Star Wars - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megami-chan's smut ❯ Megami-chan's Smut ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Megami-chan's smut
By Sapadu
Two hours ago, Ken had been in the medcenter. Now, he was rather grateful that he wasn't. For some reason, he felt tired just from drawing his own breath. His back and legs and neck were stiff and sore- hospital beds weren't very comfortable, and even when they were, staying in them for hours tended to make it hard for one to get up and out of the bed. Luke said it could have been worse- he could have been stuck in that bed for a few days, or worse, weeks. Seeing as how Luke had been in the hospital for those exact amounts of time made it hard to argue that he doubted they would be worse.
Ken felt grimy. His face felt oily, like he had some kind of weird greasy bug crawling across it, his back itched, his hands felt sweaty, no matter how cold the room was, and his scalp felt like it was rotting and his hair was dirty.
Ken knew, however, this was entirely his own fault- he'd stopped caring about himself enough to stop showering and washing a few weeks ago. But Luke seemed to understand enough and gave Ken free reign over the shower for a few hours- however long Ken needed to feel clean again, on the one condition that Ken didn't deliberately try to drown himself while he was washing.
Ken waited for the water to reach a rather boiling temperature before pulling off his pajamas from last night- He had been relieved that Luke had told the medics not to put him in one of those horrible hospital gowns which itched and smelled like peroxide and were generally not fun to wear. The Jedi Prince tested the water briefly before stepping in and letting a bar of soap lather.
Letting out a sigh, Ken sat on the floor of the tub, letting the spray of water hit his back. It was SCALDING, but Ken didn't care. Maybe if he burned off this nasty, dirty feeling all over his skin, maybe it wouldn't come back. He felt dirty- not just a feeling on his skin, but inside, too. All of Luke's reassurances in the medcenter that he really did care about Ken- that his feelings for Miss Jade were really just a passing infatuation and admiration, that Luke's true love was for Ken, that he wasn't ashamed or disgusted... they seemed so far away. Ken didn't understand it. He was almost expecting Luke to turn on him- as soon as Ken fell for his stories, Luke would change his mind and TRY to hurt Ken...
Ken really didn't want to believe it may happen, but he couldn't help it. He wanted to believe Luke was still Commander Skywalker- Jedi Knight, hero of the galaxy, perfect, flawless, kind, compassionate, couldn't do ANYTHING wrong.
But the Grendel inside him said that it just couldn't be: Luke was only human. Humans were two-faced, evil, vicious, beast-like creatures who only did things for their own benefit, selfish, driven by hunger, greed, lust, anger, and hatred. It was scary- Ken shivered, almost crying. It would hurt, more than anything if it turned out that all Luke wanted was to get in his pants...
The soap had lathered enough that Ken could pick it up and scrub it into a net sponge. The orange puff sponge turned white with the lather and bubbles. Ken attacked his skin with a vengeance- scrubbing one arm then another, then his legs and stomach and chest and what of his back that he could reach, not stopping until he either saw redness, maybe even broken skin, before he started to wash a different part of his body. Even with his skin scrubbed down to just a thin layer over his muscles, Ken felt dirty- so dirty he wanted to throw up. The tiles were filled with his stench and he couldn't help himself- Ken started to cry.
"Now, listen to me and you listen good, farmboy: I have about this much sympathy for you right now!" Mara Jade, who stood in Luke's doorway, held up one finger and pointed at her finger nail on the back of it. That was about as sympathizing as Mara ever really got, unless it was a truly terrible emergency, so Luke wasn't surprised. The seriousness of the situation, however, was conveyed with the fact that Mara was bothering to say she felt any sympathy at all.
"I understand. And I know that I can't just magically fix this. Not even the Force has that kind of power, especially in regards to this." Luke agreed, leaving Mara with a satisfied look on her face that he'd finally admitted 'the Force' couldn't do something, "And I also understand that I have to do this alone. I just hope you'll understand that it will take some time."
"Time? You can have as much time as you want! How long do you think it'll be before the kiddo's back up to par?" Mara asked in an exasperated tone.
"Six months? At the very least..." Luke paused to think, while Mara rolled her eyes.
"Six months? I'll give you a full year! But! Farmboy, BUT! At the end of that year, I'm going to come back and check up on you and when I do, the only excuse I will accept from you for not taking that boy to bed and making mad, hot, passionate love to him is if he says 'No', got it?" Mara demanded. Luke blinked at her, his eyes bugging out in absolute terror at the prospect of having to sleep with Ken for both their safeties.
"So... Legal issues don't have a say in this, then?" Luke asked, glaring at her. Mara sighed, exasperated, again.
"The kiddo's at least fifteen, right?" Luke nodded, "Then he can legally give consent. He can't ASK you for sex, but if you ask and he wants to, then he can say so." The tone in her voice made Luke catch something else.
"So, not only do I have to sleep with Ken, but I also have to be the one who's responsible for asking him..." The Jedi Knight surmised. Mara smirked.
"Well, one of you has to have balls enough to be a man. Judging by the fact that the kiddo is in such bad shape, it's gonna have to be you." Mara snarled, then turned, closing the door behind her, "See ya in a year."
Sapadu: Wow! That's almost like Su-kun's and Sei-chan's bet, na?
Ken rinsed his face off in the spray of the shower, feeling pathetic and stupid. If Luke found out he'd been crying... Ken didn't want to think about it. But still... that dirty, grimy feeling clung to his skin, and he couldn't get out until he was clean.
Ken stood up, and picked up the soap and sponge again.
Just as Luke walked in.
Ken, being raised completely by droids, had no sense of modesty or shame about his body, except, perhaps if someone thought he was ugly, so he made no move to cover himself. Luke had grown to accept that Ken didn't mind people seeing him naked, thus didn't use the shower curtain, nor try to cover himself when someone walked in. However, for the first time in a long time, Luke saw Ken and couldn't help but stare.
Ken's skin was much more pale than Luke remembered, and not only that, but it clung to his body like static. The muscles in Ken's legs and stomach were tight and slim, and- Luke felt sick upon seeing this- every bone in Ken's torso was pressed tightly against his flesh- ribs, vertebrae, even his hip bones and pelvis.
Luke took several steps forward, towards Ken, who shrank away, still fearful that the older man may wish to hurt him. Ken couldn't shrink away much farther and had his back pressed against the wall, suddenly uncomfortable with Luke's gaze on his body.
"Um... Luke?" Ken whimpered, shrinking away as far as he could, eyes trained carefully on Luke's hand, trying to brace himself for anything. However, what Ken didn't expect was for Luke to trace the bottom of his ribcage with his forefinger.
"Ken, why are you so thin?" Luke asked, looking directly into Ken's gray eyes, even as he turned away.
"Well... the last few weeks... I'd already made up my mind... you know... that I wanted to die? So... it just didn't matter to me anymore... I didn't really feel like eating, so I stopped... just didn't care anymore..." Ken mumbled, looking anywhere but Luke's face. Ken felt a hand under his chin turning his head back to face Commander Skywalker. A full minute of silent staring transpired between them, before Luke leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Ken's shoulders, uncaring that he was getting wet under the spray of the shower.
"Don't do that to yourself. Just don't do it..." Luke whispered into Ken's ear. Ken raised a hand to touch Luke's back.
"You're getting wet." He observed, in a voice that almost seemed dazed. Luke sighed, pulled back and looked at Ken for a long minute. Then he pulled away and closed the shower curtain.
"I'll be back in just a moment." Ken heard Luke's voice through the cloth and sat down on the tub floor to wait, facing the shower head, staring up at it and not caring about the scalding water that was almost burning his face.
Even with the water this hot, Ken felt a chill creep over him, especially when thinking about how warm he'd felt, both inside and out, in Luke's arms. That hug had given Ken a feeling as though reassuring the Jedi Prince that the man he admired and loved didn't just want him for his body... Ken felt himself smile at the thought, not caring if it was stupid to feel so safe when it had just been a hug.
A hand reached over him and turned on the cold water. Ken almost jumped to turn and see Luke standing right behind him. Ken's face went red- while he may have been a virgin, he still knew, intellectually, what it meant when two naked people were together in a bed or shower or anywhere, for that matter.
"That water was so hot, if you'd stayed under it any longer, you would have died of dehydration, and if not that, you would have burned." Luke explained, matter-of-factly. Ken continued to blink, still blushing, finally turning away to stare at his knees. He didn't see Luke reaching over and picking up the soap and a sponge. He was startled, thus, when Luke brushed a lathered sponge over Ken's skin, but Ken let the older man scrub at his back. For some reason, the itchy, greasy feeling disappeared with each stroke over his back...
Ken purred, which earned him a very strange look from Luke.
"Ken?" He asked, his hands abandoning their task. Ken shivered a bit. ::Relax, Ken. You're too tense.::
"Feels good..." Ken mumbled, taking a deep breath, relaxing as best as he could. He didn't know why, but this feeling... Luke here with him, caring so much that he was washing Ken's back, silence except for the water splattering against the tub floor and their skin, and a warm, fuzzy feeling floating in the air...
Ken felt perfectly content.
"Lean forward. To rinse the suds off." Ken could feel Luke's hand gently pushing against his head, and Ken obeyed, rocking forward onto his toes and the pads of his feet, letting Luke's gentle fingers and the water wash the soap from his back. Ken sniffed the air- no longer was there his sour, sickly scent, but something rather nice had replaced it: a scent like oranges- that was Luke, Ken knew that much- but also a smell like outside during and after a rainstorm and... roses. Luke could tell that's what Ken was thinking, they were both so open and in sync with the Force...
"Rosewater soap. It suits you." Luke explained, tracing a finger down Ken's spine. Ken held back a shudder, realizing exactly how embarrassed he suddenly was about being so skinny.
"Give me one of your arms." Luke asked, gently gripping Ken's right arm by it's skinny wrist as Ken held it up. Luke tried to ignore the bony feel of Ken's arm as he lathered the sponge and pressed it to the raw skin on Ken's arm, trying with all his might to be gentle enough that it didn't hurt the boy. Luke heard Ken sigh with contentment as Luke let Ken's arm fall back under the spray of the shower to rinse it off, before, slowly, carefully, bringing Ken's hand to his lips and delicately licking off the beads of water that clung to Ken's fingertips.
"Luke?" Ken turned to see Luke sucking on his smallest finger, his eyes opening as Ken stared at him.
"Mm?" Luke replied, his voice muffled around Ken's finger. Ken blushed, again.
"Nothing..." Ken mumbled, turning his gaze back to his knees. Luke let Ken's hand drop and leaned forward, running his tongue along the edge of one of Ken's shoulder blades, taking up the water with his tongue, the smell of rosewater filling his nose and a lingering taste in his mouth... almost like...
Luke felt Ken shiver, but could tell that he didn't mind. Instead, Luke continued to lap the water up off Ken's back, reveling the sweet scent- so strong, he could taste it, finally picking up Ken's other arm, lathering it, rinsing it, and licking Ken's fingers. Luke didn't need the Force to tell him that Ken was enjoying it, tremendously.
"Ken, turn around." Luke whispered into Ken's ear, who turned around, looking confused, "So it'll be easier to rinse." Luke explained, picking up a bottle and emptying some into his hand, before reaching over and massaging the shampoo into Ken's scalp, running it through Ken's hair, a silky feeling...
Ken's eyes dropped closed and he tilted his head back, pushing back against Luke's fingers. What he'd seen was singularly odd- Luke Skywalker, sitting on his heels, washing the hair of a boy at least six years younger than him, and- Ken had to fight against a heavy blush at this- looking absolutely edible, wet and covered with soap suds, skin and eyes reflecting off the bright light of the bathroom... here, washing Ken's hair...
Ken's feeling of being warm turned to hot as Luke leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips. Ken felt a soft, silky texture brush against his own lips, letting his mouth part just a little and suddenly, a taste of citrus juice was in his mouth- Luke's taste... Luke's tongue- a soft, yet steel hard muscle, brushing against Ken's own tongue and tickling his mouth. Ken moved his tongue against Luke's, stroking it, tangling with it, wrapping around Luke's in an embrace and a caress all at the same time, almost like giving Luke a hug when he came home after a long day.
While his tongue concentrated on Ken's mouth, Luke's hands picked up the sponge, lathered it again, and began to scrub at Ken's chest, idly drawing a line of soap along Ken's collarbones, in no hurry to get to Ken's stomach, brushing a few bubbles which had strayed from the path down to the spots under the bend in Ken's collarbones. Luke traced a line of suds down the center contour of Ken's chest, using one finger to sweep them up onto the flat planes of Ken's breasts, rubbing the bubbles into Ken's skin, and scrubbing more lather onto Ken's skin when the bubbles had all been popped. Experimentally, Luke squeezed the sponge, letting suds flow out of the sponge, onto his fingers, and ran his fingers over Ken's chest, circling around his nipples, before pressing down.
Ken let out a moan into Luke's mouth, muffled by their colliding tongues. He shuddered, completely consumed by the sensations, so many, so strong, all at once, seemingly conflicting with each other, in two totally different regions of his body, Ken couldn't keep them straight, or separated from each other. All he knew was they were both so foreign, so different, but so, so delicious.
Luke pulled away from the kiss and began to kiss down Ken's throat, lapping up the shower water that had caught in his throat. Ken lay down on his back, and Luke moved with him, finally bringing himself to straddle the boy's hips, their two silken, straining penises briefly touching as Ken let out a cry. Luke looked up from Ken's neck.
"Ken?" He asked, concerned. The Force was no help: Ken's emotions were all such a swirl, it was impossible to tell them apart.
"'Sokay... just... this feeling... so... so strange..." Ken whimpered, writhing, unashamed anymore, soaking up these strange but wonderful- yes, wonderful- sensations.
"Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?" Luke reminded Ken, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Ken nodded, his eyes closed with such pleasure as Luke sat up to let the shower rinse away the soap on Ken's chest, pressing his own, larger erection against Ken's smaller, growing one.
The world blurred before Ken's eyes as Luke took up the soap again and started to wash his stomach, dipping a swift little finger into his bellybutton, somehow or another managing to avoid pressing too hard on the bruise right where Ken had pressed the blaster to his skin. ::Don't think about that, Ken. Focus on something pleasant.:: ::I am. I'm focusing on you.:: Ken felt Luke smile against his skin, his lips meandering down Ken's collarbones, suckling on the sharp, outward sticking corners, while Luke's fingers scrubbed the soap closer and closer to Ken's penis, not there yet, but close.
Fingers closed around the tip of Ken's penis, just as Luke's tongue brushed against one of Ken's nipples. The Jedi Prince couldn't help but yelp, only from being taken off guard, but as he grew used to the feeling, Ken's cries grew quieter. After all, it wouldn't do if Artoo, or worse, Threepio, heard him wailing and thought they were in trouble only to burst in on the two Jedi making love in the shower. (Sapadu: Sorry to spoil the mood, but can't you just see that? It sure would be funny...)
As Luke continued to stroke Ken's erection and lap at the nipple, Ken's fingers tightened in Luke's hair. He could feel a strange heat building between his legs and down his chest- a burning, aching sensation, yet, somehow, it felt... good... there was no other word for it. It was a perverse kind of pain: The two sensitive peaks on his chest and his erect, throbbing penis were too painful to leave alone in this state, but the treatment for this pain was so pleasurable, Ken wasn't sure if he wanted it to stop or not. If he'd had a hard time breathing before, it was nothing to now, except he didn't mind. It wasn't a painful thing- it wasn't like his windpipe was constricted to not take in air, but rather he just couldn't take in breath quick enough before he had to let it out again.
Too much feeling... too many sensations all at once... Ken's head was swimming with the feelings of being licked and stroked as well as Luke's feelings pouring in through the Force- desperation and joy and love and a burning, overwhelming passionate desire- not to mention Ken's own feelings for Luke- gratitude, love, comfort, regret for causing pain and worry, a need to be with him forever...
And then Luke's hand was gone from his penis, quickly running over Ken's testicles and down towards his backside before the sponge was running along the insides of Ken's legs. Oh yes... Ken had forgotten that they WERE supposed to be cleaning up...
Luke sat up, letting the shower water run over Ken's stomach and hips, taking the soap with it. For a moment, the sapphire-eyed man couldn't help but stare at the boy who lay on his back before him. Despite his visible ribs and pelvic bones, despite his whole body being red and flushed from his own harsh scrubbing and what Luke had been doing, despite all those little flaws and more, Luke couldn't help but look at Ken- HIS Ken- and know how truly beautiful the boy was.
The suds had rinsed away, and Luke's head descended to Ken's stomach, lapping up stray rivulets of shower water trying to escape from cleaning the boy's skin. Up and down, up and down, until he'd reached Ken's navel. Luke first kissed the Jedi Prince's bellybutton, watching, amused, as Ken's abdomen tightened and shrank away from the touch before relaxing and allowing Luke to kiss him again. Instead, Luke's tongue descended to lick around the rim of the little hole before dipping inside to taste the water that had collected inside Ken's navel. Luke's lips nipped at the edge of the skin.
::Stop! Luke, stop!:: Luke pulled away and blinked at Ken in surprise. If Ken wanted him to stop, why now, instead of some other time? Ken took a moment to regain his breath before panting,
"Don't... I'm... I'm ticklish..."Ken muttered between breaths. Luke couldn't help but smile at that.
"Oh, are you?" He asked, in a rather bland tone, not suggestive in the least, but Ken understood exactly what he was thinking, and looked rather alarmed.
"If you dare tickle me, I'm getting out of the shower, right now." Ken declared, in the exact same bland tone. Luke smiled again, much more widely, and dipped his head back down to place a gentle kiss on Ken's stomach- one that just couldn't tickle.
::I was kidding.:: ::I wasn't but if you were, then it's okay.:: Ken's thoughts to Luke were brought to an abrupt halt as Luke let one hand slide under Ken's backside, softly kneading the flesh and rubbing soap into it, while Luke's other hand soaped and caressed Ken's thighs, insides and outsides, all the way down to Ken's knees, and under. Ken started to moan again as the sensations started to overwhelm him, again.
Even more so as Luke's lips touched to Ken's penis, caressing the beautifully molded skin, and tasting the warm flesh of the Jedi Prince's erection. Ken's knees buckled and his thighs tightened around Luke's head as the Jedi Knight took Ken's penis into his mouth and began to suck, long, and slow draws, almost as though Luke was sucking the innocence right out of Ken's virgin body. Ken's moans turned into loud, unashamed, wails as Luke's tongue began to stroke Ken's penis in time with the sucklings, a kind of sexually romantic music masterpiece playing between Luke and the boy beneath him- a music that only they could hear, that guided their movements, that dictated their actions...
Sapadu: Now, I'm going to be REALLY mean...
"Ken? Ken, wake up." Ken felt his shoulder being shaken and Luke's voice right above his ear. Ken blinked once, twice, then opened his eyes. There was Luke, holding Ken close to his chest... Luke in his pajamas and Ken in a bathrobe.
"Wha...?" Ken rubbed at one of his eyes, feeling very dazed and out of focus.
"You passed out in the shower. Must've been the heat..." Luke mused, pressing a cool hand to Ken's forehead. Ken blinked, still confused.
"It must have been the heat- If you passed out from shock because I'd gotten in with you, you would have passed out before I started washing your hair." Luke explained. Ken blinked. So... it had been a dream?
"I saw it, by the way." Luke added. Ken's eyes bugged out of their sockets at that.
"You... saw... 'IT'?" Ken asked, looking terrified if Luke meant what he thought he meant. Luke was silent for a moment, contemplating his answer, while Ken didn't know if he wanted to panic or be relieved in some way.
"Are you really ticklish?" Luke finally asked, confirming Ken's suspicions that, yes, it had been a dream, and, yes, that was the 'it' Luke had been referring to. For now, Ken went with the 'humiliated' option of his two emotions.
"NO!" He blurted out, going red in the face, both from embarrassment that Luke had seen his... dream... and because he was so panicked over what might happen next. Luke smirked and stuck a hand into Ken's bathrobe, tickling him mercilessly, while Ken sputtered and tried to worm away. Luke smiled, before standing up, carrying Ken in his arms to the bedroom.
"Well then... I'll just have to be careful... if you want this, that is." Luke said, staring down into Ken's eyes. Ken blinked, almost disbelieving, then looked away. Luke took this as meaning Ken didn't want it.
"No... not that... it's just..." Ken stammered, while Luke sat patiently, waiting for Ken to gain control of himself, "It's just new to me... I mean... I've always been taught... you know... I'm not even sure how it's anatomically possible, I mean... I'm scared, Luke... I'm scared that I'll do something wrong... I'm scared that it's just another dream... I'm scared that this is all you want from me... and once it's over..." Ken curled up into a ball and shrank away from Luke, whose face looked pained that Ken doubted his feelings. Slowly, not wanting to startle his admirer, Luke wrapped his arms around Ken's shoulders, just like in the shower, only this time, to nurture a pain inside Ken.
"Ken... I know this is going to be typical, but trust the Force. You can even look: I won't mind." Luke whispered to Ken, who looked up, his meekness conveying every fear he had.
But he stretched out, into the Force, into Luke's mind, and found himself confronted with thoughts and worries and joys and tears, fears of Ken's life through his hospital stay, hopes that he would make it, promises to never, ever screw up like Luke had to make Ken hurt so badly, ::God, I love him, so much...::, ::Isn't this wrong, though?::, ::Don't die, don't die, please...::, ::I don't want to forget.::, ::Is he happy? I wish I knew...::, until, after spinning and swirling among the images, Ken found himself seeing a dream... the dream Luke been having the night Ken had tried to shoot himself.
He couldn't see, but rather, he heard and smelled, just like in his vision in the hospital, except this one, he wasn't standing in a beam of light that separated him from Luke and his lover. No, Ken found himself suffused in the same darkness as the two on the bed, one of the voices distinctly Luke's, the other, his own, but neither of them were heavy or crying out- they were still very early in the first steps of love-making. The scent in the air was that of orange peels and fresh raindrops on roses- them, together- and a feeling hung thick in the air, but it didn't feel like sex and lust... it felt of warmth and love and togetherness and touching and joining and wishing...
It was what Luke wished for, above all else, more than anything else in the world...
Ken drew back into his own mind and stared straight into Luke's eyes, awed and speechless.
"Luke... I..." Ken whispered, tracing the contours of Luke's face with a finger. Luke opened his eyes and stared directly into Ken's silvery gaze. Ken couldn't help but smile, and leaned forward, the resulting kiss only half intentional for the both of them, until Luke pressed forward,Ken falling onto his back and Luke following. There was something very different from the kiss in the dream- there was no tongue, for one thing, but... it was real... in a completely different dimension than Ken had expected. With such an intimate contact with Luke, he could FEEL him... actually feel Luke's lips against his own, feel Luke's feelings pouring into him, feel something else... almost as though Luke was breathing life back into him... Ken felt warm and alive and full of energy and joy. There was no force, no intensity in the kiss, yet somehow, Ken found himself gasping for breath when their lips parted, and from what he could hear, so was Luke.
"Are you sure? We can always stop, if you just say so..." Luke muttered, talking directly into Ken's ear. Ken smiled again, letting his eyes fall closed, and nodded. For some reason, closing his eyes just made it more real- he could TRUST Luke not to hurt him, not to leave, not to do anything Ken wouldn't want... that was what closing his eyes symbolized for Ken. Luke bent his head and kissed Ken's cheeks, lips again, chin, and began to trail kisses down the Jedi Prince's neck, his tongue flicking out and tracing a vein when he came to one.
It only made Ken's blood run hotter.
Luke continued to concentrate on Ken's neck, feeling already that he was going too fast, but letting his hands wander, all the same, feeling Ken's bony physique, knowing what was under the cloth, but not caring about how it may make Ken look. He was still Ken, after all. Luke couldn't help but remember Mara's parting words in the back of his head. Did she really think that Ken's recovery would be marked with sex? Or, did she mean that in a sense that Luke should make love to Ken to prove he wouldn't hurt the boy again? Either way, Luke almost felt sickened... perhaps that was the best way to describe it... if Ken found out about Mara's deal with him, would he take it to mean that sex was all Luke wanted from him?
"Luke, I don't mind." Ken muttered, reaching up and putting his hands on Luke's back. Luke raised his head and stared at Ken, both amazed and confused.
"Ken, are you sure?" He asked. Ken nodded, his eyes still closed when Luke asked, "Why do you want to talk with our voices, instead of the Force?"
"Because then I know it's real..." Ken whispered, which only earned him another kiss. This time, neither Ken nor Luke held back from letting their tongues slip out to tangle together, and Ken could truly feel, suddenly, like he was home. He felt light, and warm, and wanted, and boldened. Ken reached one hand up and carefully pulled open one of the buttons on Luke's shirt. Luke smiled against his lips and carefully parted the robe Ken was in, letting the cloth slide off Ken's shoulders and down to his waist.
Ken shivered, as Luke pulled away and blinked at him.
"Ken?" Luke asked, cupping one of Ken's cheeks with his hand as Ken quickly curled up into a ball, almost as though shrinking away from Luke.
"Cold..." He managed, and Luke nodded, picking up the blanket and pulling it up, covering the both of them, lay down so he covered Ken's thin, shivering body with his own. Ken's shivering subsided, except for a slight chill that he was suddenly so surrounded, both physically and emotionally, by warmth, and snuggled closer to Luke's chest. Luke put both of his arms around Ken's shoulders and held him close, realizing with a jolt that if this is what it took to keep Ken warm, it would be impossible to make love... at least, tonight it would be.
"Ken, I think we should wait until you've gained some weight before doing this, unless you want to freeze while we make love tonight..." Luke murmured, pulling away enough to look Ken in the face. Ken blinked two, bright gray eyes up at him, before finally nodding, and pulling closer to Luke, curling up on his side and falling asleep almost immediately, not letting Luke's arms leave him.
Nor did Luke want to.
Sorry I'm being so mean, but I'm tired and I don't think I can write the real lemon just yet, but it will come...
Okay, Sapadu's feeling better again.
It had been two months since Ken had attempted to shoot himself. Luke had, since then, paid very special attention to the boy, both to his health, and the Jedi Prince, himself. Things had settled down into a rather peaceful, almost mundane way of life. Luke had found that Ken was a natural in the kitchen, unless, of course, he forgot to set the timer. Not only that, but once Ken regained enough of his stomach to have an appetite, Ken was cooking more often than Luke was, and indeed, seemed to have more fun that way. The dishes Ken would make were even more tasty than a restaurant, if only because Ken liked foreign cooking, and thus there was more variety, and in two months, Ken was no longer so skinny that you could see his ribs.
Luke couldn't help but note that he had changed, too. Within the first few weeks of life with Ken, Luke had found himself more at ease- a little less tense, more open-minded, slower to take offense (and considering that you'd have to do quite a bit before to make Luke mad, that was saying something)... overall, Luke felt mellowed, but still in the best of health and fitness.
One thing, however, had not changed between them: tension. For some unidentifiable reason, Ken was still in terror at the thought that Luke might turn on him, or worse, forget about him again. Luke supposed that was reasonable enough, and was extremely grateful that Ken did not, like a certain redhead he knew, take this fear out on Luke as anger, but that still didn't mean Luke was entirely pleased with Ken holding it in and torturing himself.
Luke, himself, had plenty to think about, with Mara's threat of bodily harm if Ken hadn't fully recovered by the time she came back to see them. And he was still concerned with what she had said she considered 'Fully recovered'. If, in order to be 'fully recovered', the two of them would have to sleep together, Luke was really more worried if Ken would even be capable of reaching out to people, ever again. Ken had started school again and Luke walked with him every day, but never once saw any of the other students so much as look Ken's way twice, so Luke started to worry about how introverted the Jedi Prince really was.
Fortunately, Luke had a good way to help Ken out, and it all depended on his own culinary skills and a few, well chosen people coming over.
Though Luke had never actually SEEN Ken with any friends his own age, Ken had spoken in great detail about a friend he'd had since Chip had broken down- Luke wasn't sure what his name was, but Ken always referred to him as 'Andy', and it was either a stroke of pure luck, or good fate that on the very day Luke had been planning to act that Andy decided he wanted to visit Ken's home.
Luke had called his sister, and Leia, never one to do anything by half, rose to the occasion by bringing over Han, Chewbacca, and promising to bring her children later that night. The four of them sat around Luke's kitchen table, carefully planning out the night- Luke took care of timing the occasion, as well as the cooking, as long as Han, Leia, and Chewie did THEIR parts. The door opened and Leia grabbed her notebook, hiding it behind her back so Ken wouldn't see.
"Hi, Luke! I'm ho-- Oh! Captain Solo... Princess Leia, Chewbacca, I didn't know you were coming over..." Ken stopped in mid-stride, a boy with black, gnarled hair coming in after him, glancing over the four seated around the table with distrust.
"I'm sorry- I kind of invited them on a spur of the moment." Luke explained, getting out of his chair to walk over to Ken and give him a 'welcome home kiss'. Andy glared.
"Well then, I guess that means we're even, right?" He muttered, sullenly. Luke blinked- it wasn't so much that the other boy was rude as it was he had a grudge. But as to what, Luke couldn't even guess.
Ken attempted to break the tension with introductions, but since that flopped pretty badly, Luke shooed the two upstairs to do their homework, until the comlink buzzed at it was Andy's mother, wondering where he was and telling him to be home in two hours. Luke stopped Andy as he was about to go back up the stairs.
"Listen, today is what we consider Ken's birthday, and he's turning sixteen. That's why the other three are here: we're planning a surprise dinner, so, if you'd want to come, I think Ken would appreciate it." Luke explained, watching Andy's expression warp.
"Oh, so you ARE decent. And don't look at me like that: Ken didn't elaborate, but I kind of figured out from the past two years he was depressed, I KNEW he'd tried to shoot himself a while ago- my mom's a nurse- and can you imagine how PLEASED I was when I found out YOU were right at the center of it all? I've got a total of one and a half friends right now, and my half friend doesn't count because it's a stuffed animal, so I have a right to be cranky with you for pretty much killing off my only friend, in the world."
"I'm assuming you're neglecting the fact that I wasn't the one to actually point the blaster to Ken's chest and pull the trigger..." Luke replied, rather dryly. Andy blinked, not quite gaping, but maybe a little taken off guard.
"Touché. Now, I'm going to go back upstairs and study in order to regain my composure so I can insult you properly when I see you next." Andy snapped, just as Ken came down, searching for his friend, so Andy added, "Oh, and Skywalker- if Ken ever gives you something like a painting or a poem for a gift... appreciate it. He's the best damn artist I've ever seen."
"YOU? You think 'The Nutcracker' is something you did off the high dive in swimming class!" Ken retorted as the two of them climbed the stairs back up to the bedroom. Luke heard something akin to 'Shut it, you!' as the door shut.
"I'll bring Anakin, too, in that case. It's hard for even someone like Andy to be crabby with Anakin in the room." Leia murmured. Everyone else in the room sighed.
Sapadu: Eheh... sorry about Andy... my brain broke that day...
"So, Ken... you've been livin' with this guy for two months? You know, and actually 'living' instead of this catatonic, existentialistic, nihilistic shit that you've been pulling the last two years..." Andy asked, putting away his chemistry table.
Andy couldn't help but note how much Ken's face was glowing, just thinking about Skywalker actually caring, not only for him, but about him...
"Have you two slept together, yet?" Andy asked, trying not to laugh. Unfortunately, the lack of laughter stifled his coy tone, thus killing any clues to Ken what he meant.
"Oh, yeah... at first, it was because I was so cold at night... you know, being so skinny and everything, but after that, both of us realized it was just so... warm and... comfortable with the other person sleeping right next to us... I dunno... it's so weird... I'm not very used to physical displays of affection, but when Luke's right next to me... I don't even have nightmares anymore..." Ken replied, looking so dreamy and dazed that Andy felt very out of place with the shocked expression on his face.
"Uh... Ken... I meant... have you two had sex yet?" Andy corrected. Predictably, Ken's face went bright red.
"I... NO! I mean... AN-DI-I-E..." Andy snickered at seeing Ken's discomfort. Ken threw a book at him.
Somehow or another, Luke had managed to make a cake with little to no catastrophe in the kitchen and the evening went perfectly- just as planned. Han and Chewie had decided it would be funny to see Luke squirm, so for decorations, they turned off all the lights and lit the living room with candles. Leia had said nothing, but resorted to violent measures when Han tried to find a porn movie for Luke and Ken to watch. Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin had had a GRAND old time, mostly because they'd spent the entire time clinging to either Luke's or Ken's or even Chewbacca's legs and thus forcing them to drag them around everywhere they went. Luke had his suspicions that Andy only enjoyed the occasion because of the expression on Ken's face when he'd walked into the room to find a cake, candles, and literally all the people in the world who cared about him just because he was turning sixteen. Luke had felt a twinge in his chest just thinking about the idea that Ken had never, ever celebrated his day of birth- in fact, Ken didn't even know WHEN his birthday was, so this day was just a symbolic celebration.
But, nonetheless, it had gone well... The Solo family left for home and Andy stalked off, throwing a long, complicated, very well thought out insult at Luke over his shoulder, as well as a threat that he'd better not hurt Ken again. Ken laughed and then said he was going to take a shower.
Ken sang in the shower. Nobody knew why- Ken just DID. Sometimes, Luke would deliberately sneak into the bathroom to brush his teeth while Ken was washing because he wanted to hear Ken sing- he never sang when he knew someone was listening.
Tonight, however, Luke didn't bother with creeping in- he didn't need to, nor particularly want to- Ken was singing so loudly and so happily that Luke doubted Ken would've noticed if fireworks were going off outside the window. Over the past month or so, Ken had become more and more aware of the taboo of nudity, so he used the shower curtain when he showered a bit more often. Luke suspected that Ken had also started to do that so he could have his hot showers without running up the heat and water bill- the shower curtain kept the steam in so effectively- despite the constant talks that he WASN'T a burden around the house, financial or otherwise. Luke shook his head and walked over to the shower. Ken didn't notice the shadow moving on the other side of the curtain.
(Sapadu: Cue the 'Psycho' music...)
"Ken?" Luke's voice drifted through the curtain and Ken's singing stuttered to a halt. Luke could tell without seeing that Ken's face was red behind the curtain. Two fingers reached out and tugged the curtain back enough that Luke could see one, very wide, gray eyes and enough of Ken's right cheek to know he was correct about Ken's blush.
"Luke? W-were you LISTENING?" If Luke could judge by the irregularly high pitch Ken's voice was reaching, he could tell the Jedi Prince was nothing short of mortified.
"I've heard you sing before. You might not know it, but the wall between the shower and the bedroom isn't all that sound-proof." Luke lied. And, indeed the wall was thin, though not necessarily enough to let every little noise in through it. Ken could tell Luke wasn't telling the exact truth, but Ken figured that it would only embarrass them both further if he called Luke on his bluff.
"Oh." Ken mumbled, going another shade of red. Luke smiled and continued.
"I was just coming in to brush my teeth, so if you were planning on getting out soon, just be forewarned." And Luke turned his back to brush aforementioned teeth. Ken blinked then closed the shower, his singing voice slowly returning, albeit softer than before.
Luke had just spat out his toothpaste when Ken spoke up again.
"Luke?" When the older Jedi replied with a muffled 'Mm?', Ken continued, "Do you remember... that first night when I'd come back from the hospital? And... you got into the shower with me?" Luke could tell Ken was blushing quite heavily.
"Yes. Yes, I remember... I'm still quite shocked that you'd managed to starve yourself so much that you were THAT skinny..." Luke reminded Ken. Why, in the name of all that was holy, did THAT have to be what Luke immediately thought of?
"... I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to... well, actually, I did mean to hurt myself, but I didn't think it would hurt you, too..." Ken mumbled, feeling quite ashamed. Luke stared down at his hands, resting on the bowl around the sink.
"It's okay." He said. Was it just Luke's imagination, or did he hear something akin to a whimper behind that curtain?
"Anyway... I was just wondering... when you washed my back that night... and my arms and my hair... something happened... because, for about two hours before that, I'd been scrubbing my skin off because I felt so dirty... and even after scrubbing, I STILL felt like that... and you made it stop." Ken explained, softly. Luke made a noncommittal noise, though in truth he was... rather nonplussed by this revelation.
"I was wondering... could you wash my back again?" Ken asked, finally. Luke blinked. Of all the things he'd been expecting, THAT had certainly not been it.
"It's okay if you want to go to bed or something else- it's just... I really liked... I liked it when you did that the first time..." Ken mumbled. Luke, not able to think of a reply, said nothing. Ken didn't see him unbuttoning his shirt, and thus took his silence as a 'no'.
Luke had stripped of all of his clothes and found the same rosewater soap in the cabinet when he climbed in. Ken jumped and practically whirled around to face Luke, not having expected this. For a moment, Luke couldn't help but outright stare- not in shock, but more of a soft, puzzled wonderment. Ken was still slender despite the weight he'd put on the past two months, but not a sickly skinny- more of a kind of healthy tone, as though Ken exercised, but instead of growing muscles, had become shaped like this...
And Luke had never really noticed, but Ken's body was still very young- maybe he still had yet to hit puberty, but his chest and torso were still thin, his shoulders pinched, his pelvis almost like a pair of hips protruding down from his waist. And Ken's skin was still, somehow, miraculously smooth- No chest or pubic hair, not even as though Ken had shaved. Luke supposed he shouldn't have been surprised- Ken had been tall for his age at twelve, but he was noticeably shorter than his peers now that he was sixteen, and his voice still had yet to deepen.
"L-Luke... I didn't know... um..." Ken stammered, almost shrinking away from Luke's tall, imposing figure. Luke supposed he understood that much- He was older than Ken, taller, stronger, a grown man- though Luke couldn't put an exact number on the years between Ken and himself; he'd stopped keeping track of his age when he joined the Rebel Alliance.
Luke stepped into the shower, closing the curtain behind him. Ken had stopped cowering, much to Luke's relief, but was still staring at him with impossibly wide eyes... eyes that almost made Luke cringe to look into them... they were so innocently GORGEOUS...
"I thought you weren't going to..." Ken tried speaking again, only to find his voice wouldn't last for more than a few syllables before it died. It didn't take a genius to recognize signs that Ken had been holding his breath, trying to keep from crying.
Damn it! The night had gone so WELL, too...
"Why did you think that?" Luke asked. Ken looked away, a blush rising in his cheeks.
"Well... I asked and... you didn't answer, so..." Ken's face was red. Luke stared at Ken for a long moment, before reaching out and pulling Ken into a hug, completely ignoring the fact that they were both completely naked. Ken melted against his arms, almost desperately relieved that Luke understood.
"We have a communication barrier." Luke said, finally. Ken blinked against Luke's chest, altogether too fascinated and dazed with the feeling of Luke's arms around him and their bodies pressed together to truly comprehend what Luke had said. When he finally did process Luke's statement, Ken made a soft humming noise.
"Ken... if I will answer you, honestly and bluntly, when you ask me something, will you please tell me about how you feel if something's bothering you? That's really what caused this whole mess- I didn't know you'd been feeling so terrible, and you had no way of knowing that I didn't hate you..." Luke asked, tracing a finger up Ken's spine, causing the boy to shiver. Ken nodded against Luke's shoulder.
Luke finally started to scrub the soap in his hand against the sponge in his other hand, a white, foamy lather forming and, carefully, the Jedi began to scrub Ken's back. Ken took a deep breath and wound his arms around Luke's neck, leaning his forehead against Luke's shoulder. Luke pulled his head away enough that Ken glanced at him, bewildered.
For a moment, Luke's hands paused in as they lathered the sponge again and the older man's fingers pressed at the spot between Ken's shoulder blades. Ken stared into Luke's eyes, Luke's eyes into his. After a minute, Luke leaned forward, lips just a breath away from Ken's ear.
"I love you." He whispered. Luke felt Ken shiver under his fingertips as Luke's hands meandered down Ken's back, almost touching his buttocks.
"That's the first time I've heard you tell me that." Ken whispered, almost impossible to hear over the shower noise. Luke's hands stopped, firmly on Ken's hips, as the older man considered this new information... It was true: Luke had never outright said how much he cared, and he supposed that would mean quite a lot to the Jedi Prince. Luke bent his head to place a kiss right below Ken's ear lobe.
"I love you." Luke kissed him again, closer to his cheek, "I love you," Ken's cheek, "I love you," Ken's temple, "Always," The bridge of Ken's nose, "Forever," Ken's eyes, "I loved you yesterday," A kiss on Ken's other cheek, "I'll love you tomorrow," Ken's chin, "Forever and a day." Luke kissed Ken full on the lips. Ken whimpered and stood on his toes, wrapping his arms around Luke's neck even tighter as Luke's fingers swept down around Ken's buttocks, kneading soap into the firm, soft flesh. A tingling sensation crept through Ken's veins, almost amazed at how such a light touch was setting his skin on fire.
"I love you, too, Luke..." Ken whispered, as his lungs and windpipe constricted from sensation. Luke started to kiss Ken along his neck, tongue flicking out to trace a pulsing vein, instantly melting Ken's legs. Luke smiled against Ken's neck as the boy's arms tightened around his neck. Slowly and carefully, Luke eased Ken onto the floor, once again, lathering the sponge and this time, beginning to scrub Ken's legs, down the back of his thighs, calves, the undersides of Ken's feet, then back up towards Ken's waist on the front of his legs, the shower spray they were directly under washing away the suds almost as soon as they touched Ken's skin.
Luke pulled back to gaze down at Ken once more, but this time, was met with a silvery stare. There was something swimming in Ken's eyes that Luke had never seen in any eyes, ever... and he wasn't sure he could quite place what he saw... Lust, perhaps? Or was it passion? Or love? Or some sort of dazed, overwhelmed awe?
"Ken?" Luke asked, a small ounce of worry creeping over him. Ken nodded and managed a breathless reassurance that he was fine. Quite abruptly, Ken grabbed Luke's face and crushed their lips back together, both of them melting into this kiss- so passionate and fierce, yet somehow gentle and soft... Luke dropped the soap and let his hands rest on Ken's chest. Ken returned his gratitude by picking up the dropped soap and beginning to scrub a lather against Luke's back, rimming over the tight back muscles, up Luke's spine, around his shoulder blades, and across his ribcage. So amazing that, despite being so physically different from Ken, Luke somehow felt just like him... Down Luke's back, over his hips, across the twin cheeks of his bottom, down both legs...
Ken squirmed and writhed, unashamed, as Luke's lips wandered from his neck to trace his collarbones. One squirm, just so, and Ken felt Luke's building arousal brush against his own. Ken let out a cry, the incredible sensations overwhelming, making his heart race and his ears burn. The white hot feelings burned higher and higher as Luke's fingers wandered, Ken continued to press his pelvis against Luke's...
One of Luke's thumbs brushed against Ken's nipple and everything blurred- a bright, blinding, all encompassing wave of tingles overtaking Ken's body as white ribbons splayed across his stomach and Luke's pelvis.
Luke caught Ken just in time as he crumpled in exhaustion, gasping for air, his whole body limp as a rag. Luke stroked Ken's hair, waiting for him to come back to consciousness, watching as Ken's closed eyes flickered. Then, the two silver eyes opened.
"Ken, are you okay?" Luke asked, leaning over Ken, staring with intensity and concern. A ghost of a smile traced Ken's lips.
"Yeah... I'm fine, Luke..." Ken breathed, softly and slowly, lifting one trembling arm to drape around Luke's shoulders. Luke didn't let this go unnoticed.
"Then, why are you shaking?" Luke asked. Ken laughed slightly and nestled closer.
"Just tired." Ken mumbled, clinging to Luke like a lifeline, breathing deeply, "Luke... you smell nice..." Luke blinked, completely taken off guard by this statement.
"Do I?" Luke asked, nonplussed. Ken smiled against Luke's shoulder.
"Like oranges. And lemon. I've never seen those fruits with my own two eyes, actually. It's weird that I can associate them with you, you know? I dunno... it suits you, though..." Ken continued to mumble, his eyes falling shut again. Luke smiled, wrapping his arms around Ken's body. A moment of silence passed, then Ken picked up the soap again, lathering his hands, and began to wash Luke's chest.
Luke drew a sharp breath, somehow staying upright, as Ken's fingertips teased their way down the planes of his breasts, scrubbing in the soap. Luke could smell the rosewater scent overtaking the smell of citrus- almost as Ken was taking control of him... But, oh, Luke had never imagined... THIS... How was it that Ken could inflict such erotic touches on parts of his body that weren't even close to sexual in nature?
Ken's lips met Luke's once again, their tongues not wasting any time and slipping between their lips to tangle in a fiery, sensual dance. The heat of their two mouths spurred Ken on to pinch one of Luke's nipples between his forefinger and thumb. The older man gasped in shock and overwhelming pleasure into his younger lover's mouth... Ken released his lips and let Luke fall onto his back, watching with concern as he gasped for breath.
"Luke... are you okay?" Ken asked, eerily reminiscent of Luke asking the same question to Ken. Luke breathed a few more seconds before nodding, making Ken smile.
"Good." And Ken lowered his lips again, this time to Luke's neck, mimicking Luke's actions earlier. As Ken's lips wandered lower, to Luke's collarbone, to his chest, the other of Ken's hands brushing away the suds, Luke's hands clenched tighter in his hair. Gods, was this how Ken had felt when Luke had kissed him?
Ken's hands swept toward his stomach, tracing patterns, somehow managing to brush against the spots of Luke's skin most sensitive without tickling him. Meanwhile, Ken's lips had lapped their way down Luke's arm, dipping to lick up the water collected in the inside of Luke's elbow, finally taking his lover's hand and flicking a feline-pink tongue out to brush against Luke's fingertips, just as Luke had done to Ken on their first time in the shower.
Luke opened his eyes to see Ken gazing down at him, that expansive, nameless emotion clouding his eyes again, Luke's ring finger caught between Ken's teeth, yet the bite was so gentle, it almost felt pleasurable.
"Ken... you're beautiful..." Luke mumbled. Ken released Luke's finger, smiling.
"You're beautiful, too, Luke." The Jedi Prince replied, leaning back down to press another kiss against Luke's lips, before quickly making his way back to Luke's chest, quickly and effectively robbing Luke of strength to draw breath. As the boy lapped along the lines of Luke's chest, his hands and the soap wandered lower, tracing the muscles in Luke's thighs, down around his backside, and in between his legs, avoiding the more sensitive skin until the last.
As Ken ran one finger up the underside of his lover's penis, Luke's chest constricted as Luke pressed the back of his hand against his mouth to keep from crying out. Faintly, the Force coming into play at last, Luke could sense a tingling, playful, displeased feeling coming from Ken: so his love was out for revenge, then... even if it was a good kind of revenge...
Ken lowered his lips to Luke's nipples again, softly blowing against a pert, pink bud, lapping at it with his tongue, swirling around it, pulling back and blowing again, savoring the muffled noises he heard Luke making beneath him. But, after all the moaning and whimpering Ken had done for Luke, it only made Ken more determined to get SOME of the same noises out of the older man. Ken let his fingers dance around the head of Luke's silken, steel hard penis, wondering if this was how HE felt, almost amazed that something as simple as a touch could DO this to someone... Ken closed his lips around Luke's other nipple, suckling and letting his tongue flicker over the puckering skin. Luke gasped, partly startled, partly overwhelmed. A burning, passionate, almost painful sensation ripped through Luke's veins.
Ken's smiling lips trailed across to Luke's other nipple, tongue flicking out and teasing the nub, while Luke felt his young lover's clever fingers twirl and pump up and down his shaft, sending spasms of pleasure and a kind of ice-cold burn along his nerves. Luke's entire body tingled- toes, fingers, the smallest of hairs on his body, but especially his penis and testicles, as one nip of Ken's teeth against his nipple, just so, made his muscles and blood jump.
Ken blinked up at Luke, concerned, as he heard the older man finally cry out. Luke lay flat on his back, panting, as Ken watched him recover.
"Luke... I didn't hurt you, did I?" Ken asked, surveying Luke's flushed, excited body, concerned that he'd hurt his love. The Jedi managed to shake his head, smiling. When Luke finally opened his eyes, the first thing he did was reach up and pull Ken down for a kiss- a kiss Ken submitted to, utterly, completely.
"I love you." Ken whispered against Luke's lips when they parted. It was that same kind of tone Luke had heard himself use when he'd first told Ken his feelings... and everything came together.
"Ken... what... what you did just now... in your view, was that what I had done to you... earlier?" Luke asked, sitting up and running a finger along Ken's jawline. Ken blinked at him, his eyes wide and innocent, once again.
"Well... yes... sort of... in that dream I had after we'd been in the shower... that's what you'd done... except we hadn't gotten as far... why?" Ken looked confused, then horrified, "I didn't hurt you, did I? Did I do something you didn't want me to do?" Ken was silenced as Luke placed a finger over his lips.
"Not at all... I had just found it strange that you would be so... aggressive... when a few moments before, you were shy and hesitant... and now I know where you'd found that dominance- the same way I found the ability to submit the way I did... the way YOU had submitted to ME..." Luke explained, cupping Ken's face in his hands. Ken blinked, once, twice, as it slowly dawned on him.
"You mean... the Force?" He asked.
"We were both feeling so open and so willing to express our feelings that we tapped into each other- you drew upon my natural instinct to be in control, while I drew upon your gift of acceptance. That's also how we both knew what to do to make the other feel good- because we both realized we found pleasure in the same things as the other..." Luke said, almost looking dazed, possibly even wise, as Ken stared into Luke's sapphire gaze with his own beautiful eyes.
"So... you're saying we love each other so much that we felt the sensations the other was feeling, and we didn't even realize it?" Ken clarified. Luke blinked, before smiling and leaning forward, capturing Ken's lips once again.
"That's a very romantic way of looking at it." He agreed. Ken smiled, holding Luke close. Suddenly, Luke realized the water had shut off- it had been shut off for a while, all through his realization and explanation... he supposed he must have lost control of his mind powers and shut the water off on accident when... Luke smiled and wrapped an arm around Ken's shoulders and the other under his legs, lifting the two of them out of the bath tub, carrying him out into the bedroom. Luke felt Ken tense in his arms, but quickly, Ken relaxed.
Luke placed Ken on his back on his own bed, staring down at the boy in love glazed wonderment. Ken smiled back, but blushed, shyly.
"Ken... if you want... there's more that we could do... if you're tired or don't want to, that's fine, too... but..." Luke, this time, was cut off my Ken's soft, wrinkled fingertips against his lips. Still lying there passively, smiling serenely, Ken shook his head.
"Luke, it's okay. I'm not sure WHAT else there is, but I want to know. It's okay. Really... it's okay." Ken whispered. Luke smiled, then leaned back down, pressing a kiss to Ken's lips, then against his jaw, his neck, down across Ken's chest, his tongue flicking out to taste the smooth, sweet flesh for the first time.
Ken breathed deeply, but not raggedly. He was scared- there was no doubt about that... but it was Luke... all thoughts and feelings of fear and pain and regret were washed away under the onslaught of love and devotion he could feel from Luke... and... pleasure, too... this confused the young Jedi Prince: He wasn't doing anything to Luke to possibly cause physical pleasure...
"I can feel you, Ken. And thank you- it's important to me that you're enjoying this." Luke mumbled against Ken's breast, one eye open to peer up at Ken's face. A smile crept across Ken's lips a the thought that Luke loved him so much that Ken's pleasure was more important to him than his own...
Luke's tongue flicked across a nipple and Ken felt his heart spin out of control. His breath was lost as Luke smiled, capturing the other nipple between his fingers and toying with it. Ken gasped and moaned as his lover continued to circle around the pink, pebbled nipple, finally letting go of a loud cry when Luke's lips closed around the bud, suckling, and Ken felt all of the lines drawn by his veins and arteries burn with passion. Luke pulled away and stared down at Ken, reaching out with a finger to trace the contours of his face. Ken blinked up at him.
"I still think you're beautiful, Ken. You know that, right?" Luke whispered, causing Ken to smile and nod as his face went another shade of pink. Luke continued to stare into Ken's eyes as his fingers traced down Ken's chest, stomach, along his legs and arms, around Ken's pelvis, fingertips of one hand ghosting across Ken's swollen testicles as Luke's other hand trailed up his lover's penis. Ken squirmed, not sure if he wanted Luke's hands gone or if he wanted it to continue.
Smiling softly, Luke lowered his lips to Ken's swollen penis and traced his tongue up along the underside, pausing to kiss the slit at the tip, before taking the dome into his lips and softly sucking. Ken's moans turned to wails as Luke's hands and tongue joined in their attention, a loud gasp finally escaping Ken's throat as Luke's lips left his penis, only to travel lower. Ken felt a soft set of fingers cupping his bottom, lifting him slightly higher, and then understood, as Luke's warm tongue slipped across one of the cheeks, a long, slow lick making its way towards the gap under Ken's testicles. Ken's legs went limp, almost melting, unable to support any weight.
Luke smiled against the skin of Ken's bottom. He could tell only too well how much Ken enjoyed this- not that Ken's moans and whimpers weren't enough, but Luke could feel similar sensations echoing along his body. That wasn't all, though- the feeling of Ken's emotions were mixed in with the honeyed sensations, somehow making Luke feel even warmer from head to toe.
And, oh, what a perfect little bottom Ken had- firm and yet soft, hard muscle under silken skin. It hadn't helped Luke's libido in the past month, especially whenever Ken wore tight pants that outlined these contours so perfectly. Luke let his tongue trace around the opening of Ken's anus- Ken bucked, his legs spreading wider and his breath growing ragged. Luke knew, technically, that it couldn't be hygienic, but he didn't care- by all rights, neither was homosexual intercourse.
Ken's fingers tangled in Luke's hair, tugging on the strands in a signal to stop. Luke pulled away and looked up at Ken's face, flushed with dizzy pleasure and glazed silver eyes just barely open.
"Ken? You want to stop?" Luke asked, turning Ken to look at him. Ken shook his head, no. Luke blinked, confused, as Ken regained enough breath to speak.
"It's okay... if we keep going... but... stop doing... THAT..." Ken mumbled, and Luke understood. He smiled, softly, laying back down a top Ken, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"There's one last thing that we can do, Ken..." Luke muttered, sending a mental image through their link in the Force. Ken's eyes opened and he blinked up at Luke, hesitant. Finally, Ken nodded.
"Okay... okay, Luke... we can do that..." He whispered, bringing one hand up to kiss Luke's lips. Luke kissed back, letting Ken's tongue enter and twining it with his own as his hand fumbled for the nightstand. Ken blinked to see what Luke was doing and as he saw a bottle of oil emerge from the drawer, Ken frowned.
"This is to help prepare you. That way, it won't hurt, or damage you." Luke explained as Ken's eyes went wide again. Then, his love fixed him with a confused stare.
"Why do you have it in here?" He asked. Luke looked away for a moment before raising his right hand- the artificial, droid hand.
"For this. The skin used on this one dries out easily, so I need oil to keep it from cracking. Ken blinked, then brought Luke's hand to his mouth, kissing the fingertips. Luke watched his lover caress the artificial flesh for a moment, then opened the bottle of oil, somehow squeezing some into his hand, before reaching for Ken.
Ken arched into the touch as Luke's finger probed at his opening. It felt... strange... but it was a good kind of strange- a heat that made his ears burn and his penis and testicles throb, until a finger entered into his warm passage, rubbing against the sensitive skin around his opening. Ken gasped, drawing one of Luke's fingers into his mouth and suckling. Luke watched Ken with fascination before adding a second, then third finger. Ken moaned loudly around Luke's fingers, his passage tightly gripping the three digits tightly. Finally, Ken relaxed and Luke moved his fingers, just slightly, spreading them out and then pushing in deeper. Ken gasped and pushed back against the intrusive digits. For some odd reason, he felt like it should hurt, but all traces of discomfort were gone under Luke's sure, gentle touch and love.
Then, they were gone. Ken gasped for breath as Luke's face came into view over him.
"Ready?" He asked. Ken leaned up so his lips briefly touched his love's.
"Ready." Ken agreed, quietly. Luke kissed him again, a surer, firmer kiss. Luke rubbed the rest of the oil over his penis, then, slowly, carefully, pressed himself into Ken's passage. Ken moaned, almost wailed into Luke's mouth, his arms coming up to hold himself closer to Luke's warm body as he felt the swollen, erect member push inside of him.
The two lay still on the bed for a moment, while the both of them gasped for breath, waiting for the other to adjust. Luke's eyes fluttered open the first, to see Ken beneath him, his entire body tightly strung and tense. Luke ran a finger along Ken's cheek as those two gray eyes opened. They expressed everything- Ken was uncomfortable, for the moment, but he trusted Luke not to hurt him, and knew just as Luke did that pain wouldn't be there all the time.
Ken nodded, not needing to be asked if he was ready. Luke leaned to kiss Ken again- a touch of the lips that he had no intention of breaking for a long time- and slowly began to pull back, and just as slowly pushing his way back into Ken's passage, the tight, gripping flesh seeming warmer than it had been before. Luke felt Ken mewl against his lips, though he only heard a faint moaning noise.
Ken trembled under his lover's powerful embrace and stronger, bigger body. He couldn't help but moan when he felt Luke's penis press back into him, though it was nothing compared to when he'd been first penetrated. An overwhelming sensation overtook Ken as Luke's hands wandered, a single, soft finger circling and tracing around his nipple, the other hand drawing patterns along his stomach, all while Luke slowly, but steadily began to speed his thrusts. Taut around his love's straining penis, the tender rim of Ken's passage almost felt like it was burning as a heat spread through Ken's body and into Luke's, from the tips of their tongues dancing together, to the press of Ken's anal entry against the head of Luke's penis... it made it all the more incredible: Ken felt what Luke did, and Luke's body felt the mirror of Ken's, not just emotions, but everything. They were one: One mind, thinking the same thoughts about the other, one heart beating at one pulse and feeling the same love for the other, one chest, one face, one stomach feeling his lover's hands and kisses rain down upon him, one tight sheath around a single, pulsing penis... Ken felt tears running down his cheeks, not out of any pain or sorrow, but simply from all the joy and love and pleasure coming in on top of him, half of it not even his own, and his young soul simply didn't have the capacity to handle it all... Luke felt it too, and almost wished he could cry, if only because his beloved was so affected by this- the sheer vastness of the sensations and emotions made a place in his heart throb painfully, like a parasite that had wormed it's way into his chest and was eating him alive... except it was a feeling he WANTED there, almost as though this parasite was one he'd LET in, a parasite he kept inside of him as a pet, as a PART of him...
Sensory overload, too much at once, emotions burning the lines of Ken's heart and Luke's soul, and physical sensations searing through them... Ken released Luke's mouth with a loud cry that echoed off the walls as, once again, streams of semen came forth from the tip of his burning, erect penis. Ken's passage gripped Luke tightly one last time as the boy climaxed, touching off a fiery explosion that ripped through the older Jedi- Luke came with his lover's name on his lips as the world blurred into white.
Already so close together, Luke collapsed atop Ken, who caught him with a warm embrace, somehow more intimate than any kind of love-making. Luke regained himself enough to pull his no longer erect penis from Ken's body, carefully enough that he didn't hurt his lover. Ken groaned a little as his body began to tingle with the full effects of what they had just done: soreness began to creep up his lower back, but it was strangely a good kind of hurt... as though a leech had just sucked half of his blood out, but done so to rid Ken of some strange poison in his blood... a healthy hurt...
Luke crawled off to lay beside Ken, pulling a blanket up over them, as the Jedi Prince curled up into a ball next to his lover's chest. Neither of them spoke, nor did they need to speak- there was a kind of heavy warmth in the air that spoke everything for them. They could feel each other, more intimately than sexually, or even if they were connected with the Force- their souls were melded, so tightly and closely bound that they had become one. There was no single Ken, nor Luke, now. It was 'Them'- Ken and Luke, Luke and Ken, and it would be for the rest of their lives.
Ken tipped his head up to meet Luke's eyes, just barely open and glittering in the soft, faint moonlight drifting through the curtains. Luke smiled and Ken smiled back, reaching up to take Luke's lips in a final, soft kiss goodnight. Luke's hand came up to trace Ken's cheek, and Ken raised both his hands to cup Luke's chin.
Their lips parted and there was one moment of absolute perfection between them.
Ken smiled again, some feeling even greater than love over coming him- not his love for Luke, not Luke's love for him, not happiness, no something much greater, something he wanted to keep close to his heart forever... Peace... and...
Freedom from obligations, freedom from fear, freedom from pain, freedom from bindings, freedom from guilt...
Luke was at peace too. There was a kind of weight in his stomach that seemed to be there to reassure him that Ken would always be there with him. For once, Luke found himself bound to someone, but it was a kind of bond that was comforting- it meant that he wouldn't be alone anymore, and there was finally a person he could care about and for without fear that they would leave or be taken away.
Luke liked it.
The two of them fell asleep to a life time of forever.
Five years later
Luke woke up, dazed and confused. Last night had been the first time that Ken had been in control, in every way. It had left Luke amazed and wondering if that's what Ken had felt all those nights they'd spent together. Luke smiled and curled up again, only to notice he was alone. Luke attempted to sit up, only to be met with a throbbing pain in his lower back.
Maybe it was something about those exams Ken had mentioned during dinner last night. Ken had enrolled in a local college with quite an excellent art program, and, from what Luke could tell, was at the top of his class in his major- painting- with minors in poetry, forensics, journalism, drama, and philosophy. A quick glance at his clock told Luke that it was perfectably reasonable for Ken to be out of the house and attending his classes.
Also, next to the clock, there was a plate with scrambled eggs, toast, and hash browns, as well as a glass of orange juice- which was freshly squeezed, only a sure sign that Ken had made this breakfast especially for him. There was also a note:
Dear Luke,
Sorry I can't be here when you wake up, but we have exams first thing in the morning, and if you don't take the exam, you get expelled. I'll have a longer lunch period, though, so I'll come home for that. Enjoy your food, and the hot water bottle (which might not be so hot when you actually wake up) is to help with any soreness you're feeling.
Ken ^_^
Luke smiled again and brought the plate into his lap to eat. The eggs and hash browns were still quite warm and the orange juice was frosted cold, while the hot water bottle was a HUGE relief. Luke relaxed and was feeling ready to take a nap when he heard the door downstairs open. But instead of Ken's voice calling 'I'm home' there was silence. And it was far too early for Ken to be home for lunch, anyway... so who...
"Heyya, kid!" Han strode into the room, the usual swagger in his stride, looking rather amused to see Luke still in bed, in just a button down shirt.
"Hi, Han." Luke replied, noncommittally. Contrary to what most people believed, Han had a tendency to be... nosy... about other people's relationships, right on the verge of being voyeuristic.
"So-o-o-o... you've been getting on with Ken... well?" Han asked, the last syllable so laden with meaning that Luke went red.
"Think what you will." Was the only partially dignified response Luke could manage, but Han, being so damned perceptive, could tell that, indeed, Luke and Ken were getting on 'well'.
"Where is the kiddo, anyway? And why are YOU still in bed? I'd think the kiddo would be too sore to bat an eyelash." Han wondered out loud while Luke sputtered, almost dying of embarrassment.
"Ha-a-an..." He stammered, now a rather unattractive shade of red that clashed with his eyes quite badly. Han grinned, coyly. Then, with all thanks due to God, Ken came home.
"Luke, I'm home, love. And Princess Leia's here, too." He called from downstairs, almost immediately popping his head in through the door. Leia followed him, looking more privately amused at seeing Luke still in bed, though with the kind of air that meant she would keep her questions to herself. Ken bounded over to where Luke rested against the pillows and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"Hello, dear."Ken said, not even caring that Han was giving them a look that promised a grilling set of questions. Luke managed a smile back.
"Welcome home. When do you need to be back?" Luke replied, trying to keep to small talk for as long as he could. Ken shrugged.
"'Bout 1:45, 2-ish... then that's my last exam because we had exams all last week, too." Ken said, putting an arm around Luke's shoulders and settling very comfortably on the edge of the bed. Han couldn't hold it, anymore, as his curiosity was obviously killing him.
"So, kiddo, how come Luke's the one sore and stiff in bed and not you?" Leia smacked her forehead, looking pained at her husband's tactless-ness.
"We've been sleeping together for five years, Captain Solo. I wouldn't be sore, anyway. And on that note, you're jumping to conclusions about who was on top last night." Ken said, lightly. Han's eyes practically fell out of their sockets as Leia sat down in a chair, trying to hold her laughter in in as dignified a manner as possible.
"To be precise, I'd say Luke and I were doing almost exactly what you and Leia were doing last night, though I'd say our bedroom activities are more gentle, overall, than you and Princess Leia- neither Luke nor myself have quite a fetish for leather or rope or chains, really. I'm surprised you're able to walk, after what Princess Leia did to you, actually... How'd you get him out of bed, Princess Leia?" Ken continued, almost in a tone as though he was just commenting on the weather. Leia turned pink. Han turned red.
"I dragged him out by his ear. In fact, I dragged him out of bed, downstairs, out the door, down the street, and up to this house, figuring he could be man enough to sit through this." Leia explained. Ken nodded, in wise agreement. Luke was having a hard time keeping his laughter under control, mostly because the expression on Han's face was priceless. He was starting to shift as though he was sitting on something prickly.
That's when the Solo's ended their visit and left the house, Leia practically crying with laughter as Han stalked out, walking very strangely, but somehow disguising it as an arrogant swagger. The comlink buzzed, and Luke, being stuck in bed, couldn't answer it, so Ken picked up.
"Skywalker residence." He said, and after a minute, grinned, winked at Luke and then said, "Hello to you too, Miss Jade." Luke could swear he heard something akin to a 'Holy shit!' on the other end of the line.
"Ken! Is that YOU, kiddo? You sounded like farmboy for a moment!" She screamed. Ken chuckled, which gave her her answer.
"Well, anyway, I called to say I'll come by to check on you two tomorrow." And then she hung up, leaving Ken blinking at the comlink. He relayed the information to Luke, then a smirk spread across his lips.
"What?" Luke asked, knowing that when his lover smiled like that, it meant a devious plan was forming behind his gray eyes. Ken turned his gaze on Luke.
"I've got an idea for a prank we could pull on her."
The next day
Mara Jade marched up to the house of Luke Skywalker. She had a blaster hidden up her sleeve, set for electrocute- enough voltage that it would be rather painful for a human to get hit, probably sterilize a man, but wouldn't kill him. It should be a good reminder if farmboy hadn't upheld his part of the deal.
"Hey, farmboy. Open up!" She demanded, banging a fist on the door, which was opened quite promptly. Luke was smiling a rather charming smile at her. Mara glared.
"Where's the kiddo?" She demanded. Luke shrugged.
"He's not really a kiddo if he's an art Major in college." He said, mildly. Mara rolled her eyes.
"Fine. Where's Ken?" Mara snapped, patience wearing thin already.
"In here, with Trike!" Ken called from the other room. Mara blinked. Trike? Luke smiled again and led her into the room Ken was in, sitting on the couch, holding a blue bundle in his arms and a bottle of milk in one hand. Luke strode over to sit next to Ken, motioning Mara that she could sit in a chair.
Mara didn't take the chair: she was too busy staring at the bundle in Ken's arms- in fact, her eyes were practically falling out of her head. Ken raised his head to smile at Mara.
"This is Trike, our son." Ken motioned to the baby in his arms, who was apparently fast asleep. Mara stared even harder.
"I still think he looks like you." Luke commented, lightly. Ken mock glared back at him.
"He has your eyes." He argued. The older man shrugged.
"All babies have blue eyes when they're born."
"Technicality." Mara continued to stare, fumbling for words.
"You... how... what the... how the HELL do you two have a KID?" She finally spat out. Ken grinned.
"A section of the toy store called 'Make your own Baby Doll'." He said, holding up the baby, quite obviously made of plastic, now that Mara saw him. Mara Jade fell out of her chair, while Ken and Luke howled with laughter.
Owari! And Happy V-day, Megami-chan!