Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ let me explain you a little thing we call love ❯ embarrassing situation ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1 embarrassing situation
Disclaimers notice: I don't own spirit away neither the characters I wish I could but I don't :( (Crying…)
A young girl about 14 years old sat on the green grass of her school. Nothing had changed since chihiro returned from her adventure to the spirit world, despite the fact that she hadn't made friends yet everything was how it was suppose to be. She missed everyone in the bath house specially a certain boy that couldn't get of her mind.
I miss you a lot haku …. She whisper to herself . but why am I missing you like this , since I met you strange feelings happened to me it felt kind of nice yeah nice when I was by your side ….could it be?...no of course not but it possibly could …can it be love?” “ mmhh …do I love haku? of course I love him like a friend right ?” “no” a little voice inside her head told her . oh dear of course you love him but not like a friend you like him more than like a simple friend
After her brain analyzed those last words it hit her. but if that is true I love haku more than just a friend I love him but does he love me back” she questioned herself .
After 20 minutes of daydreaming to marry haku. chihiro was brought back to reality when she heard someone call her name a couple of times , it was a young women about 17 years old with light, long blue hair was sitting on her knees trying to wake chihiro from her dream . Am I interrupting you chihiro ? the woman asked , politely Umm… no ms. Chidori chihiro answered nervously ( yeah I know you `d probably thinking chidori? I just suck making names up XP!) i was only d- day dreaming with someone ms.chidori said laughing and finishing her sentence. um well I …I was
hey chihiro I know how is like to be in love specially at your age ““so who's that haku you where dreaming about ? huh? Chihiro exclaimed blushing light crimsom.
yeah you where saying “ooh I'd love to marry you haku “ ms.chidori said imitating exactly the voice of chihiro . “ I didn't said that did I “ chihiro asked franticly .”oh no .. pleas excuse me ms.chidori i .. i.. I have to go .
The Japanese girl bowed respectfully and left running. She was running very fast , if she had done that in her P.E class her team would have made it to the finals . she then started to hear whispers made by the people that saw her she also noticed that people where looking at her strangely . Then she managed to enter the girls bathroom without getting peoples looks on top of her then she opened wide eyes when she saw herself in the mirror. Her face was red from blushing that people could confuse her with a walking tomato with arms and body.
“hh no now people will consider me more than a freak I wont have friends in my entire school year “chihiro screamed exaggerating her usual way of speaking in a dramatic way .
“What the hell am I going to do know “ (sobs)
k!I finished the first chappy hope you like it. at least I need 9 or more reviews (of course if you can ) to continue with the second chapter. if people don't like my work I cant continue so pleas tell me how am I doing in my writing n_n!