Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Fan Fiction ❯ Onsen ❯ Prologue

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
:: Onsen ::

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Revenge

Disclaimer: I don't own SSOR or the characters.

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Orphen/Majic

Warnings: PWP, Orphen out-of-character-ness (?), slight AU, very mild, almost nonexistant SSOR spoilers, yaoi, lemon, strangeness

Spoilers: Um... Just who the new main character is, really...

Notes: Um... Dude, this got... Weird. oO;; Not how I planned it at all. I had different things in mind, but I sorta slipped into a daze and... This is what came out. Um... Yeah... I don't think I'll be writing another lemon anytime soon. This was just strange.

The air was nice and cool inside, a nice change from the thick, warm air outside. It was nearly autumn, so the heat was natural, but around a hotspring it was nearly unbearable.

A sleepy yawn escaped the young apprentice's mouth as he stretched, rolling over on his side. His eyelids were heavy, yet he was restless for some reason. He wasn't that tired, actually. The cot was rather uncomfortable, but Cleao and Licorice had claimed the better mattresses in the room. He could hear their giggles and whispers but couldn't see them. For the girls's convenience, a curtain had been hung to divide the room, the idea of the new tag-a-long's.

Majic sighed softly and turned over on his other side, blinking slowly and keeping quiet so as not to wake his master-- Only to realize that Orphen was no longer on his cot.

Perplexed, the boy sat up and rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes. Yep, Orphen was definitely not there. A quick survey of the darkening room as the sun slowly set just outside the dirtied window told him he wasn't anywhere nearby.

Well, it wasn't like he had anything better to do. He couldn't sleep, and talking to Cleao or Licorice really wasn't appealing. Besides, should he even attempt to peek around the curtain, Cleao was likely to call him a pervert and throw a pillow at his face, which would inevitably end up in a pillow fight he wasn't eager to participate in at the moment.

As chance would have it, the only door was on his and Orphen's side of the room. Majic had a feeling that not only had Orphen made sure of that when the sides were staked out, but he had used the perfect opportunity to slip away unnoticed. The way his master thought disturbed him sometimes.

Still in his pajamas (the big, soft blue kind with a rather ridiculous hat that Orphen had tried to make him get rid of so many times) Majic silently padded to the ajar door. Slowly, so as not to make it squeak and alert the girls, he opened it and slipped out, taking great care to be just as cautious in shutting it. Smiling in content at his successful getaway, he turned and wandered around the small outdoor hotspring.

They had happened upon this place by pure chance, and Cleao had been absolutely delighted at the turn of events. She had insisted on staying the night, though Licorice had protested, but she managed to convince the girl. Not one to argue at the idea of a nice hotspring, Orphen had willingly relented. Not one to argue against his master (not that he would have even if) Majic had complied to helping Licorice try to make their accomodations as comfortable as possible for all.

Once outside Majic realized just how quiet it really was. The only sounds were nightbirds cooing softly, some fluttering to their nests in the night air, soft breeze that caused his boyish haircut to shift slightly, tickling his cheek, and the dull splashing of a small waterfall that provided water to the lower hotspring. The bluish liquid rippled, lapping at the gray and white rocks that surrounded the pool.

Some rocks were rather high, glistening with the wet mist in the moonlight. Others were mere pebbles and still others were nice and round in between, comfortable to hold in his palm. Majic picked one of the smaller stones. The weight felt nice in his soft palm, not too heavy but not light enough for him to barely notice it. He hefted it once, twice, then on impulse, tossed it into the air.

Rather than the expected splash or clack of stone against water or rock against rock, there was a dull 'thunk' and a loud, "What the hell?!"

Majic's eyes widened as he scrambled over one of the bigger rocks, peering over anxiously. "Gomen ne, Oshou-sama!"

Orphen, still rubbing the top of his head, tilted his head back slightly to look up at his apprentice. He was seated comfortably in a shallow part of the hotspring, the scalding water lapping at the solid muscle of his chest. His hair was damp, some strands plastered to his forehead.

He scowled. "Real bright of you, Majic," he said sarcastically.

"Gomen ne," he apologized again. "I didn't think you were out here this late."

Orphen raised an eyebrow. "One: this isn't late. Two: Where else would I go?"

He had a point, Majic realized. Other than the hotspring and the little one-room 'house', there wasn't much around them. There was a mountain behind them and steep hills in front of them that would take quite a while to climb back up.

"Gomen ne, Oshou-sama."

"Forget it," was the short reply. "Just don't be that stupid again."

Majic sighed and nodded. He turned to jump off the rock and to the ground, prepared to go back and try to sleep, but he wasn't prepared for the sudden firm grasp on his ankle and Orphen jerking him down into the hotspring.

Majic yelped and landed, shocked, in scalding hot liquid. He broke the surface of the water, gasping in steamed air that didn't help him breath much easier. "Oshou-sama!"

Orphen was smirking, arms folded over his chest as he continued to sit there. "You didn't think I'd let you get away with that so easily, did you?"

Feeling stupid for not having thought of that, Majic shook his head. His upper body, the part not swimming in the hotspring, was quickly chilling. Above water it was colder than he'd thought, and he was only standing at waist-length.

Orphen stared at him for a long moment before he said flatly, "Take it off."

Taken aback, Majic gaped at him. "W-what?!" he spluttered.

Sienna-coloured eyes rolled in exasperation. "Or you could stay cold and possibly get sick..."

His face reddening with embarrassment, more at himself than Orphen, he complied. His nighthat had fallen off when he'd been pulled in and he didn't feel like looking for it. Unbuttoning the top of his now soaking and no longer comfortable pajama top, Majic pealed the cloth away from his skin and tossed it up onto a rock for it to dry a little. Orphen scoffed when it fell back into the water and mimicked Majic's action, only he was successful. He muttered a few well-chosen insults under his breath.

Embarrassed once again -- though it was such a trivial thing; he shouldn't have been -- Majic immersed himself in the hotspring. The longer he stayed in, the less hot the water seemed. It was actually beginning to feel really nice. Swimming at night was actually fun.

"Ne, Oshou-sama?" he finally said, breaking the calm silence.

Orphen made a small noise of vague irritation before looking his way. "What?"

Majic tilted his head to the right ever so slightly. "May I ask why you're out here at night?" he inquired. "I mean, we spent all day here..."

The older youth shrugged, causing the water to ripple. The ever-growing moonlight highlighted the ripple of his torso muscles with the simple action, catching Majic's attention and holding him fascinated for the briefest of moments. "It's quieter."

That alone was enough to strike guilt into the younger male. "Gomen ne, Oshou-sama," he apologized for the fourth time that night.

"For?" was the mild inquiry. It puzzled the apprentice.

"I'm intruding, aren't I?" It was an honestly confused question, laced with the innocence that only Majic could pull off at his age.

Orphen made a small noise in his throat, smirking slightly. "Well, you're better company than either of the girls."

Startled but pleased by the off-handed compliment, Majic smiled and glanced down at the water, staring at his reflection as the water lapped at his pale skin gently. It wasn't often Orphen praised or complimented him, even vaguely, so it always gave him a nice warm feeling when he did. After all, he wanted to please his master in any way he could, so every time he succeeded it was like a reward to him.

Bright azure reflected dark blue in the water blinked back at him. While the darkness made everything seem darker, the pale light given off by the half-full moon and stars sprinkled across the sky highlighted the brighter features, his hair shining like a dusty golden halo. He glanced up again, admiring the sheen of his master's skin. Though he was darker in color than Majic, Orphen was just as gorgeous in moonlight.

Orphen's eyes slitted open, narrowing slightly at his apprentice. Majic, realizing that he had been staring a little longer than necessary, quickly glanced away.

The older male smirked and raised his arms above his head, stretching his upperbody leizurely, his back arching against the rock he had been leaning against. Majic blinked once, twice... Then just stared, his eyes so wide one would fear they would swallow his whole head.

His master was wearing his red headband. And nothing else.

"O-Oshou-sama?" he found himself asking before he could stop himself.

Orphen grinned. "What? You've never been skinny-dipping, Majic?"

The blonde boy blushed furiously. "Oshou-sama!"

Mahogany-coloured eyes pinned him as Orphen slowly drew closer, moving through the water with the grace of a nymph. The air seemed to grow thicker as he leaned in close, uncomfortably close, his face mere inches away from his pupil's. "Nothing to be embarrassed about," he said softly, leaning in even closer to whisper in Majic's ear. The younger boy stood completely still, arms stiff at his sides as warm breath moved over his ear. "We're both guys... Ne?"

Majic gulped nervously as a dark finger trailed down the center of his chest, stomach muscles tensing as other fingers danced across his soft skin. "H-Hai, Oshou-sama," he finally stammered, voice cracking slightly as Orphen's hand reached the rim of his pajama bottoms. The hand paused then withdrew along with the rest of Orphen's body.

"All right, then," Orphen said calmly, expression neutral once again. Majic stared, baffled, as his master retreated once again. Something in the pit of his stomach fell and he wrung his hands nervously, though they were slippery in the thick, misty air.

Sharp teeth worried at his lower lip as Majic felt slight tremors run through his thin frame. Inhaling sharply to get a hold of himself, he said weakly, "Anou... Oshou-sama..."

"Aa?" came the dark, smooth response.

"You... Do..." Nervousness, anxiety and excitement made his thoughts jumbled, and he had to hurry to sort them out. "I... I would do anything for you, Oshou-sama," he finally managed to stammer. "You... You know that... Ne?"

Orphen looked vaguely surprised, but he chased the expression away quickly. "Aa," he agreed seriously.

"Anything," Majic repeated, his face growing warmer by the second. His heart was racing, his blood pulsing through his veins so fast he could hear it in his head. Fear of rejection was drowned out by barely containable waves of excitement.

Orphen cocked his head slightly, a smirk playing on his lips. "You don't really respect me THAT much?"

Majic appeared offended and hurt. "Of course I do!" he cried, close to crying. Only before Orphen had complimented him; now it seemed as though that had been a false pretense.

Mildly alarmed, Orphen lost the teasing look. "Relax, I was joking," he said softly. He raised one hand out of the water, beckoning slightly. Majic relented, though slowly, as he edged his way to his master. Suddenly fear exploded over him. What if he did something wrong? What if he somehow displeased Orphen? He'd heard that when two boys became sexually intimate it hurt... Was that true?

Orphen pulled the slightly trembling boy into the circle of his arms, forcing Majic to straddle his lap. "It's okay," he soothed then, as though reading the boy's mind, reassured, "I'll be careful." Majic could only nod, too afraid to speak. He didn't think he would be able to make any coherent words at this point, anyway.

For a long, tense moment nothing happened. Then, slowly, Majic felt fingers stroking his hair reassuringly. Orphen made no other move, simply sat there touching the dusty gold strands. It was then that the apprentice realized that his master was, indeed, going to keep his word and be careful with him. The thought made him feel a lot better, allowing him to relax that much more.

After a few minutes of the gentle consolation Majic finally heard a voice break through the gentle roar of the small waterfall a few yards beyond the two youths. "Look up." It was firm but not demanding, more like a request. Majic obeyed, raising his eyes to meet that of his master's. The hand stroking his hair slipped down to his chin, tilting the boy's face back so as to have better access to place a testing kiss on his lips.

Majic was momentarily startled, not having really kissed anyone before. His mother didn't exactly count, as one: it had always been a simple kiss on the cheek and two: she was family. In any case, he couldn't remember her well. She had died when he was just barely on the brink of turning four years of age.

Orphen pulled back almost abruptly, giving his student a look that made the blue-eyed apprentice realize that he had done something wrong. He opened his mouth to apologize for whatever it had been, but a finger was placed on his lips, silencing him.

"It's rude to stare," was the simple answer Orphen gave to his unspoken question.

Flushing in embarrassment, for the teenager felt he should have known that, Majic nodded mutely. This time when Orphen kissed him he forced his eyes shut. His insides squirmed in anxiety -- kissing in this manner was so new to him -- but the kisses were brief and barely lasted a few seconds each. Soon they were transferred to various places: his flushed cheeks, his sweat-and-mist dampened forehead, his pert little nose, and finally back to his lips. By then Majic had relaxed, utterly comfortable in the firm, muscular circle of his master's arms.

One of Orphen's hands trailed down his back, fingers dancing across the pale, slick skin. Shivers shot up the boy's spine as a straight line was drawn down the middle of his back, spreading pleasant chills. Orphen then shifted slightly, haivng to push Majic back a slight bit to bring his arm around to the boy's front. Topaz blue eyes clouded, the apprentice having thought he'd done somethign wrong, but then the hand, dark against milk-white skin, traced the waistband of Majic's soaked pajama bottoms before slipping inside.

Majic's breath caught as his master slowly but surely made intricate patterns on his skin, working his way down. Excitement and tension made his chest constrict; it was getting harder to breath, especially in the already thick air. He made a small panicked sound as Orphen drew closer to to him. Something darkened the young man's eyes and Orphen stopped his foray.

"Too fast, Majic?" he asked quietly. Majic shook his head frantically, not wanting him to stop yet afraid to continue at the same time.

"Iie, Oshou-sama," he finally gasped. "I'm fine..."

Looking slightly doubtful but not pressing, Orphen nodded once before shifting again, this time to pull Majic's leg up. The blonde boy blinked in confusion for a moment before his master began to slide the once fuzzy cloth down his hips. Once off he discarded of it, only for it to be retrieved later when needed. Now he had full access... And Majic's face was burning far more than he was sure natural, even with the heat of the hotsprings.

Majic yelped loudly, shocked at the sudden burst of dizzying pleasure when Orphen had touched his slowly hardening erection, tracing the length and gently grasping it in his hand. Alarmed, Orphen hissed, "Quiet! If the girls hear you..."

He didn't need to finish his sentence. Wide-eyed, Majic nodded and bit his lower lip hard in attempt to ward off any future outbursts. Looking much more relieved, Orphen continued to carry out his slow, torturous ministrations. The reaction his body was having in response to his master, of all people, frightened Majic as much as it excited him. Even as he fought against pleasurable moans he was struggling not to panic and scream at the very same moment.

The conflicting emotions must have shown in his open-shutter eyes. Though he didn't pause, Orphen did lean forward, startling Majic when his tongue lightly traced the edge of his ear. The reaction was amazing; the shudders made his hands tremble and Orphen chuckled, apparantly finding it amusing. And, strangely enough, the more Orphen teased him, the more at ease Majic became with the situation.

Majic's perfectly straight and slightly sharp teeth worried his lower lip as his eyes clenched shut; Orphen was becoming slightly more aggressive, which only meant an increase in the pleasurable feelings coursing through his body and making him feel light-headed. He finally struggled to open his eyes, finding himself looking straight into sienna burnt in the silver moonlight.


Only vaguely certain of the full meaning behind the simple question, Majic nodded. His eyes were slightly glazed, though they snapped into focus when Orphen had him stand up. "Oshou-sa--?"


He did so, pressing his sore lips together. Orphen finally got to his feet, standing perfectly still for a few good and long seconds. Majic felt his eyes widen as he stared at his master; surveying quickly at first, then more slowly as his blush spread to the tips of his ears. Dripping with water and hair damp with heavy mist alone, Orphen was mind-numblingly gorgeous. Majic had to shut his eyes, the image of his master hard and ready burned into his mind. Azure flickered open as a strong hand grasped his chin, pulling him up for a deep, intimate kiss unlike any of the other kisses shared prior. This one was much more heavy, ending up with Orphen pressing his apprentice up flat against one of the larger stones, cleverly hiding them both from immediate view should the girls happen to step outside.

Majic gasped, choking on air as he struggled to try and find a place to breathe but failed. Orphen let up a little yet was clearly impatient as he captured the plush lips again, parting them with a skilled tongue and setting it to explore Majic's mouth. The blonde boy threatened to collapse on the spot, but a firm grasp of his burning erection caused his back to stiffen. "Oshou-sama--!" he whimpered, finally given the chance to breathe as his master focused on other parts of his body, away from his mouth.

Without warning, Orphen jerked back. Majic nearly toppled facefirst into the water, just barely catching himself in time. Orphen leaning out of sight before he reappeared just as suddenly as he had disappeared, baffling the poor boy.

One hand moved Majic back again, Orphen lifting one of the boy's legs up. Majic's eyes widened as something cold and slippery touched his backside, carefully finding his entrance before continuing the foray in. There was a flash of pain, but it wasn't completely unbearable like he had occasionally heard it might be. Orphen was positioning them awkwardly but efficiently. Majic made no protest; his master seemed to know what HE was doing, anyway.

"Last chance," Orphen murmured, slipping a second finger in before Majic could respond. The smaller youth moaned, though not loudly enough to earn a second reprimand. Last chance for WHAT? he thought wildly-- No, thought had nothing to do with this anymore. This was torture, the kind that he knew he was going to learn to like completely and fully in the future, perhaps when he could get a firmer grasp of his sexuality when he was a little older. He was still a little scared, still felt a little hesitation, but a loud voice, powered by the summersault of emotions rolling through him, was shouting, "Like HELL I'm backing out now!"

"Iie," he moaned again, arms scrabbling to clutch at his master's stronger, broader shoulders. "Oshou-sama--"

"Hush," Orphen reminded him, penetrating him further with his fingers. Something brought blinding white into Majic's vision and he felt a hand that wasn't his own clamp over his mouth to drawn out the cry that surely would have been loud had he uttered it a second earlier.

Thought DEFINITELY had no control in this. By the time Orphen had deemed it safe to remove his hand from the boy's mouth, Majic was half-suffocated and dazed. The older youth couldn't help but smile, lean forward and let his chocolate-coloured hair brush the sweat-dampened boy's cheek. "Enjoying this much, Majic?" he asked softly.

"H-hai, Oshou-sama..."

He continued to stare straight into Majic's eyes, even as the younger male struggled to keep them open so as not to break the gaze. "Then... You don't want me to stop? Even later, you might want to do this... Again?"

Panic exploded in Majic's chest. "You can't stop!" he fairly screamed, startling the taller man. "You--"

"Quiet!" Majic whimpered, biting his lips as his eyes trembled with overflowing emotions. Guilt touched Orphen's usually hard eyes and he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to the single tear that escaped his apprentice's blue eyes. "Majic," he repeated. "Later, might you want to do this again?"

The younger boy stared up at him for the longest of moments; both seemed suspended in animation even as their chests heaved with anticipation (and in Majic's case, slight fear). The trepidation seemed banished, though, and he nodded earnestly.

The boy found himself lifted up further. He opened his mouth to question his master's motives, but he found out soon enough as Orphen slickened his own swollen erection, being careful and slow to drive himself in to the hilt. Majic gasped for air, pupils contracting as he was stretched beyond his level of comfort. "Oshou-sama!"

Orphen paused, one hand steadying the boy even though the rock was to be providing him support. He dropped his head to kiss the boy's neck. Majic tilted his head back willingly, enjoying the soft, pleasant kisses and nips Orphen treated his sensitive throat to. Soon enough the pain and discomfort was forgotten; there was simple pleasure as Orphen continued to kiss him, rocking his hips gently, though not enough to actually do much.

Majic felt spiky hair brush the underside of his chin as Orphen raised his head, grasping the boy's hips to keep him still as he intensified the rocking motion. A small whine slipped from Majic's lips before he breathed out several desperate requests; harder, faster and more.

This was easily accomplished. Majic felt himself reeling in sheer pleasure as Orphen continued to give him to Majic's demands and his own desires. The blonde teenager cried out, rather loudly, as Orphen returned some attention back to his neglected hard on. Orphen himself was too caught up in the surprisingly unlikely events to scold him again.

Warm breath washed over Majic's collarbone as Orphen suddenly paused, shifted, and then began to angle more into an upwards position. Majic was hit several times by the blinding white light, threatening to black out each time.

Orphen stopped suddenly, pushing upwards once more before spilling himself into the depths of the younger boy. Majic heard the groan explode from his lungs, unable to keep from wondering at the sound of Orphen's throaty voice.

Moments later he found himself empty, yet hoisted up again-- And then Orphen's lips wrapped around the head of his penis, drawing out a gasp and an immediate bucking of the boy's hips; Orphen had allowed himself early release on purpose, seemingly eager to taste Majic's possibly first climax. If it wasn't actually so, it was most definitely his first time with someone else. And Orphen wanted to taste it for himself.

"Oshou-sama," Majic whimpered. Orphen slowly swallowed the boy completely, pulling back up and beginning a comfortable rhythm. Thin, pale fingers found their way to the older man's hair, clutching at the dark, thick locks as each cry became more and more urgent. It seemed easy enough for the master to keep up with his pupils demands, and when Majic finally hit climax and Orphen didn't choke at all, the boy had to vaguely wonder where (there was no if to question) he had learnt it before.

Hot and cold washed over the boy's body, making him numb and sleepy. Raspberry assailed his senses and then all was completely lost.

He came to only moments later -- though it had seemed like hours to him -- still outside, the sticky air a lot cooler than he remembered it feeling.

Majic shook his head, his shaking hand fumbling to push hair from his eyes. He blinked several times, starting when strong arms tightened their hold around his midsection momentarily.


"Hnm," Orphen murmured into his hair. "I told you that you were better company than the girls, didn't I?"

Majic blushed.

* * *


The loud shriek awoke both males with a start. For a moment Majic panicked, fearing they were still outside, but the musty smell of an old, unused room filled his nose. They were, indeed, inside... And the shriek had come from outside.

A few feet away Orphen yawned widely, stretching as he sat up leizurely. Obviously he felt the girls were in no immediate threat. He took his time dressing while Majic quickly stood and dashed outside, still only in his now dry pajamas.

"Cleao?" he called worriedly, wandering around until he found both girls at the edge of the hotspring. Cleao looked horrified while Licorice wore an expression of utter cluelessness, as per usual.

"Majic," Cleao whined as he drew closer. She tugged her towel tighter around herself, just to be cautious, before continuing, "The water was polluted!"

Majic glanced at the water, unsure whether he wanted to laugh or blush. Sure enough, murky remenents of the previous night were still there. He really had to start thinking things out, otherwise awkward situations like this would pop up.

"Um," he finally agreed, unsure of what else to say. "I... I suppose Oshou-sama won't hesitate to leave, then..."

Cleao opened her mouth to say something, paused, then stepped closer to Majic, making little kittenish sniffing noises that unnerved him. Then, suddenly, she punched him on the head much in the same fashion Orphen did when he was irritating him. "OW!"

"Majic! How dare you!" she cried.

He felt his face redden again. "I... I..."

"You can't just go around using my shampoo," she continued, shaking her head. "You reek of raspberries... You don't need to use that much anyway!"

Raspberries... So THAT was what that smell was! Miffed yet relieved, Majic managed a nod before he heard Orphen intervene.

"Problems?" He shook his head. "Can't we go anywhere without you making a commotion-- ACK!" He winced as Cleao drove her heel onto his bare foot, glaring daggers up at him.

"Can't we ever find a decent hotspring?" she retorted, storming past him. "Come on, Licorice, let's get dressed-- And NO peeking from either of you two!"

Licorice looked from Orphen to Cleao, emitting a squeaky, "Okay!" before following the older girl back inside. Cross, Orphen rubbed his foot. Cleao was not one to be underestimated, for sure, and though she had matured over the past year she still was best known for her temper.

"Oshou-sama," Majic whined once the girls were gone.

Orphen turned slowly, antagonizingly so, until he was finally facing his apprentice directly. A smirk of sorts settled on his face, his usual mask Majic was so used to seeing settling into place. "Not to worry, Majic," he said calmly. "We'll just need to be a bit more discreet next time." He leaned forward until their noses were almost touching, still smirking. "Ne?"

Majic nodded frantically so that Orphen would back off. His wish was granted, but the last thing his master said before disappearing back inside made him redden.

"By the way, when we get to the next town, be sure to pick up some of our own conditioner..."