Star Wars - Series Fan Fiction ❯ "You're not alone... " ❯ The dream MF ( Chapter 4 )
A/N: I began adding parts to the story that already left the movie’s plot, so some parts from here forth are mine and based o pure speculation and theories as I mentioned before of the movie as to where Reylo is heading with the things that unraveled in the film.
Again, enjoy! J
Ch. 4
She was running, fast, from the thing that was following her. What thing? Why was she scared? Where was she?
-“Mama!!”- it was a little girl’s voice, but it was her who had screamed. She was trapped in a dark hallway, and she could not even see where was heading, only ahead of her, a dim grayness reflected upon her own skin, and it was scary, because the thing kept following her.
-“You can’t run away forever”- an amorphous voice, no gender could be attained from just hearing it, it was also ageless as it was emotionless. Rey wanted to believe she could outrun it, she knew that stopping would bring confrontation, and she also knw she was not ready for that. Her eyes filled with tears and she began screaming, because her legs hurt, they hurt so badly. But there was no sound coming from her.
-“Don’t you want to know who your parents are?”- She flinched at that and she almost stopped. Slightly, and very slowly she began to see other shapes coming to form around her. Doors, by her sides, she ran through what seemed to be the walls of a ship, with doors. The thing following her had slowed down, and somehow she knew that, she also knew that it was the clarity that had stalled it. Moving a little farther should make her feel safe and so she ran a little longer until her legs felt like they’d collapse beneath her. She knew these halls, at least at the moment and in the dimness they looked familiar, but in reality she could not even begin to name her placement. Rey felt enthralled to knock on the doors, she was alone, as she always was, but she knew she was somewhere where company was by the millions. Just where was she? She heard voices, they began to sound closer, and she knew they were coming from one of the doors, so she made herself move closer to it, pulled by whatever was behind it. She was ready to knock when the door opened and across the door she saw a meadow. It was breathtaking, she could smell the flowers in their fresh bloom, feel the warm breeze that didn’t dry your nostrils but was not cold and humid like Takodana. Rey didn’t cross the door, she dared not, but from a distance she saw two young people, a man and a woman, sitting on the grass, between the wild flowers and so dangerously close to each other without touching. He wore black, contrasting with the light of his hair and skin while she wore a long gown adorned with flowers pretty similar to the ones around her. She closed her eyes and tried to listen to them, to concentrate on what was happening between them.
-“I love you Padmé, more than my own life”- the young boy said to her, in a voice that didn’t betray his total surrender for her.
-“Oh Ani, you mean the universe to me”- she could feel their love, it was so pure, so string it made her smile, it made her heart melt and her spirit fill with an overwhelming warmness she wept in silence. Without needing to hear or see anything else, Rey allowed the door to slide close. She held her chest and tried to calm the intense beating of her own heart. When she opened her eyes again, the hallway was completely lit now, and she could see all the doors, she could feel every presence behind, and the most important thing of all, she was not scared, because the dark thing that had followed her was long gone. Rey turned to see through the door behind her, the one right across the meadow door with the couple. Just like with the first door she simply stayed at the doorstep and looked inside, and while at first she didn’t see anything, after a moment she heard soft whispers followed by girly giggles. Rey peered in further, still not stepping inside and with the corner of her eye she caught movement and saw a very strikingly beautiful young girl running down some stairs. She wore a white body suit and her long brown hair in trussed buns by the side of her head. Behind her a handsome man followed, without asking herself she knew who he was immediately, it was Han Solo, a young version. Rey blushed at the sight of him, the man truly was gorgeous and when she looked closer at the girl she saw the resemblance in her and Kylo Ren immediately. The same soft eyes and lips, Rey was aghast at what she was witnessing, and a moment before she could even make sense of what was happening the couple had begun kissing softly under the stairs.
-“Oh!”- before Rey could allow the door to close she saw the girl stop kissing Han and look straight at her, their eyes meeting for only a fraction of a second. And then Rey was back on the hall. No longer scared, but super embarrassed. This was no ordinary dream she realized, she was somewhere between being awake and being asleep, she was once again one with the universe, but this time, she was witnessing things that had already happened. But how? Maybe one of these doors held the truth about her parents and their intentions for leaving her back on Jakku.
-“Rey”- it was her name, being called from everywhere. She looked around, this voice she knew, but she could not quite place.
-“Rey”- she felt dizzy and paralyzed. What was happening, and then the world around her began swirling until she felt like her insides simply collapsed…
Rey awoke abruptly. Everything felt ethereal, and her mind felt misplaced, like she was stuck in between realms. Luke stood in front of her, a look of mild concern on his face. She waited some moments until her mind stopped spinning and she made sure she was entirely back. The grass beneath her felt cool, the breeze smelled like the sea and the chill in her body confirmed she was indeed back in the real world. She remained silent for a moment, and somehow Luke seemed to understand this, perhaps by experience or maybe he was just being considerate.
-“Nice little trip you took there huh?”- so he knew firsthand then. She stretched her arms and legs and straightened her back. When she was on her feet Luke still stared at her.
-“So want to talk about what you saw?”- He asked, not expressing any particular feeling, so if he was curious she could not guess from simple and casual inquiring.
-“The past, people I don’t really know”- she simply answered. Luke decided not to push further for answers, he had known these sort of “dreams”, they tended to happen here in the island, and he knew by his own experience that sometimes talking about them was not the most pleasant thing in the galaxy, because sometimes these were private moments that one found itself inside.
-“Let’s go, we have things to teach you”- and the topic was dropped then and there. Rey followed Luke up the mountains again.
Kylo was tired of failure, of always having something that displeased the Supreme leader. As he made his back to his room after another meeting with the hologram of Snoke he had murder written all over him, and no matter how much he beat at the elevator walls with his metal helmet it wasn’t enough. Not even when the thing had been obliterated to nothing his fists continued what it had started. Two guards stood at the elevator door waiting, both jumped at the sight of a furious Kylo Ren leaving the elevator.
-“Prepare my ship!”- the command was clear. Both guards looked at each other, neither interested in complying but both too afraid to deny the request. There was a destroyed helmet at the floor of the elevator and blood on the destroyed wall as well as a trail of blood following the young man.
He would end this today, now. The Resistance, his mother and his feelings, everything would be crushed by his desire to stop aching inside.
-“You feel compassion…”- Snoke retorted. Kylo Ren felt rage build within himself after being ridiculed in front of Snoke’s Praetorian guards.
-“I will destroy my mother the same wa—”- Kylo began.
-“It’s not your mother I’m concerned about Ren, it’s that scavenger girl, and Skywalker, it is them who present a great threat to you, and your full conversion and deliverance to me”- at Rey’s mention Kylo flinched, and trying hard not to give it away Kylo simply got up and was about to summon his saber when Snoke threw him back with the Force and lightning.
-“My, my Kylo Ren, don’t make me presume I made a mistake when I chose you to become my apprentice”- the young man said nothing as he allowed the shock to leave his body that was currently paralyzed.
“- Destroy the Resistance, keep proving your loyalty to me and we shall see where I place you. As for the girl and Skywalker… Bring her to me, him, the last Jedi, kill him”- and with that said Kylo was dismissed from Snoke’s throne room.
He had a lot to do, starting by the Resistance and then with Rey.