking up on the Carrot tonight, he smirked before jumping into the bed, cutting the light off and falling asleep, a smug smile firmly on his face.

He was woken by a sudden crash of thunder outside and a warm body undulating against him. He panicked, thinking at first it was Chocolate but feeling the flat chest against his back, he moaned at the thought that somehow Mille had managed to sneak in after all. But somehow it didn't FEEL like Mille, like he knew the body behind him. He was swiftly becoming aroused at the urgent way the body was moving against him, the soft kisses pressing against the back of his neck, the hand that snaked around his writhing hips, sliding into his pants and firmly grasping his leaking cock. Carrot gasped at the heat that rushed through him. Closing his eyes to better enjoy the sensation, he missed the lightening that lit up the room revealing Marron's intent face.

Carrot kept his eyes tightly closed, not wishing to lose the sensation of pleasure coursing through his body. "So good," he kept whispering, "so hot" feeling the urgent movements behind him speed up. Feeling hot lips travel down his chest to lick and nibble at his hard aching nipples, he moaned feeling the intense heat race through his body.

In the back of his mind a voice was gibbering and screaming, 'I'm not GAY! I like GIRLS not G.U.Y.S!' He uttered as satisfying moan as the hand tightened deliciously around his hard aching cock and the voice abruptly changed it's tone, 'oh hell, do that again'. He writhed in the hand, pressing more of himself into the magic fingers, feeling his cock jerking in the nimble fingers.

Slowly he opened his eyes feeling himself being straddled, still not able to see, only to feel, only to touch the familiar body above, rocking against, writhing against him dragging moans of pleasure from his panting mouth. Feeling hair falling against him as his unseen lover leaned down, kissing him, possessing his mouth, sucking on his tongue, moaning in his mouth. He stiffen even more, with a groan, in the hard grasping hand, pumping him, imagining what the his unseen lover could also suck.

He whimpered as the hard grip left his drooling cock, before being slowly enveloped in blistering heat, hearing the hiss above him as his unseen lover sank all the way down on his shaft. Both of them moaning at the incredible feeling, the sheer tightness gripping him as the body above him rocked and plunged on his cock driving it deeper into him. Lightening illuminated the room, all he could see was his lover's tensed arched body above him, shuddering in pleasure

He shattered in pleasure, at last recognizing his lover.

"Marron," he screamed as he came with explosive force deep in him.

"Niisan," Marron screamed as he came, erupting like lava all over his niisan's chest, his body, his face.

Marron fell forward, covering Carrot, gasping for breath. His body still shuddering in the aftermath of his orgasm, his body still clenching spasmodically around the still hard flesh buried in him, moaning at the incredible sensation of still being filled.

Carrot, when he could breathe again, when his body stopped convulsing and spurting in the tight sheath, he rolled them over, both of them moaning at sensation of him going deeper. Marron wrapped his legs around Carrot's waist never wanting to let go.

Carrot tried to speak around the incredible feeling that Marron was causing around his cock, "Stop that," he gasped out, involuntarily rocking his hips forward into the clenching flesh that gripped him so tightly.

Marron moaned, arching his body slightly at the incredible rush of finally achieving what he had been wanting and needing for so long.

"I said stop it Marron," Carrot said in a hiss of pleasure, firmly bringing himself under control, he slapped Marron's thigh, causing Marron to move his legs up higher bringing him deeper inside him.

"Please Marron," Carrot whimpered at the pleasure coursing through him as his hips began rocking, thrusting into the tight heat. He made the mistake of glancing at Marron and was transfixed at the look of ecstasy on his face, wanting, needing to see that look again, he thrust his hips hard into Marron and was rewarded by the mewl of pleasure coming from Marron's wet lips as he panted for breath. After that, Carrot was lost in pleasure, relishing the tight heat encasing him as he thrust harder into the supple, writhing body.

He found hard, erect nipples and feast on them while slowly rocking into the hot encompassing flesh. He chuckled around a morsel of flesh at the impatient movements beneath him, knowing that Marron wanted him to go faster and deeper. He slowly pulled out, removing Marron's gripping thighs, as he rested on his knees between the spread thighs of his little brother, ignoring the voice in his head screaming at him asking him what the hell was he doing.

Marron gave an impatient buck on his body, wanting to be filled again with the thick flesh. A dark look crossed Carrot's face as he looked at Marron's writhing figure on the bed, enticing him, watching him with dark gold glittering eyes. He knew he was lost when Marron, with a deliberate look on his face, licked his lips. Carrot was fixated on pink morsel of flesh, wanting to taste it again, wanting it on his body, licking him, sucking on him.

He bent forward, licking slowly at Marron's bottom lip, sucking the succulent flesh in his mouth as he speared his cock deep in the willing body flexing beneath him, enjoying the choked cry of pleasure as his cock caressed the nubbin of pleasure deep in Marron. Marron's drooling cock created a slick glide path as he pressed Marron's cock between their bellies. His mouth traveled down to Marron's neck, licking and nibbling at the smooth white flesh.


He felt the savage urge within him, rising to the surface, to take him, wanting to mark Marron as his possession, his mate. Carrot felt the shock at the acknowledgment, knowing that it was true, that it felt right.

Marron was his.

He bit down, hard.

He felt Marron convulse beneath him as he came, his cock shooting ropes of milky fluid on his stomach and chest, arching frantically into his increasingly savage thrusts as he pounded Marron into the bed. The gyrating hips driving him wild as he came, bucking and spurting deep within the hot velvet embrace. He couldn't stop, there was only him and Marron's hot constricting sheath, tightening painfully around his cock. He slammed into Marron's willing body again and again, ferocious in his need, convulsing in wracking pleasure. Marron undulated beneath him, demanding every last drop, his hips grinding hard against Carrot's.

Marron drew a deep breath as he squeezed his muscle around Carrot's pulsing cock, "Stay, don't move," he breathed. "Just.....just, uh!," he groaned as he contracted his muscles around the long thick shaft buried deep in him. Feeling the pleasure spreading from his entrance through his body, feeling Carrot spurt again, he contracted around the shaft again with a deep moan, milking him for everything he had.

Slowly, languidly Carrot pulled his cock out of Marron's ass, making them both whimper at the sensation. Marron could feeling the wet fluid slowly easing out of him. He clenched his muscles, trying to retain as much of the fluid as possible as Carrot settled on the bed facing him. Marron cast his eyes down, not wanting to see the expression on his niisan's face knowing that he had practically raped his niisan, giving him no choice in the matter.

Carrot saw the fear flash across Marron's face before he lowered his head, gently he reached out and grasped the delicate face and raised it, kissing Marron gently on the lips, a chaste kiss. Marron scooted closer and buried his head in Carrot's chest with a whimper. Carrot pulled him into his embrace, kissing the beloved face gently.

"Now will you tell me what the hell is going on," Carrot said softly and then groaned at the smirk that appeared on Marron's face. "I mean, why are you suddenly in my bed. The last time I checked you were in your bed sleeping."

"The thunder woke me," Marron said in a small voice.

"Ah," Carrot said understanding, Marron had a long standing fear of thunderstorms, he frowned, "But that doesn't explain this," he said gesturing at their entwined naked bodies.

"You were sleeping so peacefully and looked so beautiful and I have wanted you for so long, I couldn't resist touching you," Marron said, his voice muffled in Carrot's chest.

"You wanted me," Carrot said stunned, he couldn't believe it!

Marron shook his head, "I want you and I've been in love with you for a long time," Marron muttered as he shook in reaction.

"You want me," Carrot said slowly, making sure there was no mistake. He reached out and pulled Marron's leg over his hip. Marron clenched his muscles hard, trying to stop the flow of fluid from trickling from his body. Carrot slid a hand up Marron's thigh, feeling the tenseness, reacting to his touch. Watching Marron's face carefully, he reach further and parted Marron's cheeks, lightly fingering the clenching hole, wetting his finger, seeing the look of pleasure on Marron's face.

"You want this," he said softly, circling the opening, feeling Marron relax as the entrance gaped open and feeling the fluid seeping from the loosen muscle as he plunged his finger in. Marron gasped and rocked into the probing finger, his body coming alive again.

"Yes," he gasped, whimpering as his cock began hardening again, licking his lips.

"Wait, wait," Carrot pulled his finger out and looked around the room frantically for something, anything, to clean his cock off. Jumping out of the bed, he raced to the door unlocking it quickly, and ran naked to the bathroom. Wetting a cloth with soap and water, he raced back to the bedroom and the enticing picture of Marron sprawled naked in the bed. Closing and locking the door, he took in the sight of Marron laying on the bed, his eyes fixed on Carrot and slowly pulling on his hard cock and twisting a rock hard nipple. Carrot mouth watered.

He stalked to the bed, sending shivers through Marron at the intent look on his niisan's face. He crawled on the bed, crawled up Marron's body. Reaching his chest and those delightfully hard nipples, he began to glide his aching hard shaft over one of Marron's tight hard nipple, driving his cock over it again and again as Marron raised his head, licking the head of the shaft each time it came close. It became a race then, to see if he would come from the licks or from running his shaft of Marron's tight points.

Abruptly Marron brought the game to an end by simply grabbing Carrot and taking him deep in his mouth, causing Carrot to scream at the overriding sensation. His body tensed, every muscles clearly delineated as he was overcome with pleasure.

He slowly brought his body down into a crouch over Marron hot sucking mouth as he nibbled and rubbed the head over his lips before popping it back into his mouth, lush groaning sighs falling from his wet lips. Carrot thrust heavily into the warm tight heat, feeling Marron's tongue lashing at the big vein. He looked down, and nearly came from the abject look of pleasure on Marron's face as he consumed his cock with evident relish.

"Wait, wait," Carrot gasped out breathlessly, almost unable to stop thrusting into Marron's heavenly mouth.

Marron removed Carrot's thick shaft from his mouth, unable to completely stop he kept licking at the head while waiting for Carrot to speak. Slowly realizing that as long as he kept licking at the tasty treat in front of him Carrot wasn't going to be able to speak. Reluctantly, he stopped, smirking at the groan coming from above him.

"Make it quick," Marron said, "I've got big things to take care of," he added giving a quick lap at the drooling head.

Carrot whimpered, "I want...," he shook his head.

"Oh, I want too," Marron said eyeing the trembling wet cock, his mouth opened to take it back into his mouth.

"I want to suck you too," Carrot managed to gasp out, trembling in reaction.

Marron froze, he looked up to see the pleading expression on his niisan's face and nodded uncertainly.

Swiftly, Carrot twisted facing Marron's drooling cock. Looking over his shoulder, he said, "I think this will work better if you're on top, since your much taller than I am." Marron nodded and they flipped over.

Carrot looked up at the intimidating flesh feeling his eyes, he swallowed not knowing if he could actually do this but not wanting Marron to feel like he was just in this for the sex. He still didn't think he was gay, but he knew that he wanted his brother. He inhaled the rich, intoxicating scent of Marron's arousal and his cock stiffened in Marron's hand.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Marron began softly. He was fine with the way things were going. He didn't have a problem not being the alpha, he just need, he just wanted to know if his niisan wanted, needed him as much as he needed/wanted his niisan.

Marron gasped at the hot wetness encircling his cock. He gasped again, feeling a hot agile tongue swirling around the cockhead, digging deeply in the folds of flesh, tracing the veins and licking and nibbling on the stem.

He whimpered at the intoxicating pleasure rushing through him as he wondered who taught his niisan how to do THAT!, squirming in pleasure, he lowered his mouth determined to give back to his niisan everything he gave him.

It soon became a race to see which one of them would finish first. The room echoed with the sounds of sighs, enthusiastic moans and soft sucking. Carrot was lost in the scent of Marron, the taste of Marron and the touch of Marron. Marron excited all five of his senses, especially his sense of smell, that intoxicating aroma that Marron was emitting was driving his insane as he opened his throat, pulling Marron deeper into his mouth.

Marron ripped his mouth from around Carrot and panted for breath, he knew he was going to explode soon, but he wanted Carrot to go first. A wicked look came into his eyes as he lowered his head to Carrot succulent flesh.

Wrapping his hand around Carrot's cock, he thrust as much of him as he could in his mouth. Licking and tonguing at the shaft filling his mouth, feeling wetness running down the shaft, over his fingers. Switching hands, he trailed his wet hand down, fingering Carrot's rosette hole, still sucking on the flesh stalk.

Carrot whimpered around the shaft filling his throat a the touch of the finger scraping against his suddenly clenching hole. Wondering if Marron was going to .......

His body arched at the shock of pleasure that filled him as Marron slowly entered him. Plunging his delightfully evil finger back and forth, he suddenly crooked it brushing against something deep within Carrot. A muffled cry escaped around Marron's shaft, causing erotic vibrations to travel up his shaft, but he was determined to make his niisan come first. He settled down and used all the skills at his command to make his niisan go absolutely wild.

He plunged his finger deeper before pulling out and adding another, feeling Carrot lash at his cock in revenge.

Carrot had never felt like this with any of the females he managed to get into bed with. He arched his hips, driving his cock deeper into Marron's hot mouth before plunging back down on those long evil fingers of Marron's. He whimpered around the cock filling his throat, pulling his head back and gasping for breath.

Feeling the tightening around his plunging fingers, Marron redoubled his efforts feeling his niisan envelope his cock again.

Faster and faster his fingers plunged, grazing over Carrot's magic spot, his tongue lashing at the underside of Carrot's cock, feeling the coming explosion traveling through the big vein underneath. He plunged his fingers in one more time, as Carrot tightened painfully around them, hearing Carrot's muffled cry as his mouth was suddenly flooded with Carrot's passionate emission. Feeling, tasting his niisan volcanic explosion triggered his orgasm as he stiffen above his niisan and filled his mouth with hot liquid, feeling the ripple of Carrot's throat around his shaft each time he swallowed.

Finally they relaxed, as Carrot wearily resettled himself at the head of the bed, dragging a sweaty exhausted Marron into his embrace.

"That," he gasped out, "Was incredible, where in the hell did you learn to do that?" he wondered.

"Niisan, did you honestly think I would remain a virgin for the rest of my life," Marron asked in amusement, his breath hitching as he tried to catch his breath.

"I thought you said you were in love with me," Carrot asked quietly, a little uncertain.

"Niisan," Marron said, a solemn look on his face, "I will love you until the day I die. I don't think that I will ever have another lover like you." He glanced down, "At the time, I didn't know what was going on with my body. All I knew was that I wanted, needed something." He cleared his throat, uneasily, uncomfortable with the telling of the sordid details, "I had been 'proposition' by a friend of father a couple years ago, when I was 15. The sex was good, but I continued to feel empty no matter how many times, we had sex. Until I finally ended it, feeling dirty and ashamed of myself. I finally realized what was going on when you gave me that beautiful robe for my birthday present when I turned 16. You hugged me and kissed my cheek and I knew what was wrong with me and why I kept feeling so empty. It wasn't the sex that was bothering me, it was the fact that it wasn't you. Sometimes, I would hurt so bad that I would deliberately seek out encounters with strange men just to get relief from the tension of being around you." Marron ended painfully, hoping that his niisan wasn't disgusted with him.

Carrot was stunned! His baby brother had had sex with strange men because he couldn't have him! He was humbled by Marron. He loved his brother, he just never realized just how much he loved him. Any time thoughts of how his brother looked surfaced he would force it away or chase after a couple of pretty girls and he said as much to Marron.

"You realize that Chocolate and Tira are going to kill us both," Carrot mused quietly, playing with Marron's hair.

Marron looked up with a tiny smile, "No they won't! They've known for quite a while that I've been in love with you. The only reason why they've always react the way they do is to keep you from any girl. They've been helping me, get you. They thought we would make a great couple!" Marron said smiling.

Carrot was shocked, he thought Tira and Chocolate were in love with him. Now to find out not only were they NOT in love with him, his little brother WAS in love with him.

"What about Mille and Gateau," Carrot asked a little uncertainly.

"What about them," Marron gave him a suddenly cool glance, jealously wondering is his niisan wanted Mille.

Carrot recognize the jealous look in Marron's eyes and gently kissed his sulky mouth, "I don't want either of them, silly boy. I have more than enough to handle with you," he moaned into Marron's open mouth. Sucking on his tongue, slowly filling his body come alive, reluctantly pulling away from his enticing touch.

"I just meant what will they say, what will they do, if we start flaunting ourselves, our togetherness at them," Carrot said placing tiny kisses along Marron's jaw.

"I don't know or care," Marron moaned, arching his neck allow Carrot access to his neck, undulating his body against his niisan.

And Carrot abruptly realized he didn't care either and resumed his previous idea of driving Marron insane.

* * *

The next day, as they came downstairs for breakfast, they were surprise not to see Carrot and Marron sitting at the table as they had done every morning. Tira and Chocolate shrugged and got out the breakfast foods and proceeded to fix something for everyone. Just as they were getting ready to sit down, Carrot and Marron strolled in.

Tira choked on her juice, seeing the lazy relaxed air about Marron. She and Chocolate exchanged wicked smiles, seeing their plan had worked.

Mille looked on with wide eyes, quickly glancing away with a smile at the stiff way Marron was walking.

Gateau with a smirk said, "Hey Marron why don't you sit here." He too had noticed the limping stiff way Marron was walking. Chuckling at the angry glare Marron gave him, and the cool look Carrot threw his way. Carrot slid an arm around his brother and gently kissed his angry mouth, feeling him soften as their kiss began heating up. He plundered the willing mouth above him as Marron made hungry sounds of lust, wanting and needing more.

Everyone at the table were frozen at the hot tongue action going on between the two boys. Gateau had to adjust his pants a couple of times and feeling a hand creep into his lap and stroke him, he assumed it was Mille, shocked to see that it was Tira.

Chocolate jumped up suddenly and landed in Mille's lap, pressing her lips to his with a hungry moan.

Marron and Carrot broke apart and looked around them at the squirming aroused couples in the kitchen before exchanging twin smirks and rushing back to their room and slamming the door.
Carrot rushed back out and grabbed the bottle of vanilla cooking oil from the cabinet, before running back to their room. Where they stayed for the rest of the day.

* * *
The song is by Creed and is called With Arms Wide Open