Spiderman Fan Fiction ❯ We like! ❯ Caught in a web ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer- I don't own spider-man or any of the characters depicted here. All rights belong to Marvel comics and Stan Lee.
Peter's moves were sloppy from panic. His costume had long patches of fabric torn from the back and chest. There were shallow scratches following the shape of the tears. He threw his arm foreword and released a thin white rope. His chest felt heavy, his breathing was labored.
“C'mon spider! We just need a hug and a kiss!”
Peter's wit was slower than normal from his shortness of breath.
“Hey! We've had some wonderful times, but I think we should see other people.”
Venom giggle at Peter's retort, much to Peter's surprise. He didn't know that this black monster could giggle. Venom's speed picked up, his long thick tongue slithered from between his white teeth and ebony lips. Peter turned his head over his shoulder to see his pursuer. The eyeless gaze was fixated on Peter's bare back. Those big empty white splotches on his face seemed to have changed their shape into an almost playful and benign form.
The building ahead was much too tall to swing over. Peter's dulled wits prevented the idea of simply going around it from crossing his mind. He spread his fingers and he began to crawl up the side of the wall his movement quick and almost slithery. Onlookers called to him, and cursed at his chaser. That was entirely pointless for them to do. It didn't encourage the wall-crawler, it only gave him the anxiety of being reminded that there were people in the area he might be obligated to save.
Venom clung to the side of the building with three limbs, his free hand and head turned to the crowd. He waved and said humorous things at them. He was met with poorly aimed gunfire. Venom giggled girlishly and continued pursuit of his prey.
Peter sprinted across the flat top of the building until he was jerked back by a line of dark tether. Venom sat crouched at the ledge of the building reeling in his spider. Spider-man kicked and struggled against the black webbing, desperately trying to tear it. Venom brought the Spider close to him, reaching out a large hand and touching the pale skin on his chest. Tracing along his abdominal muscles with his clawed black fingers.
“Hey Pete.” Venom twisted his face into a smile, his long white teeth interlocking into an obscene grin.
At a loss for words, he responded in his normal smart-ass voice. “Hey Eddie.”
Venoms tongue slithered out and brushed against Peter's exposed chest, gently grazing an exposed nipple. Peter pushed the tongue away and threw himself to his feet; in a quick motion he spun on one foot and kicked Venom in the side of the head. As the foot pushed against his cheek, he lashed his tongue and wrapped it against Peter's leg. It tugged the boot off of his skintight suit. Peter lost his balance and fell on his back; Venom took hold of his bare foot and tickled it with one of his clawed fingers. Tracing the heel and arc with the pointed claw. Peter froze from the gentle prickling sensation. Venom placed his hand gently on Peter's bare chest to hold him down. With his free hand Venom proceeded to tear the leggings off his costume. Smooth, hairless legs were revealed, thighs still partially obscured by the shreds of fabric left behind. Venom ran his fingertip along the crotch of Peter's suit. Peter reached and tried to push away Venom's hand, but he couldn't hope to overpower the monstrous black arm.
“Squirm all you want Spider, you won't fight us off now.”
“Hey! Maybe I like squirming!”
Venom's tongue slipped into the tear in the chest of Peter's suit, it slithered its way up under the fabric of the red mask to brush on the soft lips of his spider. Peter clenched his teeth to prevent his assailant's entry, kicking and squirming but it was futile. Venom slipped the tip of his snake-like tongue inside his lips and massaged Peter's gums. In revulsion Peter yelped, opening his jaws slightly, the tongue slipped in deeper to play with the tongue of his prey. The length of the tongue outside of Peter's mouth lifted the mask up to his nose, giving easier entry to his pink lips.
Venom was still somehow able to speak clearly, in spite of his tongue hanging out of his mouth and tickling the inside of Peter's mouth.
“What's wrong Pete? You don't like kisses?”
Peter kept kicking and struggling.

“Stop all that flailing! You'll hurt yourself!” There seemed to be genuine concern in his husky whisper of a voice.
Venom slipped his tongue out of Peter's mouth and moved its way down Peter's bare chest and began slither down to Peter's limp manhood. The long pink snake pulled the fabric away from its goal, revealing an impressive seven-inch cock. He kept pulling the cloth away from the soft skin and revealed a smooth, round ass. Peter squirmed and flailed, held down by the strong hand upon his chest. Peter managed to deliver a kick to Venom's ribs, Venom wasn't phased but the shock of the impact ran up Peter's leg. He cried out loudly, bringing his knee to his chest and the strong hand of his assailant, embracing it with his nearest arm. Venom gasped and rubbed the spider's ankle gently.
“We said to stop flailing!” Venom's face turned to the sore leg, “Ohh! Are you alright?”
“Yeah! Just peachy!” Peter panted, teeth gritting against each other, gripping his knee.
Venom pecked at Peter's sore leg, lips gently massaging the smooth skin. While off guard Peter took the side of Venom's head and slammed it against the concrete roof the building they were upon. The hard material chipped and flew through the air. Peter began to stand himself up, free from his attacker but before he could even sit upright he was pushed back down, pinned by the soft black palm.
“Stop fighting! We don't mean to hurt you. We're being so gentle!” Venom wrapped his hand around Peter's ankles again, lifting them, revealing a tight hole.
“May I ask why Eddie?” Peter's leg wasn't sore anymore; he was faking from the start. Peter tried to sit up on his elbows, but the brute force of his enemy bound him to the ground. Venom's long tongue slithered back out and began to prod Peter's virgin hole. “W-What the hell are you doing?”
“Have you never seen anything like this?”
“I just hope I have no idea what you're doing!”
“We're trying to fuck you Pete! Now, will you fight le-” Venom was interrupted by a kick to the head. “-fight less knowing our goal?” Venom continued to rhythmically press his tongue against Peter's tight asshole. Peter didn't have a smart-ass remark for his present situation. He couldn't help but yell and pound his hands against the roof. His body forced itself to relax and allow the tongue to enter. Venom finally pressed hard enough to penetrate the virgin entrance. Peter threw his head back, pounding his fists against the hard concrete from the dull pain. The entering body began to press and tickle all the most sensitive parts inside him. Venom's smooth crotch molded itself into a full 12 inches of rock-hard cock. Peter was left breathless from the pain and the sight of the impressive penis; even with Venom's eight-foot height as a backdrop, it looked oversized. The tongue was still busy pressing against the rim of Peter's asshole, massaging his most sensitive spots. Peter couldn't help but get hard; his cock stiffened and throbbed from the sensation of the tongue inside his tight ass.
“We know it hurts Peter! You just have to relax!” Venom lifted his hand from Peter's chest; it didn't seem necessary to hold him down anymore. Venom occupied both of his hands on spreading the Spider's legs, trying to relax the entrance. As the pain faded, the pleasure escalated, Peter arched his back and sat up, resting on his elbows. His hard cock quivered, begging for attention. As much as Peter didn't want to admit it to himself, as much as he wanted to fight, he couldn't help but succumb to the pleasure his greatest enemy was giving him.

Venom noticed the change in the demeanor of his prey, he wasn't only hard now, he was horny. Venom giggled gleefully, brushing the sensitive underside of his massive ebony cock against Peter's own lovely manhood. Venom started to remove his tongue from Peter's body, Peter shifted his position in an attempt to keep the pink tentacle inside him, but Venom slipped himself back out. The long tongue wrapped around Peter's cock, and began to pump him gently, the tip of the large cock wet with a small bit of semen.
Peter seemed to have lost control of himself, a slave to his own arousal. His hands clumsily reached for Venom's manhood, taking hold of the black shaft with his gloved hands, the two-inch thick cock was so warm and smooth, even through his gloves his hands felt the gentle body heat. He began to stroke the cock; his breath heavy from the tongue-job Venom was giving him. Venom leaned foreword at the Spider, their faces coming close together, heaving gasps of pleasure leaving his thin black lips, tongue still massaging Peter's cock. Peter moved his hands to the head of the dark shaft, pressing his palms against it and rubbing his fingers against the very tip of the cock; the fabric of his gloves were stained with cum making sticky trails leading from Venoms cock to Peter's fingertips.
“Do you like that Eddie?” Peter ran his wet fingertips over his exposed lips, and he began to lift the mask completely from his face. Venom took hold of the folded mask, stopping Peter from exposing the rest of his face.
“Don't risk being seen We have to keep you safe.” Venom's voice was gentle and soft. It was as pleasurable to Peter's ear as his tongue was to his cock. Peter silently agreed and continued to stroke Venom's thick black cock. Peter leaned foreword a bit to kiss the lips of his monstrous lover, only to meet the thick, long tongue. Peter slipped his own tongue through his soft lips to meet the pink love tentacle.
Peter thought lustfully of his black doppelganger Venom seemed to know what was running through Peter's mind, he brushed his forehead against Peter's affectionately, gently. Who would have thought Venom's skin was so soft and smooth!
Peter bent himself foreword, kissing Venom's cock, taking it into his lips. Peter filled his mouth with the shaft, licking the sensitive underside of the hard cock. Venom was briefly taken aback by the sudden affection, but he accepted it and responded with a gentle hand upon Peter's cheek. Softly stroking the skin with his thumb as Peter sucked on his thick cock. Working his lips around it, trying to emulate the few times he was given oral for Venom. The long tongue slipped back into his mouth, leaving Peter's cock hard and wet. Venom's tongue slithered around his face, wetting his smooth head. His black skin glistened from the moisture.
“Yes Peter!” Venom threw his head back arching his spine; thrusting his hips into Peter's face, cock tickling his throat. Peter pushed his head down, taking the cock deeper. Venom hoped that the Spider wouldn't impale himself on the shaft. Venom's claws ran through Peter's short hair, slipping his fingers up under the mask to hold Peter's head. Peter's hand found their way to the thick penis, wandering to the base, then cupping the balls, working his fingers back to Venom's ass. Peter looked up to Venom, awaiting his approval. When he nodded Peter began to prod the tight anus. Venom's hand reached behind himself and stroked the back of Peter's hand. The finger began to work its way into the tight orifice.
Peter still had several inches of jet-black cock outside his mouth. His tongue and lips working their way further down the shaft. His finger still worked its way into the tight ring of muscle. Venom expected to be able to mount the Spider, but he never could have expected such enthusiasm! Venom's shoulders dropped, he let out a lustful roar, and a pleasurable shiver ran up his spine.
Peter slid the thick cock out of his mouth, few lines of cum and saliva led the tip of the weeping cock to Peter's soft lips. Peter's mouth was full of Venom's semen, his mouth wide open it dribbled down his chin for a moment before he managed to swallow it. It was surprisingly sweet. Cock still hard as a rock, Venom nuzzled against Peter's cheek. His dinner-plate-sized hand cupping Peter's cock and balls. Venom's wrist was dotted with beads of Peter's pre-come. Peter began working another finger into Venom's ass.
“You like our ass Peter?” Venom hissed gently, cock rubbing against Peter's chest. The vein in the side of his manhood arced ornately, Peter's cock prodding against Venom's tangerine-sized balls.

“Uh? Yeah…” Peter seemed to loose his cool when he tried to talk. Like he was that nerdy kid that everyone picked on all through high school again. Actually, he definitely was that same kid, he just had a much better physique and superpowers now.
Venom twisted his face into a smile at Peter's response. “Then you can have it!” Venom gently tugged the fingers out of his asshole and lay down on his back. He put his knees to his chest; his clawed hands spread his ass cheeks to make entry easier for the Spider.

Without any hesitation, Peter crawled on top of the black creature, prodding the tight hole with the tip of his cock. “Saayyy…” Peter said in a condescending tone.
“Oh… please!” Venom whispered sensually. Venom wrapped his hand around his thick cock and began to work himself. Pointing his hard dick at Peter's chest. Peter pressed his cock into the black monster, making them both growl in pleasure. Peter's chest heaved, his shoulders back, hands on Venom's belly. Venom's tongue slithered out and wrapped around the head of his own cock, jerking himself off.
Peter's humps quickened, his cock pressing on Venom's prostate, or at least where it should be if he were human. It felt so good for the both of them; they could hardly catch their breath.
Venom thrust his hips foreword as he came to his second climax, the warm white fluid rose from the tip of his cock, down the shaft and over the knuckles. Peter began licking and slurping the hot cum out of the black cock. The bittersweet taste somehow aroused Peter further, his hands moving of their own accord, he began to prod his asshole with his fingers.
“Ah! Ohh!” Semen released from Peter's cock, it flooded Venom's ass, still pumping to try to get every bit of pleasure possible out of the climax.
Peter's cock fell limp; he slipped out of the now slightly gaping hole panting hard. Peter had never been gay before this encounter, but that climax was better than any fantasy he'd had about Mary-Jane or Felicia. Perhaps it was because the only real feeling he'd had in those fantasies was his own hand.

Venom stroked Peter's hair, still working his own cock. “Tired Pete?” Peter blinked slowly at him and nodded. “Relax for a moment.” Peter didn't have energy left in him to do anything else.
Venom licked Peter's hole. His own entry still gaping, Venom licked Peter's asshole, slathering it with spit. Slicking it for invasion. Venom rubbed his own cum all over his cock, making it shiny. “Not enough.” Venom slipped a finger into his gaping hole covering it in Peter's cum. He wiped it on the tip of his dick. Venom's tongue poked the slit on the tip of his cock. “Ah we taste good!” Venom pushed his slicked cock into Peter's asshole. Peter yelled and moaned as his hole was stretched out. Hot semen released into Peter's hole, jizz squirted out of the tight hole, Venom's cock pushed in deeper. “You feel great! So perfect!” Venom pushed deeper. A whole nine inches of hard cock pressed into Peter's cum-filled hole. Peter's cock awoke again, stiffening to hammering his prostate was getting. Peter's cock was wet from the cum of his last release, he reached for it and began stroking himself. “Ahh!” Venom Pulled out, an audible `pop' was heard from Peter's hole. Venom stood, and lifted Peter's ass up, Peter's toes were at the side of his head. His cock pointed at his face, drips of cum landed on his lips. Venom reentered the hole, pumping downward. Semen rose up from the hole and rolled down his back, leaving a white trail from his anus to his shoulders. Venom pulled out to release his seed on Peter's face and chest, then went right back to fucking Peter's cream filled hole.
They threw their heads back and moaned. Venom's cock throbbed and released one last time, pushing all 12 inches of his cock into Peter's slick hole. Peter's own cock released, semen filling his hole and squirting back at Venom, Peter's own seed landing in his open mouth.

Venom took a step back; he ran a finger on the spine of Peter's cum-covered back. “Thanks Spider-man. We're done.” Venom stretched briefly. “For now.”
Venom leapt from the rooftop, swinging away. Leaving Peter asking only one question.
“What the fuck was that for?”