Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Adventure 2: SuperNOVA ❯ Hell above Earth ( Chapter 13 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 13: Hellabove Earth
Place: Space Colony ARK
Meanwhile, in the Space Colony ARK, Sakura was looking at the stars. She was wondering something. It was a hard time for her. It seemed so long since she separated from her family. Then, she heard, “Sakura! There you are! I was so worried about you!”
It was Tomoyo. “Oh... Hi, Tomoyo.” Sakura replied,
“How are you feeling?” Tomoyo asked,
“Not too good.” Sakura replied, “I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. I have been separated from my family for too long. It seems like forever that I have been in contact with my husband and kids. I'm afraid of what can happen to them.”
“Don't worry, Sakura.” Tomoyo consoled, “I'm sure they are OK. I mean, you have done a lot to your son and daughter, especially you and her husband. Look at where they are thanks to you. They have become extremely good fighters. My son would be happy to hear where Kaori got her training from if he asked.”
“You know... Tomoyo...” Sakura began, “I wonder if I could reveal my other... work that I have been doing since we were children.”
Tomoyo answered, “Your children would be amazed at what you can do. They would probably be the new heir to the Clow Cards. Of course... they will not be doing as good on their first try.”
“True.” Sakura replied, “Do you remember when I tried to capture the first Clow Card?”
“Yes.” Tomoyo simply answered, “You were sort of clumsy when you handled the Fly Card. But, in the end... you did manage to catch it.”
“That's right.” Sakura answers, “Since then, I worked hard to catch every one of them and look where I am now. Now, I have an excellent husband who taught me a style of martial arts that I never knew about before.”
“That's cool.” Tomoyo said, “I wish one day I can learn your art of fighting.”
“You know...” she continued, starting to be slightly seductive “...I think your skills need a little...”
“...working out!!!” She began to tickle Sakura.
Sakura laughed extremely loudly! “Hey, Tomoyo! Cut it out!” she cried,
“Sakura!” a voice cried out
Sakura snapped out of it. Cammy was behind her. She said, “Are you OK?”
Then, she continued, “Well done, Sakura. I did not think that you would come and rescue me. That is so not you! That was really helpful that your Chaos Control move can warp us!”
Sakura was slightly ticked off. She turned around and said, “Look. I did not try to save you back there! I only did it to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds.”
“Sure...” Cammy said, sarcastically “You did, however, make your move... and I took credit for...”
“Sorry to be a bothersome fly...” someone said. It was Bison. “But, let's get down to business, shall we?”
“Why now?” Cammy cried, “We only have six of the seven Chaos Emeralds!”
“That is more than enough for our demonstration.” Sakura replied, “So... what are we waiting for?!”
To unleash pain... To show them how it feels... To be locked away in isolation by my own kind... Sick, sick humans...
To unleash terror... To show true power of my long-awaited research... Research that took 50 years in the making...
The time has come to bring forth “Judgement Day”!
“It's time to show these humans a lesson they will NEVER forget!”
Time: 6:00 PM
Bison's face appeared on a giant TV screen. “Citizens of Earth, lend me your ears and listen very carefully!” he cried out,
People then focused their attention at TV screens everywhere! “My name is Bison. Today is going to be your last day of peace! Tomorrow, a new world order is imminent! From now on, you are going to be enslaved under the wrath of Shadowlaw and you will serve me as your world leader!”
People were extremely terrified! They knew that they would fall prey to what could be a new world order!
At the atmosphere of the Earth, a small ball-like rock lay by. Just then, there was a crackling sound! Half the rock exploded to reveal a tip of the colony. Blue energy surrounded the tip of the colony. It suddenly fired! People looked at the blue beam streaking across the Earth. Then, the blue beam made contact with the Moon. It exploded into small chunks leaving half of it intact! Then, a countdown began from 24 hours…
Back on the streets, Kaori and her three friends, Athena, Tai and Sora, were watching half the moon explode. “My God!” Sora cried,
“Half the moon is gone!” Tai continued,
“Bison!” Kaori cried, “I knew he was up to something! He is going to pay! I am going to kill him and his Shadowlaw cronies!”
“Come on, everyone!” She continued, “We have no time to lose!”
“Wait, Kaori!” Athena cried, “I have something to tell you! This is important! Bison could not have fired that beam all by himself. He must have used some sort of energy source to do it with!”
“You mean to tell me…” Kaori said,
“He is using the Chaos Emeralds!” Athena cried,
“Damn it!” Kaori cried, “Bison beat us all to the Chaos Emeralds!”
“I don't get it.” Tai cried, “What are Chaos Emeralds?”
Athena began, “The Chaos Emeralds have mystical properties and abilities, and the holder of them all can use them for a variety of purposes, including transforming into a powerful "super form". Each emerald is composed of positive and negative charged materials which make them an everlasting source of energy and allow them to float in the air.”
“Bookworm!” Kaori muttered, behind her back
“So...” Sora said, “Does it mean that Bison has all seven Chaos Emeralds?”
Kaori thought of something. “I did see Mom holding one of the Chaos Emeralds.”
“Not exactly, Sora.” Athena reported, “Kaori, look at this!”
Kaori looked at Athena. In her hand, she held a yellow jewel. “Athena?!!” she cried
“See... The Chaos Emeralds are like magnets and they react to close proximity” Athena continued,
“What does it mean?!” Agumon and Biyomon asked,
“We could use it to locate the Chaos Emeralds and Bison who is holding them!” Athena answered,
Just then, someone cried, “There they are!”
Everyone turned around. They found soldiers! “It's that girl!” one cried, “It seems that she has some allies with her! This could be dangerous!”
“Be on your guard, men!” The squad leader cried, “Don't underestimate them!”
“Kaori!” Athena cried, “We're surrounded by Tokyo's Special Police Force! What do we do?!”
“I'll tell you what we're going to do!” Kaori cried and got in her fighting position, “We're going to give them a warm welcome that they will NEVER forget!”
Athena got in her fighting position. “I'm right behind you, Kaori!”
“I got the front!” Kaori cried, “Athena, you have the team at the back! Tai and Sora, take your Digimon and strike the team on the left and right, respectively!”
“Got it!” Tai and Sora acknowledged
“Ready?” Kaori cried,