Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ What Was Always There ❯ Chapter Two~ Truth ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Six hours later the group was stumbling out of the club, well all except Sora and Chihiro. Sora dragged her mate to his Aston Martin and looked at Chihiro. “I'll take him back in the Martin and then I'll be back with the truck and trailer.” Chihiro nodded and watched them drive off.
Ten minutes later a big, black, dooly pulled into the parking lot. Behind it was a flat bed long enough to haul two cars. Sora stepped out of the monstrous truck and together, Chihiro and she began loading the drunks and the drunks' cars. After they had Ethena, Damien, and Neko in the cab of the truck and both Damien's Lamborghini and Neko's Coupe on the trailer, Sora turned to her partner in crime.
“You gonna be okay?”
“Yea I'll call you tomorrow.” With that they parted ways. When Chihiro pulled into the garage of her house, she knew something was wrong. She sensed a spirit. An evil one.
She reached back and lifted the lid to a compartment and withdrew one of her swords. She then entered the house slowly, her sword at the ready. When she turned the corner to the kitchen, she was met with a sight that changed her life.
Her parents laid on the floor, not moving, both covered in blood. A boy that looked the age of sixteen sat at the counter sipping a glass of water. His blonde hair was tied at the nape of his pale neck. His black eyes calmly watched her as she trembled in anger and hate. “Who. The. Fuck. Are. You.” she demanded calmly, yet coldly.
“My name is of no importance, however who sent is.”
“And who sent you?”
“A woman by the name of Yubaba.” Wind picked up and twirled around him and like that he was gone.
Chihiro slumped, taking care as to not touch the blood of her parents. She ran back to her car and put the sword back, locking the compartment and covering it. Then she rushed to call the police, by this time her emotional wall had collapsed and she was bawling. “Please,” she begged the dispatcher, “Please my parents are hurt, I think they're dead.”
An hour later the police were there and Chihiro had passed out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
~One Month Later~
Chihiro sat in her room that was filled with boxes, her eyes empty and glazed. They had been like that ever since that night. Even the fact that she was a multi-millionaire did not cheer her up. Her father had left her two-hundred million dollars and her mother had left her one hundred million dollars. Chihiro sold the house yesterday for three million dollars and was now moving in with her spirit friends. She had sold all her parents furniture and packed her fathers clothes and given them to a homeless shelter. She had kept some of her mother's clothes and had sent the rest to her aunt. One of the dresses she had kept, the one she was wearing now, was a black satin dress. The sleeveless corset was tight but flared when in reached her hips, the skirt going all the way to the floor. A black veil was settled over her face.
Chihiro looked at the picture she held in her hand. Her mother stood next to her in her prom gown. Her mother was in jeans and a white and green tank top, while Chihiro was in a dark blue dress. It was a halter top dress that hung her every curve. Rime stones went down the middle of it, splitting at the middle of her thigh, trailing down to the floor. They both looked so happy. Not like now.
Now Chihiro was suffering and her mother was dead. All thanks to that no good, cocky son of a bitch that Yubaba sent. `Well,' She thought with a smirk, `we'll just see you comes out on top, won't we Yubaba.'
She stood, her dress twirling around her as Chihiro turned and glided to her mother's room. She walked to the only unpacked item in the room, a jewelry box. She lifted the lid and looked at the only piece of jewelry she could look at without breaking down and crying. It was the necklace her mother was wearing when she died. The pendant was made up of all diamonds. White diamonds circled a black diamonded dragon with a red diamonded mane and eyes. Before her mother's death the dragon had been white with a blue mane and eyes. (Those diamond colors are real by the way just hard to find.) It hung on a yellow diamond chain that she now picked up. She clasped the diamond choker around her neck and let the pendant touch her chest.
A wave of power surge through her. Her eyes flashed red then went back to her blue hue. She lifted the box and put it in one of the boxes that was moving with her.
“So you found the pendant?”
Chihiro looked at Neko who was leaning against the door frame.
“You do know that that held all yours and your mothers' powers?”
“What do you mean powers?”
“Your mother was a lake spirit, but the lake was filled in and she ran. Then she met your father and sealed away her powers to be with him. But, it took your powers as well because she was pregnant with at the time.”
“So I'm a half-spirit, half-human?”
“No, you're all human when you're in the human world but in the spirit world you will become a lake spirit. But first you must quench your thirst for revenge by taking the life of the person who killed your parents. Your spirit form will insist on that. You will become a vengeance spirit. After you have killed enough for your evil side, which we all have by the way, you will revert back to your true form.”
Chihiro nodded her understanding and went back to packing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
One week later
Ethena stood in the kitchen making Stir Fry for her house mates when Chihiro walked into the room, with a determined look on her face. Ethena, who was cutting chicken, paused in her work to nod to her, then resumed.
“I want to go back to the spirit world.”
Ethena stopped mid cut. She set the knife down to look at the young beauty.
“Because that's where the man who killed my parents is.” Said Chihiro, her form tense.
Ethena sighed and leaned against the counter. “I can't vouch for all of us, but I can vouch for myself. I'm going with you.”
Chihiro looked at her long time friend, confused.
“But you can't go back.”
“Yes I can, I just can't go back to the pack.”
“And you would go with me. I'm not coming back.”
“We all will.”
Chihiro turned to find all of her friends standing before her, smiling at her with passion.
`They're willing to leave everything? For me?
She felt tears form in her eyes. Neko walked forward and embraced her. The rest followed.
The next day, the house was on the market.
Short chapter I know but please review and comment.