Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Adventure 2: SuperNOVA ❯ Mother & Daughter Reunited? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: Mother & Daughter Reunited?
Time: 12:00 AM
Miles away, Kaori stopped and saw a binding light. She covered her eyes. “Wow…” she thought, “That explosion was caused by some kind of power. Who could be powerful enough to set off an explosion like that?”
“Freeze, girl!” the soldiers cried, “We're not done with you yet!”
“Oh yeah?!” Kaori cried, and she did a back flip jump right on the soldiers' heads! For every bop, she screams “I… don't… have… time… to… play… with… you… boys!”

“You know why?” She continued, “Because I feel REALLY good!”
Meanwhile, in a Shadowlaw base somewhere in Japan, a TV was going very static. “I don't believe this!” Bison cried out, “I'm impressed by this girl's power! She destroyed much of Tokyo in one sitting. That camera did not last against her power, and it would have been my fault for not overlooking this. She did say something about the Space Colony ARK which was shut down 50 years ago. I think she is hatching a world domination-like plan. I like that.”
“Looks like I have NO time to waste.” Bison continued, “I must reach this space colony and conquer the world!”

Little does he know that Cammy penetrated the base and heard what Bison said…
Back in the city, there were many ambulances and police vehicles rolling by. Kaori kept running. She thought, “This city has gone crazy! I have not been here a year and things are going nuts!”
“Hold it right there!” someone cried.
Kaori's feet came to a screeching halt. She looked around… and then she looked up. A huge cyborg walker blocked her path. “You are not going anywhere, little girl!” the soldier inside cried
“You want a piece of me?!” Kaori cried. Little did she know that she was locked on. “Bring it on, metal punk!”
“Come on! I bet your missiles can't touch my beautiful figure!” she continued to taunt
“How dare you, you little child!” The soldier cried, “EAT THIS!!!”
He fired missiles from every corner of the cyborg. Kaori evaded them like they were soccer players on defence. She somersaulted to evade a ground missile. While the missiles kept firing, the young woman keeps evading. “Stop it!” the soldier cried, “You're moving around too much! You make it difficult for the both of us!”
Finally, Kaori jumped up and cupped her hands. Energy flowed around her and it became sucked into her fists. Lightning struck around her. She waited…
…and waited…
…until she cried, “Shinkuu…”
“Oh no!” the soldier cried,
“…Hadou-ken!” The fireball was released and destroyed the giant mech into a million pieces!
She dropped to the ground and landed on her feet. “All right!” Kaori cried, “That's done! How does it feel, huh?!”
A hand stuck out of the rubble, waving a white flag. She walks over, grabs the soldier and pulls him in front of her. She yells, “What did I do?! I know I did not steal a Chaos Emerald! I know I did not destroy robots! And I certainly know that I DID NOT hurt innocent people! That is SO… not me, so don't come up to me and take me for a criminal! I barely enjoyed my vacation from university and you take me for a convict?!”
Then, she heard slow clapping. “Nice job. For someone who tries to mimic me.”
Then, Kaori turns around. She sees a figure closely resembling her sitting on a park bench. The woman stands up. “Allow me to introduce myself.” She began, “My name is Sakura Kinomoto-Gonzalez. I am the ultimate life form and I am destined to exterminate the Earth.”
Then, the soldier looked at them both. “WHAT?!” he cried, “Am I seeing double here?!”
Then, he tossed a grenade at Sakura. “Take this!” he cried,
Sakura parried the grenade for extra mileage and… it exploded! “Wow!” Kaori cried, “She didn't see it and she parried it anyway!”
“You see?” Sakura said, “You can't compare with me. I could beat anyone with my hands tied behind my back.”
“Hey!” Kaori cried, “You take that back! You realize that you haven't seen what I can do! You don't even know me! Why, I am…”
“Kaori Sakumai Gonzalez?” Sakura finished
Kaori felt embarrassed… and a little scared. “Gonzalez? Did you say my last name?” She asked
She did some thinking. “Come on, Kaori. I know who you are and what you do. I also know that your planet will be no more very soon.”
“What proof do you have that can end the world?” Kaori asked, still thinking.
“Perhaps this can interest you.” Sakura said, and she took out a jewel.
“What?!” Kaori cried at what she saw, “A Chaos Emerald?!”
“You realize what can happen if I have all 7 Emeralds.” Sakura continued, “I have a little task for you. Spread the word that the Earth will be destroyed in 48 hours, OK?”
“You know better!” Kaori cried, “I don't believe you at all, but if what you say is true… then I challenge you to a fight!”
“You fool.” Sakura said, “If it's a fight you want… then it is a fight you get. Let's see if you're worthy of being a saviour for Earth.”
“Bring it on!” Kaori cried, and they both prepared for a fight.