Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ At Last ❯ It's a one- shot....... there's only one chapter! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

At Last

DISCLAIMER: I'm too tired to make a disclaimer. So make one up yourself.

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"So, did you hear about the new guy?" Hiromi practically threw herself next to me.

"Ooh, is that an egg dumpling?" I poked her food with one chopstick.

"Chihiro," She whined. "You aren't listening to me."

"I AM listening, what about the new boy?" I loved Hiromi, she was like a sister to me, but over the course of six years I had learned that it was better to listen to her when she had something to say.

"Well," Hiromi twisted a long strand of ebony hair around one slender finger, an action she repeated when she had a piece of juicy gossip. "Well, I heard he's a grade above and really good looking."

I rolled my eyes. "Hiromi, what would possibly make you think that I would be remotely interested in that information?"

"Because, silly, I could set the two of you up. You know, like boyfriend and girlfriend."

"I don't need a boyfriend, Hiromi."

"But Chihiro, everyone needs someone." Hiromi protested, her eyes as wide as saucers. That was one of her beliefs: that it was a necessity to have a significant other. Hiromi herself had a boyfriend by the name of Kato. I liked Kato, he was nice, but he stuck me as boring. But he adored Hiromi.

"I don't need anyone else, I have you." I told her sincerely. "Besides, look at me, why would any decent boy want to go out with me?" I added bitterly.

"Oh, don't say that." Hiromi put her arm around me. "You have long dark hair and big black eyes. You're pretty, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Arigatou, Hiromi." I smiled. "Thanks for everything."

"No problem. Oi, Kato, over here!" She waved to her boyfriend.

The tall dark boy greeted her with a long kiss. I had to turn my head away. "Hey `Romi. Look who I was assigned to show around the school."

Hiromi nudged me in the gut with her elbow. "It's him." She whispered reverently.

As if in slow motion, I brought my head up. Humor her, I told myself. Remember that a frog is good- looking to Hiromi. Of course I was wrong, for standing there next to Kato was a face I had not seen in six years.

"Chihiro . . ." He whispered. Straight dark hair, jade eyes like that of dragon.

"Haku?" I said hoarsely. Realization set in. "Haku!" I threw my arms around his neck. He encircled his arms around my waist as I fought back tears of joy. "You're back." I sobbed. "You're really back."

"I'll never leave your side again Chihiro." He whispered in my hair. "I promise."

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Oh my God! Aerosmith's on SNL! * Jumps up and down screaming * What? Oh, okay, sorry. I get these spasms at times. Yeah. Anyway, I haven't seen Spirited Away for like, what, 8 months? And I can still write about it like it was yesterday. -_-. The guy that made that movie should make a sequel, don't you think? I got more reviews for this fic than I expected. It was unexpected (pun unintended.). I don't think I'm gonna write another sequel though. Well thanx for everything guys, I love you! Really! Ja ne!