Spirited Away Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Ninja'd Away ❯ It's Hard Work ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ninja'd Away
by Lauren Bermudez
disclaimer: i don't own naruto or spirited away but i wish i did T_T

Chapter 10- It's Hard Work

Naruto stared into Itachi's eyes, completely petrified.

The nineteen year-old narrowed his eyes. "Che.... it's the Kyuubi boy."

"Who is it Itachi?" called Yubaaba.

To answer, Itachi threw Naruto into the lavishly decorated room, sending him sprawling onto the thick carpet.

"KYYAAA!" squeaked Naruto as he hit his head. When lifted his eyes and saw Yubaaba, he relaxed, much to Yubaaba's surprise. "Ahhh... Zeniba-san... how'd you get here?"

Yubaaba said angrily, "Be quiet you silly boy, Zeniba is my twin sister. Unfortunately our appearances are the only things that are the same."



"Honto honto?"


"Honto honto honto?"

"YES! NOW SHUT UP!" raged Yubaaba, now standing at her full height.

Naruto shoved his fingers in his ears. "Ite... you shouldn't shout like that, obaachan!" he pouted.

"Be quiet." said Yubaaba impatiently. "Now, who are you?"

Naruto quickly leapt to his feet, beaming. "I am Uzumaki Nar-- err, Marusan! Greatest nin-- uh, cleaner ever!" he finished rather off-handedly.

Yubaaba chuckled. "Marusan? What an exuberant name... I see you're dressed in our uniform. Do you have a contract to work here?"

Naruto stared. "Eh? We need a contract? But Lin-san already got--"

"Lin?" said Yubaaba mildly surprised. "Well how foolish of her... I'll deal with her later." She noticed Itachi was still standing in the corner. "Itachi? I said you may go."

The sharingan user smirked slightly. "May I borrow the boy for a moment?"

Yubaaba looked rather put off. "Yes... of course you may." She turned to Naruto. "OUT. NOW."

Naruto didn't need to be told twice. He ran like crazy out of the room, with Itachi following him.

Itachi put his hand on Naruto's shoulder, who seemed very intent on getting out of there as quickly as he could. "Wait."

Naruto turned around. "Eh? What do you want?"

"Are you here with Sasuke?"

Naruto hesitated for a moment. "Uhh... no."

Itachi's eyes turned red as he activated his sharingan. "You will tell the truth," he said warningly.

Naruto cringed. "All right all right, the baka's here too!" Naruto grinned to himself. "Probably drooling over Chihiro-san or something... ehh, why are you looking at me all funny?"

Itachi quickly hid his surprise and amusement. "Hn." He let go of Naruto shoulder, and the blonde darted out of the room. Then he turned back and headed into Yubaaba's office.

The large woman looked up. "Yes?"

"My brother's here, Yubaaba-sama."

"Yes, yes, what's your point, boy?" she asked in an irritated voice.

"He's here with the girl."

"Chihiro...." reminisced Yubaaba. "That annoying brat. Wooing the boys now, is she? Well, she won't have much trouble with that because she's quite pretty even if she was trouble."

Itachi grinned like a little girl and began prancing around the room, singing 'Kissing In A Tree.' [a/n: pshhh of course that's not what happened, you idiots]

Itachi narrowed his eyes. "I doubt my little brother has fallen for a girl... unless he's going soft..."

Yubaaba cackled. "This should be fun."


"NARUTO!" called Sakura, her voice echoing in the hallways.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe that the stupid dobe had gotten himself lost in a bathouse that they were totally unfamiliar with. He sped up a little bit, keeping his eyes on Chihiro, who he was supposed to watch over. Aki followed him closely.

"Uzumaki!" repeated Lin, walking arm in arm with Shuji.

"This is bad," the boy was saying. "If Yubaaba catches him, who knows what she will do? He could be a lump of coal right now and we wouldn't know it!"

"Naruto can act stupid, but he knows how to get out of trouble." said Kakashi with his nose in his book.

Lin suddenly smiled. "I have an idea."

"What is it Lin?" asked Shuji.

Lin smirked. "RIKAKO!! YAEKO!"

Two girls appeared out of nowhere. One had dull blonde hair and the other dark brown.

One of the girls yawned. "Meh... what is it Lin?"

The other girl crossed her arms. "It better be good. We're at tub nine and it's supposed to be done in ten minutes."

"Sorry, Rikako," said Lin grinning. "But um, see..."

"Can you keep your eyes out for a blonde boy?" interjected Shuji. "He wandered off and got lost."

Rikako grinned and pretended to take out a notepad and a pencil. "Describe him."

Shuji paused. "Uhh..."

"He's short and hyper--" said Sakura. Rikako mimed scribbling down notes.

"--Incredibly dense, and annoying--" added Sasuke.

"--Bright orange clothes--"

"--Annoyingly optimistic--"



"-- umm--"


Yaeko yawned again. "Okay, we get your point about him being annoying." she said to Sasuke, who smirked and shut up.

Rikako put her 'notes' away. "We'll keep our eyes out." she promised.

Lin smiled gratefully. "Thanks you guys."

"No problem."

Yaeko tugged Rikako's sleeve. "Rika, we were supposed to be halfway done two minutes ago!!"

"Later!" they called as they ran back to the tub they were preparing.

Chihiro frowned. "Poor Naruto, what if he runs into Yubaaba?" 'I remember the first time I ran into that witch and her giant baby... wow, it seems like years ago...' Suddenly her eyes lit up. She had a plan.

Aki and Sasuke had been watching Chihiro very intently ever since she made the comment about Naruto. Aki was just going to say something to her when both boys saw that she was smiling. Sadisticly. Sasuke flushed red. 'Her smile... even when it's evil looking it's... pretty...' [a/n: breathe sasuke, breathe] But Aki was now very worried. He watched Chihiro whisper something to Sakura and both girls slipped away quietly. 'Whatever you're up to, Chihiro... just please don't get yourself in trouble...'


"Uph!" said Yaeko, dumping her armload of washing things onto the floor. "Well, that's done!" She turned as began to head out of the room when she though she glimpsed something orange passing a doorway. She stuck her head out and peered around. She saw a boy of about thirteen with a neon orange jumpsuit, but then she blinked and he was gone.

"That's weird, I thought I just saw an incredibly dense, annoying, energetic, optimistic, short, hyper, annoying and uh... annoying kid running around!" She said sardonically.

"Hey lady are you talking to yourself?"

Yaeko jumped in suprise and saw the boy again. She put her hand over her heart in mock faintness. "Wooh, you scared me! Who are you?"

The boy grinned. "I'm Uzumaki Marusan, greatest nin-cleaner of all time!"

Yaeko gave him a funny look. "Uhh, right."

"Hey Yaeko! Is this the kid we're supposed to be looking for?" said Rikako poking her head into the room.

"Yeah, I think so. What took ya? I'm already finished." said Yaeko pointing to the cleaning things.

Rikako smiled apologetically. "Sorry, the darn frogs get lazier each year."

"Umm hello?" piped up Naruto. "Why are

you two looking for me?"

"Lin-san is looking for you." said Yaeko.Rikako nodded. "Yeah, and you better stay with us so you won't get lost again."

"Okay!" said Naruto. He put his hands behind his head and looked bored.

Unfourtunately in doing so, he missed the evil smirk the two girls were sharing. It was going to be a lot of fun working him to death by making him do all their chores...

Sasuke walked down the hallway, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

"Is there anything going on between you guys?"

Sasuke paused, looking for the source of speech.

"I don't know why you keep asking me that, Sakura-chan... I don't really know Aki very well."

Sasuke put his head next to a door and heard Sakura and Chihiro talking behind it. ('I really need to stop eavesdropping...') He heard Sakura sigh.

"I guess so... Hey, have you seen Sasuke lately?"

Sasuke tensed up. 'What are they saying about me?'

"Yeah, he keeps acting all funny like he's my caretaker or something..."

Sakura laughed. "Exactly. It's really funny."

Sasuke's cheeks turned pink and he kept listening. 'Hn. Well Kakashi-sensei did tell me to watch Chihiro-san...'

Then he heard Chihiro sigh in exasperation. "What's funny?"

"Nothing. I just want to know what you think of him."

"Uhh... well he's--"

Nothing. Sasuke's heart sped up a bit. 'What? Not again! Why did they stop talking? Ughh, my head hurts... oh-' He realized he had been pressing his head so hard into the door that his head had started to hurt. 'Great... just what I need... a headache--'

BAM. The door Sasuke had stood by listening burst open, sending him flying into the wall. Sakura stood there in the doorway, fuming. Chihiro stood behind her, her hand over her mouth and her cheeks pink.

Sasuke winced. "Oh damn--" he whispered, knowing that Sakura was likely to explode any moment.

Sakura had a strangely sadistic look on her face as she put her mouth very close to his throbbing head. "Start running..." she said in a deathly whisper. "NOW."Sasuke didn't need telling twice and sprinted off with a very ticked Sakura at his heels.


Chihiro stared at the two of them as they disappeared around the corner, taking Sakura's angry yells with them.

"Eh...." she said to herself. 'What was Sasuke-kun doing? Was he listening in for some reason?' She rubbed her tired eyes. 'Uchiha Sasuke.... hmm. To answer your question Sakura, I think he's cool... a bit weird.... cute... kinda...' She fidgeted uncomfortably, her cheeks turning pink again. 'Ughh, this is so confusing.'


Sasuke stopped in some lone corridor, bent over and panting hard. The stitch in his side was the perfect addition to his already aching head. 'Great. No more eavesdropping for me, it's too painful. Stupid headache...angry Sakura... geez...' He stood up, looking around cautiously, making sure Sakura was out of sight. He walked over to some random wall and sat down, leaning his back against it. Suddenly, he started coughing uncontrollably. His throat was itchy and his eyes watery. He swore under his breath. 'Dammit! I've come down with something... stupid herbal fumes... probably inhaled too much...' He coughed again, and banged his head against the wall in exhasperation. 'OW!' he thought as his head started pounding painfully. Again. 'I should stay away from walls... might keep hurting myself...' Sasuke scowled and rubbed his head. 'Hn... no shit.'

Mweeheehee! Mahh I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, I've been busy with another story I'm writing. Lo siento!! I hope you enjoyed this! ^_^
Neji: Why am I not in any of these chapters?
Me: Um, you were in chapter five.
Neji: Oh.
Itachi: Haha, I'm special-er. I'm in TWO chapters. You're only in one!
Neji: So what, Mr. Sharingan? I'm still cooler!
Sasuke: No, I'M THE COOLEST!
Me: Actually, Sasuke, you're just pathetic.
Sasuke: *cries*
Me: Gaara's the awesomest! COOKIE FOR YOU!
Gaara: Oh goody! Ha, take that fools!
Me: -_-x


jaa! <3