Stargate: Atlantis Fan Fiction / Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction / Stargate SG1 Fan Fiction ❯ Universegate ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Nickelodeon and Sci-fi Channel. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Avatar:The Last Airbender or the various Stargate Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.


Chapter Three

A week later, in Ba Sing Se...

Zuko was sitting with his counterparts within the council room of the Earth King's palace, looking at the people who had been gathered around the table. He was dressed in the robes of the Firelord, as this was official business for the Fire Nation. He was sitted to the left of the Earth King, with General How seated between them. To Zuko's left was Mai, dressed in her own black clothes. To the right of the Earth King was General Sung who was followed by the two Water Chieftains, Hakoda and Arnook.

This was followed by the team from Atlantis which had first contacted the Avatar world. The Avatar had been given the gift of having his own side of the table. Sitting near him were Katara and Toph on his right and Sokka and Suki on his left, with Momo on his shoulders. Aang was across from the leaders of the Four Nations, while on the other two sides were the teams from the different universe. Finally, there was the team from the Earth planet seated at the final side.

The Atlantis command Weir was with the Atlantis Team One, while SG-1 was sitting with Richard Woolsey. Each of these major figures had arrived within a few hours of their bases being contacted.

As the host the Earth King was the first to speak, "We have gathered here today to discuss the state of the Stargate which had been discovered in Ba Sing Se as well as the underground outpost which has been found below our city with in the last week.Avatar Aang, if you may share your wisdom with us?"

"Yes, your majesty. The gate was a device brought to this world from the universe of our new friends. I was also with Dr. Jackson and Professor Yon when they discovered the Lion Turtle Outpost, it had turned out that my previous incarnations had been there before, but their knowledge had been lost to the sands of time. Since then I have been meditating on those incarnations with regard what to do." spoke Zuko's student and friend, rising up to the challenge of his role as Avatar.

"My suggestion is these gifts from the Ancients do not belong to one nation. In fact, from what we have learned from the thinking machines of the Anicents, the Ancients brought in people of all four nations. From benders and non-benders, they were all welcomed to the outpost and to travel the stars with the Ancients. There is a person I would suggest for the position within the Stargate Project between the Nations. The Mechanist of the Northern Air Temple." said Aang as he brought up one of the people he had encountered in his travels.

"Yes, I believe I have been told about him. He's a citizen of the Earth Kingdom who's village had been destroyed by a flood before he moved to the Air Temple. He had been blackmailed into giving the Fire Nation war machines during the reign of Ozai, but had been encouraged by the Avatar to rebel. During the battle of the Northern Air Temple, the Fire Nation recovered a war balloon used by the Mechanist which aided in the construction of the fleet. At the Invasion of the Black Sun, he had brought submersable machines powered by waterbending. He would make a logical choice for the project if only for the techological aspect alone," spoke the host of the summit.

Motioning that he wished to speak, Zuko added his own voice, "I know that my country is not very popular with the rest of the world, but we feel like we should be part of this. If we wish to regain our honour and standing, we must learn to work with other brothers and sisters in other lands. This would be a good place to start. For technical expertise, we have Technological Minister Qin. He does have a negative relationship with the Mechanist... mainly being the one blackmailing him into sending designs to my people during the war. He is, however, the most experience person in the Fire Nation with regard to technology."

Zuko continued, "With the example and wisdom from our guest from the worlds of Earth and the city of Atlantis, we have an idea of how to structure the basic operation of the expedition teams. The hard choice is now looking at who is to command the while project."

At the same time on Earth...

General Landry stood before the collective audience they had gathered here today, to discuss the developments which had been revealed.Things like the new Quantum Dialing System or Q.D.S. He looked at the group once again trying to gauge them from their facial expressions.

There was the representatives from the International Oversight Advisory which he had aided in creation when he tried to find a way to continue funding for Stargate Command. There was members for Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. They were on his right side as he faced down the conference table.

On his left was representives of the allies of Earth. From the Free Jaffa Nation was the leaders Gerak and Bra'tac, the latter more closely aligned with the Tau'ri then the former. After the defeat of the Replicators, Thor had personally arrived to view the new data his people's savours had to offer. A familar face from Tok'ra with Anise and her host Freya. From the world they were about to discuss was the trio of warriors. General Taejo from the Earth Kingdom's Council of Five, Admiral Chan of the Fire Nation Navy, and Bato of the Southern Water Tribes.

"We have brought you all here together to inform you of a new discovery of the Atlantis Expedition on a new use of the Stargate and a discovery of a new world. Included here today are members of this world's nations, each a warrior in their own right." Landry began as he moved on to the introductions and their importance.

"During the time of the Lanteans of Atlantis, they were looking for a way to create a more powerful energy source, a number of experiments under the name of Project Arcturus. The version the team decided on was the use of the Stargate as a gate to other universes or to be more precise, multiverses. Entire dimensions where the physical laws themselves would be redefined so they could create the massive energy needed." The General explained the circumstances of the discovery and then continued with a minor science review.

"Dr. McKay of Atlantis and Lt. Col. Carter of SG-1 have basically explained the science as the Ancients using quantum frequencies as replacements for the star glyphs. It is possible the Quantum Mirror was developed by the Ancients as a prototype for this experiment before it was increased to go beyond this multiverse structure. The Expedition discovered the new programming which the anicents used to transform the Stargate to a Universegate. It also had the bonus of the ability to re-enter the home universe at a gate in a different galaxy offering a shortcut from Atlantis to Earth by way of a mid-point station." The General knew what was coming up.

"What is to stop the Ori or the Wraith from trying to use this mid-point as a base to begin an invasion? This could be as much hinderance as it is an aid to us." spoke Colonel Chekov, who represents the Russian people.

"This is why we have an educational video to show off some of the... differences of this new world." said Landry as he loaded up the film of the Avatar world. Especially focusing on the element of bending. Inside he waited with perverse glee to their reactions.

Back in Ba Sing Se...

Zuko had been busy trying to best represent his people's interest in the project, which was a tricky tight rope to walk with what had happened with the last hundred years. He knew the people of the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes would not want a Fire Nation soldier to command this international project, yet his people might be wary of having a member of another nation heading the project as well. A compromise would be needed to make this mission work.

The answer was in Zuko's mind, which was the factor of an unknown power which had entered the war late in the game. A force which could be accepted by all sides since it crossed all national lines. The Firelord spoke his mind, "The fact is we need a group which can be accepted by all people, which would normally be hard after the hundred years we have been in conflict. Yet the Order of the White Lotus has proven it's self to be respected by all sides of the conflict, since it contains all members of the nations of our world. I would love to have my uncle who lead the mission to return this city to the Earth Kingdom as commander, but I think he has earned his retirement. There are others who could take the slack."

"I have mentioned this to Piandao, a former Fire Nation soldier who came to see what my ancestors were doing as wrong. He is not a bender, but has studied under them and can understand their training. He is a warrior and an artist, and would be willing to give interplanetary diplomacy a trial for the time being. He was one of the leaders of the Lotus group who invaded the occupied Ba Sing Se, so can be respected and loved by nations other then my own. He has conscented to lead the project for now until someone more suited to the mission can be found or trained." Zuko knew that Piandao was also loved by the Fire Nation people and so would be as welcomed by them as the people he rescued in the Earth Kingdoms.

"Agreed, Piandao will command the project. He will be answered to a Council of the Nations made up of representives of all nation plus a seat for the Avatar. The Lion Turtle outpost will considered neutral ground for all nations. The members will be trained in the methods and skills of all the nations involved. There is a request to consider by our new friends from the Earth Planet." continued the Earth King, as he turned to the two groups of western dressed people.

The man who had been introduced as Richard Woolsey stood up before them and began to speak. Clearing his throat he began, "Earth, welcomes your world as a friend and potential ally. We have been making sure you are updated with all of the information we have with regard to Ancient technology and threats which might appear from our universe now that a bridge between the two worlds have been open. We do wish to beg a favour from your world, in the exchange of a communication and transportation hub using your Stargate. Due to our people being spread across two galaxies, systems of millions of stars bound together. This would cut down on the time it would take to reach them in an emergancy, yet it does provide your world with some of the threats from our own. I have been told you have the Ancient's shielding technology, which does provide protection with the development of G.D.O. We can provide those and some expert personal for your own project."

"You suggestion is reasonable enough on it's own, but still would require some looking into. Perhaps a tour of your world by one of our representives, like the Avatar himself, could allow us to better judge the circumstances around the agreement before we make a commitment. Now, Richard Woolsey, what else should we be told about your world?" asked the Earth King, continuing with the agreed meeting structure.

Back at Stargate...

Landry watched his audience as the film continued to roll, looking for each and every reaction of the group gather before him. The three from UGC-0002, as they had called the Avatar's universe, were not surprised at the images of everyday life in Ba Sing Se. Or the battle which had occured between the Avatar and his teachers in the bending arts plus the warriors from both the main Atlantis and SG teams. Images of elemental manipulations were happening fast and furious during that battle as Intar weapons were used as this was not meant to do much harm.

The Free Jaffa and Anise both spoke softly the word Hok'taur, the Goa'uld slang term for humans with paranormal abilities. If Nirrti had survived her encounter on P3X-367, she would have sold her black soul for this information. They believed the video as they had experience with some of these abilities provided by the DNA Resequencer. They continued to look at the situation like wide eyed children.

Thor was not easy to read, yet the General was willing to believe the little grey was believing the footage. The Asgard were more advance then his people, and they knew what was possible with a higher state of evolution. His dark eyes were open to the images which were dancing on the screen and taking it all in.

The ones who were looking sceptical was, as expected, the people from his own planet. The members from the UN Security Council countries were trying to figure out whether to be amazed by these new powerful human beings... or looking for the computer created graphics which had been used in what looked like a forgery. The only thing which made them think this might be real, if Hank was reading them right was the fact he had invited the 'aliens' to the meeting with this information as well.

The film ended and Hank prepared to answer the comments he expected as well. He just put on the floor, "Well, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think?"

"Can you explain more about the Hok'taur we saw in the video? Can they fight in this universe as well as they can in their own?" asked the Jaffa known as Gerak. Bra'tac had mentioned the military nature of the leader of the Traditionalist, Jaffa who wished for a warrior state for his people. One lead by generals and primes or who ever held the most military resources.

"McKay said they hadn't had too many crossover of people from UGC-0002, but at they seem to be able to work in this dimension. He believes there is a translation algorithm which translate some of the powers of the people of this world to something equal to this world. He has a record of Ancients being able to manpulate elemental forces, and Dr. Jackson has see examples of training for Ascension which can allow the same effect." The General continued with a more culture analyze of the people of UGC-0002.

"The people of this world seem to be on a brink of an Industrial Revelotion, brought about by a now ended hundred years war. A war which has included the complete genocide of one of their people, with one notable exception. The world was divided into four people, one for each element. Each people can only bend one element, yet there are specialized talents within each bending art, as they call it. The exception is the Avatar who can not only bend all four elements, but also displays a possible link with ascended beings. Higher powered beings they call spirits do exist in this world, bit benevolent and malavolent."

Images on the screen showed a number of different people, all with many differences. Slowly over seconds it changes to more shots of people. Landry continued, "The people of this particuliar planet seem to be a melting pot of different Eastern Asian cultures. There are strong streaks of Korean, Indian, Japanese, and Chinese elements in the cultures. There are also some less obvious cultural alignments. The Water Tribes at the different poles resemble the Inuit people of Northern America. There is a swamp based tribe of Water Tribes which has been called "Amazon Rednecks" by Lieutanent Colonal Sheppard."

"What is the political atmosphere of these people? Would they be willing to help us?' spoke the voice of the British representative, speaking ahead of the other Earth politicians. Keeping an eye on them, Hank noticed the gleem in the eye of the Chinese representive who thought they could benefit most from this situation.

"It varies. Power is divided in three major lines. The political leaders of the people, which consist of the Northern and Southern Water Tribal Chiefs, the Earth King and the minor kings under him, and the Firelord and his collective nobles. The spiritual leaders are a little more trick as they stand for the differing ideologies of their elements. During the time the Fire Nation conducted their war of conquest, the Firelord basically forced the Fire Sages and their Great Sage to be his puppets. The Third power is one even the kings, lords and chiefs had to listen to... the Avatar."

"This tape has discussions with the Avatar and his purpose in their world."

Meanwhile elsewhere on Earth...

Ba'al had just met with a most unusal being, himself. At first he had thought of him as one of the clones which had had created using the Asgard technology he had taken from Anubus when the Ascended Goa'uld had vanished without a trace.

"In your hands is the key to your controlling a new interdimensional Goa'uld empire, where all system lords will be created and indebted to you. This will allow you to restore the Goa'uld to power. Originally, I had planned to travel back in time to prevent the Tau'ri from gaining a Stargate. Once this was done, I would use my knowledge of future events and my advance technologies to become the supreme system lord. This has changed due to events which the Tau'ri themselves have created, moving that plan back to my plan B." spoke the Ba'al as he pulled out the modified Goa'uld tablet device.

"This is the Tablet of Destiny, named after an ancient book of Tau'ri myhtology as well as the fact it holds the destiny of the world in your hands. It contains a massive database of details of the Tau'ri new Quantum Dialing system, a method to contact different dimensions so far from our own, they do not risk the damage of entropic cascade failure. The Ancients used them to find worlds where their natural laws would give them more energy for their devices. The Tau'ri have now found a world of Hok'taur, just there for the taking." continued the future Ba'al as he used the page turner to reveal all of the data on this world.

"So what is your plan for exploting this series of events? Given that you are me, I can expect you have already looked at the benefits for my own gain." spoke Ba'al as he moved to study the text on the tech.

"Certainly. There is my method of time travel which gives us the key to conquest. Clone a select group of Goa'uld and Jaffa to start the foundations of the new empire, send them to a safe planet about say twenty thousand years previous, and finally have them quantum gate to the new world. I have selected quardants which should allow us to expand to the edges of the universe, saving the new world discovered by the Tau'ri until after it is discovered." replied the future Ba'al, as he expressed the cunning plan.

"Since I would control the armies and the technology, I would be strengthened into a throne by this time. I would need some queens to continue the population of the race. Jaffa to host the offspring, bot males and females. It might work, and I would be able to harvest superhuman hosts for myself and others of my kind. This might work. Add to this the fact I have started this in the past, my future looks all the brighter." answered the Ba'al who had taken a position on Earth as the leader of the Trust, a rogue terrorist group linked to the SGC by way of the NID.

"I even have a few contacts in this world which should be able to help you cause trouble with the Tau'ri when the time comes. They are listed there as well as the base to launch the mission and the supplies you will need. As well as suggestion of which goa'uld to bring to each world." said the other Ba'al as he stood across from his previous self.

"The question is what are you going to do? Are you a clone or my original form? Return to the future or travel to the new worlds?" asked the symbiote in the present frame.

"A clone, as the original is too important to send back unless it was a last resort. I will lead the first mission to UGC-0002. We have much to do with the little time we have. A Ha'tak is waiting for us." said the time traveller as he motioned to an open spot where the teleporter rings would be able to pick them up.