Star Wars - Series Fan Fiction / Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ I,Wizard ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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This is a Piece of Fanfiction, the characters and setting are owned by the respective authors who wrote the books and the production companies who made the movies, I’m not making any money of this thing and I don’t have any money so don’t sue.

Harry Potter: I, Wizard

By Darkfiretiger

Chapter One

Fathers don’t fall from the sky do they?

Corran Horn was not pleased, truthfully he was rather annoyed, much in the same way that Hutts are large. He was stuck on a planet that wasn’t part of the they didn’t even have faster than light travel. All this started because of a favour to a friend.
It was 6 months after the battle with the Invids, the battle with Jensaarai, and the rescue of Mirax. Corran had destroyed the dark of Kun and had been convinced to stay on Yavin 4 and complete his training, Mirax had agreed given that she would be using the moon as a temporary base while Corran completed his training.

The 6 months had passed quickly, Corran spent less time with the other students, because of the difference in Corran’s abilities regarding the force he spent a majority of his time going over the data that his grandfather had saved, data passed down by Nejaa Halcyon. The data that Corran’s grandfather saved contained more than he originally believed, Luke had once commented that the Corellian Jedi were different from the “mainstream” Jedi, the data saved by his grandfather was actually a complete replica of the archives of the Corellian Jedi academy.
Luke had been ecstatic with Corran’s find he immediately started helping turning the information into practical exercises that Corran was able to use to advance his training. Corran also allowed Luke to use the archives to augment the salvaged archives that Luke and the new Republic had found, with the addition of the Corellian archives the academy on Yavin 4 now had an archive that covered most of the abilities displayed by Jedi.

Corran used the exercises created by Master Skywalker and since Nejaa had similar… difficulties with telekinesis that Corran had the personal data had included alterations to the traditional teachings that had been passed down through the Halcyon line for generations. Adding these to the more traditional exercises provided by the Jedi Holocron and Luke within 6 months Corran felt that he was prepared to undergo the test of knighthood.
Many of Corran’s friends among Rogue Squadron as well as many of “Keiran’s” friends among the academy students as well as many of the people who knew both Keiran and Corran as well as any other of Corran’s aliases, Including Mirax, Han and Leia Solo and their children, Mara Jade, Elegos and Corran’s wingman the Gand Ooryl. The guests and fellow students waited at the entrance to the temple for Luke and Corran to return, having left early in the morning as had become tradition, Kam, Mara and Tionne had achieved the rank of Jedi knight although Tionne was actually classified as a “Healer” rather than a knight, and they would return when the test was completed.

The test was performed by Luke although it seamed to be more the Force then Luke; it was as though Luke’s mind was pushed aside and the Force used him as a conduit for the test. The test was rather simple Corran walked through the ruins of the of Kun and had to defeat the enemy within namely his fears. What happened in the ruins was between Corran and the Force but upon leaving the ruins Corran was a changed man, if he had to describe it Luke Skywalker would have said that Corran seamed more at peace with himself and with the force.
The party held in honour of the fourth graduate from the temple academy was larger then those held for the others, mostly because Corran had more guests and more guests made more noise, although some of the cruder guests Han solo for one said that Mara Jade’s Party was a bigger success… since she woke in Master Skywalker’s chambers the next morning. The highlight of the evening was Corran following a Corellian Jedi tradition and dispensing small coin like medallions, the same tradition followed the Mastery test but with more elaborate coins, followed by the recording of a message to future Jedi and Corran Halcyon’s name being added to the registry of Jedi knights, a copy of which would be held in every Jedi academy, and was already in the academy being built on Coruscant.

Luke Skywalker found Corran horn sitting on the roof of the temple watching the forest of the forest moon as the sky slowly darkened just after sunset.
“So Corran Halcyon, Jedi Knight eh? Why use that particular name?”
“I am Corran Horn former Core Sec., Rogue Squadron pilot and now Jedi Knight and hopefully eventually father, then hopefully grandfather, Corran Horn is the balance between the three, but my Jedi heritage comes through the Halcyon line, I felt I should honour that in some way, does that make sense?”
“Yes, of course we have to know were we’ve come from to know were we’re going”
“So Luke you asked him yet?” Han Solo climbed onto the roof
“Asked what Master Skywalker?” returned Corran turning around to face the Jedi Master
“Thanks Han, well, Corran the Jensaarai have been talking to Leia and have discussed a hidden Jedi temple out in the wastelands that may still be in working order”
“And you want me to go search it out?... I’m interested but your going to have to explain to Mirax why I’m off looking for Academies while we should be starting a family”
“Explain what to Mirax, Corran could you, you know help me up?” came Mirax’s voice from just under the edge of the roof. Corran walked over and pulled her up onto the roof
“So what was it that you were going to explain to Mirax Luke?” Mirax had her hands on her hips and was glaring at the Jedi master reminding Corran exactly why Force or no Force you don’t upset women.
“Master Skywalker has a lead on a possible Jedi academy and wants me to look at it” Corran wrapped his arms around his wife, both to ward of the cold night air and to prevent her jumping the Jedi Master
“And how long will this delay to the expansion to the Horn family last?” Mirax was leaning back into her husband’s arms already realising since Luke had come to Corran alone that this was a mission for him alone.
(unfortunately it isn’t mentioned in the book I, Jedi how long it takes to get from Coruscant to Yavin so I’m thinking about 8 hours travel, so probably 30 hours to get from Coruscant to the wastelands, so 22 from Yavin)
“Corran will hopefully be gone no more that a week” replied the Jedi Master wirily eyeing Corran’s interlaced fingers around his partners midsection hoping they would hold.
“And I’m guessing that perhaps Whistler no one else would be permitted to accompany Corran”
“Fine if he wants to he can go, but he’s taking the Pulsar Skate, and I’m going to need some time to make some modifications”
“Modifications?” Mirax had the Pulsar Skate tuned and modified exactly the way she liked it why would she change things now?
“Yes modifications, there are lots of rumours of ships getting lost in the Wastelands, they find a inhabited planet but can’t repair the ship because they don’t speak the language or don’t have funds to get the parts, I’ll upload some new programs to the computer and put some things you can sell to get local currency”
“Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” Han’s second comment for the evening
“Ok how about we go get Leia to do it” Mirax’s rather scathing reply
“Ok, Ok I get it, I’ll even help”
“Finally a legal use for your years of debauchery eh?” chuckled Corran
“Shut it, Core Sec”

What Corran found was beyond the dreams of the people involved in re-starting the Jedi order, Corran had found a fully functional, fully staffed academy on a world teaming with force sensitive people. Corran stayed for a few days until a representative from the Republic could arrive, the people of the world were sympathetic to the pleas of the “other” Jedi and were willing to allow a few teachers to break the traditions and leave the system.
This was were Corran decided to call in the officials and bid farewell to the academy in the wastelands, with a little more knowledge and skill then before, and set course for Coruscant and his wife, Mirax finally convinced Corran that the time was right for them to start a family.
“Something” happened, Later revealed to be an abandoned mine field, and the small transport that Corran had been piloting fell out of hyperspace… and refused to re-enter. Corran however wasn’t dead in the water his intersystem engines were undamaged and his scanners were picking up an inhabited planet within range with at lease some level of technology as the scanners were picking up manmade satellites.

This is were we find Corran now however he wasn’t truly annoyed with being stuck on a planet that had only recently travelled beyond there own moon, he was annoyed because the landing, in the back garden of a hopefully abandoned home, had damaged he long range communications ability and even with the small invisible communications satellite in orbit he wouldn’t be able to send a message beyond the fifth planet in the system.
Although having the satellite orbiting did have an advantage as the computer on the transport was able to access the local information system. The “internet” provided a wealth of information, including among other things that the language of the area he landed in, some place called “England”, was in it’s verbal form almost identical to Galactic Basic and while the written form was completely different he at least wouldn’t have to spend hours using a neural learner to learn an entire language, the device gave him a splitting headache.
“Whistler have you compiled the information yet?” Corran called into the ship, the reply was a serries of high pitched beeps and whistles, but seamed to make sense to Corran, who was grateful that Mirax had insisted on precautions in case of this very thing happening and had a custom program build that would be able to compile useful information from different types of data, including neural language programs, culture surveys and even schematics for repair parts from local technology.

Corran used a few Jedi breathing techniques to relieve himself of the remaining traces of anger, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker would probably have recommended using the exercise earlier but Corran preferred to deal with the source of the anger rather than just pushing it away. Corran entered the cargo hold of the transport after completing the survey of the area and setting up some devices to hide the ship from vision or technology, and walked over to the little droid currently working his way through the “Internet” attempting to find a way for
His owner to blend in if possible
Repair the long range communications system
Repair the Hyperdrive
And if possible to create a database of information on the planet

After viewing the datapad connected to the droid he found an answer to the first question. Yes Corran could blend in, after learning the written language, while his clothing would be considered strange the area he had landed in was close enough to a major city that “strange” clothing was almost normal.

The problem was ID the people of the area and indeed the planet were very concerted with safety and protection from terrorists, Thankfully Mirax bless her soul had thought of this and the emergence provisions included basic forging materials. Although the problem was that Corran could have basic identification made because of his accent he sounded different to the locals, his accent was identified as being close to the local area known as Australia , and without higher end international information Corran would be unable to sell any of the trade goods stashed in the hold, without arousing suspicion.
This problem could be bypassed but would require Corran to do some less than legal actions, Whistler was able to create a basic profile that included medical, school and government records and a empty bank account on any important computers that rationally went a little overboard with detail since it included a profile for Mirax, the next part was the illegal part, Whistler was able to modify some recent police records to include that a set of partially burnt Australian ID had been found and that the Australian embassy should be expecting someone named Horn, C to be needing a new set of ID.

Corran wasn’t fully comfortable with doing this he, had after all worked as an equivalent of the police, but he had done undercover work before and knew that sometimes you did things you were uncomfortable with. Corran had checked the sub list of tasks that would allow him to gather the required ID, Clothing, Repair goods and temporary accommodation.
So Corran list of tasks and splitting headache thanks to learning the written form of a language in less than an hour walked over the street, the house he was hiding behind was empty and had a For Rent sign out the front, noting the phone number on the sign he crossed the street, using an aspect of his ability to sense emotions through the force he found a home who’s occupants would be receptive to his need to use the telephone.
Noticing the street name “Drive” he headed towards number 2, the force gave him a sense that the occupant would at least be willing to hear him out. Suddenly Corran noticed a anomaly in the force coming from the house next door as well as some scattered through out the house he was walking toward, there appeared to be a shield of some kind surrounding the home, to his force sense it “felt” like a object from the light side of the force but he couldn’t detect the Force flowing through the shield it was some other power, inside the house other than a small life sign a few feet from the front door the other three occupants felt strongly of the dark side so why would a light side shield be protecting a house occupied by bad people?... unless the shield was there to protect the other life-force, but it was so small it couldn’t be human could it? .

Unfortunately Corran didn’t feel that he could do anything about the situation at the moment, he did take the time to place a small sensor on the fence between the properties before knocking on the door of number 2. After a few seconds he could sense the occupant moving behind the door, unlocking to door probably, and suddenly an oldish woman peered at him from behind the door.
“Yes can I help you young man” the woman asked Corran focused on the force and pushed an illusion of a roughed up tussled young man in to the mind of the old woman
“Yes, sorry to bother you but I was just robbed and hoped that I could used you phone to call the police” Corran tried to push that little bit of fear into his voice and looked over his shoulder as if waiting for the perpetrators to come back
“yes, yes of course, please come in, you get yourself to the bathroom and clean up, I’ll call the police” The woman’s demeanour took on an authoritative tone as she practically dragging Corran into the house, making small noises about the state of his clothing and how the “whole area is going down hill” Pushing the man into a small tiled room and closing the door while going off in search of the phone.
Corran pulled his influence from the woman’s mind as he fiddled with the fixture for a few seconds trying to turn the water on, eventually figuring it all out he splashed some of the water around, the illusion thankfully hadn’t included any blood so it was a simple matter of seaming to clean of the dirt and grim he had in the illusion.
“The police are on there way Mr…” called Mrs Figg (if you hadn’t figured it out by now, for shame)
“Horn, Corran Horn”
“Well my name is Arabella Figg, although everyone just calls me Mrs. Figg”
Corran moved out of the bathroom following the sound of Mrs. Figgs voice,
“Thank you I don’t know if I would have received as warm a welcome next door”
“Hhumm, no I think it best you didn’t ask the Dursleys , apparently young Harry broke one of his cousin’s toys today and Petunia and Veron are a bit put out “ the disapproval of these Dursey people was evident as was the belief that this Harry was more than likely not the culprit
“You don’t believe that Harry was it, broke his cousin’s toy?” Corran asked intrigued wordlessly accepting a cup of what seamed to be tea giving Mrs. Figg a slight encouragement to tell him through the force, this seamed to bust the flood gates
“It’s just that Harry couldn’t have broken the toy those people kept him outside all day, it was a hot day to, working his little fingers to the bone, while that little… brat was inside playing all day” Corran had noticed that half of the garden seamed to be well weeded having learned a little about gardening from his grandfather on Corellia
“I’ve only just moved here, you see, change is as good as a vacation eh?” the woman seamed to be trying to hide the fact that she spent the day watching the boy, Harry, in the garden.
“How many days has he been working?” the garden was quite large and would have taken an adult at least 2 days to complete at the level of detail Corran could see.
“Days… Days! He did all that work just today, having a three year old weeding, I’ll tell you if Dumbledore didn’t order me not to, I’d have Protective Services over in a second… eh… ah…” she suddenly stoped and clamped her hands over her mouth once she realised she had mentioned the name, Corran pushed harder using the Force to convince Mrs. Figg that he needed to know and within seconds he had the entire story, the Wizarding world, Voldemot, Dumbledore everything, realising that the woman would get in trouble for telling him and that this Dumbledore person may investigate, he modified her memory to remember that they spent the time talking about gardening, and filled the information away, as a Jedi… no as a human being he had to do something about the little boy next door.
“Mrs. Figg it sounds like the police are here I’ll just let myself out, I hope to see you again” Mrs. Fig just looked at Corran for a few seconds while the sound of a car pulling up to the house could be heard outside.
“…oh yes dear, I hope you get your things back, and thank you for the tip about my roses” the slightly disorientated woman walked Corran to the door, Locked it and went to bed.
Corran walked over to the to people who were getting out of the vehicle, looking at the object he identified as a Car, it was simple yet functional, he hoped to get a chance to test one out while he was stranded.

The conversation with the police went well, they recorded the information and offered to give Corran a ride to the Australian Embassy, and then help him with his accommodation, because of course all of his travel information had been in his luggage and so he would need to find a hotel for the night. The trip and the subsequent interview at the Embassy went well thanks to some help through the force; Corran was issued temporary ID including a Jewellers licence, permission to sell jewellery in large quantities, (the emergency trade goods being primarily jewellery as shiny things are normally valuable) thankfully the jewellery Corran came to pick up in England and then resell were in a pocket in his jacket while the thieves stole his Luggage and a passport.
Corran thanked the officers at the hotel where they explained the story to the staff while Corran assured the staff that he would be able to pay the bill provided tomorrow was a working day… which it was, Corran was given a simple room for the night, which he would pay for the next day after a trip to a Jeweller Whistler had provided directions to and who was expecting Corran, Dam E-Mails coming days late the jeweller didn’t even know that a dealer was flying all the way from Australia with some exotic jewellery until the day before. Confirming the appointment with the jeweller which led to a discussion about out of date computers and late E-mails, Corran arranged to meet the dealer in the morning in his shop in the Little Winging shopping centre. Crossing the last thing to do that day Corran was able to forget all the days’ troubles in the sweet embrace of sleep.

Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.
Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.
New code of the Jedi-Luke Skywalker